Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Sai Devotee Nimish from USA says: I have been a devotee of Baba for close to 7 years now and have always prayed to Baba daily for protection and blessings from Him. I have always taken Him more as a close friend than God. I make Him eat whatever food I get before I start eating, always imagine Him close to me in every task I do and always feel His ever protecting and caring love with me as is with all of you other devotees.
The incident I am about to share with you readers will give you ample proof of Shri Baba’s tremendous powers and His never ending love for His devotees. A few years ago, a famous astrologer once told my mother that I would be facing a lot of difficulties to get a job. He also mentioned that the stars and planets are not in favour of me getting a job so soon and that I should be prepared for a long and hard struggle. When I heard this from my mother, I told her let Baba decide what is good for me and what is not and that she should not believe these so called fortune tellers. Baba was the biggest and the best astrologer of all and that we should only trust Him and His divine Will. I finished my bachelor’s degree and as fate would have it I started experiencing a lot of difficulties in getting a good job. Good offers came my way but somehow or the other they got away from me and I started feeling a bit dejected. Almost a year went by and I had no job in hand and I finally decided to pursue my Masters in America. By Baba’s grace I got admitted to a high ranked university and I came to U.S. in August 2007 by Baba’s blessings. Once I landed here, my studies started and shockingly I again started experiencing that I was not getting a part time job anywhere in the university. I tried harder and harder but nothing was working out for me. Still I took it as Baba’s will and studied hard for my Masters degree. My family in India had average income and by sheer Baba’s grace and blessings I was able to go through the cost of living here in U.S. without having a part time job. Whenever I used to miss out on a job opportunity or fail to get selected in an interview, I used to get very sad and dejected but after sometime I used to always sit in front of Baba’s photo and tell Him that may be its His will and that everything which happens is for my own good. Almost 2 years went like this, constant frustration and dejection from my job search and it looked as if that astrologer’s words were finally coming true.
I completed my Master’s degree and started now to search for a good fulltime job. Again the same story continued and I started getting rejected and no-calls from all the companies that I applied to. My family back home too was not in a good financial state and I was really praying harder to Baba to get me out of this never ending problem. After almost 2 months after my graduation I still had no job and needless to say I was going through a tremendous amount of stress and pressure. I used to read Baba’s Satcharitra daily and I used to always get hints that “you have to suffer for your previous karma, if it is incomplete you need to take another birth and suffer again, so why not suffer for some time and finish it once and for all”. Also many a times I got hints from various chapters stating that Baba is always there with me and that I should not fear for anything when I have a Sadguru like Baba with me. My sufferings and constant dejection had lasted for almost 3 years now and I had no idea where was Baba taking me in life. There were huge financial obligations and a lot a pressure on my family and me to make sure that I get a job and settle down in life. I used to have tears every night before I slept and I had become pale and gloomy. Many a times I just wanted to end my life but Baba’s love and support always gave me hope. I constantly used to read His book, watch the T.V serial on star plus and read whatever materials I could get online. Then one night, Baba Himself appeared to me in my dreams and stated that I would be happy and I would get a call in 5 days. This dream really lifted my spirits and I suddenly felt a gush of excitement and happiness as I knew that Baba’s words can never come untrue. After exactly 5 days I got a call from a company and they were planning to call me for an onsite interview which was a great news. But soon the company HR notified me that the position was put on hold and that they may not go ahead with my interviews. This really broke my heart and I was completely crushed from within. I got terribly angry on Baba and shouted and screamed at His photo. I mentioned to Him that I had put so much faith in Him to get me a job for almost 3 years and He had not helped me in anyway till date. Even His words that I will get a call in 5 days had come untrue. I was completely devastated and I wanted to just end everything. Then the next day when I started the live darshan video , the first sentence I heard from the aarti song was “Jisne dard diya hai, wohi dawa bhi dega” (the one who has given you pain, will also give you the medicine for it). Although I was pleased to hear this, I looked at Baba’s Samadhi and feigning anger told Baba that I was really angry on Him and that I will not come to Shirdi when I come to India. I told Him that if He takes me as His devotee, friend, servant then He will only end my sufferings once and for all.
Things were going on like this when one night again I saw Baba in my dreams. He took me close to Him and made me do pooja of some Idols of Gods in the temple that He was sitting in. Then He talked to me for a while like a friend does and then I suddenly woke up. In the morning I remembered that He had told me in my dream that there was a statue of His in my room that was partially broken and that I should not keep it with me anymore. Immediately in the morning I removed the statue from my house and followed all the instructions that Baba gave me in my dream. The very next day miracles of Baba started happening. The company who had put the job on hold called me and told me that they wanted to go ahead with my interviews. I was so overwhelmed with this news that I considered this as a miracle of Baba. Things started happening one after the other and today by sheer Baba’s grace I have a job. Three years of constant pressure and dejections ended by only Baba’s grace.
I just want you readers to keep tremendous faith in Baba. He puts all of us to severe tests to see how firm and steady are we in our Shraddha (Devotion) to Him. No matter how difficult and impossible our life becomes we should not lose faith in our Guru and should always remain firm with our love towards Him. He knows everything, nothing is hidden from Baba and He alone has the power to remove our sufferings. No matter how impossible it looks, remember this well that Baba has the Divine power to cure all our sufferings and pain. Just be completely devoted to Him and make sure you take all incidents in your life as His will. He alone is our sole protector and He alone will take us across this sea of pain and sufferings. Just have complete Shraddha (Fatih) and Saburi (Patience). Hope this incidence will give all of you the hope to fight the battles of life and never ending love towards our loving Guru- Shri Baba. May Baba bless you all with lots of love and happiness. Bolo Shri Sainaath Maharaj Ki Jai!
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am working as a software professional. I have been a follower of Baba since 10 years. I see my mother in Him and believe that she has merged with Sai. Hi Hetalji, this is my 5th post in this site. My day starts with readings posts in this site which gives me energy and direction for the rest of the day. Thanks again for carrying out such a noble and auspicious task. My apologies to Sai, as I took a long time to publish my experience this time.
My experience this time, is around thread ceremony for my son which was planned for the 9th of May-Akhyaya Tritiya day. We went to Shirdi with the first invitation card and had a wonderful and blissful darshan. Pujariji took the hand written card and placed it near Sai’s feet and blessed us. He also enquired about the function, venue date and all that. We felt very happy as if, Sai Himself was inquisitive to know about the function. We prayed for Baba’s presence in the ceremony and came back as scheduled.
My husband travelled to my home town, 2 weeks earlier than me to oversee the arrangements and take care of invitations. We were all very happy and excited about this function as this was to be a get together and auspicious occasion after a long time taking place in the family. Little did I apprehend that a big hurdle was waiting for us there. As soon as my husband reached our hometown, with in few hours only he got into some kind of an argument with the rest of the family members and then it took a very bad form. I was shocked to hear about these happenings at our native as I was expecting a very warm and pleasant welcome for him at his home. I tried calling and convincing everyone in my in law’s family including my husband to stop the fight and let go things atleast till we complete the ceremony. No one was ready to listen to me. Everybody had their ego on the priority and no one cared for the function or my sentiments attached to it. I was feeling so helpless sitting away from them and tried my best what I could, over the calls. Nothing worked out and I was completely shattered when my husband called me from the airport within the next few hrs saying that he was travelling back. He asked me to cancel Mandap booking, catering and to inform all the relatives that the function has been cancelled. It was just 2 weeks to go for the occasion and I was shattered to hear all this. My husband is not a person who will listen to any preachings or emotional dialogues so, there was no point explaining him.
At home also no one was ready to go and stop him or patch up things. It would be such a shameful affair to cancel the function at this juncture and even more than that I felt it’s going to be so inauspicious for my son to cancel his thread ceremony once the date is fixed and arrangements are done. My only resort was to pray Sai at this moment. I prayed Him with tears in my eyes to somehow make things happen and save our family from this disgrace and my son from the bad omen. I started on meditation until I got a call from my husband in the next 1 hr saying that he was not coming back rather he would stay to arrange for the ceremony which need not be cancelled now. I was so surprised that what made him change his mind suddenly. Still I didn’t want to enquire much about it and thanked Sai heartfully for making this happen. I was very curious to know what changed his mind. So as soon as I reached my hometown the next week, I asked my husband about the same.
Here goes the real miracle. He explained me with a smile on his face about Baba’s leela. He had reached airport counter to book his flight back to Bangalore and gave his Credit card for booking the ticket. One by one all his Credit/debit cards were declined and even though the person at the counter retried many times it did not work while it was working for all other passengers in queue.This was very unusual. My husband had only one more last card to be tried and he was very sure that it cannot go wrong this time. He prayed in mind to Baba saying that, if He wants him to stay back and perform the ceremony against all fights and odds then this card also should get declined and that will be an indication for my husband to stay back, and it went the same way. This card also was declined despite him having more than enough balance in that account. My husband took it as Baba’s wish and back home to resume preparations. This was not the end of the story. When he came out and tried to book a taxi for coming back home, he realized that he had enough cash in the other pocket which he could have used in the first place for booking the tickets, rather it never crossed his mind but he kept on trying his Credit/debit cards which again and again failed. My husband had well understood by now that it was all Baba’s leela to stop him as He wanted the ceremony to take place.
By the time I reached home the next week everything was calmed down as if there was no disturbance ever. Everyone was so happy and enthusiastic about the function and busy with preparations. This was not possible without Baba’s interference into the situation. He saved us from a great disgrace. On the day of the ceremony, one of our family friends came to the function with the most precious gifts. He had been to Shirdi a week before and he had got us the dress that Baba wore in Shirdi during Madhayan arati along with the life size photograph of Baba. We were overwhelmed to receive this gift. For us it was Baba attending and blessing my son on this great occasion of his life. I cannot forget this incident throughout my entire life and will be ever grateful to Baba for his kindness and mercy. Baba, please keep everyone happy and healthy and forgive our bad Karmas. Show us right path to come out of bad deeds and bless us to proceed in the direction towards You. Please help me recover from the tension and health issue I am going through , let our lives be filled with abundance of Your grace. Bless all with a healthy life.

Sai Devotee Rohit from India says: My name is Rohit and I currently reside in Pune. I am an engineer by profession and I am a big Sai Baba devotee and shared experiences previously here, this is my latest miracle. Om Sai Ram! Om Sai Ram to all Baba devotees who are reading the experiences here. I have lot of experiences in my life. This blog is modern Sai Satcharitra where Baba’s miracles are posted by various devotees and thus keeps everyone inspired and happy for Baba. Today I am going to share the biggest miracle Baba has done in my life. I am Baba’s devotee since my childhood, my mom has been a Baba devotee and always reads Baba’s Pothi, Sai Chalisa and regularly visits Sai temple in my home town. With Baba’s blessings I am an engineer today, well settled and happily married to the one whom I loved.
It was the year 2013 when I was working in Mumbai and used to stay at my maternal grandparent’s home. I came in contact with a girl who is my wife now, we came in contact through Facebook as we had mutual friends because she was our distant relative, and we exchanged mobile numbers and started talking on WhatsApp. We started liking each other and started meeting after office hours. One fine day I proposed her but she was not a Sai devotee at that time. I always had a dream that my wife should be a Sai devotee and should respect my God. She accepted my proposal and told about it at her home. At my home, my parents were looking for a bride for my marriage but I kept saying no and one day I told them that I like a girl and gave all the girl’s details. Initially my parents were not interested in her and they said no. But gradually they accepted for my happiness but at my grandparents’ home they did not accept the relation and asked me to break it. Meanwhile her parents did meet my parents at my home town and all went well.
Then my parents consulted astrologers about kundli matching and astrologers suggested not to go ahead with the marriage as it was inappropriate match so even my parents said no inspired from my maternal uncle and aunt’s decision. So the relation was broken and our hearts broken but we were in contact without parent’s knowledge. I asked her to believe God and don’t give up. I always read Sai Satcharitra and took her to Shirdi and gifted her Sai Satcharitra book and asked her to start the parayan so that we can again unite. She trusted Baba and became Baba devotee and I got what I wanted. My parents were searching bride for me and I ignored them, same with her parents she ignored the boys who came to see her. One day I asked the question “will I get married to the girl I love ever’’ at Sai Baba question and answers site and got the answer that I will get my work done after Ram Navami. The same year I told my parents if I want to marry then I will only marry the girl whom I love, so they changed their minds for my happiness and they agreed and the day was the Ram Navami! Can you believe such a big miracle Baba has done? And so I got engaged with the girl I loved, me and my mom prayed that marriage function should all go well with Baba’s blessings and I requested Baba to attend my marriage and bless me. As mentioned in Sai Satcharitra Nanasaheb Chandorkar and Kakasaheb Dixit invited Baba for their functions and Baba said take Shama with them and Baba would be ahead of him and appeared in photo after doing the functions. Same thing happened with me, the marriage hall is named Sai Pushpanjali and the hall has Sai Baba’s photos everywhere and all Baba’s songs were been played on the marriage day.
Such is the miracle of this God. Once you pray Him with faith and patience He will never leave His devotee’s hands. Today we are happily married and expecting a child and my parents and family are happy with my wife and care a lot. Anant Koti brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Satchidananad Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai Baba Devotee, and I am working in a software company, as a senior developer. I am not very talented but an average guy. Om Sai Ram, Thanks to all the people who created platform to share our experiences with our God and Guru Sai Baba. I am a Sai Baba devotee from 2002. I have seen so many miracles in life till today. Once Baba entered into my life, He made my whole family as His devotees. I am working as a senior developer in a Software company. The experience that I am sharing happened yesterday.
I am working on a Project, as part of that I had written some code, which was working fine on my machine and on my senior’s machine. But it was not working on the Server machine. I tried so hard for three days to find the issue, but with no results. Everyone sees only results not the efforts. I was praying Baba to help me in fixing the issue, but Baba didn’t help me immediately. He tested my patience. I tried Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for fixing the issue. Those three days efforts were with no results. Meantime my Manager was not happy for taking 3 days just for finding the reason. All of a sudden on Monday with Baba’s grace I found out the issue, which was very minor and caused so much trouble to me. I was very happy after finding the issue and I informed everyone about this. For that in return I got appreciation from everyone. With 9+ years of industry experience, taking 3 days time for finding an issue and not successful will give you what kind of impression to your management? My job itself could fall into risk, one can imagine. With Baba’s grace instead of getting blame I got appreciation. Our Baba will turn all the stones thrown on you into roses. As a sculptor brings out beautiful idols out of stone, Baba brings best out of me. Make me a good person who can utilize this human birth. Please shower Your blessings on all. Take 2 rupees dakshina from me which is “Shraddha” and “Saburi”. Without You I cannot imagine my life. Give me permanent place at Your feet. Anantha koti Pranam to You Baba.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from Spore says: Om Sai ram to all beloved devotees reading this mail. Thank you admin for allowing us to share the daily experiences which are really amazing. I am an ardent devotee of Sai pa since Feb 2015. I was pulled by my Sai pa last year and till now I have experienced many miracles in my daily life. I make it a point to read the devotees experiences every day without fail. It gives me immense happiness and at the same time I also get the chance to pray for other devotees. Om Sairam. Coming to my experience, I daily chant Om Sairam whenever I feel very tensed and it has become part of my life. Yesterday my youngest son suddenly complained of severe pain in both his eyes and was also unable to open it. It was already late at night and couldn’t bring him to the eye doctor. I got very worried and quickly applied the Udi on both his eyelids. What else can I say? My son had a sound sleep throughout the night and next morning his eyes were perfectly fine. Om Sai ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all devotees. I don’t know how to thank Baba for being with me and taking care of me. Today is the happiest moment. My dream came true, I got visa to Canada. I was longing this for many years and Baba blessed me. Baba also blessed me by calling me to Shirdi two days before. How much ever I thank Baba it’s not enough. I am not getting words to express and explain. Love You Baba. You are my life. Baba Blessed me. Please help my friend to get over his sorrows and give him a good job opportunity. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram..1st experience is similar to mine..but in different aspect.. I love a guy n in have problems in getting married to him like caste and all.. 1stly their parents were ok n now everything shattered..from almost 1yr I have ganesh idol broken in my bag which is given by my love, n may b bcz of which I'm feeling lot of struggles in getting married to him, same issues like caste and astrology mismatch making us apart but still I believe that caste and astrology is nothing before baba.. He is getting fixed for one alliance but still I feel I wish and I pray baba is with me n will give me back to him.. Please baba do it soon baba.. I can't stay without him baba.. I read sai charitra n I do follow u unconditionally as I do love him… Please don't make us apart baba… I trust u madly pls don't break my trust.. Be with me n bless us baba pls..
Om SaiRam bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father ThankYOU Babaji for being with me and my family
Thank You O Sai for surrounding us with friends and family who bring joy and laughter into our lives 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram,
Tomorrow am going to write bank exam. please sai pa be with me. sai pa bless me.please pray for me to get selected in exam and get job.
OM SAI RAM.. Sai ma koti koti pranams to your holy feet.. I can't imagine my life without you baba.. I thank admin and all who working beyond this site..Reading his Leela's gives immense faith and love on our beloved Sai.. Sai ma protect all your devotees who are in need of you under your wings.. Am totally dependent on you baba.. Give me strength to face the problems that comes through my way.. Lead my life baba.
Om Sai Ram
Thank you baba for making him text me yesterday. Please get me amrried to him baba. Please bless me.
om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram
om sai ram,om sai ram,om sai ram
bless all of us sai baba.
Om Sai ram _/_
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Baba,help me to come out of my problems,Om Sai Ram……………….
Please keep blessing me Baba🙏🏻
Nice experiences. Om sai
Om Sai Ram .. dear devotees please provide me a link where I can donate n get Ushi by post . Thanks in advance .. Om Sai Ram .. Shree Sai Ram
om sai ram
Please sai ma why u are testing me for 3 years please help us to get qualified in exams please sai.maa
Om sai ram… 🙂
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
OMG!! This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimony..I visited a forum here on the internet on the 20TH OF July 2016, And I saw a marvelous testimony of this powerful and great spell caster called DR Papa on the forum..I never believed it, because I never heard nor learnt anything about magic before.. Not a soul would have been able to influence me about magical spells, not until DR Papa did it for me and restored my marriage of 8 years back to me and brought my spouse back to me in the same 48hours just as I have read on the internet..I was truly astonished and shocked when my husband knelt down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back.. I am really short of expressions, and I don't know how much to convey my appreciation to you DR Papa, you are a God sent to me and my entire family.. Here is his website: His Email:
Om Sai Ram (p) (p) (p)
Hi devotee's,baba blessed me with boy baby …Baby name s Sai Bharath, om sai ram…Love u all
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless us with good health and b e with us deva and guide my children in their studies thandri.