Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Sai In My Life
Anonymous Sai devotee from India says: Hi everyone. I am a regular reader of this blog. Thank you Hetalji for this web site which soothes us many times with the experiences. This happened today just sometime back. I was packing my office bag. I was shifting things from one bag to other as previous bag was wet due to yesterday’s rain. I took out the Baba’s photo from the previous bag. It was also wet. Entire photo was wet but not His face. I was little surprised how come it would have happened. It was again a Baba’s leela. After my breakfast I started walking to the bus stop. I was little late to my stop. I was praying Baba that I shouldn’t miss my office bus. But as I was approaching main road, I saw my bus passing in front of me. I missed my bus. I was little angry at Baba. That why did You make me miss my bus because another bus was after an hour.
I went to the rtc bus stop and stood there for the city bus. I was upset inside. Meanwhile a bus came and I boarded it. I sat in one of the front seats. And still was little upset. Then I looked towards the front glass near driver seat, little shocked. I saw a big photo of Baba (sitting posture ). By looking at Him, I forgot all my worry. I felt as if He was trying to tell that He was with me. So I just kept staring at Him during my entire journey. I was smiling at myself. Felt very happy. Then I got down at one stop where I might catch one of my office buses. I went to the stop. And saw one of the office employees. Though I saw her previously but never spoke to her. Immediately she came and spoke to me. She told that she missed a bus and there we might get another bus now. So we waited. And the bus didn’t arrive. Later we took a share auto and went to another stop. Where she told another route bus would be there in 10 minutes. So we went to that stop. As said, the bus came in 10 minutes. Good thing was that it was the starting point for that bus. So bus was empty. I happily sat and reached office. One thing to notice, if she would have not come and spoke to me, I would have not known the bus timings. Baba made her to talk to me and ensured that I took that bus. While boarding this bus, there was a city bus in front, which had a Baba’s big photo on it (sitting posture). I felt that He was asking me if I was happy now taking the bus. Happily I got into the bus. Thank You Baba. This is a very small incident. But yet shows how Baba helps His devotees when required. If I would have taken my office bus as expected, then I would have not got this wonderful experience. And today is Thursday, Sairam. Baba please bless all Your devotees.
Writing this incident, I remembered another incident. It happened 2 years back, the day before vinayaka chavithi, there was a heavy rain and I started from office, at around 6.30 p.m in office bus. Generally, it takes 1 hour to reach my home. But that day, it was almost 9 and I didn’t reach my home. Due to heavy rain, roads near our area were entirely blocked with water and our bus driver told he won’t be able to go that way. So he dropped near to the blocked roads. I got down. It was already drizzling and I walked slowly towards the road where I needed to go. To my shock, the roads were completely blocked with water. The water would come to our knees. I didn’t remember if there were any manholes on the way. So I was scared to walk in the path, I was praying Baba to show me a way to go out of the road. Meanwhile my father had started from home which was 10 minutes away. He was totally stuck in traffic. Slowly, I started walking in that road and came to a divider and stood on that, from there water was in more depth. Many times I was trying to go forward but was taking aback. I left everything to Baba and stood on the divider, after 10 minutes I guess, there were two young ladies who came my way. They came and spoke to me and told me they were my office employees who travelled by same bus. They said, they saw me daily in the bus, though I never saw them. I thanked Baba for sending them. We all three were now trying to stop a vehicle for lift. Luckily, one uncle was passing in his car and he stopped to offer the lift. We all sat, and he dropped us at the point where my father was waiting for me. Then, we went home safely. Thank You Baba for sending my office employees because I would have never asked for a lift and would have just stood there in that water. Love You Baba.
Another incident to narrate, one day, a mistake happened because of me in my office. I came to know it from my onshore counterpart and now I was very scared, that it would become an issue, because it was a basic task and never such mistakes happened in my career. I was praying Baba, that it shouldn’t be a problem. By Baba’s grace, my onsite manager didn’t point at me and just told entire team to correct the task. I felt relieved. Thank You Baba.
Baba’s Darshan At Shirdi And Move Back To The Place I Wished To Work Again

Anonymous Sai Devotee from US says: I am a software professional, currently working in USA. 1) Baba’s darshan at Shirdi: This was during January 2016; I had visited my family in India from the USA. We had planned to visit our divine place – Shirdi to seek blessings from our beloved Baba. He blessed us and made the trip possible with ease and great amenities. Reached Shirdi and we got ready for the evening darshan. We were in the line and it happened to move really quickly. Reached near Baba and He was sitting majestically on His throne. I was praying Him and kept asking to make me stay for a few minutes near Him. As usual, there were a lot of devotees in the Samadhi mandir, and we were approaching so near to Baba. The sevaks present there, requesting people to move faster and not to stand at all. We got so close to Baba and my eyes were not sufficient to look at Him. I saw my Sai ma so close now. I gave my passport to the priest sitting near Samadhi to get it touched from Baba. He had touched my passport on Baba’s Samadhi and gave it back to me with a flower. He also gave a sacred cloth along with it, which was used for Baba and asked me to wait near the library at 10 pm. After passing through and we started to move backward while looking at Baba, one of the sevak had told my family to stand aside. I was in utter shock, as all other devotees were sent their way back, without even allowing them to stand for a few seconds. It was only us who stood for a few minutes. My tears started rolling down my cheeks and did not stop for whole the eternal and blissful time we were standing there. My soul and body got fulfilled with incredible joy, contentment, and peace. This is how Baba had listened to my request and made it possible within no time. He has all His eyes, ears for His devotees and listens to us every time and always. He is our mother and takes care of us every single moment. As the priest told, I had waited for him at 10 pm near the library. He was there present and he spoke to me for a couple of minutes and blessed me with prasadam (peda). What else is required for a person? Got the wishes fulfilled with blessings in all ways possible. I can never ever forget this miracle in my lifetime. Jai Sai Ram!
2. Move back to the placed I wished to work again : This miracle happened during the May 2016. I came to the US in 2014 with work permit visa and started to work in Columbus, Ohio for a major insurance client. Over the course of time, I made some good friends and started to like the place more. The more special reason I liked the place was due to our Sai temple which was so beautiful and a powerful place, where a lot of miracles occurred. I happened to move to California during September 2015 for a different project. There were many things going on with me personally, had to face a lot of difficulties. Somehow, Baba had sent me to the west coast for a reason. I had started to look for an accommodation before I moved to California. Through an ad, I happened to talk to an Indian family and they waited for me to accommodate in their home, even there was a delay for 3 weeks due to USCIS work authorization approval. I accepted the challenge what Baba gave me and started to work there. A few months passed by, I didn’t like the kind of work I was doing, also the team and the client. I kept asking Baba to take me out of that place and give me a better opportunity. Nearly 6 months passed by, we heard from the client that, our company would get out of vendor list and the contract would end in a couple of months. I requested the company management to set my release date, as anyway, the contract was going to end. After a lot of struggle, I got released and was waiting for the next opportunity. We had to get a project within 2 weeks of time, else we would be sent back to the base location – India. I was praying Baba to get me back to Columbus as my company had a different client contract. That was my last day at the client place and to my surprise, I got a message late in the evening stating that, a position had been identified for me in Columbus. I was shocked and thanked Baba so much for fulfilling my wish. All went well, I got relocated to the place I wanted to be in and started working for the new client. This is how our Sai ma makes sure that we are happy and free of uncertainties. There would be a reason for everything, He makes sure that everything is set for us and the way He teaches us is so different. Love You so much Baba. Bolo Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.
Sai Saved My Mother In A Major Car Accident

Anonymous Sai Devotee from US says: I am software professional, currently work in the USA. This was around a year ago – My mother was in Trichy (Tamil Nadu, India) to attend a family friend’s daughter’s wedding. She had travelled from Chennai and reached the place next morning. After she had checked into the hotel, she got ready to visit nearby temples in an arranged taxi, which was a new car. All the temple’s visits were completed in a couple of hours with blessings from the God and fulfilling darshans. She was on her way back to the hotel to get ready for the reception which was in the evening. The driver was waiting to take a U-turn at a highway junction, my mother and the driver saw a speeding car, which lost control and was approaching them. The driver realized that the car was going to take a hit, he moved the car a bit to the front to avoid a direct collision on the left door, which happened to be my mother’s side. The person in the speeding car started applying brakes (tires were worn out), but it did not stop it started swaying. In a fraction of a second, my mom leaned towards to the driver seat as the car was approaching right onto her. His car collided right onto the left door (where my mom was seated), with a collision speed around 120 km/hr. The door was crushed; the windshield and the mirror were shattered into pieces.
All done, people in and around the place, approached the car to save the passengers inside. A large amount of shattered glass pieces were on mom’s lap and she went in utter shock and she did not know what had happened. As soon as she opened her eyes, she found a small photograph (1 rupee coin size) of our Sai amidst the shattered glasses on her lap and she had started crying looking at Him. People were dumbstruck looking at the car condition and the survival of my mother and the driver. The speeding car had hit the taxi first and then got dragged and collided a car with student doctors. My mother had a little swelling on the left side of her head and there was not even a single scratch to her. The doctors in other car immediately called up the ambulance and local people informed the police and lawyers. They all reached in a few minutes and asked my mother whether to file a law suit on the reckless driver, she told them to forgive him as he was a young adult. The student (housing) doctors took my mom to the hospital which they happened to work in the same hospital too and it was close by as well. A MRI scan was taken and they were with my mom until she got discharged and by Baba’s grace, everything had looked good in the scan.
Long story short, look at the leela of Baba, how He saved His devotee and made sure everything was set. He is omnipresent and knows what’s going to happen and made sure that He pulled out of danger with all the care readily waiting for His devotees. With my whole hearted love, affection and reverence, I bow to His lotus feet for saving my life, my mother. Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Raja Dhiraj Yogi Raj Sri Par Brahm Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj ki Jai.
How Baba Saved Me And Gave Me A New Lease Of Career And Life
Sai Devotee Ritwik S Gajendra from India says: Om Sai to all Sai devotees. With Baba’s grace and blessings only, I am a tiny drop in the ocean of Baba’s devotion working as a corporate professional who is soon going to be relocated to Mundra, Gujarat. Baba got me closer to His holy shade in November 2013, while going through the most tumultuous period of my personal and professional life. This experience is about as to how Baba pulled me out of a deep eddy of de-growth.
Om Sai Ram. Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai : With Baba’s grace, I got an opportunity, I was yearning for in terms of growth, brand, role and location. I was working exhaustively with no career path in sight, and no learnings. Moreover, I was getting bullied and tortured by seniors and juniors including my Boss and was getting threatened every now and then. Baba was with me throughout, so I kept my cool during these high pressure testing and I always got Baba with me, at my back, guarding me, keeping me in His most loving yet the most powerful hands. And as you all know, Baba never lets His devotees to come to harm, no matter what! Baba blessed me with a daughter, I prayed to my daughter, as she is my Sai Maa and in the very few moments, I got a call for this opportunity. It was Baba who gifted me this miracle. Baba gives you everything at the right time, so please have Faith and Patience. Baba will bless.
And then started the recruitment process and I was not selected in the first go, someone else was. I got disheartened for a while, but then again reaffirmed my faith in Baba. Sorry Baba, I am really sorry as I getting disheartened was a result of faith getting wavered. Then the opportunity again came back to me, all of this was happening at a pace way faster as against the normal recruitment processes. And then, negotiations and closure and then the worsening work situations at office and I was waiting for the appointment letter to ping my inbox and it did! That too on a Thursday. Baba gave me both tentative and final offer letters on Thursdays, as well as the on or before joining date too on a Thursday.
Now I need Baba’s Miracles and blessings in getting relieved on 28th October 2016 and joining the new organisation on 29th October 2016. Also, I plead Baba for a career defining path and role which would enlighten me, so that I could focus entirely on self-realization. With Baba’s grace all over, I actually have faith That I’ll have the liquidity, the career and goal of life achieved by the time I see this experience published by Baba’s grace. Sai Sai Sai Sai.
My Life At Sai Lotus Feet
Anonymous Sai Devotee From US Says: Sairam to everyone, sastanga namaskar to Sai Lotus feet, I’m a married, working women with 2 kids, staying in US. My day starts and ends with Sai nama smarana, loads of thanks to Hetalji and team, you are doing great job and Baba bless you always. I don’t know where to start my experiences, my life is full of Sai Baba’s blessings, without Him I was nothing, was in a low, unknown situation till I completely believed Him. If I start writing I have to write every minute of my life’s happenings starting from a jobless graduate who stayed in Hyderabad to till date as a software professional in US. I want to post everything, but in some other post I will write all, now I want to share most recent one and which I had promised to Baba to post.
As I said I have two kids, younger one is months baby and staying in US, no one here to help, I had to take care and at the same time my job was ending by August 2016, this current job was more flexible in terms of timings and I had work from home option. I was praying Baba to solve my problem by giving me a new job with same kind of flexibility. I was searching for the new job, in between my job got extended for 3 more months, that was miracle of Baba, as all the teams of my project got ended on the said date, but only my role got extended as I needed it. Whenever we ask something with whole hearted and with full of faith He comes running and solves our problem. I want to share one more nidarshan, I was reading Sai Satcharitra since 3 days, yesterday on 21/10/2016 2:30 AM early morning, after that I went to sleep, when I was in conscious state I got a dream kind of drushya “Baba was sitting on sofa, I was in the kitchen, was thinking Baba came now, how can I take care of Him along with my 2 kids? In short I realized and said myself as I can take care of Baba like how I’m taking care of 2 kids” by the time my younger one started crying and my dream ended, I’m very happy that Baba heard my prayer and parayan, so He came to my house to bless me. I’m in tough situation right now, my job is ending, I’m praying for new job at the same time with Baba’s blessings I’m reading subject, He will bless me with a good job and I will post it soon. Thanks for reading my post, Believe in Him, He will be with us all, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Namo Namha, Sri Sai Namo Namha, Jai Jai Sai Namo Namha, Sadguru Sai Namo Namha.
Devotee Of Sai Baba
Anonymous Sai Devotee from US says: I am a home maker and believe in Sainath my entire life. Om Sri Sai Ram! Hello everyone. I would like to thank Baba for giving me an opportunity to share His miracles in my life. I was delaying for a long time to post but I decided to do it today. Here is my incident.
After very few days of my marriage, my husband went USA and there were lots of misunderstandings in our life. I came to USA after 3 months hoping to solve all problems. Even after solving few issues, we didn’t get child for two years. Everyone in my family started asking about it. During that period, one of my friends came to our home for a stay since they were shifting to their new house. She told me about Sai Baba and His miracles in her life. She gave me Sai Satcharithra and 9 week vrat book on Thursdays and asked me to observe vrat for 9 Thursdays and follow it. I followed the same and at the end of 5th Thursday, I got pregnant. That day was really unforgettable in my life. My tears flowed like anything and I thanked Baba then for His blessings in my life. I really thank my friend for telling me about Baba. I observed 9 week vrat and we were blessed with boy baby. He is 3 years old now and we are living with two sons happily. Thank You so much Baba for Your kindness on me. Everyday I see Baba image atleast once and chant His mantra when I feel sad or sick. I feel relieved and my day would be happy. Trusting Him ever to resolve all problems and make us all to live peacefully ever after. I am really very sorry that it took me so long to update this experience. I can’t imagine my life without His blessings. Bow to Sai. Om Sai Ram. Jai Sai Ram !

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Thank You for everything that You bestow upon us O Deva 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram _/_
Bolo Sri sainath maharaj ki jai
Om Sai Ram………………..
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Om sai Ram
Baba please bless everyone with good health and be with us deva and guide my children in their studies and show us right path thandri.
Om Sai Ram… I have recently visit Shirdi from Mumbai with EO Cabs Car Rental Service. It was a good experience for me to reach there.
Baba ki palkhi aayi re! Jai shree ram, jai ganesh, tirupati balaji ki jai, Lord shiva