Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from Bahrain says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai Bandhus; I prostrate my head on my Baba’s Lotus feet. I am a great believer of Sai since 2015. Before I have seen Sai’s portrait in my friend’s house but I did not have much belief. I still do not exactly remember how I came into His folds and now there is not a day or minute without Sai. Thanks to Hetalji for maintaining the Modern Sai Satcharitra.
Coming to my experience; me and my husband was on a vacation to India. I had to come earlier so my husband was there in India. Suddenly he had severe head ache and he went to a doctor. The doctor suggested for a scan. The scan report said it was brain haemorrhage and it has to be operated immediately. The doctor also said that if you don’t go for the surgery then your life is in trouble. When I got the first report, I was not much worried and requested my hubby to consult another doctor for second opinion. But to be very frank I was tensed within me and in case if I show my feeling he will get upset so I told him to go for a second opinion. Second opinion also doctor said we have to get operated immediately. I was in tears as I have googled and came to know the side effects. After getting the reports he went to Sabari Malaand and came back as well.
I am having a habit of checking with Baba through Chits; Baba gave me answer that it will be cleared by medicine and not through operation. This time I told Him to go to a different city to check. Meanwhile when he was sharing about his problem with one of his friend – his friend suggested him another doctor in the same city and that he will not opt for operation. Me and my whole family was worried because it was brain and prayed all God and Goddesses that it should be cured through medicine. The doctor referred by his friend also told us that we have to get it operated. We were in a miserable state. Life was a hell for two months. But we did not want to opt for operation and hence we decided to go to Madurai to see a specialist. I prayed Lord Meenakshi Amman also since we are coming to Your place it was Your responsibility to cure him with medicine. You know what that doctor, a senior most doctor said that without knowing the reason you should not opt for operation and hence he had given tablets for 3 months. In case if the clot gets removed by itself then there was no need of operation. My Sai along with Meenakshi Amman saved me from a big stress. I have posted this in the Comment section and requested all Sai Devotees to pray for my hubby that there should be no operation.
After three months we went to India for the treatment; our plan was as soon as we reach the next day we have to go for Madurai to meet that doctor. But in between my sisters had planned a trip to Tirupathi and they were insisting our family to join them. Even I was praying Sai that during this vacation please bless me to go to Tirupathi and hence everything was pre-arranged by Sai. We got the tickets in Tatkal and we had a nice darshan of our Lord Venkateswara; we spent two days in Tirupathi and came back to our City. Now when we called the Doctor in Madurai he gave us appointment after three days at 2 pm. So we left early morning from our City and reached Madurai Meenakshi Amman temple. We had a blissful Darshan of Meenakshi Sundareswarar and went to the hospital. The doctor came around 2.30. We showed him the reports but he was not satisfied and said to go for a scan. He also mentioned that without seeing the scan if I will say no to operation and if the clot was still there – in future it may trouble you. This made us scare and we went for the scan. There was heavy rush in the scan centre. With the help of our Sai we got the report by 7.00 and came back to hospital. Time was killing us; I was praying Sai inside and reading Sai 108 Mantras. Doctor came and immediately he said that the clot had disappeared by itself and there was no trace of the clot and to please stop the medicine. I thanked our beloved Sai and Doctor. What a miracle it is when all the doctors were saying it had to be operated immediately to save life; our Sai’s word came true and hence there was no trace of this clot. Prayers moves mountains; yes all our prayers to Sai has not left us in vain. Finally we were relieved. It’s a life time miracle for me. I bow my head to the lotus feet of Sai.
Dear Sai, I request You to please keep me under Your lotus feet for ever. Dear Sai Brothers and sisters; please have Saburi in Your prayers. Sai knows the right time to answer our prayers. Dear Sai, as You know some of the sorrows cannot be revealed; only You know for what I am praying, please help me to get things on place and change her mind. It is really killing me when she leaves her words from her mouth. I don’t know how I am going to pass the rest of my life with her companion. She knows that she is wrong but her ego doesn’t admit from doing so. I have heard enough words from her which I will never forget till my death but still I take good care of her. Please change her attitude and her mind to be good to others.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, I am a Baba devotee for almost 10 years now and I have seen many miracles in my life since then. I have posted a few of them in this forum already. Today I am going to post another miracle that happened 2 years ago in my life.
After 8 years of my marriage me and my husband got blessed with a son. I am a working woman and had a love marriage in 2007. My husband’s family had been extremely rude and impolite towards me and my family ever since our marriage. We could never build up a rapport in all these years. I share a very, very formal kind of relationship with them and prefer to stay away from them. After I delivered my child, they told me that they would like to stay with us forever to take care of the child as its their grandchild and they have rights to be with him. They spoke to me about this and said that you continue with your job and we will be at home to take care of your child. I never wanted this as I just didn’t trust them and didn’t want them to influence my child in any way. I want my child to become a good human being and a humble and honest person, unlike my in-laws. So I told my in-laws that I was quitting my job for atleast 2 years and would be at home completely. After 2 years will see if I want to work or not. They all didn’t like this idea, neither my husband as they want my money too. But I had made up my mind that I will quit right after my maternity leave gets over.
I was scared from inside because I have never been financially dependent on my husband in all these years and he would never spend a penny also on me. In June 2015, I was supposed to join back office after my maternity leave and I went to office that day. Spoke to my boss about my exit and he agreed too. Then I went to my CEO and expressed him my thoughts too. But then he said don’t send your resignation today, just wait for some time, we will do something for you as we want you to be here. He said he had a crèche thing in mind but wasn’t clear that time. So my leave got extended and I came back home without putting down my papers. After a month, in July 2015, I got a call from my HR Head and he said we are building up a small crèche facility for your baby. You can bring him along to work. After a week I joined back work with my baby. This actually was the biggest surprise in my life as no one else ever got any facility like this in my office before. All these months I was reading Sai Satcharitra to find a solution to my problem as from inside of my heart I didn’t want to quit, neither wanted my in-laws to be around me. And I got the best solution to it. I am extremely thankful and obliged to Baba for His everyday support to me. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Hello devotees, firstly I would like to thank the whole team for maintaining this wonderful site, it’s like another Sai Satcharitra. I am posting my first experience. I am in a relationship with the girl of my life since 9 years and she is also a great devotee of Sai and an ardent reader of this site.
Few months back my girlfriend had some serious health problem, fear gripped both of us, we were unable to sleep, day by day the problem was worsening and we were praying day and night, crying and screaming in front of God. Whenever she was in problem she used to ask Sai in question and ans site, but at that time I wouldn’t believe in that saying as I felt it was just a random answer and how Sai could answer? But she always believed and she used to send me the screenshots. The answers came “this is a testing time, you will be saved from big calamity” but as each day passes our trust also weakens and I thought of questioning to Sai, then the ans came “something which you want to happen is close but due to doubt in your mind it is not happening” then I thought of completely surrendering everything to God. We both decided that if she would be saved from the problem we would donate food to the poor and I will post our experience and she will finish Sai Satcharitra in 2 days. And within few days Sai showed us the path and took us out of the big calamity. That day we both thanked Sai from bottom of our heart and we kept all the promises made to Sai, except the promise of posting experience. Now I am also in health problem from last 2 months praying Baba to help me. Today I asked the question in question ans site, I got the ans “two vows are to be fulfilled by you, then goddess near Sainath would be pleased and your problem will be solved”. Then my girlfriend reminded of this promise. Sorry Sai Baba for posting this late, please forgive me. Om Sairam, Sai always listens and helps everyone who keeps full faith on Him. Please help me Baba. Om Sairam!

Anonymous Sai Devotee Vijaya from Singapore says: A small devotee of Baba, Vijaya from Singapore. Om Sai Ram! Would like to share my experience, I was in rush to generate the school contract for my son before end date and was left with just 1 day in hand due to last minute glitches of school. While generating contract I updated a few details of my son which didn’t allowed me to generate contract unless those updated details were approved by his class teacher. I was so stressed as I had very less time and why I updated my son’s details at last minute. Was cursing myself for such unintended delays. Now don’t know when will the teacher approve his details and when will I be able to generate contract? I was very much tensed.
I prayed to Baba that by tomorrow morning I want the approval by teacher. Please help me. When I woke up next day morning I checked mails. But there was no mail from class teacher. Then I was reluctant to do which I was avoiding. I forwarded one more mail (again) to class teacher with reminder and looped all – Principal, Coordinator and other staff. And when I started for office after 30 minutes, I received the approval mail of his class teacher that we can proceed with contract generation. I never wanted to loop all authorities but I was reluctant as only 1 day was left with me. Above all, my only concern was approval on time so that I can generate the contract within stipulated time and it happened by the grace of Baba. Thanks Sainath for all.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam thank You Sai Maa for this blog, Hetalji and the team. I am a devotee of Baba and feel blessed to be a devotee of Sai Baba may be due to last karma of mine. I have become devotee of Baba. Love You for everything Baba. I have posted many experiences and miracles of Baba but don’t know the count of the experience I am posting now. Forgive me Baba for posting this experience late.
Now coming to the miracle of Baba. It might be a small thing but for me it is a big miracle. My sister’s 2 months daughter was not well. She was suffering from dysentery. We went to a doctor but still she was not getting cured. So I prayed to Sai maa and promised that I would post the miracle. And here is the miracle my sister’s daughter got cured the next day. Thank You Baba and sorry for posting late. Maa there are many problems but I am not understanding why You are not solving those problems but I am happy that You are giving me strength to fight with those problems. Maa whole life, I have submitted on you. Please, please make my life simple. It’s become too complicated. I am not understanding Your leela Maa. Thank You Baba. Om Sai Ram Love You Sai Baba. I hope very soon You will solve my other problems too. You listen others’ prayers and go in their dreams. But why You are not coming in my dreams and blessing me?

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, I am a devotee from USA. This is my fourth post to this site. Sai has helped me a lot in this new country a lot. Whenever there has been a problem that I am facing, I pray to Him and He immediately helps me. When I came here, I have faced thousands of problems here as I didn’t know the rules and regulations here. But He saved me in the last minute from every problem. I have asked for every small and big problem, but He never refused to help. I love You Sai. Please forgive me for my mistakes. Please bless all Your kids like this Sai. We love You. Om Sai Ram.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji
Om sai samarth
By your grace my ear pain cured Sainath Thanks a lot deva Iam very scared about that I applied Sainath sacred udi on the effected area and eat some also I prayed to Sainath then 50% better and now iam totally cured Sainath I can't believe this Sainath all your grace Sainath
Par bless me Sainath deva
Sainath maharaj ki Jay
Thank you thank you thank you so much Baba, please please please keep this going on please keep him faithful towards me please 🙏🏻
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Thank you so much Sai Baba.
Om Sairam,
Baba please guide us, guard us, and protect us. Baba please always keep us at Your Holy Feet and always keep Your Hand on our heads. Baba please forgive us for all ours sins and mistakes that we may have done knowingly or unknowingly Baba please bless my parents, my sisters their families, us both and his family with health, happiness and long life. Baba I need Your miracle. Please unite us both in long healthy, happy married life with each other. Due to cast and other issues our families are not agreeing to this marriage. Baba please help us. We really need you Baba. Baba please help us and bless us with Your grace. Everything is possible only with Your Blessings. Baba please help us. Baba please take care of this situation for us. Baba you know everything please help us. Baba its because of Your grace and blessings that we have come this far. Baba please bless us with a long healthy and happy married life with the blessings of our families. Baba please help us. Baba please forgive us for all our sins and mistakes. Baba keep us at Your Holy Feet and always keep Your Hand on our heads. Baba please bless all Your children with health, happiness and long life. Baba please bless us all.
O Deva, we surrender to Your feet.
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo, Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo, Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram, bless my family baba be with them baba, Love you baba please give me full time job baba, save my sai nilyam baba.
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