Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Sai Devotee Thanu from India says: I am from Bangalore, India. I was lucky to have been born in a family of ardent devotees of Sri Sai Baba. But my faith in Him increased multifolds since last 4 years. I would like to thank Hetalji and team for the excellent maintenance of this divine blog.
Om Sai Ram. Baba, I apologise for posting this extremely late. I have experienced Sri Sai Baba’s miracles several times. I always feel that He is with me Always. But this has been the most memorable experience of mine till date. On 5th May 2014, I had completed reading Sri Sai Satcharitra for the first time ever. I was preparing for my CA exams and was very stressed at that time. It was then that I got this wonderful idea of resorting to reading this amazing book. While reading the chapter of Baba’s Samadhi, I just couldn’t stop crying. By imagining each and every word describing this event, I’d got extremely emotional. When I read the words “fortunate are the eyes of the people to have witnessed Baba and deeds”, I started weeping inconsolably and was asking Baba as to why I was not given an opportunity to have seen and experienced Him when He was alive. It was at this time that I heard someone chanting “Poojyaya Raghavendraya” shloka loudly on the road. I took Rs 10 and an apple and went out running towards him. The person was an old man (he said he was 82 years old), bear-chested, wearing a dhoti (trouser) and a head gear (just like Baba!), carrying a zoli (cloth bag, just like Baba here too!!). I was shocked! On seeing me, he gave a wide smile and asked my name and what I was studying. Here comes the second shock. He was speaking to me in English! Now, I always talk to God and pray in English as I am more comfortable doing so. And now, here is an 82 year old man speaking to me eloquently in English! What more an evidence did I want to confirm that It was none other than Baba Who had visited me! I gave Him the apple and the Rs 10 note. He asked for a mango (I did not comprehend the reason for this till now). Luckily, there were mangoes at home as it was summer. I ran to fetch it to Him. He gladly accepted it and asked me for more money, as He was in need of money, for; he wanted to go on a pilgrimage. I replied Him that I was a student and I myself didn’t have money of my own. (I don’t know why on earth I gave such a reply!) To this, He looked deep into my eyes and said- “Where there is a will, there is a way!” I was stunned! I ran back to the house and gave him Rs 110. He received it gladly, blessed me and left.
Amidst all emotions of happiness, surprise, shock and disbelief, I forgot to ask Him about my upcoming exams. Fortunately, I heard His voice in the next street. I went running in search of Him and finally found Him two streets away. I told Him that I had my exams round the corner to which He asked as to which exam I was appearing for. I replied Him that I had my CA (Chartered Accountancy) exam. He told me to see the Sun before I go into the exam hall. He also assured me that I would score well. I took His blessings again and left. As expected, His words came true. I cleared the exam with very good marks but missed a rank which I had aimed and worked for. There is a reason for everything. I strongly believe that with His blessings, I am going to achieve it in the upcoming final exam. Isn’t it wonder of wonders that Baba Himself came to console me and show me His presence, thereby answering my pleadings of seeing Him? He speaking to me in English was a goose bump moment for me.
Dear Sai devotees, we are all blessed to be in in His fold. With Shraddha and Saburi, be rest assured that we will be saved from all calamities by Him. May all of us tread on the right path under His guidance and may our desires be fulfilled. Baba, please help me to achieve the feat this time. You know how much I have worked for this and how important this is to me. Om Sai Ram.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Please do not disclose my name or any details. I have been Sai Baba’s devotee for the last 4 years. There were days where I really got upset on how things turned up and used to blame Baba for not allowing good things in my life. Later realized He always plans things according to your time. When your time is right you get all good fortune. Until then you have to be patient. That’s one of the key lesson I learnt over the past years. Shraddha and Saburi does bring good things in life. It has been so far in my life.
My first experience: I was very unsatisfied with my then job. I really wanted some recognition and respect in what I was doing. There were days where I literally cried for the kind of mess I was going through. I decided to look out for a job change. I attended many interviews but nothing clicked through. By then my days in the then job was getting worse. I had to switch immediately. I was already undergoing vrat on Thursdays for all good things to happen for my family. Every Thursday I used to go to Sai Baba’s temple and pray to Him wholeheartedly. I came across Question and Answer website where Baba answers our queries. I typed in my question asking for my job opportunity. The answer was to donate a fakir near temple whenever I see next.
I know the place very well and I have never seen a fakir nearby. I was confused. I usually go to office through train. The following Thursday, as usual, I got down from train in the station and took the foot over bridge to head to temple. As I was climbing stairs, looking down, I heard a strange sound of someone thudding the floor with big stick. In that buzzing crowd I was able to hear the sound. In that moment I saw a fakir looking straight at me and asking for alms. It took a moment for me to realize what was happening. I immediately took out some money and reached to Him. And then I was never able to see Him, ever. This was truly Baba’s blessing and that I believe He Himself came down and gave me assurance.
Few days later I again went through the Q&A website and this time Baba told that I will be helped by 2 not-so-close-friends. I was worried as to what will happen yet I believed in Baba. I messaged one of my friends from the project, who had left our company for a new one, asking for job openings. He said he will look out and shall pass my resume to his fiancé as well. Few days after this, I got a call from my friend’s fiancé asking me to fill up form online for a job opening in their company. I was overjoyed and blessed to have got an opportunity. With Baba’s grace I landed on that job. I take this opportunity to thank Him for all that He has done so far. I sincerely pray to Him again for wanting of a job. I truly believe that Baba will definitely show me the right path. Please Baba help me and guide me everywhere. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Devotee Archana from India says: I am Archana from Pune, I really want to thank Hetalji and her team for giving this platform to share Baba’s leelas. I am a small devotee of my Sai Maa. In past I have shared couple of experiences, thanks for publishing my earlier experience.
Aum Sai Parabrahmana Namah. There are uncountable experience by my Saimaa , I don’t know which one to share but I would like to share the experience related to my last shared experience, where I got chance to stay in Shirdi for three days as my husband got onsite travel opportunity which was itself a miracle of my Saimaa. As by the blessing of Sai maa my husband was getting frequent travel opportunity to Europe. It was like every month, he was going Europe. As at that time I was keeping Sai vrat and Sai divya pooja, and somewhere I also wanted to go Europe especially Paris as it was my dream destination but I did not ask Baba as I didn’t want to be greedy as Baba already gave me more than I deserve and also my husband’s company shares the travelling details only 10-15 days early and it was a very short duration to apply for my visa as it happened almost five times. So I never forced him for my visa.
But during my last Nav Guruvar vrat my husband’s company updated him before one and half month regarding traveling and the best part was that one of our close friends also agreed for the trip, so by the grace of Baba it was not just Paris, He made us to cover five countries in Europe and His planning is like beyond words. I don’t have words to describe His leelas, I just know His love is unconditional. I just want to thank Him for all the blessings He showered on me. Love You Baba, please take care of Your devotees as You are our Sai Maa Who loves His children always. Sorry for any typo error. Thank you everyone for sharing and reading experiences on this platform. Please surrender yourself to Saimaa He will take care of everything as He knows our past, present and future. So in hard times just start counting the blessings He had on us rather than trying to figure out everything as with Baba’s grace miracles happens everyday. Om Sai Ram!

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am small devotee of Sai Baba from 2013 where He helped me through all my tough phases. I like to narrate beautiful gesture that I experienced from Shirdi Sai Baba in the last couple of days. We were planning to go for a trip to Shirdi, so my husband went to pick my mother, son and cousin from native. When they were returning to Bangalore suddenly our car got struck and was giving some sound and not moving. Luckily due to Baba’s grace there was a mechanic shop near by and my husband gave the car for repair. Mechanic replaced some parts but still he was not sure whether it would be fixed or not. I was literally praying Baba please make them reach home safely and I was writing Baba’s name. I also said to Him that evening I will do special pooja if they reach home safely. Then I made a call to my mother to check the status. My mother told now it was fixed and they started. Tears started rolling down my eyes. My Sai came to rescue when His devotees called Him. There are no words to describe the greatness of Baba. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Devotee Kanya from Malaysia says: Sairam thank You Baba for being with us and making us travel through our lives. Baba has been blessing my family and the recent blessings I had. Want to share with other Sai devotees. 1. My son’s documents were misplaced and I was searching for it frantically and was very much worried if it was lost and the hazel of applying for a duplicate. Here comes Baba’s miracle. I prayed to Baba to show me the file and went home and searched for it and I got it immediately.
2. The house key was misplaced and couldn’t find it anywhere, the moment I prayed to Sairam I got the keys.
3. This is the beautiful gift Baba has given us this year my son cleared his dental final exams which we were so patiently waiting for him to finish his studies, this happened because of Sairam’s blessings. Sai Ram Sai Ram Baba. Please be with us and guide us.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a student in US. My experience with Baba. First I started going to temple. Fortunately I met a girl we spoke to each other and she asked me to do 9 weeks vrat of Sai Baba with lot of faith and hope. I had a lot of problems like graduation and selecting platform for my job. Suddenly I got help from my uncle in the 5th week (I don’t remember exactly). All my problems were solved. Even miracles started happening to my friends when they started doing vrat. Thank You Baba for helping me a lot throughout my path. Whenever I get any problem I will open this website and see all the experiences and fortunately my solution I can find in the experiences. Whenever I have problem Baba will give me a solution. Thank You so much Baba.
Prayers for Today: Baba Please Bless Me – Anonymous Sai Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram..thank you baba,today I completed sai nam japa one lakh sorry for this late,I know I should hav finished it long back…bless all sai devotees baba..forgive us for all the wrong we do….
Thank You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai ram
om sairam, om sairam,om sairam, om sairam,
om sairam, om sairam, om sairam, om sairam,
om sairam.
saimaa, pls help me, i left all my burdens on u, pls handle n resolve them. Pls bless me with good and loving life partner, who will be with me forever and loving me alot. pls takecare of my health and my parents health. pls give me a nice job. Jai sairam..
om sai ram
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
Om sai samarth
Thank you so much Sainath deva for everything
Bolo sri satchidanand samarth sathguru Sainath maharaj ki jai
Jai Sai Ram _/_
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Este excelente site certamente tem todos os informações e fatos queria disto de assunto e
não sabia a quem perguntar.
Dear Devotees i saw Sai Baba in dream today but i didn't understood the meaning of my dream. Please help me devotees to understand its meaning. In the dream i first saw that Baba dressed in orange kafni and white headscarf and dhoti was blessing me by puttig his hand on my head but Baba was crying as well. Then i took Baba's hands in my hands affectionately and Babaji then left thereafter. Then i saw i am having three small statues of Babaji in orange, yellow and grey colour which i am trying to sell. I was thinking in dream that i already have Babaji's statue so i should keep the original one and sell the remaining two. In reality i have a small orange statue of Babaji which i also saw in dream. Also when i tried to sell the statues i could find no one. Please devotees help me to understand it. The dream could help me to understand my situation in waking life.
jai sai ram……..babaji you know i cann't think about life without my husband.i love him a lot and don't wann'a let him go from my life..plz forgive me if i have done any mistakes….love you sai plz make him realize my you sai…..your the only who can help me…
babaji plz do miracle in my life….i cann't live life without saroj………
Saibaba please help me . You know my situation I want good friends, wang to earn money and have good family life. I want to be nice respect others and down to earth. Saibaba you know what I am going through help me get good job, settle in life, shouldn't face any issues to start family and loose weight too. Baba protect my husband and brother and my entire family. Baba bless all my family and Sai devotees with health, wealth, long life and prosperity. Baba I love you heaps want some good friends in life
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Omdairam..feeling alone…and past is eating my head.😣😣😣😔forgive my sins…tc of father snd my brother.
Om Sairam. Thank you baba for help me solve my problem easily.
I am pregnant women and my c-section date fixed on one good day by baba grace. I think my mother in laws family didn't accept that date because of another important function fixed near by that day. I pray to baba please do miracle. Miraculously they accepted that date for my c-section and post pone the function. Thank you so much baba. Baba please do everything was normal. Be with me in my operation. Hold my hand Bava. Take care of Amma baba. Give strength to her and change her mind Baba.omsairam. Anantha koti Brahmanda nayaka rajadi raja yogiraja parabrahma Sri satchidananda samardha sadguru sainath Maharaj ki jaiii.
Om sai nmo namah .
Shree Sai nmo namah
jai jai sai nmo namah
sadgur sai nmo namah
shiridiiiii ssaaaaiiinaaattthhh maharaaaaaaj kiii jjaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiii
om saaiiii rraaaaammmm
om saaaaaaaaaiiiiiii raaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmm
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please protect my family be with them take care of them baba.
A very good evening to all sai devotee.i would like to share a very small sai miracle with you.i am going through a lot of mental and emotional disturbance for the last many months.a month back on my way to the school a thought just arouse in my mind to have a glimps of sai baba….as i was thinking about it i reached my school entrance and when the bus was just about to enter the premises i saw babs picture at the back of a auto rickshaw….my happiness knew no bounds….it is a small incident indeed but i felt as if baba was blessing me and it shows how baba reads our thought and heart and is always with us….after this i have started experiencing many miracles of him and he has saved me many times… with your devotees baba….
Om sai ram