Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from Australia says: Om Sai Ram, I am a small devotee of our beloved Baba. First of all thank you Hetalji for creating this wonderful blog and giving me opportunity to write here. I am not very good in language and writing, it’s our Baba Who is helping me pen down my experiences. I believed Him like any other god in the past, but in April 2014 I got very close to Him and became a devotee.
Like many other people I started worshipping Him in my most difficult days. I was doing a physically demanding job where I had to do some heavy lifting and after few months one morning when I woke up, I had very severe and unbearable pain that started on my upper back, shoulder and neck. I knew it was not normal pain, but still thought I just need some rest and few days off. Even after few treatments with chiropractor and physiotherapy, my pain wasn’t decreasing a bit also. So doctor put me on pain killers and suggested to take anti-depressants to solve my sleeping problems.
I became very frustrated and tensed about all that situation. I was thinking that whether I would ever get out of this pain and situation or not. I was getting depressed day by day and I wasn’t able to do any job either. I used to believe and pray to God in past but due to so many problems and bad situation I faced in the past made me a non-believer (an atheist). But I was reintroduced towards my God, our Sai in these painful phases of my life, and here is how my wife was very much tensed because of my pain and situation.
Once her boss’s father, who is from Malaysia (originally from Andhra) and, an ardent devotee of Shri Sainath, visited the restaurant where my wife is working as a Chef. He talked with my wife and he felt some mental stress on her face, and he inquired about the same. My wife described all that was happening to us and about my health. He said that do you believe in ‘Shirdi’, my wife said ‘do you mean Shirdi Sai Baba’. He replied yes. He said that come to our home we have a beautiful pooja room, come and pray to Baba and write a letter and mention everything that you are facing and pray to him to take those worries away and put that letter at His lotus feet. Leave everything to Baba, He will surely help you. He further said, that many of his family friends and relatives used to come to his home to pray and write letters to Baba and their prayers were answered.
My wife came home and informed about this. I was happy as it gave me some hope. We went to their house and they had one big room dedicated as a pooja room and there were many pictures of Sai Baba and Sathya Sai Baba in the room. We prayed and my wife wrote a letter. After that, out of curiosity I googled about Baba and came across many site including this blog. I came to know about Baba’s sacred Udi, His healing power, His love towards His devotees, saptah Satcharitra parayan etc. That increased my love and faith towards Baba. I wanted Udi from Shirdi and it was difficult to get as I live in Australia. I got to know that a website sends Udi from Shirdi at no cost to the devotees living in different countries, so I filled the form and forgot about it a few days later. After couple of week on a Thursday we received a post containing an Udi packet and a beautiful picture of Baba wearing red clothes, it took few moments to realize that we received this beautiful gift from Baba on a Thursday only, which gave us immense joy as this was our first experience and we believe that Sai has accepted us as His devotees. We put that picture in our puja and I also downloaded Shri Sai Satcharitra from web and print it out.
I started my Saptah parayan in May 2014 on a Thursday and completed on following Wednesday. I didn’t get any indication or experience in this period. After couple of weeks my wife started doing saptah parayan, and on 3rd day she was reading Adhyayam 18-19 (combined one which is the longest adhyay) in our puja room, while I was sitting outside in our hall with my 1 year old daughter. I was thinking so many things regarding my health, job and our present situation at that moment and got angry and depressed about why my health was not improving? Suddenly I felt some blissfulness (parmanand) within me for a few second, I can’t describe it in words but it was like immense inner joy. I was so thrilled and it was over in few seconds. I couldn’t understand what it was as I experienced it for the first time in my life. I wanted that blissfulness again but It remained for a few seconds only. I was still in thinking about that blissfulness and after few minutes my wife came outside after finishing Adhyayam 18-19.
Before I could say anything, she said that few minutes ago she felt something in the pooja room. She said that she could feel some energy within the pooja room and she could feel her body and her head getting heavy, and it was like her head was pushed by some force or energy, and she couldn’t even move her hands because of the heaviness felt on entire body. She didn’t feel pain but she couldn’t read the adhyayam. After a minute or so the heaviness disappeared and she could finish the adhyayam in few minutes later. I was gobsmacked after listening her experience as I felt that blissfulness approximately at the same time as she felt some energy in the puja room. I described my experience to her, and we both were so happy and shocked that how that happened to us at the same time. It was our Baba that came to our house, and blessed us both at the same time and gave me this wonderful blissful experience to show me that your life will be filled with joy and happiness, and you don’t need to worry and get depressed at all. I can say that it was the feeling of “Paramananda” as described in the Satcharitra and it can’t be described in words.
I am so grateful to Baba to give this immensely wonderful experience to His small devotee. He made an atheist to a theist. We encountered many miracles of Baba after this experience, but I will write it later sometime. We are living in Australia for 8.5 years now but we recently have applied for permanent residency for second time as it was rejected when we applied 1 year ago. Baba gave us some experiences and indication regarding PR application, and I have promised Him that we will post that experience ASAP after getting PR. I am sure that Baba will grant our PR in Australia soon, He is just testing our Shraddha and Saburi. I want to request to all the devotees to please pray to Baba for our PR as it is very important for our future. May Baba bless you all with good health and happiness. Shri Ananth Koti Brahmand Nayak, Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parbrahma Shri Satchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jay…!

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram : This experience is about Baba helping me in times of trouble, curing my daughter as the ultimate Doctor of Doctors and saving this to be Fakir from untoward accident. May Baba make me present it well || Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam, Om Shri Shirdi Vasaye Vidmahi, Shri Satchidanandaye Dhimahi Tanno Sai Proachodayat ||
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai : Bow to Shri Sai Saraswathi, Peace be to all. Invoke Baba’s aid to have me write this to be accepted by Baba’s lotus feet. Baba has given me this opportunity to write this today, i.e. on Thursday, 20-04-2017. Right now also, I am going through a travel turmoil wherein I don’t want to travel, Baba please help. Coming back to my 2 experiences (miracles for sure).
With Baba’s grace, we had visited my hometown for the Mundan ceremony of my 6 months old daughter. It was difficult for her as an infant her biological was disturbed, she was at unease and just before the commencement of ceremony, she started crying vehemently. My heart tore at sight of a baby crying that too who is given by Baba to me. But then, Baba sent His agent (As Baba says,”My Powers are vast, My Agents are everywhere”) in the form of my Bhabhi (sister-in-law, my elder cousin’s wife). Her name is Geeta, so she has the motherly touch by Baba’s grace and then my daughter slept peacefully in her lap till the Mundan. The Mundan ceremony was conducted by priests from Mata Gayatri Mandir, Jhalawar, they were quite opposite as opposed to normal priests as they were simple with no desires for materialism. Thank You Baba for making them conduct the ceremony. It was on a Wednesday, also my daughter’s day of birth.
Later on, on Saturday when we were to leave back to my workplace location (Mundra, Gujarat), the journey was again highly inconvenient for Baba’s daughter. Towards the end of journey by road and then on the platform while waiting for the late running train. I had a strong premonition about these as there were no direct flights nor trains on those travel dates. My Parents and I were lullabying my daughter: Namami Sai Dhimahi/Gappo/Aaru/Froggy(Daughter Chenbasappa) on the platform. And then this Froggy(Father Chenbasappa) was saved by Her Ever Might-ful, Mightiest Superman Appa, our Appa, our Baba! And once again Sorry Hetalji as I had bartered Baba that I will share this experience if my Froggy becomes well. It took some time and she finally recovered quickly only and only with Baba’s grace. Om Sai Ram ! Jai Sai Ram !! Jai Jai Sai Ram !! During those times I was praying for all the children in the world, was also remembering and praying for a grandson of fellow Baba devotee, Pushpaji. May Baba bless all His children alike.
Moving on to my second experience with Baba’s grace : Sitting in Baba’s temple, ordered an AC(online by COD) waiting for the same as summers are turgid here, with zero installation charges. Last Sunday, was home with my family, suddenly there was a power trip, we heard a blast and saw lightning fumes and it appeared to me that my LED Television had gone, that very instant Baba made me barter Him yet again. While moving downstairs, got to know that something had tripped and as and soon I called the caretaker, the electricity resumed. During this, one of my neighbours shared that his fan had gone which scared me more (But as Baba says,”Why fear when I am here?”) Baba tests you in times of trouble. Keep up your faith, always remember this! Don’t tell your God, how big your troubles are, Tell your troubles, How BIG YOUR GOD IS !! And, lo behold! My TV was all playing fine which I observed when I entered my home finding my wife Paashi and my daughter : Gappo watching it and enjoying it. Only our Supreme Father knows in your heart what you are going through and turns it in your favour before anyone realizes it. He is always there guarding you and taking care of you and your family. Sai Sai Sai Sai Bolo Hari Om, Shri Satchidananda Satguru Shri Sainath Maharaj ki Jai …!

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of Baba for the past 20 years. I lost my job in the month of July 2016, was jobless for 6 months. I was very worried about my future as I had two teen aged children whose monthly expenses for the family was around 50k. I applied for jobs continuously for 6 months. I was feeling ashamed of myself as I was sitting at home and my colleagues were going to office. I cried several times in front of Baba. I took a loan of around 3.17 lakhs for my daughter’s studies. I need to pay the EMI in time. I was crying and crying and crying several times in front of Baba and my family and children as I was not getting a job. Finally in the February I got a job with a good package. Right now I am staying away from my family but no issues. One needs to sacrifice something for getting something. It was Baba Who has helped me in finding a job. Tears are rolling from my eyes. Believe in Him and your problems will be solved. I have a debt of around 4.0 lakhs that I need to clear but I am sure Baba will help me in clearing that. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Devotee Prachi from India says: I was not a good devotee of Sai Baba but after reading Sai Satcharitra Baba blessed me. And now I have great faith in Sai maa. My fertility treatment was going on. One day I had to go to the doctor for consulting. My husband refused to go with me. I was thinking I had to go alone. When I reached there I was little nervous. Doctor gave me injection at that time I felt little alone. When doctor was giving me injection I looked behind and there was a poster of Sai Baba. Baba had made me realise that I was not alone.
My another my experience was I was praying to Sai Baba and watching continuous Baba’s images and had a great desire to see Baba in my dream. One day I saw in my dream that I was in a temple of Baba and there was a picture of Baba. And the entrance of the temple there was an old man. I was blessed by Baba several times.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetalji thanks for posting my previous 2 experiences. No words to express gratitude for the work you are doing. There are innumerable experiences that we experience by Baba in our daily life. Coming to recent one both my mother and father were affected with typhoid at the same time. Nobody was there to take care of them. As I am working I wasn’t able to go and spend time with them. I prayed to my Sai to please bless them to be fine, if so I will break 11 coconuts nearby Sai temple and will share the experience. The merciful Sai took care of my parents and relived them from fever. Thank You very much Sai nana. Without You there is no life for us. Not only this Baba took care of everything when we were in need. Please be with us and show us the right path and get into more spiritual life. Whenever I forget anything and put somewhere and search for it I won’t find. After praying to my Sai He shows us the path where it was hidden. He takes care of His children at anytime anywhere. Shri Sachidhananda Samartha Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Dhayamayaa My Sai.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam, this is my second post in this blog. In my first post I shared my experience of my 9 Thursday vrat. In this post I shall share something about the previous post. I already shared in first post about rejoining of my college study and I wrote the semester exam without attending class. Now I am very proud to tell this as my Sai Pa child I have passed in all external exams. But due to not attending the internal exams hence I got to reappear. But I had prayed to Sai Pa for external semester exams to pass without any arrear and exactly my Sai pa helped me. I passed in semester exam. I wrote the internal exams in last few weeks. I hope that I will pass definitely. I want to say to all that please believe in Sai pa. He will help you all at anytime and anywhere. Not only for study, pray for anything, He will help to all definitely. I will share my another experience with next post. Sairam.
Prayers for Today: Left With No Place To Go – Sai Devotee Dipesh

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Sai baba helped my family in getting a job for my husband. Thanks baba
O Deva, Thank You for showering Your grace and blessings on us, Your children 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
Om Sai Ram_/_
Om sai samarth
Really amazing miracles thanks for sharing
Please protect us Sainath deva
Please bless us Sainath deva
Thank you so much for everything Sainath
Bolo sri satchidanand samarth sathguru Sainath maharaj ki jai
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om jai sri sainath maharaj ki jai. He is my everything and he is my life. No words to thank him and what can i ask him more than this. He gave me everything i ask for and he always gave me his supported hand in my difficult times. He made my life meaningful. Baba please bless everyone and please be with us always. Om sai ram.
thank you babaji for this beautiful life.
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please baba bless my family be with them take care of them protect them.