Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from Singapore says: Hi, I have been a Baba devotee for many years. Even though to many Baba is the Lord/Guru to me He is my Best friend. He has been guiding me since I was a child, through my ups and downs and I owe Him my life. Love You Baba! I saw Baba as a little girl (a painting) in my cousin’s room, I didn’t know who He was until I completed high school – as many kids, I was also a rebel and didn’t quite believe in God, and spirituality. But when I hit a very hard phase when I turned 23, I felt a need to find peace somewhere. My grandfather was a Sai devotee, and frequented the Sai temple in Singapore. For some reason I decided to go one day, and that’s when the connection happened and it has been the same ever since.
Coming to my experiences, well, it is not in just one way, but in a million ways that Baba has guided me. Let me pen a few of my favourite miracles of the many that happened. I had to go to Bangalore for a concert, and I had never travelled alone with friends (there was a lot of talk of travelling in the car with drinks and having fun). I didn’t feel too safe and I went to Baba’s temple as usual (my favourite place to go to) and asked Baba to guide me and wanted a picture in my wallet before I started the travel. I was about to buy a Baba’s picture in the temple, when a lady randomly popped out of no where and gave me and my father a picture each – this was an unforgettable miracle for me.
Every time I was very confused, I would always get some kind of indication from Baba. But, all devotees, please realize one thing, we pray to Baba to give us what we want at this moment, but Baba will only give what is right for us in the long run. We may not know the reason why our prayer goes unanswered now, but His WILL always be a reason for that. I know it does hurt sometimes, when things don’t fall in place, but I will tell you something – stop asking for things, and keep doing the best you can, completely surrender and tell Baba to give you the best He can . And trust me, He Will!
My second experience is quite discreet as I cannot mention too much about it (as it ties with my personal life). But I would say, the past four years have been extremely rough on me, and sometimes I just felt Baba didn’t guide me through this path. There were definitely times when I felt very low and asked Baba “Why Baba? When will this pain end?” “Don’t You know I am scared?” But I will tell you something my dear devotees, every move that Baba did in the past four years has made me who I am now. A strong, kind, and good person. The path maybe rough, but the destination will only be fruitful. So hold on and Never lose hope in Baba. He will take care and guide His children. Due to some beautiful miracles and His guidance, I was able to start a Facebook Page, called ‘Living Through Sai’, I love drawing, and I decided to do something for Baba all my life using my skills. Without His blessings I would have not been able to accomplish this. Everyday is a miracle with Baba. I love my Sai so much! I cannot explain it through words. Thank You Baba for taking care of me. Jai Sai Ram!

Anonymous Sai Devotee from US says: Dear Sai devotees, first of all I am thanking Hetalji for doing this wonderful job. I live in USA since 2012 with my husband and daughter. Since 2013 we became devotees of Sairam. Baba has done many miracles in our life till now. I am sharing with you all one miracle that how he saved my husband from a major surgery.
In 2008 my husband, before marriage he faced an issue with kidney stones. At that time he was in India and working for an IT company. So he consulted with urologist and he went for laparoscopy. During laparoscopy, doctor found that he had hydronephrosis that is urine is getting reverse back to kidney. So that time he gave an injection and he became normal and started working. After that in 2016 he got backpain. The backpain was after urinating it will come to normal. So we got tensed we checked with our family physician here in USA. From that day onwards till now we all 3 having Udi mixed with water before going to bed. So doctor advised us to check ultra sound scan. In that for our shocking result he said there was presence of some unwanted tissue in kidney. We were worried and prayed to Babaji to get rid of this. To confirm that doctor advised us to take CT scan. With all blessings of Babaji no tissues were found but there was an hydronephrosis in right side of kidney.
So we thought of consulting with urologist. By Babaji’s grace we found a good urologist and he helped us in many ways and for our queries. Babaji saying will be there, “what you sow so shall you reap”. Why I am telling this because of our karma. The only solution for this problem was surgery. My husband underwent endoscopy, again CT scan. For all these they used catheter. I was there with him by handling Sai Satcharitra, Sai108 mantras. I used to read Satcharitra parayan daily 1 chapter. After all tests, doctor asked my husband to next visit to fix a date for surgery. I too was thinking that Babaji’s plan was also doing surgery was the only option. Here comes the experience after consulting with doctor my husband called me and told doctor said that he compared all results of the tests taken, that shows everything normal. Mainly for proper kidney function creatinine level should be normal. For my husband it was normal, so doctor said we did not have the need to do surgery now. This happened because of our beloved Guru, Father, Mother. Everything to us is only Sairam. “Satchidanandha Satguru Sainath Maharajki Jai “

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam to my Sai family. I am a small devotee of my Baba. This is my third post though none of my previous posts has been published here. Anyway by my Baba’s grace today I am going to write my experience here. Thanks a lot Hetal didi and team for the divine work
Coming to my experience, my baby of 5 years suddenly got high temperature before 4 days in the night. I was in the bus travelling to my native which takes 9 hours to reach. I could make out the temperature must be very high as the body was burning hot. I prayed to my Baba, applied Udi. Gave medicine. She slept well but body was still very hot. I was really scared. I was praying hard. Next morning we reached. But the fever was still high. She also complained of stomach pain in the night and again severe in the morning. When I gave her bath she was shivering and didn’t have anything. Fearing for the worst I prayed to Baba to avert the problem. Again applied the Udi and took her to the doctor. He told it was viral and also throat infection and gave medicine. I was relieved. As promised to Baba here I am sharing it here.
Baba, my Sai I am sorry for the delay. Thank You for Your help Baba. Baba I am begging You since long for my father’s health. If You don’t pour Your mercy we will be devastated. Baba You know our problems. Today again he fell down. Sai my father, please save him. We are depending on Your lotus feet completely. This problem has become an enigma. Don’t forsake us Baba. Please make him calm. Thank You for saving him. Please Baba, there should be complete happiness and peace at home. You know everything my Baba. Please make me write that experience again soon. Pranam at Thy feet. Sairam.
Sai Devotee Nihar from India says: I am Nihar, going through tough time, though completed MBA not getting a good job. My hubby also is facing trouble in his job, no secured job. Strange Experience with Baba and I am not able to understand what it means?
I had heard a lot about Baba, I used to have His photo with other Gods, recently started reading articles and Sai Satcharitra. Some days ago the photo went missing while my mom was cleaning the pooja room. We both searched everywhere but in vain. 2 days back I was feeling very low with things happening in my life and cried and prayed to Baba to show me some sign that He is with me atleast the photo. To my surprise I got the photo the same afternoon from the showcase, we had searched there before but didn’t find. I was really happy and my mind got calm. But the very next day my mom she stuck the photo on the wall in the pooja room. She lit a lamp as usual and when to kitchen, by this time somehow the photo came out and it fell on the lamp and got burnt. I am feeling really bad, will something bad happen. Sai please be with me and my family, if anything wrong happened from our side with which You are not happy please forgive us. I trust that You will help us and my wishes will come true with Your grace. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all devotees of Sainath Maharaj. Thanks respected Hetalji and team for this divine service being run by you. I read this blog couple of years back, but over the last few weeks, like so many other devotees, I have started reading this blog regularly. May Sainath Maharaj bless you all. I am a humble devotee of Sai. May He forgive all my mistakes. Though I have cores of ‘miracle experiences’ of Sai, I shall mention the one which occurred yesterday night. I had vowed to post this one.
Yesterday night I had dinner and was watching TV. In sometime, uneasiness crept over me. My stomach started feeling bloated and in a few minutes I was very restless. I started sweating and thought for sure perhaps I would vomit. I started ‘Sai Naam Smaran’ and continued for a few minutes. I said to myself if I feel better I shall post this tomorrow morning on this website. Amazingly as usual the ‘Karuna-Saagar’ Sai’s Grace descended and I started feeling better. The marked uneasiness and bloating sensation vanished and within few minutes I went to sleep. May He shower His choicest blessings upon all of you and keep all of us firmly planted at His lotus feet. Om Sai Ram.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am not a Sai devotee from a very long time. I am facing some problems in my life currently, so one of my friends suggested me to do Sai Baba 9 Thursday Fast. I am doing that and rest is upto Baba. I trust Baba that He will do the best for me.
Dear Sai Devotees, I want your suggestions. I am not a Sai devotee from a very long time. I just got attached to Baba, just a month ago and my trust in Baba is growing day by day. Yesterday while returning from my work, I saw a Sai Baba white marble idol, roadside under an electric pole. It seems to me like abandoned. So just want your suggestions whether should I search that idol today and bring that to home or should I leave it as it was? I also don’t know whether it was in good condition or it was “khandit”. I was on vehicle with my friend and it didn’t come in mind to stop her. I just keep thinking all my way that why and who had placed that idol there. My heart is saying I need to bring that idol and should place it in my small temple. So need your suggestions. Om Sai Ram.
Prayers for Today: Laaz Rakho Baba – Sai Devotee Kailash

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
om sai ram!!! <3
Please get that idol
Om sai samarth
Thank you for everything Sainath deva
Please bless us Sainath deva
Bolo sri satchidanand samarth sathguru Sainath maharaj ki jai
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram. . . . . .
Bihar don't worry Sai is just trying to say… don't need a photograph to worship can worship him from within your Manas sewa… Dont worry…if something bad had to happen you would have never found the pic…but Sai wants you to pray to his nirgun from..that is formless…
Last post reader…if the idol is attracting you towards it then plz get it home with commitment of full sewa ..Diya and devotion….
Dear devotee, I have kept that Idol besides pooja place, as it was Khandit. I thought of doing visrajan. Please give me suggestion should I place it in pooja place or need to do visarjan?
Om Sai Ram
Om sai Ram Sorry for the mistake .Please give the strength to forget baba . Om sai ram
For the last devotee, write your choices in two cord chits..and pot it imprint of baba idol or photo, and then close your eyes and pick a chit..if it says bring it home, then follow your heart and go find it, if the answer is negative, take that as baba's wish and forget about it. Sai Ram!
sai my name is padma.i love you with my heart.please be with us.bless sai maa.
To the last devotee, ask Baba.
O Deva, Thank You for all the joy and happiness 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sai ram @third devotee Nihar. I can be wrong but I think what baba was trying to show you that he has taken your calamity upon you. I do not think it is something bad, as you did see him when you wanted to.
It's correction on of the 10th comment; Baba is indicating that he has taken your calamity upon himself.
Dear last devotee , in my view u can take that idol , feel that if it is ur son/daughter/ some of ur family members got injured so will u leave them? No right? Even i had one phito of baaba in my home which was left outside it was in hot suns and rains after skme days i cant see him like that and bought it in my home it was not in a good condition but still, bcoz it is my baba
Yes, I did that. I bring it home. Actaully it appens 3-4 months back, and I was new to this blog so I was not aware of the rules that our experiences need a time of 2-3 months to get published.
Yeah, next day I brought that home, it was Khandit one,I have kept it besides pooja place, will do a Vsarjan very soon, as here we don not have river.
One more thing I want to mention here that I came in contact to Baba just a month back of receving this Idol. So this incedence was the first miracle that helped me growing my trust in Sai Maa. And now its 8 months and I feel coming under lotus feet of Sai maa is the best thing happend in my life. Om Sai Ram
Dear devotee re burned photo incident. I always say Baba does not give bad omens, I believe he is telling you that your bad times are going. Om Sai Ram.
Dearest devotee re Baba statue under pole. Ask Baba what he wants you to do. Put chits before him. Om Sai Ram.
Thanks for your suggestion. Actaully it happened 3-4 month back. At that time I was new to bolg and was not aware that it will take time toget it publishe. 🙂
Yeah, next day I bring that Idol to home.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Babaji…how many exams i have to go through?…plz plz babaji show me the right way & plz help srijana you sai
om sai ram
Baba.. Please forgive me for all my mistakes and my family mistakes..and bless us all with goodness
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please baba be with my family protect them and take care of them, baba please look after your grandson he needs your help, please be with him baba.
Om SAi RAM…. Baba please protect my husband and children. PLease shower your choicest blessings on my little family and keep them in good health with a long blissful life, filled with happiness, laughter, joy, fitness, wellness, ability, strength, knowledge, love, devotion, peace and prosperity. Baba please take care of hubby he is too much dedicated to work and he may ignore his wellness. Please help him balance his fitness and work. Baba please give him some prestigious projects recognising his hard work and dedication. Baba please bless my kids too and please protect them. Please protect my family from all evil,danger and calamity. The next week we are having Bhajan at home, please make it a good event so everyone is happy and content. Baba help me to start exercise and look and feel good. Help me to do my daily duties silently and bring the best results for the family and at work. Help my mother be in peace and happy. Take care of her health. Help me be in good relations with my mil. Baba help me do the Vaibhav laxmi vrath to please Goddess lakshmiji. I surrender to your holy feet Baba. Help younger get a solution to his surgery. Take care of my family Baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om siddhivinayk namo namah 🙏