Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from Japan says: Om Sai Ram. I am a small devotee of Baba living in Japan. First of all, I would like to thank Hetalji for this wonderful platform. I read Sai Baba’s experiences on this blog every day before going to bed. Sai Baba is very loving and kind. He is always there with us and keeps showering His blessings. Since the year 2008, I have experienced so many miracles of Sai Baba. The ones that I am narrating here are the recent ones.
When we moved to Japan I was very desperate to get a driving license. I got International Driving License made from India but the Japanese RTO didn’t recognise due to some content issues. Given my bad knees condition, it was very important for me to get it ASAP. My husband said that it will be very difficult to get a new license. We were new and with the language barriers, it was difficult to get this work done without the help of consultants. But I took the courage to go to RTO on my own to inquire about the documentation. They gave me a whole list of documents. I prayed to Sai Baba and started arranging the documents from India. It took me 1-2 months to get all the things in order. Since my original driving license was from Rajasthan. I was doubtful if everything will go through properly and RTO will accept my documents. On the day of submitting the documents, I asked Sai Baba on the Q&A website. Baba gave me an answer that “You will receive a picture of Baba and will be convinced of miracles”.
When I was about to leave for the RTO I thought of taking some extra passport and stamp size photos with me. While searching for photos I came across a picture of Sai Baba (which I purchased from Shirdi) in one of the old purses. As soon as I saw that tears rolled down my eyes. I took that picture with me and went for submission of the documents. To my surprise, everything was accepted and they took my eye test and written test that day only. However, the practical driving exam was fixed after one month. I failed my first attempt as it was a very difficult test. Most foreigners fail multiple times. I took another date for my second attempt. Few days before my second test I received a beautiful photo of Sai Baba and Udi by post. I was surprised how I received that? Then I remembered that I had requested for Udi on Sai Baba Sansthan website. It was truly a miracle. Baba’s answer came out to be true. I couldn’t believe it. I went for my test after a few days and I passed it with the blessings of Baba.
My dad was suffering from knee problems. He got his one knee operated a long time back and was not willing to get his another one done. He couldn’t walk properly. We always tried to convince but he was not ready for his operation. This year when I went to meet him, an intuition came to my mind that I should take Sai Baba’s picture for my parents. When I gave it to my Mom I told her to worship Baba’s picture every day. She kept it in her temple. I asked my dad to get his operation done but he refused for two reasons: he didn’t want to be in the bed for 2-3 weeks and didn’t want anyone to spend money on him. After few days when I returned home my brother called me and said that the date of operation was confirmed and dad had agreed. The doctor said that he won’t have to be in bed for more than 4-5 days and also the operation was fully covered under medical insurance so no money would be spent from the pocket. Miraculously, my brother was able to cover my dad’s health under a scheme by his company. I believe that it was all arranged by Sai Baba. He takes care of everyone. Baba is very kind.
My third miracle. A few days back my finger got hurt and was badly swollen. It was a Sunday so I went to the emergency department in a hospital and got it X-rayed. But there was no fracture. I was wearing two rings on that finger. The doctors asked me to pull out my rings otherwise my blood circulation would stop and it would cause further issues. The pain was terrible. A doctor and two nurses tried to pull out the ring with the thread technique but they were not able to do so. They kept struggling for 1.5 hrs. I was crying in pain and after some time I told them to stop the process. I came back home and thought of getting the rings cut. Next day I called my jeweller friend to help me out but she said that I should wait for 1-2 days to see if the swelling goes down. I sat in front of Sai Baba and applied Udi on the finger. To my surprise, my swelling got reduced in just 2 hours. That was the miraculous power of Baba’s Udi. I can keep on narrating my experiences here. Sai Baba is very kind and omnipresent. He takes care of us all the time. I love Sai Baba.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am Sai daughter from India. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram to all lovely Sai devotees. I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba since 2009. Many thanks to Hetalji and her team for maintaining such a wonderful blog, where all Sai devotees can share their experiences and get more strength to get out from their problems. I have posted many experiences on this wonderful site. My life is full of Sai Baba’s miracles. Sai is everything for me. He is always here to protect us and help us. My life is nothing without Him. Today I am going to share my recent experience for which I had promised to Sai Baba to share.
From last 3-4 days my mom was suffering pain due to some small pimples in abdomen. They got red and swelling was there. My mother applied some Udi instead of visiting doctor. When she told me about that I said please go to doctor. She said I applied Udi and I believe it will be cured by Sai Baba. I prayed to Baba for curing my mother from this. Now she is feeling well. Om Sai Ram for helping us.
Sometimes I think I disturb my Baba on silly matters, another second I think because nobody cares for us exceptionally except Him. He is everything for me and I will ask Himself only. Oh Baba please be always with Your stupid daughter. My parents are facing some sewerage problem from more than a month. They were so helpless to get solved that problem because of no knowledge. I was feeling so helpless for not helping them because I was in Bangalore. I prayed to my Saviour Sai Baba for help and promised to post that. Yesterday that problem got solved with the help of other person. Oh Baba Your leelas are unfathomable. We can’t describe them in words, we are so small.
My sister’s husband was suffering from some throat infection. He took so many medicines and also visited many doctor. But was not cured, his condition was so worse he couldn’t speak even. When my mom told about his condition, I prayed to Baba to please help him and I will surely post this experience. Now he is feeling better by Baba’s blessing. Om Sai Ram. Please get him well soon.
I was searching home in Bangalore from last 15 days but no gain. I was really fed up to enquire about home from owners. I got their references from website. These information were not updated. Some of the houses I enquired were rented out and some of them posted with wrong information. I had to finalise it ASAP. I prayed to my God Sai Baba and He helped me to find relevant home with good rent. We are going to finalize in coming Friday. Baba, please guide us to choose best option according to our need and it would be better if there is a Sai Temple nearby that locality. I have a strong intuition that it would happen. Om Sai Ram.
Thanks a lot Baba for everything You gave me in life. I have no words to express my feelings to have You as my God. You know everything. I have left all the things at Your holy feet. Do whatever is good for us. Please help my husband to control his anger and help him to lead a happy and stress free life as he thinks so much. Baba You know the rest about what I want to say. Dear devotees always keep patience and trust on Baba, He always helps us in our problems. There is no need to worry if Baba is with us. As Baba’s golden words “Why fear, I am here”. Thanks for reading my experience and thanks to Baba for giving me chance to pen down Your leelas. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am 29 year old Sai devotee working in an MNC. Om Sairam! I am posted in a public sector company in North India. I have already left my previous company because of the posting location and now again; I got posted in a unwanted location. Everything was new for me and I was depressed and scared. It is difficult for me to adjust to new things easily and I am not very comfortable with making new friends everywhere. People sometimes misunderstand it as arrogance and my face always appeared gloomy to others. I was terrified that I would have to spend other couple of years here. I got sad and asked Baba why is this happening to me again and again? I was not satisfied with my career and wanted to do something which my heart was happy with and gain success.
I am waiting for Baba’s guidance to show me the right path. I wanted to get transfer to my home town but the company generally don’t transfer anyone easily within the first five years of joining. Being a girl and staying away from my family was very depressing for me initially. I had applied for transfer and to my surprise; my superiors had send it for approval. Generally, nobody will agree for it so easily. Sometimes when we don’t get what we wish for, we blame ourselves and our fate but we never know what is there in store for us in the future.
Slowly, I have started realising that this was the best place to work. The working atmosphere, people, and facilities everything were awesome which can’t be found anywhere. I did not face any difficulty, anywhere. People were helping me everywhere as if sent by Baba. Although I don’t deserve Him, Baba’s blessings have never left me. Now, I started liking here within the last one year. Today, I have seen the Q&A site and it said that I need to be at my workplace immediately. I will receive a letter. I thought that I have received it few times earlier also, nothing major happened. But within the next few hours, I got a mail stating that my transfer was approved which was very rare. They had a requirement there and they posted me. Now, I am feeling a bit scared to get adjusted to the new place again as people are saying that the wok pressure and facilities are not great there but Baba will be there to remove all difficulties and give me happiness. I pray to Baba that my wish for transfer does not land me into troubles. I prayed to Him to do whatever is good for me and makes me happy. I received the letter and I believe it was Baba’s plan for me. Now, the main issue is to get settled happily in my career at my hometown and get married happily. There is one biggest problem only Baba can understand and I hope He gives me His blessings soon. I am not satisfied with my career and wanted to do something which my heart is happy with and gain success. I am waiting for Baba’s guidance to show me the right path. I am already near 30 years and still not married. Being a girl, it is even more difficult for me and my parents. Baba! please help me and bless me with a life partner who gives me love, respect and happiness. I wanted to visit Shirdi with him and come to Your darshan.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from Singapore says: Om Sai Ram I want to take this opportunity here to thank my Sai Baba. It has been Him Who has always listened to my countless prayers. I have been always just asking and asking from Him and He has been giving. I am a Sai devotee from past 11 years. This experience is a very close one for me.
I have a son and wanted a second child a daughter but my husband was never interested in having a second baby. I used to crave a lot for a baby girl and share my sorrow with my Sai when alone and whenever I did this always I heard him talking to me that one day surely you will get a baby girl and also telling me few things about how she is going to be. But I felt this all was imaginary and my illusion as it was just next to impossible as my husband was very clear and determined person, so he won’t change his decision no matter what. But little did I realise the powers of my Sai Who turns impossible into possible anytime easily.
One day we took our son to our family doctor and there I just casually started this topic that my son has become very sensitive and touchy and cries over any little thing. Then the doctor whom we both really respect and admire so much just started off that it was all happening because he is a single child and there are many issues which single child faces now and also later in life. I told him my hubby does not want another and the doctor really explained him that no it was really important to have two kids. Yes that was the day when my hubby really gave in and himself realised for first time that two kids are important. We decided to give a try and the very first chance I conceived it was like Sai had planned everything well in advance. Now I was like asking Baba to bless me with a girl and all the time I was getting this assurance from him that yes it was a girl only.
The day the baby was to be born was also indicated to me by my Sai Baba well in advance. He told me the date when she would be born much before about which I only knew but still I didn’t believe it and thought it to be an illusion of my mind but later that was only the date when my girl came in this world. When she was born there were some issues in the passage of the pipe which doctors put through the nose to check for breathing problems. I was shattered and prayed to my Baba again that You can’t do this to me after giving me such a wonderful gift and just within 10 minutes the doctor came and told me that the pipe could not go into the nose of baby. I was so relieved. This all was my journey to getting this beautiful gift from my Sai and yes one more thing just before conceiving I asked on the question and answers site of Baba that why I am feeling so anxious and the answer came “Something really beautiful is going to happen with you”. Thanks Baba for being always there. You are my everything just always hold on to Your daughter like this only always and forgive me for my mistakes. I love You Baba. Call me to Shirdi soon with my family Baba. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: This is a very great blog. It helps to increase my faith and confidence whenever I feel low. Nowadays I am going through a difficult time as my husband’s health is not good. We have done all our best to improve his health but all in vain. Few days back some tests were done and the reports were normal. I had promised my Sai that I’ll share this experience so I am writing here.
But still there is not much improvement in his health. I am giving him Udi in water but I don’t know why my Sai is not listening to my prayers. Here in this blog itself I promise my Sai that I share my next experience if He completely cures my husband. Om Sairam I know this is my testing period. Om Sai.
Anonymous Sai Devotee from US says: I am living in USA for last 45 years married and Baba came to my life 10 years ago. I wanted Udi and He came to my house in form of picture which I worship now. Baba is everything to me.
I was reading yesterday one of the experiences of devotees. She had the same anxiety problem as I was having and she prayed to Baba that if You fix it I will write my experience, I thought of doing the same and said Baba if You fix mine I will write my experience. With Baba’s blessings I have not had any anxiety at all today which I usually have in a day, couple of times sometimes. Thank You Baba You are my everything. Love You Baba.
Prayers for Today: Sai Please Solve This Puzzle – Anonymous Sai Devotee

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Thank You O Deva for accepting us and bringing us into Your fold. Thank You O Sadguru for blessing us and being with us everywhere we go. Thank You for all Your sweet miracles O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
om sai ram
Sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram sai ram
Omsairam…is caste that much important…people give a lot of importance to it….i feel very lonely baba..nobody talks with me ….they just use me for their work…..
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo, Kripa Karo
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
Om sai samarth
Please protect us Sainath deva
Thank you very much Sainath for everything
Bolo sri satchidanand samarth sathguru Sainath maharaj ki jai
Jai Sai Ram_/_
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
Om sairam
Om sairam
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba ji, please protect my family take care of them be with them baba.