Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Came Into My Life

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of our Sai Samarth. I am glad to be a part of this huge Sai family and my humble pranams to all those who have made this website an integral part of their life. Every experience I read draws me closer to our Sai, and helps me to remember Him constantly.

Om Sree Sainathaya Namaha! I do not remember when I was introduced to Sai for the first time, but it happened many years back. I was not an ardent follower of Sai, my mind filled with its ignorance did not have the capability to understand Sai’s glory or maybe I was not ready as per Sai’s requirements. Even in that bleak period, I was fortunate to visit Shirdi though. Coming to my experience, I had to resign from my job post my delivery due to various reasons and when I was ready to join the work force, I was not getting interview calls. It was a very bleak period, I was feeling very disappointed and almost on the verge of developing depression.

One day I just felt like visiting Sai temple and my husband knowing my state of mind immediately agreed to accompany me. I did not have any miraculous experience there but one huge change happened. From then on I always kept remembering Sai. I came across this site; I bought Satcharitra and started reading it. I started becoming more positive and somehow found courage and patience to face failure even after that. I started my Nav Guruvar vrath and towards 6th week, I did receive a couple of interview calls. The initial ones I was not able to clear though I put in 100% effort into it. (Now I realize I didn’t clear because they were not in my best interest). Then in my 7th week, I got a call from a reputed company and there were multiple rounds but Sai Gurukripa, I was able to successfully sail through them all. I am writing this with my offer letter in hand, oh Deva after long I slept with a calm and relaxed mind and all this happened only after You showered Your grace on me. Deva please continue to be with me, my family and with everyone who remembers You. You are the only anchor during grief. You are the only one who can navigate us through the storm in life. Please bless me so that I can continue to chant Your name through periods of happiness or sadness. Deva show another mercy and please give me also darshan in my dream, I have been longing for it for quite some time. Deva, I have planned a trip to Shirdi with my family, bestow Your grace and pull us near You. Sarva Kashtho Bhayan Muktho Sainatha Gurukripa Shirdi Vasaya Vidmahe Satchidanandaya Deemahe , Thanno Sai Prachodhayath

P.S. The twist in the story is, I penned this experience down even before this experience actually happened to me and it miraculously happened verbatim. Thanks to our Sai, Who knows the innermost desires of His children and never fails to bless us all.

Baba Helped My Daughter In New York

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Gowri Oberoi from India says: I have been close to Baba since I was one and a half years old through my parents who are staunch devotees of Shirdi.

Hetal ji you know me. I am part of Mahaparayan and have one complete group with people from India and I am helping form two other groups; one of devotees from US and other of Indian devotees along with Kanika Sahdev. Pooja and you are truly blessed angels of Baba. I am sure with Baba’s blessings soon the groups would be complete. Wish to share my experience. Sorry it’s a bit long.

Just this morning, 27th August, 2017, we returned after settling my daughter in New York where she would be doing a post graduate associates degree for two years. We had taken for her a shared accommodation within the college campus and upon reaching the residence building on 20th August, we found that though the accommodation was good, we had some major issues with the roommate. My husband and daughter fixed an appointment for the next day, 21st August, to speak to the authorities to change the room or allot her a single room. I knew Baba was testing me so decided to stay at the hotel room and pray while they talked to the manager. I prayed continuously for 3 hours and cried and pleaded to Baba to give my daughter what He felt was best and make her comfortable and happy. My daughter and husband returned disturbed saying that authorities said that single room was impossible to get but they would try to see if they could shift her to another double room but it may take at least two weeks. My husband was also worried as we were to return to India in 5 days! I had faith in my prayer and said Baba will do the best though my mind was wavering. But my heart was at peace as I had surrendered my problems completely to Sai and Sai Maa has always answered my prayers with the best results.

On the 22nd August, they both again went to speak to the manager and asked if he had any good news and yes he had! Wonder of wonders! He had found a Single Room for her that too in less than 24 hours! All of us were so, so happy and then realised the power of Baba’s kindness and how He made the impossible possible! Thanked Sai a million times with our hearts and shifted Sanchi to the new room which was very comfortable and in the best location with all amenities close by. Thank You once again Baba for always running to the rescue of those who call for You. It gives me great pleasure to share with other devotees my experience. Thanks to you once again Hetalji

How Baba Came To My House

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from Australia says: Dear Hetalji, this is my first post on your blog. Thank you so much for creating such a great platform for sharing Baba’s miracles.

Hi all, I live in Australia and I would like to share an experience which I had few days back. I went to Sai Baba Temple, Strathfield, Sydney which is nearby our place on one Thursday. On that day I wanted to buy a Baba idol, so I asked for Baba idol near the counter where they sell Baba idols. They said nowa days they were not selling idols in that temple and they said to go to another Baba temple which was far from our place and they said if possible they would get it next week. I said okay, but in my heart I wanted it that day only. After sometime they asked me to wait and said they would check and let me know. I waited for sometime.

Meanwhile everyone was doing namaskar at Baba’s feet and it was going to be very late around 9 p.m. If I get late I would not have buses and I was little worried about it but somehow I wanted to take Baba home that day itself. Then I saw my husband’s friend, I thought atleast he was there and he would drop me home if I got late. But he also left after sometime. I never knew that in that temple we can touch the main idol and put namaskar to the main idol after Shej Aarathi. I never went that time before, I felt very blessed that I could touch the main Baba idol and take blessings, the moment I touched the main idol and stood, the lady stood behind me with Baba’s idol. I was very happy and felt very blessed. And then it was very late for me to go by bus. Baba doesn’t trouble His children. The lady who had given me the idol asked one devotee to drop me near my house, and she dropped me at my house. That’s how Baba came to my house by car. Baba’s love is like Father’s love, will He allow His child to go late night alone?

Going to Baba’s temple is like going to Mom’s place, we are relieved of all our tensions by telling Baba. And this happened on Thursday and to my great surprise on Saturday when I called my mother-in-law who doesn’t know much about Baba, but believes that He is also a God, like all other Gods had a dream in day time (in afternoon) in which Baba came to our house in village and stood in front of her and she could see clearly from head to toe. In Australia He came to our house in the form of idol and to our house in village in India He came like this. Felt like Baba saying “There is no difference if I come or my photo/ idol comes”. And the thing is my mother-in-law was not aware that I bought Baba idol to our house. When my mother-in-law was saying all this, tears rolled out of my eyes out of happiness. Thank You very much Baba Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

Sai Always Listens To His Child’s Prayers

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Again it is Baba’s grace and blessings letting this daughter of His to share another experience on this blog. Bow to Shree Sai. This is my fourth experience on this blog. Baba please be with me and guide me in writing this short wish of mine which happened because of Your grace. Hetalji and team, words fail before your service and sure Baba will bless you all for this wonderful blog which brings us close to Baba each day after reading His leelas mentioned here. I am happy that I am also a part of Sai family and let Baba be with all His children. Om Sai.

I prayed Baba to bestow me good marks in some test and I prayed to Him if the desired marks were obtained then definitely I would share my experiences and no doubt the same marks were obtained with His grace and He has helped me to type His leela in the form of a experience here on this blog. I knew only something about that I undertook and it was purely Baba Who helped me to get the desired marks because I know my preparations and completing the entire paper was only His grace and no other miracle other than Sai Who listened even my small prayers and helped me to get what I wanted.

Sai devotees this is a small thing but I want all of you to note only one thing that let the desire or prayer be small or big just believe that Sai listens each and every word of His children and He is sure to uplift you. It may take time but believe my words He is sure to bless you one day. It may take time but it is for sure. There are many problems, many heartbreak and many sufferings but once you start believing Sai, everything will change and there will be a positive turn in life someday. I know sometimes we cry before Baba, we scold Him. We may even feel Baba is not there for us but never ever leave Him because He knows when to give and what to give. Have faith and patience. Sai is seeing us. He is listening to us and He is protecting us. Tell Sai naam and read His leelas. You will find a new path in your life and that will be the blessed way of all ways in our life. Stay calm and everything will change with Baba’s grace. Om Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.

My Experience With Sai

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of Sai Baba and love Him from the bottom of my heart. When I was in class 9 I got to know His love for His devotees. There from something came in my mind that I started doing His prayers and even started doing Sai fasts. Everytime Baba was there with me. It feels He is my grandfather. I love Him so much.

My experience might not be a big for someone but for me it matters a lot. Thus I want to share it with you all. I am a CS student in Delhi. I gave my December 2016 attempt. While I was preparing for exams I was so nervous because the subject of fear for me was company law. When exams started, I gave my first exam, and then second and both were good. And 3rd was company law. I was nervous and I had to clear CS executive group 1 in that attempt only. Then when it was exam day and I was giving exam I attempted only of 52-53 marks. I got more scared because for making aggregate I need more marks in company law and ECL and my ECL exam was also ok. I got frightened and I prayed Baba to pass me. And when result came I had passed. I got 50 marks in company law which was unbelievable as in law it cannot be possible to score full marks in each answers and I got literally surprised after seeing this miracle. It was a clear miracle. With Baba’s grace anything can be possible. He loves His devotees so much. This time for CS executive group 2, I was confident that I will pass as I had also worked very hard but this time I could not pass. I have given request for revaluation and this time also I am 100000. % sure that miracle will happen and I will pass with Baba’s grace. Baba will definitely pass me as He knows I had worked hard and He promised me through a slip which says ‘yes’. Waiting for the results and miracle Baba. Love You so much Baba. Om Sairam, Jai Mata Di.

With Sai Achieved Almost Impossible Thing In My Life

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Shweta from India says: I am blessed by Baba. With Sai Achieved Almost Impossible Thing In My Life

I am a great believer of Sai Baba. Because of Sai Baba blessings, I have overcome various problems of my life. Once I visited Shirdi and prayed to Him that please Baba, help me to qualify an exam. Even I was not sure of cracking that exam, although I was good at studies but was not having the confidence. But when the result was announced, I was greatly surprised. Then I called my Dad and started crying, tears came out of my eyes that near to impossible thing had been given by Baba to me as a gift. So I must say that He listens each and every prayer of us, but we must keep faith in Him, till the end. Whatever He does to us, is good for us.

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© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Om sairam…baba pranam,baba please save me and my name in this situation..u know who is right and who is sai ram.if I have done any mistakes knowingly unknowingly,please forgive deva…om sai ram

  2. Jai sai ram..babaji you know everything about me & plz listen to my prayer..if i have done any mistakes ..plz forgive me the right path & guide me..baba why didn't you protect that poor lady??

  3. My father mobile switched off automatically lots of storage issues.. didn't update any apps ..I prayed baba to help me after that phone runs smoothly..thank you SAIRAM ..OM sai sri sai jaya jaya sai..

  4. Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them and take care of them baba, I don't have any one other then you to take care, please forgive my mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly baba, please help my husband clear his exams and help him settle in his profession, please help me get a full time job baba, please help my husband with his anger issue, kids are getting scared with his anger baba, please let me be at your lotus feet till my last breath baba.

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