Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from UAE says: My Koti Koti Pranam to my Sai Baba Who is my everything. I begin to share my experiences but before that I would like to appreciate the efforts taken by the admin team every time by providing this platform to uplift all the Sai devotees by sharing their beliefs and bringing us more closer to Sai Baba. I would like to share three experiences of mine. Thanking all the devotees who are reading our experiences and praying to Baba to bless all His devotees.
Experience 1 My husband had gifted me and my daughter both diamond ear rings and one day when I was looking for my daughter’s earring we could not find it. I searched the whole house and we also shifted our house and still during all these process we did not find it. When I had asked Baba in Baba answers site it was a positive answer and so I couldn’t believe that I was not finding the earring “. But can you believe that I found the earring after one and half year and trust me I had searched all the bags also and found it in one of the bags. Baba’s words are always true and what He says always happens was shown in this miracle.
Second experience: I work with children with special needs and I had to pass an exam which was very important for me as I get the license to practice, if I pass the exam. This exam was very tricky and tough. I’m 43 and as I have not been in touch with books and studying was difficult for me, I was very nervous about the exam. Whenever I would ask Baba on question answer site Baba always gave me message that you will achieve success and always showed Himself coming in green vastra which I believed was a green signal for me that Baba was showing me success. Finally on the day of exam also before I could enter the hall I was looking for Baba to show me a green signal and Baba surely makes His children happy and that’s what happened to me also. Before my exam I just opened my phone and saw there was a picture of Baba with green dress and that gave me the confidence that I was sure to pass exam. Although the exam was very tough I passed the exam and I can’t thank my Sai Baba enough for this blessing on me.
Third experience Third miracle is related to my daughter’s exam. She had her board exams for 11th grade and these marks are most important for her University. Her wish and goal is to be a Veterinarian. In the beginning of the year she was not doing that well in her studies although she had the calibre to do it. I used to pray to Baba to give her good focus and help her study well. I did Satcharitra saptah reading, did abhishek for Baba, 5 diya puja for a week, read Pothi, Dasganu Maharaj Ki Stavana Manjari and also completed 21 weeks if divya Sai vrath. All these prayers made my belief stronger and my daughter was improving and being confident day by day. My Baba blessed my daughter with excellent results. I had taken pens to Shirdi and got the blessings of Baba and my daughter wrote her exam with those pens. How could one fail when Baba had blessed it. I cannot thank Baba enough for His miracles. Just while I was writing these miracles I took a break as I was searching for my degree certificate for my job’s purpose and again found everything else required but not my certificate. I kept 11 dirhams in front of Baba and prayed to my Sai to help me find it and once again Baba proved His miracle in just five minutes I found my certificate. I would like to thank all of you for reading my experiences. I know it’s a long one but had promised Baba that I would put all of them together. May Sai Baba shower His blessings on all of you and fulfil all Your wishes. Trust in Baba and surrender completely to Him.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from US says: The incident relates to a recent experience during an adventurous white-water rafting trip with family.
Our family decided to meet in Calgary, Canada for a weeklong vacation. On the penultimate day of this trip I had arranged for white water raft with one of the tour companies in Calgary. I got the tickets through Groupon. Everything went fine. They gave us all the necessary instructions and also provided us with wet suit (to bear the frigid waters, yes even in the month of Aug). The party consisted of me, my sister and her daughter 10 years of age. They had never been on a raft trip before. I had done this twice in California and was quite comfortable with it. During the intro sessions my sister got scared and I pooh poohed her for her lack of faith and letting fear overcome her faith. She is a staunch Satya Sai devotee from many years and having studied in their girl’s school at Anantapur. I was initially devoted to Satya Sai but later started rationalizing many of the miracles and experiences so gradually that I weaned away. However I remained Shirdi Sai devotee, though not staunch, with wavering degrees of belief.
Coming back to the raft trip: We embarked on the raft after the customary photo op. I was on one side of the ledge while my sister on the opposite side. Her daughter was seated in the centre. First couple of minutes were good practise and then came the first rapid. It was a class 3 rapid. The raft bounced so hard that 3 of the members from our group of 8 were thrown off the raft. I was one of them. I was submerged for about 5-10 sec. I surfaced about 100 ft from the raft Because of the force of river currents. I was swept away further downstream. I lost my glasses and also the helmet. Luckily I did not bang my head against the rocks. I tried to stand up but the current kept dragging me away. Then I found a footing against a rock and wedged my foot in between. The other kid who was thrown overboard grabbed onto me for support. We waited for help. It arrived in 3 minutes. They threw a lifeline but it was difficult to hold onto to it due to the current. With great difficulty we both managed to reach the shore. I met my sister and her daughter at the raft which was now banked. We decided not to continue with rafting. And we drove back home. I was thankful to be saved. It was my first experience with the brush of death. I was shaken to the core. It’s been couple of days now and I still wake up in the middle of the night thinking about it. It could’ve been worse. Had it been my niece who was thrown overboard, I didn’t know what I would have done? She was luckily seated inside. This thought is harrowing which is causing sleepless nights for me. I was proud about my rational outlook on life but this taught me humility. That night I stumbled on this blog website. And I have been reading one experience each night to put my mind at ease. This horrifying experience has recharged my faith in Sai. I hope I will be overdone this traumatic experience in due course with Baba’s blessings.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thank You Baba for everything. This is my 6th post. Baba has always shown His presence. I don’t have words how and what should I express. There are so many Things. Only I can say is Thank You Sai Maa. Dear devotees never lose faith on Sai Baba. Baba makes you wait for the right time.
Now to my experience I was jobless for almost for 1.5years. I used to get call for interview but could not get right place to work. But finally on 17th August i.e. Thursday I got my new job as per my wish. Koti Koti thank You Sai Baba. Really thank You.
I have cried day and night for job. I used to wonder why Baba is testing me so much. I used to get angry on Baba at times. But again Baba used to make His positive presence. Thank You Maa love You. I can’t imagine my life without Sai Maa. Many miracles You have done in my life Maa. Baba please, please I have one wish, I want to get married to my love only. Please, please Baba there are many problems in our life. Please solve them. I promise if my dreams come true, I will post my experience. Please Maa. Let my love get job and let our marriage happen. As my family are strongly opposed to our marriage and they are looking for other guy for me to get married. But I want to marry to my love only. You know Baba through what all phases we have gone. No one was there for us, leaving my Sai maa. Thank You as You took care of me in my difficult situation Maa. Thank You. Remembering those days is too painful Maa. You have made my pain less. Request you to make end of my pains Maa. Have kept Saburi and Shraddha but now Maa the situation is too difficult Maa and I don’t have time near me to keep Saburi. Please make a miracle Maa. Let my love get a job soon Maa. Please I beg You Maa. Thank You love You Maa. Om Sainathay Namah. Om Sairam.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Gagan from India says: Sai Ram to all the devotees. Thank you Hetal ji for this amazing platform where a devotee’s faith increases after going through this blog. This is Gagan from Bhubaneswar.
Few days back while watching television, we heard a sound in our balcony. When we reached there it was our 1 month old kitten who fell down accidentally. Tears came out of my eyes. I thought she won’t survive because we live on the 3rd floor. She was in a very critical condition but she was still breathing. I immediately took her to the nearest veterinary hospital. All the way I was chanting Baba’s name. I was praying Him to please save her. Doctor gave her 3 injections. After coming home I prayed to Sai Baba and applied Udi to her entire body. Miracles of miracle happened. One day after it she started moving her legs but wasn’t able to walk properly. I thought maybe she fractured her bones. Doctor said they can’t do operation because she was just 1 month old. I prayed to Sai Baba that please Baba she is also Your child, please don’t give her pain. I again applied Udi to her. She showed some signs of improvement and after a week now she is walking properly. Can you believe this? She fell from 3rd floor and still breathing, still walking like she used to do before. All this seems impossible but as we know if you leave everything thing to Sai Baba then nothing is impossible. Koti koti pranam to shree Sai Baba for giving her a new life. Ananta Koti Brhamanda Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shree Satchitananda Sadguru Sai Nath Mahara Ki Jay.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all devotees. Each and every day of my life is gift from Sai Maa. My day starts and ends with chanting His sweet name. Thank You Hetal ji and team for doing this selfless noble work. Baba selected you to continue the work of Hemadpant. You must be very blessed.
Coming to my experience, before Ganesh Chaturthi I went to Baba’s temple and invited Baba to come home for festival and have prasadam. After that I’d attended evening aarti and left to home. Next morning we were arranging fruits and Prasadam in front of Ganesh ji and did pooja. I totally forgot that I’ve invited Baba to come home. We got Prasadam for ourselves and started eating. While eating someone rang the doorbell. Dad went to see and it was a known person of dad who came for job. I was eating and suddenly dad called me and said to get prasadam for him. Then the request I made to Sai Maa flashed on my mind and I was feeling excited. I got Prasadam and handed it to him. Then my dad introduced me to him saying his name is Basha and he will join in duty from Sep 1st onwards. After knowing his name I got more excited that Baba had come in the form of that person. After sometime I again took a glass of water and ran to give it to him. He was the only person who visited our home that day. I felt so satisfied and happy that day. Baba please bless everyone. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: This is my fifth experience by Sai Baba’s grace. My life is full of Baba’s miracle. Every time when I am in need, Baba is always there to hold my hand and help me. Thank you so much Hetalji for creating this wonderful site.
I dropped my company laptop, it got cracked. I prayed Baba that if my company people didn’t say any word on this, I would post the experience. Baba helped me and they didn’t say any word and I need to apply glue on it. Thanks a lot Baba. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.
Prayers for Today: Seeking Your Blessings Baba – Anonymous Sai Devotee
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© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
O Deva, be with us as we begin a new week and help us succeed in our endeavours please.
Jai Sairam
Aum Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha.
Aum Sri SaiRam.Aum Sri Sai Ram.
Dearest Gagan Ji Such kindness for one of God’s creatures. God bless you with peace always and your family. Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Please baba please show some positive sign for this course which I'm going to join
In the first comment..what is the 5 diya puja process. Can you tell me
Om sai ram
Thank you Baba for guiding me and showing the correct path.
Without you I wouldn't have pass the test.
Thank you for everything, Sai.
om sai ram i am reading sai satcharita in english.i suffered tension and anxitey. i took use off i suffered very much.i started satcharita i got pease of mind.two months i felt i felt very happy.sai please be with me.i got mental peace.
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them and take care of them baba, I don't have any one other then you to go, please forgive my mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly baba, please help my husband clear his exams and settle in his profession baba, please help me get a full time job baba, please let me be at your lotus feet baba till my last breath.