Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Dear devotees I am a Sai Bhakt for close to 10 years. Sai Baba has done so many miracles in my life. He is the God of this Kalyug. He is the One God Who will reinforce your belief in supernatural power existing beyond us. He is the One God Who will come to your rescue when you call Him. I have posted innumerable number of experiences online. I am here to post another miracle by Him. This may sound simple to devotees who read it. But people who have experienced Baba’s miracle know that His Bhakt takes His name even for the smallest job to be done successfully and this keeps us close to Baba always.
I stay in US and am pregnant. I had called my parents to come here to help me during my delivery time. My parents are retired and primarily depend on their FD interest for their monthly expenses. It so happened that my father had one of his FDs which was due in November and after that he had plans of moving the money to post office as the interest rate is better there. But since they would be coming here to US and the bank does not provide means to access it online we had to do it before coming here by breaking the FD. I was not too happy about it as they would lose part of their interest, which was their main source of income. So I proposed an idea, that I would pay the principal amount to my father and he can simultaneously make the post office FD and later pay me the amount.
My father accepted to it. But I was not sure how my husband would react to this idea. So I prayed to Baba to make my husband accept this transaction without much fuss or compulsion and by Baba’s grace my husband immediately accepted to that idea. Now the problem was to collect this amount from my various bank accounts in India. For one of the banks I had never used the internet banking and it always used to give me an error when I tried. But I had never bothered much as I rarely use that bank account for my expenses. Now I had to pull out a part of the money from that bank account and it was essential to finish off the transaction the same day as only then my father would be able to deposit the amount in post office and do the necessary formality before coming to USA. So I took Deva’s Name and asked Him to show mercy on me and let me help my dad as my dad has never expected financial help from us and this was my way to help him. By Deva’s grace the entire transaction went through smoothly. And the internet banking which used to always give an error worked perfectly fine and I was able to send the money to my dad on time. He was also able to make the deposit. Thus Baba helped me. I had promised that I would share my experience and here it goes. Always believe in Him. Om Sai Ram. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Sai Natharpanamasthu Shubam Bhavathu. I Praying To Baba To Post One More Experience.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi, I am a Sai devotee for years but my devotion increased once I got in touch with this website since Dec 2016 and now I’m hopeful about my future too. I have so many experiences, I made a list and I’m going to share a couple of them at a time.
Sai Baba saved from something really terrible, I can’t tell you what it is but it’s one of the worst dream of my life, and I hope with Baba’s grace I will get rid of this trouble forever. I didn’t obey Baba and also I read a book “Miracles OF Your Mind” by Joseph Murray which says that its faith what makes desirable things happen and I thought yeah maybe that’s why I’m getting saved every day, maybe it’s my faith and my sub-conscience mind what’s saving me and not Baba. I just got this thought and I apologised. I’m sorry but I can’t control my thinking even if I want to, it’s something with my life that makes me think a lot, so I’m sorry Sai.I had and have faith on Baba but maybe Baba wanted to show me that’s Him Who’s saving me.
I also did treat my father a little angrily; here I want to clarify that I’m not that type of person who treats others badly but my house condition is way too worse to survive; one of the reason is my father being too arrogant and sometimes I get angry too.
Coming to my experience the very next day i.e. Tuesday that thing happened that bad dream came to reality and I was scared like hell seriously it’s too bad to be in situation like that but all of a sudden one of the guys I just barely talk to handle the situation very comfortably like he knew my secret already and saved from getting it revealed. I don’t know what he said but everything was normal the very next moment. I can’t explain the situation I was in but it could have gone worse and life-threatening too and I might have committed suicide (that secret not my fault I didn’t do anything wrong but still have to suffer), so it was just a sign that I should obey Him and He’s the one who’s saving me, and one more thing I disobeyed Sai and did something He didn’t want me to do, and I even got signs from Him but still continued. So I got this warning from Sai. So dear devotees please have faith and wait patiently. Be good and do good and your progress will be fast. And please don’t hurt anyone.

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Thanks Hetal ji for spreading Baba’s Leelas. I am a small devotee of Sai Baba, who makes mistakes and Baba forgives like a father. I had many experiences and blessings from Baba. Without Him, I am nothing, He has given me so much which I may not deserve. Let me tell you my recent experience. I started Nav Guruvar Vrat for my son’s studies since he was facing some issues. I told Baba I will continue Nav Guruvar Vrat until my son finishes his graduation instead of concluding the Vrat in 9 weeks. In times I was worried if I am doing a right thing or not but I was given directions that Baba was guiding me, without His wish we cannot do anything. Finally my son finished his undergrad with Baba’s blessings and I was wondering how I can conclude the Vrat. Wonder of wonders Baba came to our house as part of Paduka Yatra to conclude the Vrat & blessed us. Baba blessed my son with a job. Please keep faith and patience and Baba will bless us with what we deserve.
Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Thanks to Hetal ji and all team members who worked for this page to provide us such a beautiful and useful page to Sai Baba devotees. My daughter is Baba’s gift to me. She was one month and she suffered with heavy cold. She wasn’t able to breathe because of cold. One night she cried a lot with stomach pain. I prayed to Baba to please cure His child from cold and stomach pain and promised that I will share my experience in this page with Sai devotees. Within one hour she calm down and was relaxed from stomach pain. Slowly she was relieved from cold also. Thank You Baba. Take care of Your child Baba. Be with Your children always. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sai Sister Meghna from India says: Thank you hetal ji for creating such a beautiful website. I am regularly following this website by reading devotees’ experience, I got answer for my question. I am a software engineer working as a web developer. By the inspiration of this website, I wanted to create a website for our temple so that our temple people can share event images and their experiences. Now we are sharing our experiences in whatsapp group. By the inspiration of my friend today I purchased a domain name and hosting is also done. Please Baba help me to build a wonderful website. I will share my another experience once website is completed. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a humble devotee of Shiridi Sai Baba since childhood years but became more devoted since recent years. Since a couple of days, my husband has noticed twitching on left arm muscles continuously which is sign of muscle weakness. He is only 61 and this could mean early Motor Neuron Disease. So I was very scared. I promised Sai Maa that I would put Udi on affected limb and if disease disappeared today would post and it happened like that. Om Sai Ram. Jai Sri Sai Baba Ki Jai.
Hanuman Jayanti Special Post: Hanuman Chalisa – The Longest Garland
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© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai Ram. All are very heart touching experiences. Please sai baba change this situation, do some miracle as you always helped me whenever I need. This is for not me for someone else, That person can become good human being with your blessing please help him to make his life. I know you will bless him that's my faith Sai my baba.
Jai Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sairam.
Thank You for everything O Deva. Blessed to have found space at Your Lotus Feet O Sadguru. Love You too Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram. Beautiful experiences .
Om sai ram. Thank you baba for calling me and confirming my tickets. I am travelling to Shirdi today. May baba bless all 🙂
Please do check my blog too
Baba i love you so much whenever I have problem or doubt u are there ND solve my problem. All devoties please faith on baba he will definitely solve your problem. Om sairam
Babaji you know everything about me. Plz forgive me and make me pass in Exam and reunite with my family. love you sai..plz plz plz meri lajj rakhlo..ek hi ho app mera sahara.
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Sai please take care of my mother brother and guide my sister.
Om sai ram..babaji you know everything about me..plz forgive & bless me. Your the only hope for me..
Baba please forgive my mistake baba
I am sorry
I promise u I will never repeat it
Please sai show me the way
Sai sai sai
Om sai om Sai om Sai
Apologing to sai
Baba i had done a mistake and I am facing some insecurities.
Please baba i am sorry
I will promise you i didn't repeat it
Please save me baba please don't leave my hand baba.
Show me the way baba.
Om sai om sai
Om Sai ram.. Thank you for your love O Sai!
Aum Sri Sai Ram.
Please help my sister and kids have a safe trip. Bless her and the kids reach safely and comfortably,Sai . Please be with our family every second.
Pranams at your lotus feet. Aum Sri Sai Ram.
Omsaram..kindly cure my father's constipation..tomorrow give us 3 courage baba we have to face people.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Keep on working, great job!
Dear Baba everyone needs you. How amazing are you, that you can help so many and at the same time. I dream of a peaceful earth, a heaven on earth. Can that be in my lifetime pls. There doen’t have to be the dramatics that everyone says there will be when you come down. You just come down through the clouds and all is well with the world. Om Sai Ram. Love you. x
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them and take care of them baba as i dont have any one other then you to look after, please forgive my mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly baba, please help my husband clear his exams and settle in his profession baba, please help get a full time job baba, please give good health to my parents and kids baba, please let me be at your lotus feet till my last breath baba.