Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Baba’s Miracles

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to Hetal ji and team and all Sai devotees. I have been a Sai devotee/daughter since 2012. There are ‘n’ no. of miracles which have taken place in my life, I would like to share few of them over here. I have already submitted 5 of my experiences out of which 4 are already published.

How much ever I thank Hetal ji and team it won’t be enough, as truly said they are doing fabulous job by giving us this platform wherein we can express our Gratitude to our Lord Sai as well as get our confidence boosted and keep our faith firm at Baba’s lotus feet in our difficult times. Thank You Baba for all these miracles in my life and giving me an opportunity to share the same on this platform.

Experience 1: There were some relationship issues going on in my life. I was feeling very low and depressed. A thought came to my mind to see one of my favourite picture of Baba. I had a habit to see DP of one of my aunt on whatsapp as she used to put Baba’s picture as her DP. It was Diwali time then and I happened to see her DP and to my surprise I got to see that she had changed her DP to one my favourite picture of Baba. I felt really blessed as my urge to see one of my favourite pictures of Baba was satisfied. Also same day I happened to visit famous Dutt temple near my hometown and I had requested Baba to please come and meet me in any form if possible in the form of a fakir. I have read devotees experiences that Baba gave them Darshan in the form of a Fakir and even I wished to experience meeting Baba in the same fashion. So after taking Darshan I sat down for a while and there a black dog came near me. I gave Peda to that dog to eat. Then I realized may be this is our Baba Who has come to meet me in the form of this dog. To further confirm I just thought in my mind that this dog should now leave and not stand here and immediately that dog left without going to anyone else as there were many people sitting around. Then I was sure that Baba did come to meet me and fulfilled my wish. Thanks a ton Baba!!

Experience 2: My brother gave me a new no. and asked me to change my whatsapp no. I was little reluctant and didn’t wish to do so in haste. But he did not listen to me and changed my whatsapp number. So when I came back to my place and was at my work suddenly noticed that because of changing my number all the contacts saved on my old SIM disappeared and I was not able to see DPs of many people on whatsapp. Also there was issue with idea network that day. Because of this I was not able to see Aunty’s DP(Baba’s picture) which I have mentioned in my first experience and as there were some issues going on, I thought she blocked me. I was literally into tears and begged Baba to not to do this to me. And suddenly I don’t know how I was able regain my consciousness and think about the possible issues and patiently I was able to do the needful and my Baba’s picture was back in the form of Aunty’s DP. I was very happy to have been able to see Baba’s picture again. Thanks a lot Baba for Your Grace and timely help.

Experience 3: My marriage was about to get fixed and suddenly that guy changed his mind due to some issues. He stopped talking to me and blocked me on whatsapp. His mom even who used to talk to me daily stopped answering my calls and replying my messages. Since I used to stay alone in city due to my job I was very much depressed and used to feel alone. I used to keep watching Baba’s videos and try to be calm and happy. From these videos Baba taught me many lessons and made me realise my mistakes. Then I asked Baba to forgive me for my mistakes and give me a last chance to change myself for betterment. One day suddenly Baba triggered the thought of visiting Shirdi in my mind along with my Mom. Even though the date of visit I thought of was 15 days down the line, Baba ensured that I got the Aarti pass online. Then as my grandmother was not well my Dad was reluctant to allow my Mom to come with me and stay for a week at my place. I just prayed to Baba that I want to bring my Mom to Shirdi for His Darshan and then she can go back and look after my grandmother and left everything to Him to decide.

Very next day the situation changed and necessary arrangements were done to look after my Grandmother and my father allowed my mother to come with me. Again one day before we were about to leave for Shirdi my brother called my Mom and said, “My grandmother was serious and we may not be able visit Shirdi, if something happens to her that night. Myself and my mother were tensed. I didn’t want my Shirdi trip to get cancelled. I knew somewhere that Baba had arranged this trip and He will take care of this situation too. Yes He ensured that we visited Shirdi and blessed us with beautiful Darshan. Thank You my Lord for Your mercy and help.

Experience 4 : Because of my relationship issues mentioned in above experience I was disturbed and used to pray to my Baba to bring my guy back. As he and his mom are also Baba’s devotees I thought after my Shirdi trip I will courier them Baba’s Prasadam and Udi. In between Baba guided me to write a letter expressing my feelings for him which I had never told my guy before. I was little reluctant due to my own trust issues. But again Baba gave me a hint through one of the video on Facebook and guided me and helped me to write the letter. Then after attending Madhayana Aarti when we were supposed to take Darshan and go out, I wanted this letter to be blessed by getting it touched to Baba’s lotus Feet. That day some politicians had visited the temple so they were making people to take Darshan and move out fast. They were not accepting roses to be kept on Baba’s Samadhi as they generally do. I kept praying and Baba did help me and the person standing near Baba’s statue took my letter and touched Baba’s idol and gave it back to me on my request. I felt blessed and happy.

After coming back main concern was how to send the letter and Prasad to my guy as I was not knowing his address properly. I did some R&D to find out but failed. Then I wrote whatever address I knew and couriered it. I had hope since Baba had guided me to send the letter and also Prasad was with that letter, it would be delivered to my guy. But I checked status on second day and it was mentioned that courier didn’t get delivered due to insufficient address. Even then I tried calling many of the DTDC offices and went and met the girl responsible in main office. She said, “She will look into it.”That gave me some solace. Again next 2 days I kept following but the work was not getting done. So at last I just left it to our Lord’s feet and said, “Baba You have guided me so far and if You wish my feeling should reach my guy, You get the courier delivered to him or else it is ok. I stopped thinking about it. I had started practicing LOA at that time. So I just assumed that the letter was delivered and thanked Baba (My Universe) for the same and let it go. You won’t believe the courier actually got delivered despite of the address issues which was in a way miracle and my guy after reading that letter called me and met me as well. All this was unbelievable for me and difficult to digest but it happened because of my Baba’s Grace and Blessings.

Me and my guy are just friends now but I know he is my Baba’s gift to me and soon we will be back together and Baba will give me an opportunity to share my marriage success story with my guy on this platform soon. During this tough time Baba was always with me. He re-confirmed my faith by showing His presence in different forms and has changed me into a better person through His teachings. I thank my Baba in full faith. Love You a lot!!Sairam.

Baba – My Life

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Anonymous Devotee from India says: I believe Baba from my inter. There is a temple near to my college. I daily went to college along that way but never visited the temple. When I was in Inter 2nd year One day I went to temple and felt very peaceful and relaxed. From That day every week I used to go while I was going to the college. Coming to my Experience as my Inter Exams were going on I was little nervous and scared for physics Exam. I heard last year’s physics paper was tough and most of the topper’s failed. That word scared me a lot and I thought will I pass in that physics Exam. I visited Baba’s temple and prayed to pass in that Exam. Baba heard my prayer and I got good marks. This increased my faith towards Baba and I trust Him a lot. He blessed me with a good friend in my inter 2nd year and she is the most wonderful, caring and understanding person. I share everything with her and she is always there for me. She is my strength. If Baba didn’t bless such a beautiful friend maybe today I wouldn’t write this experience.

I went to North India tour when I was in I asked Baba whether to go or not. He said ok and I went. There the actual story begins. I never share my mobile with others. But when I get into the train I received a call from my cousin. He spoke casually for sometime and ended the call. I enjoyed my North India tour and came back to my home. He messaged me casually and one day he proposed me and he told that he would marry me. I rejected that proposal as I was not interested in love but he convinced me as we both are same caste and relatives. I accepted his proposal after 1 month because we both families are very close and they also like my family. Everything went well for 3 months. Suddenly one day he told that his mother doesn’t want to get him married with relatives. I was shocked and disturbed because he convinced me a lot and now he said like that. I cried a lot. I am too sensitive and I can’t bare the pain.

At that time my exams were going on and I was crying whole day without reading. I didn’t write my exams well and I prayed to Baba to clear this semester. If I fail I will remember him in my memory as I failed because of him. I prayed to Baba to clear the semester and miracle happened. He cleared me in all my Exams. My friend helped a lot to get out from this and she is having too much patience like Baba and she gives strength with her words. If I didn’t went to tour I wouldn’t have realised that he is not right for me. Because of Baba I realised so much and I became little strong and I know the value of friend and friendship. Baba always saves me whenever I am in problem and He never allowed me to do what I don’t like. He always give strength to pass the every hurdle in my life. Please Baba please be with me always because without You I am nothing. From 1 year again worst phase started in my life and everyday I cried. One guy in my office proposed me and he is having night blindness. I told him clearly about my past relationship and told to ignore me. But he never listened to my words. He made me suffer a lot. He daily followed me and tried to talk with me. One day I went to his house and informed everything to his parents. His dad beat him in front of me and they fixed his marriage with lies to girl’s family. They hid his disability and were trying to cheat the girl. He is saying because of me they fixed his marriage and if anything happens to his or girl’s life then I would be responsible for entire situations.

I suffered 1 year with his behaviour but I don’t want to spoil his life as he is having disability. I bare the pain. But one day I burst out and I approached his family. Now he is blaming me for the entire situation. After hearing his words my health was not good and I got severe chest pain. I did Parayan and from that day there was no pain in my chest and one thing suffering me daily as they are cheating another girl. I am praying daily to Sai Baba to save and protect that girl. Please Baba please protect her. Please fulfil my wish Baba. Please let her know the truth before marriage. They are hiding his salary details and his disability. How can they cheat her for their son’s and their happiness. Next week his marriage is there and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know whether this marriage would happen for good or bad. If bad is going to happen please save her Baba. I can’t live happily for the rest of life if she will be unhappy because he is blaming me. All doors seem to be closed. But I trust You Baba. That’s it. I leave everything to You Baba.

Efficacy Of Udi

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Brother Harish from US says: I am simple devotee of Baba and I wish and pray to Him that I should remember Him ceaselessly. Om Sai Ram, my humble Pranams to the entire team that Hetal ji is running and really no words to describe the selfless work you all are doing. I am really blessed to be attached to this website. I read your blogs almost everyday ever since I got attached to Sai for almost 1.5 years now. May this site continue to run until the end of time just like how Sai has promised to protect His devotees of who take refugee in Dwarkamai and He is continuing to keep up His words and He always will. Just believe Him. My experience I am about to describe hopefully should increase the faith of those distressed and should give a positive ray of hope for those going through worldly calamities.

Yesterday, I was chanting some Shlokas to Lord Shiva and I consider Shiva and Sai are on and the same. In fact Shiva incarnated in Shirdi in disguise of Sai and there is not the slightest difference between them. While chanting, I was seated in Padmasana posture and realized that there was some pain on my right thighs. I just started the Pooja and really didn’t want to stop in between and prayed to Sai and immediately applied Shirdi Sai’s Udi and lo! the pain immediately disappeared. I was able to complete my Pooja in a blissful state and it was only due to Sai’s blessings. This story is similar to what happened to Hemadpant when he noticed Scorpion on his dhothar and as is rightly said in Sai Satcharitra God protects those who listen to His stories and chant His name. What can the Scorpion do? Similarly what can the pain do when Sai of Dwarkamai is protecting all of us?

Last Thursday while reading Sat Charitra I noticed some pain in my throat and was having some trouble reading it aloud properly. I prayed to Sai to please cure and that I should be able to read it aloud by the next Thursday which is today. How merciful He is! I was able to read aloud today without any problems or difficulty of any sort. Oh Deva! You incarnated in Shirdi to protect Your devotees in this Kalyug. As You have said, it is You who draw Your devotees to You and only those whose demerits have vanished can worship You. Please be with everyone Sai and never allow calamity to even come near to Your devotees and always keep them under Your shade and Your protection. May their love for You be natural and may the peace prevail this world and other worlds. Shirdi Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai Jai Sai Ram.

Thanks To Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai Deva. Baba took me into His shelter in 2008. Before that I used to pray Him like other Gods. My day starts by taking His name and ends too. Coming to my experience. I have a nice wall clock in my bedroom. It stopped working because of battery. I changed the battery and when I was about to set the time I moved its needles with my hand. The hour needle got stuck but I forcefully moved it and that was my mistake. It got loose and stopped working. I got tensed as I like that clock a lot. Then I searched on Google how to repair it and I did the same. It started working. I did this at night and slept. Morning when I woke up I saw both the needles struck with each other and it was making noise also. Now I prayed my Deva for help. Then again I tried to make it working and it started. Though it’s a very small thing but by this Baba shows that He is there with His children all the time. Earlier I didn’t pray Baba as I don’t want to bother Him for the small issues but later I realized that only my Deva can help me. Thanks a lot Deva for always listening me, even my small wishes. Baba please be with me and my son always. Only You are there for me. Nobody else is there so please never leave my hand. Thanks a lot. Om Sairam.

Baba Cured My Son’s Cold

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am big devotee of Sai Baba. Thank you Hetal ji for creating this wonderful platform. Reading these experiences daily gives me immense strength. May Sai Baba shower His blessings upon you and your family. Coming to my experience, my 2 month old son got cold yesterday and I was super worried, I took him to the hospital and doctor told to check his temperature every hour and said that if it showed 100.4 or above we should go to ER. I prayed to Baba and checked every hour and it was normal. Thank You so much Baba for curing my son. Please shower Your blessings on him and my family.

Timely Help Of Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Sister Sreeekha from India says: I am at Baba’s feet from the day of my birth, because my parents are sincere devotees of Baba. Yesterday night I had cold and some body pains. So, I took tablet and went to sleep. Suddenly at 12:30 am I woke up due to some uneasiness. My body was shivering. Do not know why but my fear geared up to an extent that I could not even breath. I woke up from bed, searched for Udi. I applied Udi to my forehead and hands and I hugged Satcharitra and my Guru (Sarath babu ji) photo and slept to sleep chanting Baba’s name. I had a sound sleep. Thank You Baba for the timely help.

Interview With Mere Sai Fame “Abeer Soofi”
Blog’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations
Sai Mera Parivaar – Sai Maa – 2 – Free Download
बाबा ने दी खोई हुई नौकरी वापीस
Series Of Leelas Followed In Shirdi During This Diwali
I Got My Most Awaited Job During Mahaparayan
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© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai BabaMember of

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 249


  1. Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram
    Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
    Saipls help my son to clear his exams.Sai guide him,guard him.Om Sai Ram

  2. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  3. Sai ram, thank you. You know everything and the root cause of many tensions, misunderstanding and arguments in our family baba. Please clear and sort out all the worries and keep us blessed under your shelter always Sai. We have no support except you Sai. Beg you to please be with my parents and family always. Thank you, Sai. Aum Sri Sai Ram

  4. Sai Ram, Baba please, please stop these people from cheating us, taking our hardearned money and mistreating us after utilising our help in all ways. We are helpless against so many bad and evil people. Please be with us and help us Sai. Please. Thank you.
    Aum Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha.

  5. Baba,
    How many requests and prayers I get done. Why are you not helping us. Its going on for a long time baba. Hiw else can i beg you. IIam tired Sai and fed up. No one is listening to me. I thought you will but, I don't know. Please help and clear everything. Thank you. Please 🙏

  6. Thank you for publishing my experience today.My loving baba did a miracle and saved me from big calamity.My Baba protected me in difficult times and gave back my good health and pleasant life again He removed my mental stress and fear.I can't imagine my life without baba.I felt his presence during my difficult times.He solved my problem.My faith and gratitude increased more towards you.You will come when we call and rescue us.Please be with me Baba forever.Please don't leave me.

  7. Om sri Sai Ram

    Baba, 🙏 please protect and always shower your grace and blessings on my parents and sister. Aum Sri Sai Ram.

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