Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Shirdi Sai Anonymous Devotee from Canada says: Om Sai Ram. This would be my 7th experience. Baba has always been with my family and in tough situations, we have seen His grace on us. Here are a few minor experiences but for me, these are also a manifestation of Sai’s kindness on those who seek His guidance in every small nuance of life. Hetal ji, thank you for bringing this platform to the fore, for uplifting the lives of us who seek Sai’s benevolence.
My parents had to drop my sister off at the Mumbai International airport, as her flight was very late in the night. Since we didn’t have anyone whom we knew at Mumbai, I was a little concerned as to them coming back to their room at such a late hour after seeing her off. I prayed to Baba to make the entire journey smooth and safe for them all. As Baba would have it, my husband knew of a driver service contact in Mumbai. We requested them to provide a good driver for the pick-up and drop at the airport and back. Everything went smooth and my parents had a pleasant experience and the driver was also good. I cannot thank Baba enough for being with them throughout their journey and pray that He is always with my parents and my family.
My sister was coming to Canada and I prayed to Baba to make the journey smooth and safe for her as well. My sister actually enjoyed the journey and came to Canada without any issues. I again thank Baba for being with her throughout.
My washing machine was giving me trouble as it was throwing up some error in the middle of the wash. The owners weren’t really helpful, as even though we signed a lease contract with them and they were responsible for all repairs, they brushed it off saying the budget wasn’t enough at this point in time to get it repaired. We didn’t really want to argue with them, but it’s the winter here in Canada and I was worried because even though the washing machine was running, I feared the error popping up time and again would spoil the machine entirely. I prayed to Baba and applied Udi to the washing machine and dryer. As Baba would have it, the next load didn’t throw up an error at all and I was extremely relieved with it. I continue to pray to Baba for being with us as these things may seem small and inconsequential in the larger context of things, but they also weigh in on our minds the most, because if things don’t work properly, it is actually a big irritant.
Baba, please be with us always. I am doing the Sai Divya Pooja and after the first 5 Thursdays, where apart from my job, I also asked for my sister to be able to come to Canada without any issues. The wish for my sister to come here has been fulfilled. I therefore started praying for another 5 Thursdays for me to be able to get a suitable job here in Canada. I completed my fourth Thursday Pooja but so far, there is no glimpse of me getting a job. Although I am extremely nervous and restless as I don’t want to sit idle in life and want to actually have an identity through work, I know Baba is delaying it for a reason. It is very hard to retain confidence in oneself when things are not moving and I find myself questioning my abilities time and again, which is not what Baba wants. I pray to Baba to please bless me with a job. I pray to Baba to shower His grace on my husband and his career as well and take care of it and to my sister for her job as well. I pray to Him to take care of my parents and fulfil their desires and keep my family happy. I am also doing the Mahaparayan and ask Him to help me do it successfully. Baba, You are my interviewer, my interviewee, my referral, my question and answer, and my identity. Please show Your kind grace on me Sai and help me achieve my dreams for my family and myself. Thank You Sai. Om Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hello everyone, First of all I would like to thank the whole team for managing this wonderful blog because of this many people like me are getting out of their problems, getting their confidence level in Baba rise and many more benefits which cannot be explained. These experiences are really like light pole in ocean which shows the proper direction in life, which gives ray of hope in life. I am a staunch devotee of Baba from childhood. I have been feeling Him and experiencing Him with me always. It’s like He is with me always. I will be assigning few works like “Baba please take care of my kid, I am going to kitchen for cooking food”. You won’t believe me He will be there with my kid taking care of him. Once I made him sleep in cloth cradle and said Baba to take care of him and went to kitchen. When I returned there was no baby in cradle, I got scared for a second. Then I saw on bed my baby was sleeping peacefully. I don’t know how he went from cradle to bed till today. If he fell down at least there should have been a sound of it or he would have cried because of falling. But nothing happened as such. I wondered like anything. It’s my Baba Who hold my baby when he fell from cradle and made him sleep on bed. Thank You so much Baba.
Coming to my experience which I actually thought of sharing was, I lost my job and was in deep depression. I was attending many interviews but nothing was working out. I have a habit of reading this website daily. As usual I was reading an experience where a devotee prayed for kid through Baba question and answer site and Baba replied saying after 9 months you will have a baby. There was a screenshot of this as well. I felt wondered. I do ask questions on site but I was not that serious about it. Suddenly a prayer started in my heart Baba Is it true? Is that You answering from that website tell me? I want permanent job near to my house with good salary. Then the answer was like “Wait for seven days, your work will be done with the help of 3 persons”. I thought ok till seven days I was not going to ask any questions on this site. Days were passing and I was not getting selected anywhere. Finally seventh day had started. I was feeling very frustrated and very low. I was thinking myself, It’s already 7th day no calls at all what are You doing Baba.
Suddenly afternoon I got a call for interview as the company was near to my residence, they scheduled it by 2’clock and I reached there by 2.30. First round was done followed by second round and I got to know that I got selected. I was remembering Baba’s answer. Then again another person had come to take interview. Totally three rounds, three people. Finally I got selected with a very good salary and I just couldn’t believe my eyes that I had an offer letter in my hand by evening. On the same day everything happened in just 4-5 hours of time. It’s unbelievable. That’s our Sai. He will always be there with His children whether it be a happy moment or sad moment He will be with us. Trust Him wholeheartedly, He needs only our trust and love. He will do miracles for His children. He doesn’t need any strict rules and regulations for building bond with Him. Only trust is required. He will be there in our heart only and He will guide us from inside just follow it. May Baba bless everyone and let everyone be happy Baba. Om Sai Ram. Thanks to one and all for Your time.

Shirdi Sai Sister Anupama from USA says: Sai Baba is my Guru and my Guide. He always guides me in everything I do. I am a Sai devotee since 2007. I really don’t know to narrate all the miracles which happened in my life but still I can share a few. I was thinking from long time to share them but I was not confident enough to express my feelings in a blog. Today I somehow made up my mind to share my experiences. How to start and where to start the miracles of this Almighty God Sai? By just calling His name, He would attend to our prayers.
Experience 1: I had lost my Practical records in Auto just before my final exams during intermediate. I cried day and night as I worked hard to write them. I prayed to Baba, then wonder happened as the Auto driver returned my records to my Principal just before my final exam.
Experience 2: Baba Always would guide me in all my undertakings small or big. Later I got job with much difficulty and worked for couple of years. Later Baba chose a good life partner for me. There were little troubles in the early phase of my marriage but later he cleared all my doubts. The first gift I got for my marriage was a Big portrait for Baba where there would be water in His eyes. I went to Shirdi before marriage there I met one elder person Krishnamurthy Thatayya (Grandfather). This is the greatest miracle which happened in my life. He presented me a Sai Satcharitra English. I wonder how he knew I would read only English Satcharitra and made me read one story which goes like I took a vow to donate my first salary to my God Sai and later forgot the same. I went to Shirdi for the same reason but thought in mind that I can donate in my next visit and around the same time he asked me to read the same story and I felt surprised and tears rolled down my eyes. I asked my father and donated next day and left Shirdi. Krishnamurthy Thatayya (Grandfather) visited my house and gifted Baba’s photo for my marriage which was the first gift to me. He would call me whenever I feel low and depressed and guide me to read particular chapters in Sai Satcharitra.
Experience 3: I prayed to have a child and He blessed me with a baby girl with normal delivery. Currently, I am trying for job and to pass my driving test with Baba’s blessings. Hope Baba bless everyone and give bliss to everyone Chapters to Read for Job and Promotion: Page 155 For Examination and job -Tendulkar Family Page 84 For job-Cholkar Story Page 192 for job and Promotion-Two Gentlemen up to first gentlemen. Thank You so much Baba for giving me confidence to write this. I am ever indebted to You. Please remove the fickleness of mind and save everyone from this worldly existence. Sri Samartha Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Namo Namaha Sri Sai Namo Namaha Jai Jai Sai Namo Namaha Sadguru Sai Namo Namaha. Please Try To Read One Chapter Of Satcharitra And Write 108 Time Sri Sai For Peace.

Shirdi Sai Anonymous Devotee from USA says: I am a devotee of Sai Baba and He is my saviour. His grace is the greatest gift that all of us can acquire. He is the only person Who can bring us out of any trouble. Sometimes He might not answer us immediately but He will give us the best. I have been a devotee of Sai Baba for over 10 years. He has performed many miracles in my life and He is still helping me at my every step. I am sharing a recent miracle. I got pregnant due to Sai Baba’s blessings. They did my sugar test and it was above normal. Sai Baba indicated this to me even before I went to my test and I was sure something would not be right in the test. As Baba had predicted all other tests were normal but the sugar levels came abnormal and I was worried. My doctor wanted me to go for the sugar tolerance test to understand if I had gestational diabetes or not. I was worried. I thought when everything was going smoothly why this problem. As usual I prayed to my Sai Baba and asked Him to help me. In the Q&A website Sai Baba replied positively and I was sure that my test result would be in my favour. So there was a week difference between both my test and in that time I prayed Baba and also restrained my sugar intake. I was very nervous to give the test and I was also praying to Sai Baba and reading His experiences while waiting for my test. As expected the test results indicated that I was not diabetic and I was so happy. It was all because of my Deva. I had promised Deva that I will share my experience if the results come in my favour and here it goes. Always believe in Him, He will take our pain on His shoulders and save us. Never doubt Him. Sai Ram.
My second experience is, my parents have come to USA for my delivery. I was scared about their journey since it’s a long one but by Deva’s grace everything went smooth and they landed here without any problem. I was happy and thanked our Deva. They were doing well after coming here. But after two weeks my mom had some urinary problem and we consulted our doctor in India and he advised us to take some medicines. After taking the medicines for around three days my mom started feeling giddy, nausea and very tired. We were very scared and took her to the urgent care. There the doctor informed us that it was nothing related to UTI and that we should consult a gynaecologist. We were very scared and with great difficulty we got an appointment with a gynaecologist. He checked my mom and told that she had uterus prolapsed and we would have to remove it after going back to India. There was nothing urgent then. I was relieved. I had prayed to Deva that there should be no emergency and everything should go on fine. Now I am praying for my mom’s speedy recovery and insurance claim to pass through. Bolo Sainath Ki Jai. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogi Raja Parabrahma Shri Satchidhanandha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Shirdi Sai Anonymous Devotee from US says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai Devotees. I am a small devotee to Baba. Thank You Baba for protecting me like Your daughter all the time. Thank you Hetal ji and team for publishing inspiring Baba devotees’ experiences. All of sudden one day mid-night I started feeling uneasy in my tummy but then I didn’t get up and tell to my family, the reason I did not want to disturb their sleep. Pain started increasing which was unbearable, simultaneously I started chanting Baba’s name then finally I told my family to get medicine. They were ready to take me to emergency but I said I couldn’t even walk at all. My husband got medicine from one of our friend’s home. Here also Baba saved me because that medicine had got expired already, just before I was about take then my husband checked the date. Thank You Baba, You really saved me here. He went and got medicine again then I had one and chanted Baba name and slowly I closed my eyes and had very good sleep.
Next day morning onwards I felt something burning in my stomach, felt like throwing up and muscle pains etc. It continued 4 days. These 4 days I prayed all the Gods to save me. Finally I asked my daughter to keep some Baba’s Udi on my forehead. Oh What a relief, within seconds I got loads of energy. It was purely Udi’s miracle. Baba, which gives us always positive thinking and helping nature and removed all of my negative energy. I pray You to give us healthy happy life. Baba Please forgive me for all my mistakes which I have done knowingly or unknowingly. Please help everyone who are in need of food, clothes, health. Thank You Baba. Om Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Sister Swathi from India says: Hello, Thanks Hetal ji for giving us opportunity to share our experiences with Sai Baba. This is a small experience but I wanted to share with you all as I am feeling great. Baba is listening to my wishes even though I am not forcing Him to fulfil my wish. My cousin brother went to Tirupathi recently and he gave 1 Ladoo to us. My mom told me to have Prasad. I told I will have Ladoo after sometime as I was doing some work at that time and I forgot to eat. After 2 days I asked about Ladoo to my mother. She told they ate that Ladoo. I want to eat and I just had a casual conversation in my heart with Baba. Can You give me Ladoo? I thought it’s impossible to get the Tirupathi Ladoo and I didn’t force Baba to give Ladoo. Next day (Today) I went to office and I was doing my work. One of my colleague was coming with cover near to me and told to have Prasad from Tirupathi and I was shocked at first and felt very happy and thanked Baba a lot for fulfilling my wish even though I didn’t force. I am feeling blessed that He listened even to my small wish. Jai Sai Ram.
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बाबा ने भक्त को बचाया मौत के मुँह से
Chapter 1 – Kakasaheb Dixit Diary
Shirdi Sai Baba’s Udi Miraculously Cured My Husband’s Complicated Ailment
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Thank You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo.
Sai pls help my son to clear his exams.Sai guide him,guard him.Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
SAI RAM ; I successfully completed my 5 day DIVYA POOJA yester day & would like to share the prcedures with fellow devotees;
SAI RAM to all
1) This is to be performedfor 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but Thursday is preferable.
2)One has to perform this pooja on the same time for 5 days in the morning or evening as per your conviniance. But time of doing this pooja should be same all 5 days
3)Light 5 lamps in front of SAI BABA
4)Offer 1 flower at the holy feet of SAI BABA.
5)Offer 1 fruit to BABA & distribute it among family members as prashad.
6)You can read 108 names of SAI BABA along with chanting SAI SAI SAI or any other manthra that you like
7)In the end sing SAI BABA aarthi & pray whole heartedly at the Holy Feet of BABA For his blessings
8)On completion of POOJA on the 5th day you need to tell 5 people about this Miracle Pooja.
OM sai rakshaksha saranam.Awating earnestly for your BLESSINGS.
Sai ram. You know everything and the root cause of many tensions, misunderstanding and arguments in our family baba. Please clear and sort out all the worries and keep us blessed under your shelter always Sai. We have no support except you Sai. I am tierd and worried about all this baba. Beg you to please be with my parents and family always. Thank you, Sai. Aum Sri Sai Ram.
Sai Ram, Baba please, please stop these people from cheating us, taking our hardearned money and mistreating us after utilising our help in all ways. We are helpless against so many bad and evil people. Please be with us and help us Sai. Please. Thank you.
Aum Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha.
Pranams Sai,
Please shower your grace and blessings with your presence on us Sai. Be with my parents every second.🙏 Thank you Sai.
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam…baba there is continous fear in my heart ….i am having bad dreams and imaginations..very fearful baba….my father is sick bless him and take of him….by your grace he should be fine baba…….i am very scared baba……tc of my father….however you want to trouble me….😂😂😂😂
Om sai ram
Sairam, feeling bad after knowing the person behind master. Help me to heal. could not digest.
Sai ram, sisters and brothers , I'm Vaishnavi suffering from some health issues. I request you all to pray for my health to our beloved sai
Sai Sister Vaishnavi Sorry I don't know but it won't let me reply your comment so I'm commenting here I was /am suffering from very bad health issues from young age and saw sai miracle few days ago the very big of my health issue getting resolved dramatically, you also trust Sai and obey him like treat others with love,help others, get rid of bad habits and do good and youll soon get rid of uyou troubles, don't disobey Sai or else will have to suffer long like me trust Sai and obey Om Sai Ram