Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: Om Sai Ram to all. I’m here to share Sai Leela’s that I experienced during tough time. Million thanks to Hetal ji for creating this wonderful platform for devotees to share their miracles.
I have a wonderful family, good career, loving friends and good income. At one time, I thought I have all the things necessary in this world and I should not worry for anything. But that was a mistake because I had faced hard time to search for life partner. My 20’s went through moments of love failures, one side love, daydreaming; to summarize all false hopes. I was in love with a friend of mine for more than 5 years but he didn’t know. At one point, I dared enough to propose him but he rejected it. He preferred us to stay as friends. I can’t accept this and I went through depression. I became sick and struggled to come out of it. That’s when Sai Baba pulled me to Him and I became His devotee in year 2013. After that my career really progressed well and I became famous among my colleagues. Still I felt emptiness. I prefer love marriage and I was hoping to forget my friend and move on. Slowly I began to realize that fate never allow guys to approach me, if that happened the very next day they would move away from me. I can’t explain this and I did ask Baba many times. I could feel that Baba wanted me to wait but I couldn’t run away from feeling lonely. My astrology predicted love marriage for me, so I assumed my friend would be the one for me. I was wrong.
2 years ago, I went to Sai Baba’s answers websites. I’m not keen to this because I usually guess the numbers for my question and the answers are not matching with my enquiries. So when I clicked at one of the webpage, I was asking Baba when I will get married but later I move cursor back to Google search as I didn’t feel confidence with it. I was glancing elsewhere and after few seconds I checked my computer. I was in total shock as there were answers that had pop out on the computer screen “Sure you will get married soon to your soul mate with blessing of Baba”. Dear devotees, I was really happy and appreciate this miracle. Just see how Baba helping His devotees. I don’t need to select numbers or guess it. Then I waited to meet my life partner but still no sign of him. I went through another depression when my siblings got their partners and me as the eldest in the family never experienced love life. I was already in my 30s when this happened. Then I became quiet and moved away from my siblings due to jealousy. I was also angry with Baba for not helping me all these years for marriage. My close friends became my saviour during this time.
Later I was able to control my anger and jealousy because I love my family and I didn’t want to hate them. I started to pray to God and Baba to help me in marriage. I had dosh that caused delay in marriage, so I started to light lamp at temple and home. I’m 31 this year; I decided to do 9 weeks reading of Baba’s books. I had completed Parayanam successfully with blessing of Baba. Finally I met my life partner during 3rd week of Parayanam. I got to know him through my aunt that his family was looking for a bride. I was forced by my parents to meet him. I went to see him to reject him as I only wanted love marriage but I got attracted on the 1st visit. I just can’t explain it. I agreed for marriage after 3rd meet up. He was extremely happy. My relationship blossomed and we had dated many times. Finally, I was able to experience love life that I was longing for. We got engaged recently and our wedding will be during early 2018. I feel peace in heart after many years. I learned the meaning of faith and patience throughout this tough time. I learned about the love that Baba has for His devotees. He always be there for His devotees. I had overlooked this and blamed Him for not helping me. But Baba gave me a good and a caring life partner. He gives us the best. I feel more devoted to my Guru Shirdi Sai Baba and I’m praying for His blessings for all the devotees. Sai Ram, please guide me all the time and bring me to the devotion path. Sai Ram, please bless my family and my marriage. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sai Ram Devotees. A very happy Thursday to you all. I am sharing my 7th or 8th experience here. Baba is with us every single moment and He is listening to our prayers. I am going to share two of my experiences, among those first one I thought of sharing it two weeks before. I am really really sorry Baba for sharing it very late. I had one weekend activity on Sunday in our team, where I had done correctly for one of the system but when I was doing the same procedure for another system, I forgot one step. Suddenly my teammate asked whether I followed the step before shutdown of the system. I said no and she replied that we shouldn’t do like this and we would face some issues. I was scared and really blank and didn’t know what to do. She asked me to restart the system to perform those steps and when other team was trying to start that system, that concerned team was saying that system was restarting for more than 45 minutes. I thought something was going to happen. I used to have Sai photo in my hand. I kept on praying continuously Baba and asked Him not to face any issues with the mistake I made. After sometime that system was up and I performed all steps correctly. I did all validation checks, it was fine. I really thanked Baba for helping me from critical issue and I prayed for keeping 11 rupees in Baba’s temple. This week surely I will place it in Your temple Baba. Sorry for being late.
Yesterday night I put my laptop on hibernate mode and started travelling to room. When I came to room and switched on my laptop, I saw black screen with cursor blinking. I tried it again and again but my system was not opening. At night I prayed to Sai Baba, please help me recover my system, because yesterday only I prepared my resume to upload in my company’s site. I didn’t have local copy also. I knew that Sai Baba will surely help me on recovering my system back. At noon after finishing my Thursday prayers, I put my laptop on charging and started my laptop and went to take lunch. When I was coming back, I was seeing CTRL +ALT +DEL option to login with my system. I was stunned and shouted like Baba I knew You will do it for me and I thanked Him at the same moment. Really He will listen to our prayers and answer us shortly. Keep faith and patience on Him . Baba will bless you all.
My guy proposed me last year on Aug-28. On the day itself he told no to our love for no reason. But I kept on asking for the reason and he started avoiding me to the core like I did big mistake. But he is a such a nice and kind guy. I can’t able to forget him also. So I asked him again, he said yes but next day he was saying that he was having more commitments for his family and left me. He blocked me in everything. I was totally upset and became mad. Yesterday Nov-30-2017 (Thursday) when I was looking into his bro’s profile in FB, I saw his profile in friend’s list. I was just stunned and really shocked. When I clicked on his profile, I was able to see everything. Really I felt happy on this and was thinking like that, just then he started realising something about me. Everyday every single moment, I am praying Baba ji to bring my love back. Often I used to get positive response from him. I am having hope, complete faith on Him. Surely He will bring back my guy and I will post my experience on this for sure. Waiting with hope! Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi to all Sai devotees. Before writing my experience I would like to tell all of you that Whatever happens it happens for our good only and if you give choice to Baba He will give you the best. This can be explained with my experience only. I am working in MNC in India. I am working in a project, due to cost cutting; management had decided to release some of the resources and I was one among them and was informed 10 days prior to that. I said Ok and was thinking in my mind that may be Baba has better choice for me. Now I started preparing my resume and forwarding my resumes to my Resource management HR’s and after release I started attending interviews but nothing was materializing. Then one day I got a call from Client X ON 22/11/2017 and asked me to come for interview the next day. Before leaving for interview I asked Baba that if You feel that this client suits me then please get me selected or else You know better, like this I Prayed to Baba and attended that interview and it was very pleasant and I felt that they might confirm me into the project.
In the afternoon after having my lunch, I was about to leave and I got a call from another client Y. This was also a very good client and it was for the onsite requirement and I attended the interview in the evening and it also went well. But they told me that I had to attend one more round which onsite people would take. Then I left to home and on the way to home I got one more call from client Z and asked me to attend the interview the next day (Thursday). After attending the interview with client Z then again I got a call from client X and confirmed me into the project and they were asking about my confirmation. As I was in a dilemma what to do due to onsite choice, I told to give 1 hour time as I was looking for onsite at client Y for which the interview was scheduled in the evening. After reaching home as I was checking my mails I saw a mail from resource management HR and in the mail I was told clearly that not to attend any interviews as the client X had confirmed me and asked me to join the client X. Then after some time I gave the confirmation to client X. After that I attended the interview from onsite from client Y in the evening and though the interview was pleasant but the responsibilities were very challenging and they were looking at the candidates who had onsite experience also and I was not having onsite exposure. Then they told that they would get back to me. After this I felt very happy that I did a good thing by giving confirmation to client X and the role which they offered me was a very good and higher role than my previous project. Next day when I joined the project I saw Baba’s photos besides my cubicle. This clearly indicates that it was Baba Who had given me this project and it was Baba Who was guiding me to take the right decision.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks a lot Hetal ji for this wonderful site. One day me and my father went to bank to open locker. There bank officer asked my dad to get the form signed by some government official. My father left for the same. The office where my father left for was walkable from bank and hardly takes 20 minutes to come back once work was done. I waited for almost 1 hour and called my dad as he didn’t come back. He didn’t answer my call for 20 trials in 40 minutes. I became very tensed as it never happened with my father. He would definitely answer for my first ring all the time. I lost all hope and wanted to go to the office and check as my thoughts were filled with fear. So I decided to keep gold in some secure place in bank and leave and conveyed the same to bank staff. They agreed and redirected me to a locker room which had Pooja Mandir at corner. I took gold boxes from bag and one 2 rupee coin fell near Mandir from nowhere and happened my father to step inside the room. I was in tears at that time. It all happened with my Baba’s blessings. Later when I asked my father for the reason he said his mobile went into silent mode without his knowledge.
My second experience is, one day my son who was 9 months old by that time was suffering with motions. It continued for 5 days and he totally got dehydrated. I prayed to Baba to save my son and left to the hospital. He totally recovered within 2 days. My 3rd experience is that I was searching for a job in my area of interest with 3 years of experience in totally different area. I accidentally found photo of Baba from Shirdi in my house the day before attending interview. I felt it was a sign of blessing. Next day it was Baba’s blessings which drove me through all rounds. But I was little worried as many companies didn’t send offer letter even after clearing HR. One when I took bus from office and while I was getting down I saw one person holding 3 feet Baba portrait which had beautiful Baba face (in fact only face). I felt very happy and when I was in that happiness I got a call from the company stating that they had sent offer letter to me. My happiness had no bounds. I totally believe it happened only because of Baba.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you Hetal ji for creating this blog for all Sai devotees across the globe. This is my third post. I beg Sai my father to help me to write my experiences. Baba where do I start. You have always been with me and my family. I experience Baba every moment in my life. I have been going through tough family problems since past 4 years but I know Baba has been guiding me. Thank You Baba for helping my husband to overcome the problems he was facing at workplace. He was almost going to lose his job but Baba came to our rescue. He is happy in his job now. This happened only after he performed the “Nav Guruvar Vrat”. By the 9th week, the whole situation at office changed. It’s just Your miracle Baba. My elder son got an admission in a very good engineering college only because of You Baba. You did hint to me that he will go to a college in south and he will do well. As hinted by You, he did get an admission in a very good Engineering University in South – only by Your grace. Thank You Baba! He is finding a few subjects difficult Baba. Please guide him to work hard, concentrate and clear all the subjects with good grades. I leave him at Your lotus feet.
My younger son recently met with a wrist fracture. We found it hard to meet the hospital charges as we did not have insurance. Recently when I was taking my son to the hospital for his final check up, I prayed to Baba to please help as I did not have enough money on that day to pay for the charges. I prayed to Baba before leaving for the hospital and left everything to Him. The doctor checked him and did not take any fee and just prescribed some medicines. I thanked Baba in my heart and came out to buy the medicines and found Baba photo in the medical shop, right in front of Him. I felt very happy, Thank You Baba for always being there. Baba, please always be with our family. Please keep us grounded and guide us in every step of life. We are nothing without You. We take as You give. Sai Ram. Om Sai Shree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, I am a Sai devotee and I have received many help from Baba. Without taking much time to make it a lengthy post and thanking Hetal ji and team for this wonderful platform, I will share my experience. My brother lives in Canada and he had to apply for his PR in for which his college transcripts were required. After much of hard work and problem I had applied for his transcripts here in his University. The University person had said that it would be received in a month’s time. After waiting for a month his papers had not come and my brother was asking me daily when transcripts will come? I was worried and then I prayed Baba that transcripts should reach now, please help me and lo behold, transcripts were received on Thursday. Thank You Baba!
I had to go back to Bangalore for my Job search and my father’s salary had not come for past 5 months. We were under extreme financial crisis and I was not willing to ask money from my brother. Again my only Saviour Baba, I prayed and my father got one month’s salary. I went to my PG in Bangalore, also on the way I prayed Baba that I should not get a roommate as my room was very small and shabby. Baba listened to that also. Thank You Baba. As promised Baba, I have shared both of my experiences here. Thank You very much Baba. Om Sai Ram.
Interview With Mere Sai Fame “Abeer Soofi”
Blog’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations
Track 8 – Sai Sashtra Namavali
अध्याय 1 – श्री साई सतचरित्र हिंदी में (ऑडीओ) – फ़्री डाउनलोड
Sai Baba Pulls His Devotees To Shirdi
Shirdi Sai Baba’s Leela Behind My Enrollment For Mahaparayan
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© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Always be with us and guide and grace us with Your blessings O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Dearest Baba, when. Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
I cannot believe that u’re doing this Maa….instead of easing the pain and making things better as u had promised, u have sprinkled salt on my wounds by having him say ‘i hate u i hate u so much, i have never hated anyone as much as i hate u’ to me. Are u happy now? This is what u wanted Baba?? This is why u kept asking me to keep my hopes up and faith alive? Are u really that cruel? Weren’t u the ocean of mercy? Do u not know that i never meant to hurt him and that i am sorry? Are u not supposed to advocate my case and be my shield, my guide, my saviour? U said whoever sits in the lap of Dwarkamaiyee his troubles come to an end..have u forsaken me Baba? Have u left me to die? Why are u doing this? Please have mercy..please Maa…my hands are folded…i am begging u u not remember me??
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam.bless my father and of my father..
Om Sai Ram…
Can any one advice how to send prayers to Shirdi…
Thank you Sai. Please continue being with my parents and me as we have no one else. Thanks for your help baba.
Sai ram. You know everything and the root cause of many tensions, misunderstanding and arguments in our family baba. These are created by unwanted people. Please clear and sort out all the worries and keep us blessed under your shelter always Sai. We have no support except you Sai. I am tired and worried about all this baba. These arguments are causing rift in our family and there is no peace of mind for us. Please do not let these happen with us, baba. Please Beg you to be with my parents and family always. Thank you, Sai. Aum Sri Sai Ram
Sai ram.
Sai Ram, Baba you know everything please, please stop these people from cheating us, taking our hardearned money and mistreating us after utilising our help in all ways. We are helpless against so many bad and evil people. Please be with us and help us Sai. Please. Thank you.
Aum Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha.
Om Sai Ram brothers/sisters if you really want Sai Blessings then be a good person and wait only then you'll surely see the change bithave to wait as per your karma Om Sai Ram