Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Is With Me But Testing Me

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Sai is With Me But Testing Me. Om Sai Ram, These 3 are the magical words which bought a lot of happiness in my world and those are breathing words “Om Sai Ram” to me. I would like to thank Hetal Ji and the entire team working on this website by helping us read and share the experiences.

Coming to my experience, my husband is staying in US for last 2 years and in India I am staying alone (of course with Sai Paa). I really learned my life in all these 2 years and about people, when my husband was in India, people (family members) have surrounded me always because we are elder children in home and so for career, personal and financial support would be very helpful for them but later once he moved to US I started depending on them, so they started ignoring me but anyways with finally Sai Nath’s support I led a life as a single working woman managing my school going kid. Finally, I am planning to join with him because I am fed up with the people after knowing their true colours (explained below in prayer request), so I resigned my job (for which I had strived hard as a carrying woman always read my subjects and prayed for Baba, finally Baba gave me but now) with heavy heart I am travelling to US, we booked the flight tickets in last moment, so tickets price are also high.

Later when the journey day came, because of the cab driver I reached airport just before closing time. So the airways staff had not allowed me to board the flight even though I did web check-in(because that day flight was overloaded). The airways we booked was a new one and not sure that staff attitude also was totally not supportive. Finally, we paid extra amount to get the new tickets and lot of fuss also happened in airport. So, I went back home after taking all luggage and again planning to join back on next journey date. When the travel day came, we booked cab one day before itself and informed cab driver about all the mess that had happened during last time, so I requested the driver to cooperate us and he agreed accordingly. Just one hour before cab booking time when I called him, his mobile was not reachable, I tried after some time and again too but no use. SoI decided to book another cab but it was on a short notice and nobody was reachable or interested to join due to short notice and it was midnight about 2.30 am. So, I was stuck and thought that this time also we would miss the flight because I am single lady with a kid and lots of luggage so I can’t go out alone that midnight and rely on any private vehicles and thinking about Sai Paa what’s happening in my life (Already resigned my job so now its single income and paid extra for flight tickets but failing again). So I prayed to Sai Nath that I have to catch the flight today then would post this experience on this website. Suddenly one of the driver called back and gave me an idea which helped me to reach the airport in time and catch the flight in time. Of-course, In-between many show stoppers (Without extra luggage, airport staff demanded for extra fee and missed connectivity flight and I believe there was some purpose for all this) happened but as I prayed to Baba, He made us to reach US safely and timely.

Prayer Request: Dear devotees now I am at home because I can’t work on dependent Visa but I struggled a lot to start my career and settled my siblings by laying an easy path for them to walk into my footsteps and they are all were very good till they got the jobs but now those are not turning towards me and not able to give helping hand for a single married sister because of jealousy and greed about me and my salary. They will only compare with my good achievements and not the bad things that I got. Since childhood being elder daughter in my family am taking care of all the responsibilities so everybody appreciated me and now also after getting married with Sai Pa’s Blessings and my husband’s support I have helped them in all the ways (maximum I could do) to my best posslevel. I scarified my luxuries and comforts for them but now they are not turning towards me apart from that they have poisoned my parent’s ears by telling my faults and why they have to cooperate for that. But I wondered I helped them for the last 8 years in all ways and they stayed at my home years together without paying a rupee and unable to identify the faults till that time. Once I stopped giving money and started depending on them they were able to see my faults only, not the fruits that they got from me. Wondering!.

So, I am fed up with people and relations and cried on this a lot day and night and because of this my health also degraded. Finally, I resigned the job and joined my husband. Dear devotees, Baba says “What we sow, we reap” but I sowed good deeds and nobody helped me in financial way and showed the path to earn Lakhs of rupees, but I did thinking all my family members have to be happy. But because of their greed on money and jealousy they betrayed and used me and my husband till they settled in their lives and they wanted me to let down mentally so that I can’t grow and they poisoned my parent’s ears and making me isolate for the last 2 years. Till now my parents were telling that I was a boon for them but now I am bane for them. Wondering..!! I am really passionate about my career and have lot of dreams and desires on my life but I am sitting at home idle that never suits me because my mind supports “Empty mind is devil’s workshop” and always recalling about my family members how they have used me and spoiling my current life because I am unable to get rid of those thoughts and due to this losing confidence in me. I prayed Baba to give a job here, but I set some deadlines for that.

So, I request Sai devotees kindly pray for me to get rid of all evil thoughts and concentrate and take care of family (kid and husband) and career and give sufficient strength to lead my new life. I am sure that Baba is with me but as if then why all these difficulties to be cropped up. Baba, I love You so much. I don’t know any other God except You in this life since childhood, I totally rely on You, please Baba always be with me because I am innocent daughter of You and without You I can’t imagine/survive in my life. I can’t live without You, so please never and ever leave my hand. I want Your blessings in rest of my life. I want You to be my Sai (Ma) Baba (Pa) in all the births and keep guiding me into the right path. I want Him to stay in my soul by following His principles and teachings. Please forgive me for my mistakes. Let us all bow unto the great soul and Lotus feet of Sai Baba and pray for strength to keep ourselves away from evil thoughts and deeds and to ever remain at the service of His Lotus Feet. Bolo Sri Satchidhanandha Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Blessed With Baba’s Blessings

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Nathay Namah. First of all sorry Baba for posting my experience very late. I believe in Baba a lot. His miracle starts like this. I was travelling from Bangalore to Shirdi along with my wife but both of our seats were RAC. Still we thought that we will manage as at least together one seat we had. So when we boarded the train, we were very happy as our boggie was full of school children and all were very polite and we sat comfortably and slept properly till we reached Shirdi and nobody sat next to us even though it was their seat. We were so blessed. Actually from Shirdi we had to go to Gujarat and Rajasthan, but only one route ticket was confirmed, rest all were waiting which was impossible to be confirmed and I prayed that if all the tickets got confirmed, then I would share the experience immediately. By Baba’s divine blessings, all the tickets got confirmed. Sorry Baba to post this experience very late. Always Baba bless us. Om Sai Ram.

Om Sai Ram. I believe in Baba a lot. This is my another experience. On the way back from Shirdi me and my wife had a train from Shirdi to Mumbai and it was about to reach at 4:00 am in the night. We had another train from Mumbai to Gujarat around 6:00 am in morning just with a gap of 2 hours from some other station in Mumbai and we had too much luggage. I was very worried as how would I catch the train with so much of luggage along with my wife as the stations were too far from each other and we thought of going from local train as it would be fast and cheap compared to taxi services. We called even my cousin uncle as to find about transport to reach there fast and he suggested me to go through OLA or UBER cabs as it would be very fast but the approximate amount cabs were showing he told was around 1200/- rupees to 1300/- which was very expensive. So I got very tensed and prayed to Baba silently to help us. Suddenly my mind thought to check the common stations in both the trains so it would be easy for us to climb the train and lo by Baba’s blessings, we found one common stop wherein we had to get down from our first train at approx 3 ‘o’ clock and our next train would come at approx 4:30 at same stop. So we had got one and half hour extra.

I was very happy and thanked Baba while my first train was almost on time. I thought we will reach on time and catch the second train on time but we are just humans and God knows the next step. So our train in night got late by almost 2 hours and I started panicking because I thought we would be very late and we would miss our train and if we missed our train, then even other trains tickets would also be cancelled as we had to go to Rajasthan and we had booked those tickets from our city only and carried with us. Continuously I was praying Baba to help us and I also told Him that we were coming from Shirdi and we have Your blessings and I don’t know anything, You have to make us catch our second train, if we miss the train then where do we go and it would be a big mess. I was continuously watching my phone as to know about train station and also was seeing other train live running status. I prayed Him and asked Him not to take our test and would post this miracle immediately if we catch our train in time. It was impossible but I had trust on Baba till end, even though my wife said that we would miss our train, as Baba says to have Shraddha and Saburi and lo even though our train was almost one and half hour late, Baba made the other train late by almost 15 minutes, but the problem was that still we were late by 5-10 minutes, even though the second train was 15 minutes late and we didn’t know on which platform our train would reach and from which platform we had to catch second train as station was very huge and we had too much luggage and it was difficult to go with so much luggage. I checked online and for both the trains it was showing the same platform, so I was very happy.

Now we were only one stop far from our destination and seeing our face depressed and tensed one man was standing next to us and asked us that why we were in so hurry as we would get sufficient time to get down. Then I told all the problem. He told not to worry just to console us and we reached our stop, but unfortunately our train stopped on some other platform and our next train got scheduled on just opposite platform and on indicator second train arrival was in 2 minutes, so he told us that can you cross the tracks and go as it would be difficult to climb the bridge and reach on to the other platform and catch the train as only 2 minutes were left. He told he would help us to give our luggage. I asked my wife, it was very dangerous and risky to cross the tracks like this and I suggest everyone not to do like that ever and we agreed with him and crossed the tracks and reached other platform and the train came after we reached and we boarded the train happily and thanked that man and Baba as we knew it was He who sent that man in His form to help us. Thank You Baba so much and sorry for posting our experience very late and I apologise to You and everyone and all the devotees for a big sin which I did in Shirdi and I will never ever do like that. Sorry please forgive me Baba and bless us always because we all are Your children. Om Sai Ram.

Baba Ji’s Help

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram Hetal Di and all devotees. I am short of words to praise our Baba ji and Hetal Di and her team. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I am from India. I got a job away from my hometown. It was just seven days of my job. I was very new to the place. My working institute was 12 Kms away from city, and it’s all deserted. I was told its very unsafe even to travel at 6 pm, as we don’t get to see people there. Due to two holidays of EID, I booked my train ticket to my hometown. It was in waiting list. I prayed Baba ji as it’s first time I am travelling alone, I don’t want to go with RAC because I had fever, cold, body ache. I badly wanted to sleep. So please confirm my train ticket. My train was at 10:30 pm, ticket got confirmed by 4:30 pm. I thanked Baba ji, immediately I started typing my experience for this blog, I tried thrice but somehow my cell was getting stuck. I thought I will post later.

Again I started worrying, how to go to station from hostel, as it was deserted, and the auto drivers were not trustworthy, from what I had heard in that place. Immediately my colleague by name Sai helped me with Auto contact number who could drop me, as he knows my colleague well. I called the Auto to pick me by 7:30 pm so that I can stay in ladies waiting room until 10 pm. I started from my hostel, suddenly on the road eight boys stopped the auto and started sitting. I panicked, but boldly I told all to get down. Immediately they got down (Before my journey started I asked Baba in question and answer site, it came as you will be saved from accident.) Immediately I remembered this answer and thanked Baba ji. With great difficulty I reached station by 8:40 pm. I thanked Auto person, he was old, I felt maybe he was my Sai Who helped me. Even in the ladies waiting room, due to washroom work it was closed. I had to sit in common room. I was worried for safety because this place was not developed and very unsafe. I kept praying Sai, again I started typing this miracle of seat confirmation. I couldn’t submit. I left it.

My train arrived by 10:30 pm, I boarded the train and called my parents. My station would come by 7:45 am. Unfortunately 6:30 am my cell got switched off, charger wasn’t working, all passengers were sleeping. I couldn’t call my parents to pick me. When I reached my station, I was surprised to see my dad waiting to receive me. I thanked Sai for helping me right from confirming tickets till reaching home safely. That’s why I realise now Baba ji wasn’t letting me submit four times, because I had to add up more Leelas of His. Love You Baba. Be with all of us always. Thanks for reading my post. Om Sai Ram.

My Guru Sai

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Sister Pooja from India says: Hello Sai devotees. I am very happy to be able to post my Sai experiences with you all. I am a girl of 28 years and here is my really loving experience with Baba. My parents were trying hard to find a good groom for me. But things didn’t work out well from long time. But from last September things changed. Last year I first did 9 weeks of Baba fasting and on the ninth day, I received a Sai calendar and a purse bought by a known person from Shirdi. It was totally unexpected to receive something like this. But Baba blessed me. That day my faith turned but I always wanted to visit Shirdi and somehow my trip was delayed. But see now I am going to Shirdi on 23 December with my wedding invitation card in hand. How graceful of Sai to be so loving and caring towards me. I never hoped my first Shirdi trip would be so precious. I am just waiting to go there and cry out my love for Baba. I love You Baba. Please bless my married life as well. There are some disturbances between me and my fiancé but I know things will surely work out because my faith says that Baba does everything good for His devotees. He is a true well wisher and well doer of His loving children. Baba I need You in every breath of my life. I am very happy Baba. I also apologise for my ill behaviour in the past. Forgive me my Baba and keep Your kind eyes on me forever.

Sai Kripa To Get Back My Husband’s i-Phone

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Me and my husband we both had been to Shirdi in the month of Nov 2017. We had very pleasant Darshan for 3 times and stayed in front of Baba for 1 hour by Sai’s grace. On our way back to Bangalore from Shirdi we both got down in Bangalore and tried to catch a local bus to reach our home. My husband was holding luggage in both hands and mobile was in his pocket. In the crowd he was trying to get in bus and he realised that someone had already taken the mobile. He did not know who, at the same moment Baba gave vision to my husband who had taken the mobile. My husband got into the bus and asked that person and that guy said he had not taken. That guy while getting inside the bus put mobile under one of the seat. A girl who was sitting on that seat told my husband “Uncle few minutes back something touched my legs. Can you check what it is”. It was my husband’s mobile. That thief got down from bus without any reasons and went off after we found the mobile. By Baba’s grace my husband got his i-phone back.

Thank You For Solving All My Problems

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Shirdi Sai Sister Aparaitta from India says: Thank you Hetal ji and your team for this wonderful platform. I would like to thank Baba for helping me. He not only saved me from two situations at work, but He is with me to take care of my personal problems as well. Baba Thank You million times. You help me during problems even when I am unaware of it. It is because of Your blessing and magic that the recent problem I had; got solved and my mother was there that time to take care of the situation. I would have been in deep trouble without her. I also want to bow to You for making my wish come true, for always listening to me. Please help my friend also. You are our Father, Guide, and most importantly You are the source of our peace. Thank You for always helping Your children. Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidhamahi, Sachidananda Dhimahi Tano Sai Prachodayat.

Interview With Mere Sai Fame “Abeer Soofi”
Blog’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations
Zatpat Aavo Mari – Sai Darshan By Hemant Chauhan
अध्याय 9 – श्री साई सतचरित्र हिंदी में (ऑडीओ) – फ़्री डाउनलोड
My Diwali Celebrations In Shirdi With Sai Baba
Baba’s Dream Saying Mahaparayan Is A Blessing And Boon To All Sai Children
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© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai BabaMember of

Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 249


  1. O Deva, be with us and continue shower us with Your Grace and achieve success at everything we set out to do.

    Jai Sairam

  2. Dear first devotee. Do not worry baba is with you to bless you and solve all your problems. Just keep faith n be confident. Baba please help this child of yours. Om sai ram

  3. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

  4. Sai Ram, Baba please, please stop these people from cheating us, taking our hardearned money and mistreating us after utilising our help in all ways. We are helpless against so many bad and evil people. Please be with us and help us Sai. Please. Thank you.
    Aum Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha.

  5. Sai ram. You know everything and the root cause of many tensions, misunderstanding and arguments in our family baba. These are created by unwanted people. Please clear and sort out all the worries and keep us blessed under your shelter always Sai. We have no support except you Sai. I am tired and worried about all this baba. These arguments are causing rift in our family and there is no peace of mind for us. Please do not let these happen with us, baba. Please Beg you to be with my parents and family always. Thank you, Sai. Aum Sri Sai Ram

  6. Omsairam…i feel verry sorry baba i was not able to make my father happy..i and my brother didnt cook properly for him..i am feeling very bad baba ..if iwas in his place iwiuld have never eaten that food..he told that food was like medicine …i feel very bad baba… time i will cook nicely and give him.baba bless my father and brother…forgive our sins and blesss with peace of mind. ..

  7. Sai ram. You know everything and the root cause of many tensions, misunderstanding and arguments in our family baba. These are created by unwanted people. Please clear and sort out all the worries and keep us blessed under your shelter always Sai. We have no support except you Sai. I am tired and worried about all this baba. These arguments are causing rift in our family and there is no peace of mind for us. Please do not let these happen with us, baba. Please Beg you to be with my parents and family always. Thank you, Sai. Aum Sri Sai Ram.

  8. Sai Ram, Baba please, please stop these people from cheating us, taking our hardearned money and mistreating us after utilising our help in all ways. We are helpless against so many bad and evil people. Please be with us and help us Sai. Please. Thank you.
    Aum Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha.

  9. Sai ram.

    Baba please be with my husband he is not weird. Please Baba cure him of his problems, sai and keep him safe. Aum Sri Sai Ram 🙏

  10. Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
    Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
    Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂

  11. Sister 1st experience) I know the feeling they are not using me as much as they used you as I'm not a earner yet but … Same as you don't remember doing bad things always want to me other happy, help others but we should not think about them you have a good husband and a kid and you'll definitely find kind souls here in your Sai family too you can bank upon so no worries, and as you are good person I'll pray for you please stop thinking bad they left you it's time to move on just keep doing good work you are doing nobody a favour but yourself you'll see Om Sai Ram

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