Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai Baba Devotee from India. Om Sai Ram to all the readers of this blog. I am a Sai Baba devotee for more than a decade. Baba has always helped and is helping me in different difficult situations of life. Only one needs to have unwavering faith and devotion and nothing else to get Baba’s help, guidance and blessings. This incident of mine proves that Baba never leaves His devotees once you take refuge under Baba’s fold.
We three – myself, my husband and my kid were on a pleasure trip to Rajasthan. During the trip one day I could not find the house keyset in any of the luggage that we were carrying. I was not nervous because I had handed over a spare house keyset to my parents who live nearby, before leaving for the trip. So getting into the home was not going to be difficult at all. I was under the impression that may be I had left the key set at home in haste, as we were in a hurry to reach the station.
Nevertheless I prayed to Sai Baba from the bottom of my heart to give back my lost key set as we would need it badly. But upon reaching home back from trip the key was not found as I had expected. My heart sank. A fear gripped me that probably I had lost the key set. We could not unlock one of the bedrooms as its key was not there in the spare key set which I had kept with my parents. But the key was in the bunch of keys that I had supposedly lost. My husband was angry and started scolding me for being so irresponsible to lose something as important as house key. I cried to Sai Baba to help us immediately in the hour of crisis so that we could unlock the bedroom. I was also searching the keys simultaneously. Believe me, dear devotees! Within a few seconds (not even a minute) I could lay my hand on a single key on the shelf. That was the key of the locked bedroom. At last all our rooms were accessible by Baba’s grace. But the mystery of the missing key set remained.
Then next few days I was busy with my life. In between whenever I could find time I used to search the keys here and there but without success. But I had placed my faith on Sai Baba that someday the Lord would give back my lost key set. My husband would enquire about it occasionally only to get a negative reply. In the meantime I had comb searched all probable places of the house. I even searched the suitcases we had carried on our trip. Days were passing by and my tension was mounting. I kept praying to Sai Baba to get me out of the situation. Eight days elapsed. I was really worried. Did I lose my key set on my trip? If so, it was lost forever. I asked Sai Baba in the Q & A site whether or not I will get the key set back. The answer was that by the next morning all my worries would be gone. The next morning I left all my worries at Sai Baba’s feet thinking He will give me the keys as communicated via Q & A site.
While doing my household chores I was drawn towards a hard luggage that we had carried on out trip. Without thinking I pulled open a zipped compartment at the inside bottom. Lo and behold! There lies the key set. Believe me I had searched that luggage earlier, but did not find it. True to His words, Sai Baba freed me from all the worries I was having for nine days. So this is our beloved Lord Sai Baba. He never abandons His devotees. He has the power to bail you out from any unnerving situation, whatsoever, even magically. The only thing is that your faith should be as strong as iron. The post is lengthy. But I believe Sai Baba has made me write this post in this manner. I am merely an instrument in Baba’s hand to spread His unending grace on His devotees. Pray to Sai, peace be to all. Om Sairam. Posted on Friday, 19th January, 2018.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Chirag Nagpal from India says: Om Sairam to all . We are blessed to have this blog where we can share our feelings about Baba, thanks a lot Hetal aunty for creating such a wonderful platform. You are indeed a Baba’s special child that you have got an opportunity to create this platform for all His children. Every second with Sai is a miracle, a blessing but I am here to pen down two recent miracles. Baba, forgive me for my mistakes. Jai Sairam.
1) My mother is a cardiac patient and she was saved by Baba only that too even after 2 cardiac attacks few years ago on Thursday. It was Baba Who saved her. Coming to the recent one, few days ago my mother had some pain in chest on slight left side and left arm. I was very worried and I took her to doctor and I prayed to Baba that there shouldn’t be anything related to heart. Doctor did her ECG and it was fine due to Baba’s grace and to clear more doubts we went for her routine tests which also came out to be normal. It was all because of Sai as He has promised me that my parents do have a long life and He keeps His promises always.
2)I am now a mass com post graduate by Baba’s blessing. Result of my final year was awaited and was late like everytime. So I contacted one of our acquaintances who works in University to know the results. I called that person on Monday and he said that he would tell me on Tuesday which he did not. On Wednesday I didn’t call him just like that and also I wanted to know my result on Thursday that is Baba’s day. So I was talking to Baba that this time I didn’t do that well in exams and I didn’t even pray for results and on Thursday morning I was sitting on my shop thinking that it was Thursday so results could officially be out and opened the site but it wasn’t there. One more thing came in mind that two of friends had got the results as they had different codes and their top score was 426 out of 600 and I was like I will get lesser marks than them and somewhat Baba said that I will get 430. Both the times Baba gave me assurance about day and score of result; a car passed by which had Baba’s murti in it and it was affirmation from Baba’s side. After few minutes my friend called me that the result was out and I got exactly 430. Baba is never untrue to His words. Whatever I am today is all because of Baba. A person who flunked class 11, is now a postgraduate with 73.5%. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram I am a housewife and a mother, staying in USA. I don’t know at which level my devotion has reached but I am always in Sai Baba’s grace and Sai Baba never lets me take even a single step in life without Him holding my hand. I can’t list all the experiences I had in life with Sai Baba’s blessings because my whole life is Sai Baba’s gift. I have done many mistakes, have hurt people sometimes but inspite of my bad karma Sai Baba has bestowed His supreme blessings upon me to enjoy beautiful moments in life which sometimes I feel I don’t deserve.
My son of 6 months was unable to sleep at night due to chocked nose and was feeling very restless. He was turning side to side and was very restless. In US doctors don’t treat as quick for such things as in India so I was worried but next moment asked Sai Baba to take care and applied Udi on forehead and chest and prayed to cure him and let him sleep well. With Sai Baba’s blessings my son slept well after that and never had such problem afterwards.
One day my son started crying suddenly and we were shocked as he hardly cries like this. Later we realized he was having hard stools and so must be having pain it seemed. We got tensed as this was bad pain and for 7 month baby it was severe. I prayed Sai Baba to cure him, next day stools started becoming soft and smile was back on our face.
Sai Baba again helped me and I saw half of the piece lying on floor. My son who is now 13 months again got very hard stools and was badly crying; also he had high fever at night and it was severe winter here and going out in those conditions was very difficult. I applied Udi to my son and in few hours my son was feeling better and slept well with diminishing fever. I feel very blessed that Sai Baba cares for me and my family. I have faith in Sai Baba but always used to think if Baba is listening my prayers. Sai Baba has blessed me with this experience. With the beginning of this new year 2018 Sai Baba has strengthen my faith. Sai Baba bless me, my family and friends always. Om Shri Sai Ram.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you Hetal ji for giving us this platform to share our Sai experiences. This is my first post.
I am in CA finals. I was a good student throughout my career. But in CA finals, I failed 3 times. I was completely shattered. I even don’t have patience to read the same books again for the 4th time. In my 3rd attempt, I prayed Sai Maa a lot but still I couldn’t clear any of my group (In CA final, we have 2 groups having 4 papers each). I thought He is not with me. And then came my 4th attempt. I had only 3 months left for the exam. I wasted my 1 month by crying for my failure. Then I decided to go with only 1 group (4 papers) and prayed Sai Maa to be with me in my preparation. Due to His grace, I completed reading in 1 month and revised in another month. And then I gave my exam, but was not sure for 1 paper. Then came my result time. Before seeing the results I asked Sai Maa about it in Q &A site, and answer came, “Work as desired will be fulfilled, You will get success beyond imagination”. And yesterday, my result came and yes I passed group 1 with good marks (240/400) and in 1 paper I scored 79/100, which was beyond my imagination. Yes, Sai Maa’s words comes true! Thank You Sai Maa, for making me realise the importance of Hard work ( karam), then only one can actually enjoy the fruit of success (fal). Sai Maa, please be with me in the preparation of my second group and help me to do my karam. I hope I will become CA soon with Your blessings. Om Sai Ram!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a Baba’s devotee. I have many experience with Baba. I am going to write one of the experiences. It’s about how Baba saved us from a big calamities.
I try to become a devotee of Baba. But how much I am successful, that Baba only knows. My day always start with Baba. Though sometimes I get upset but His love always pull me towards Him. Anyway I want to write about my recent experience. First of I would like to ask Sai to pardon me for delaying to submit my post. I live in Houston, Texas. Few months back Houston was affected by a hurricane. The whole city was affected very badly. Our neighbourhood was also affected very badly. We were very sacred. The water was 3/4th of our driveway. Many of our neighbourhood houses were flooded with water. Our neighbourhood houses were just 2 or 3 years old. We did not have any flood insurance. We have financial crunch. We couldn’t afford to repair the house. It would cost a lot of money to build the house again. I was praying to Sai to save us from this situation. The forecast was saying it may rain for few more days. But luckily rain stopped and Sai saved us from a big calamity. Please bless us Sai.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Ashwini from India says: I am a married woman with 4 years old son. Thanks Hetalji and the team for maintaining this blog. This has helped to increase the faith in our Baba. One night my son was coughing very much, we could hear little wheezing sound while he was coughing or breathing. He had cough very often and as a mother it disturbed me very much. While sleeping in the night I prayed our beloved Sai to please make him alright by next morning and I would post this on the site while reading the experience and need not to say, he was alright in the morning. Thank You so much Sai Baba for all the help. He has helped us everytime when we were in trouble or even in confused situation. Whatever is happening in our life is according to our past karma and Sai will show the right path, so just pray Him before doing any task or taking any decision and He will make the right choice for us. Thank You Sai for all the blessings, please our faith in You be ever alive. Om Sai Ram.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Be with us O Deva as we begin a new week and help us achieve our goals 🙂
Jai Sairam
Omg sri sai ram.
Baba please sort out my mom problem . Please baba you know what it is. Please keep my oaparen blessed under your grace . Protect my parents,hu husba, sister and family from bad and evil people and jealous eyes. AUM Sri Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam…baba tc of my father he is always crying thinking about me…baba kindly send a good match for my brother.
Baba please save me, please protect my family please Baba….Om SaiRam
Baba did I decide the right thing. IIdont know.v Help me baba I am scared . Please be with me
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
Ok Shri Satguru Sai Natharpan Mastu Shubham Bhavantu
Thank you soo much SAI MAA for posting My first experience and that too on my birthday.. i love you from the bottom of my heart..❤️❤️