Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Shirdi Sai Devotee Jyothsna from Canada says: Om Sai Ram! to all Sai devotees. Always I bow my head in front of Sainath. I am Jyothsna, really feeling excited to share my experiences with all devotees and very thankful to management to give this glad opportunity. Still, I don’t know how I bond with Sai but since my childhood to till know, He always with me in each and every step. Today whatever I am that is just because of You only my dear Baba. Sai! You are my first friend, Teacher, well-wisher what else I can tell strongly You are just my breath.
Today here I’m expressing one off my experiences which is related to my education but I had a lot of experiences with Baba. By Sai grace, I will express all in soon. I came from a middle-class family but I had the zeal to study and get a good career in my future. Always I pray Sai and every time I asked Him at that time Baba! I had to study more, get a good job and I had to take care of my parents and all that surrounds me. When I completed my 10+2 and I wrote Eamcet to get a seat in the medical field but I didn’t get enough rank to reach MBBS and I knew with my economic status it was impossible to get a medical seat in a private. So then I applied for paramedical courses. Then I waited approximately 3 months but still, I didn’t receive any call letter from University to attend counselling. On Thursday I went to the Baba temple for darshan and I asked Him Baba! This is August will I receive any seat or not, otherwise I have to stop my studies. Baba, but I love studies. I prayed Him and I returned to home. By that time the postman came with my call letter from the university, I was so happy and that feeling cannot be explained in words. In that letter it was mentioned that I had to attend counseling by next week.
With immense of happiness, I told my parents about this but I need to pay 15000 rupees to university if I got the seat. My Father told me not to ask money and that we were not going to attend counselling because we didn’t have that much money. On that day I cried a lot and pleased my father a lot to go there. My father told me that don’t expect that we will go there but I will try to arrange money from anybody and even he tried a lot but he didn’t find any source. Only 2 days time was left to attend counselling, in that one daytime had to reach that place but I knew Baba would help me. Finally, my house owner called me and she gave me money. Even my parents didn’t ask her but she had listened to our conversation. After that I went to the university. I got the physiotherapy seat. On that day I promised to Baba, I will work hard to complete the degree, completed 5 years education without any break, I did hard work with help of Baba and successfully completed my graduation with University top rank. Baba, with help from You only, now I became a good physiotherapist and fulfilled my parent’s dream. Today whatever I am just because of my dear Sainath, I know Sainath will not expect anything from His beloved devotees but Baba I would like to dedicate my education, career and myself to You. Jai Sai Ram! Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavanthu! Thank you all.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am a Doctor practicing in South and East India! Baba has been the guiding and protecting force in my life since a long time! My recent experience reinforces this belief!
I was returning to my place, by road, after completing my professional duties in another state. As it was a highway with sparse traffic , my driver was touching speeds of around 100 km per hour and there was this motorcyclist who was riding bang in the middle of the road, suddenly turned to the right without any indications whatsoever, just at the point where my driver was about to overtake him! As a result he crashed onto my car, was thrown up on to the bonnet and his head hit the windshield, slid down and hit the road! My driver reversed and drove ahead , not the ideal thing to do, as being a doctor I am supposed to check the victim, but as discretion is the better part of valour, we drove on as an irate mob was gathering. The bigger vehicle is always considered to be at fault in such accidents, we would have been lynched by the mob. We drove along in disbelief, rattled, sad and guilt-ridden. I was wondering what to do, whether to go to a police station and report the incident. All the while a vehicle with Baba’s picture stuck to its rear windshield was going ahead of us, as if to assure me that everything was going to be alright!
After driving around 50 kms I noticed a PCR van following us! I asked my driver to slow down. The PCR van asked us to pull over. They were initially rude, but when I explained the situation to them, they calmed down and guided us to a nearby police station ! This police station was located in an area where some of my friends (all doctors) worked- see the miracle! I narrated to them all that happened. All of them through their contacts and influence spoke to the station -incharge! The police behaved very courteously with me and told me that I did the right thing in coming away from the site of accident as the mob would have been very violent! They assured me of all help! They took custody of my vehicle and arranged another vehicle for me to travel to my place! And interestingly this vehicle too had a picture of Baba! I was now assured that everything was going to be alright, but there was lurking fear about the condition of the motorcyclist (victim). As I reached home, I got the news that the victim was safe and was discharged after first aid! My car was handed over to me the next day, the victim didn’t file any case, and my car insurance covered the expenses of the repairs! And all this without a single scratch on me! A potentially disastrous situation was masterfully tackled by our Sai The Omnipresent Saviour! Belief matters…! Jai Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai ram to all devotees. Thank you Hetalji and Team for maintaining this blog. I am a small devotee of Baba.
My Father had to undergo dialysis which came as a huge shock to the entire family. We were shattered. But we had to be strong so that my Father could get the mental strength to accept it. It started for 3 times a week and my Father got discharged from Hospital. After returning home, he felt alright for some time but during midnight he started vomiting continuously every 5 mins. It did not stop and we all were scared. We gave him tablet, I gave Udi in water and applied Udi to his forehead too. But it did not stop. Finally in the morning he got admitted in the Hospital in ICU. The sister gave him injection but my Father was suffering a lot. Along with vomiting, he had stomach ache too. I applied Udi on his stomach. We could not see him suffer like this. He was crying in pain and was tired due to continuous vomiting. We were continuously giving him Udi. From midnight to night 9 pm he was suffering. You all can imagine what pain he went through. We all were crying and praying for him. I went to him in ICU and started chanting Sai Kashta Nivaran Mantra near his bed and started reading the Sai Satcharitra chapter 13 – Page 74 where Bapusaheb Buti also once suffered from Dysentery and Vomiting and How Baba’s word cured him. I read that particular paragraph many times to him. I also read the Dattopant Harda paragraph to him where Baba cured him of his stomach pain. I did many readings, Took Vow to Baba that if the vomiting and stomach pain stop I wuld read Sai kasta Nivaran mantra 108 times and submit the experience on this blog. And my Father finally started feeling better, the sister gave him an injection for inducing sleep along with that dialysis was also given. We could not sleep that night. We were ardently praying Baba to stop his vomiting.
Thank You Baba You saved my Father. Koti koti pranam to You. Please take care of him. Take mercy on him and forgive his sins and sins committed by my Family. He is a nice man. We don’t have anyone to care of us except our Father. Sorry Baba I forgot to submit the experience, its little late, please forgive me. My father has to undergo dialysis 3 times Baba, I can’t see him suffer like this. Please reduce the number of times he has to undergo , take care of him and suggest us what should we do. You are the doctor of doctors and sole protector and saviour. Please help us Baba. Keep showering Your blessings always on my entire family.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: If we have faith and patience, Baba will always shower His love and blessings upon us with more that what we expect. Hi Hetal Ji, please keep me anonymous when you post it online. First of all I would like to thank you for this wonderful job that you have been doing by spreading great Sai Baba’s leelas in form of devotees’ experiences. I would like to share my experience with all the devotees to spread power of Lord Sainath and why we need to have faith and patience in Him.
I stay in USA with my family and we used to live in our own house with grace of Baba. We started discussing about moving to new house as we wanted to move to a different school district as the middle school where we were staying had some bad influences. Hence we started looking for a new house, but we wanted to make sure that unless Baba gives us a sign we will not make any offer even if we like the house. We spent almost 2 years searching for the house and we also liked few houses, however there was no sign from Baba. After 2 years of search I started worrying a little bit as my older son had only 2 more years to enter middle school. To our surprise, just before the start of school year we saw an advertisement about house coming to market and the first thing I noticed was the address itself had “SAI” in it (Saint Marys). There was no bound to my joy that Baba had given us a sign. We went to see the house on the first day when it came to market. We liked the house so much that we made the offer immediately, however seller decided to wait over the weekend for other offers. Finally, our offer was accepted and I started following up on mortgage. There were few issues in getting loan approved as we had only one income source and I already had loan on our car and old house. With Baba’s grace loan was approved without any problems and even the closing was done smoothly. It would not have been possible without Baba’s blessings and we cannot thank Him enough. Om Sai Ram. Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. May Baba bless everyone with happiness.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Sree from Germany says: Thank you Hetal ji for this blog. It brings devotees like us together from different parts of the world.
I am glad that my mother introduced me to Sai Baba when I was 7 years old. Since then I had several experiences proving that Baba is always with me and my family. I had applied for German visa from Chennai last October. As I had no help I went along with my 2 year old but visa interviewer asked me for name change in marriage certificate and this was the first time I had issue even though I have lived in Germany before. I got worried if the name change document would work for visa interview I booked in November as some mentioned that it may not be accepted. I prayed Baba that I will visit Him in Chennai temple before I go to embassy. I also asked Him for a miracle- I wanted to feed a black dog when I reach there. Sai ma fulfilled my wish. There was tall black pet dog somewhere in between shops right in front of temple and it barked till I went and fed him. Shopkeepers haven’t even seen who tied the dog there.
The second miracle: I asked Baba that I wanted to see Him at consulate and did not want the same interviewer. But I got the same interviewer and in between the interview, head of the consulate with grey hair was in my room for 2mins. I was very happy that Baba was with me. I got my visa in 3 weeks. I promised Baba that I would post this among innumerable miracles that I have experienced. Sainath ki Jai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi I’m ordinary devotee of Sai Baba. This is my fourth post on this blog. Daily it has become a habit of reading the experiences of so many devotees and at a same time faith in Sai Baba increases. It’s a very positive site where a person with much difficulties reads any one experience will give positive vibes to them.
Here I would like share that I was waiting for my close friends response from a long time, and waited for 2 or 3 days. Later prayed Sai Baba for it as it was important, and it happened the very next day. Seeing this I was very happy and I am sharing it here. Thank You Sai Baba.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Om sai ram… baba please help me I want to marry whom I love please help me baba. First I want a job then I want to marry baba. Please help me baba
Baba please guide me regarding my future…i worked hard, studied hard for my subject…did masters as well with YOUR grace…but now i am totally lost Baba…i don't have any direction…i was really enthusiastic initially but this one whole year has totally changed me as a person…my friends have qualified the exams whereas i am still left behind..this one incident has totally shattered me Baba..i have lost my confidence, happiness and zeal…i am always worried for silly things and feel anxious a lot.. now i don't even want to leave my home and go to some far off place..the thought of it pains me a lot… Please Baba make me confident and independent again…i want to be a cheerful and happy person again who wants to make her parents proud…Baba whenever any interview call comes…i don't know..instead of being happy i start crying…lot of negetive thoughts arise and most importantly i always feel that i am not capable of doing it..Baba YOU have pulled me out of the darkness…please help me to overcome this ..please give me a job near my hometown…i know i am not a very good devotee of YOURS Baba..i am always making mistakes but please hold my hand Baba and guide me….also Baba help my Father, He is an homest person and have never done bad to anyone…please support him Baba…He is innocent and respects YOU a lot…please bless my family Baba and bless everyone with health, happiness and love Om SaiRam
Dear first devotee, you are very blessed.. Mine is also the same condition of medicine. But babaa guided me to take different path. I dont know how i can drag it to end. Please help me ma sai.
Also thanks for being with my dad.. Help him to manage the situation and please help him in health. ..
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram🙏
Jai Sairam
Sharma you of my father and brother's heaLth.
Om Sai Ram 🙏