Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all the devotees. With Sai’s blessings I’ll be posting 3 experiences here.
Experience 1- Around 2-3 years back, my mum and I had gone to a shop to purchase rakhis. That shop basically comprised of pictures/statues of various Gods and Goddesses. I saw Sai Baba’s picture hung on the wall. It was so beautiful and inviting and by looking at it, it felt that Baba was looking at us with so much of love and assurance. My mum also liked it and I asked her if we can buy it, she also wanted to buy but we couldn’t as we were not carrying enough cash and the picture was expensive at a rate of Rs 17,500. However, I clicked it’s photo to show it to my father, he also liked it and said that we’ll buy it later. Whenever I would go to that shop, I would see that picture there. My family is a big Sai Baba devotee and recently only I shifted my home. It’s been around 6 months in my new home and a couple of days back, my parents went to that same shop, not with an intention to buy that picture, but to buy a wind chime. There my father saw that same picture hung on the wall and soon realised of me once mentioning it to him. My parents surprised me with that picture! And Baba came to my home and decided to stay with us. Isn’t it Baba’s sheer leela? Nobody buying that photo since so many years and finally Baba came to my home. Thank You so much Sai!
Experience 2- Around 15-20 days back, my 9 month old Labrador dog had continuous vomits along with loose motions with little traces of blood in his stools. He even lost his appetite. I rushed him to the hospital and there doctor conducted few tests to see if he has tick fever or not. I was thinking that it could not be tick fever because my dog regularly bathes and is quite clean as well. I was praying to Sai, that please it should be normal fever, the reports were normal and my dog just had fever because of the cold winds and change in weather. Doctor have him some meds and injection and he was perfectly fine within 2 days. It was all Sai’s endless blessings.
Experience 3- In December’17 I had my college semester exams. As Sai helps those who help themselves; I worked really hard with Baba’s blessings. I prayed to Baba that on my way to the college, please give Your darshan, so I know that You’re with me and nothing bad would happen to me. All my fellow devotees, it was our Sai’s endless blessings that on every exam day and otherwise as we’ll, Baba would give me His darshan in the form of pictures/statues in cars or poster/hoardings or sometimes in the car(uber) I sat. Believe me, it felt that Baba was telling me not to worry and He was with me. Not just during exams, otherwise also I have a habit of bowing before His picture at home and eating Udi and applying it in my forehead, before leaving home. My mom right from the beginning has instilled this habit in me and my siblings to eat Udi before leaving home. Recently my result also came out and with Sai’s endless blessings I cleared the exams with first division. All this is our Sai’s love and blessings. Thank You so much Sai for always taking care of me. To all the devotees, kindly have faith and patience. Sai is well aware of our problems and is grinding out our karmas. He too gets restless when we are undergoing such hardships. Sai will never leave us nor forsake us. Regularly read Shri Sai Satcharitra as well. It gives us hope and strength. Thank You Sai. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I live in the US. My day begins and ends with Baba and reading the devotees’ experiences and prayers on this site. Hetalji and the team are doing such a wonderful deed by helping all of us to share Baba’s teaching and miracles.
I had sent in another experience but it has not been posted as yet. Baba, thank You for giving me a job after 1.5 years, even when astrologers told me getting a job would be difficult for me. You have worked Your miracle. Thank You.
Now coming to another experience. I had sent some prayers to Baba through this site, but they had not been posted, but it does not matter. Baba heard my prayers. My son had applied to a college and the first step in selection was to be called for an interview. We were all very worried if he would get the interview call and yesterday (Thursday Jan 25th) he got the interview call. Baba, thank You so much. Now please help him do the interview well so he gets admission. Only You can help him Baba.
I have asked my son to schedule the interview on Thursday. I hope that he gets that day and Baba You please come and interview him. Thank You again Baba, for this first step. Baba, You know I am asking for two more things for my daughter. Please help. She is very stressed and some time gets depressed. Please help her Baba. You are her mother, father and everything. Take care of her and bless her. I will post the experience as soon as something gets resolved for her. Om Sai Ram.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am the eldest daughter (married) from our family. I have younger sister and a brother. My maternal grandfather was a great devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba. He had taken darshan of Sai Baba at Shirdi when Baba was in human form.
Om Sai Ram to all. I have been reading experiences on this blog from last one year. It has immensely helped me to gain mental peace and strength, and face life as it comes. Since long I had been waiting to share my first experience. But I had said to Baba that I will share it only when He tells me to do so. Recently, I heard in my dream that Baba was telling me to post the experience. Thank You, Baba, for helping me to write this experience.
Last year during same time I was very happy and busy writing my PhD thesis. Suddenly my father passed away leaving us devastated. It was a great shock for me. I was terribly depressed almost for a month. It was then I started reading Sai Satcharitra. One day while searching for Sai Satcharitra on the internet I came across this wonderful site. I thank Hetalji and the team from the bottom of my heart for creating such a wonderful platform. Reading Sai experiences daily helped me to gain strength and I could resume writing the thesis. I used to daily ask questions to Sai Baba whether I would be able to complete the work. Baba would assure me that I would gain success with the help of a friend and big thing will happen in the month of July. Truly my friend supported and helped me a lot and I could submit my thesis in the month of July on Thursday. Koti Koti Pranam Baba. Baba, please take care of my mother and help her to gain good health. Baba, please always be with us and bless us. Peace be to all. Om Shri Sai, Jai Jai Sai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thanks Hetalji and team for this blog. I am 28 years unmarried female from India. Since I was 18 I wanted to visit Goa but my parents never allowed me. In 2018, my PG friends planned two days reunion in Goa in January. My parents as usual said no. I was disappointed, I decided I’ll go and meet my friends irrespective of my parents not approving. My dad stopped speaking to me, yet he asked my brother to book my Goa ticket, somewhere I felt he approved indirectly.
I prayed Baba and Bhagamma Devi to help me reach Goa safely. The bus I boarded for Goa had Sai Idol in it. I felt very safe. When I reached Goa, I had problems with booking pre-paid taxi, I got one taxi, I was surprised to see Sai idol in car. I felt Baba is saying why fear when I am here? I had great time with friends in Goa; I saw so many Sai pictures on cars and Sai services. My friends wanted me to stay back one more day, so I called my boss to postpone my trip. My boss didn’t pick, so I had to leave the same day back to my workplace. I had some difficulties of travelling alone, but Baba took care of it, I felt Baba in every moment. I thank You Baba for coming to your bhaktas prayers. Keep blessing us always. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam I am a Baba’s Devotee. Yesterday while our family was out of station, we were not able to remember where we had kept a particular amount of money. We had moved our stuff quite a bit from one bag to another and had also visited a crowded temple and shopping areas. Because of not being able to find the money, we were under lot of stress. I prayed to Sri Sai Baba to help us find the money as otherwise our trip would be spoiled. In one of our previous trips, we had lost Rs 10000 because of a pick pocket incident so we did not want a repeat of that experience. Sri Sai Baba showed His kindness and my mother found the money in one of the inner hidden zips of her bag. We had looked earlier as well in that bag but had missed out to check that zip. It’s because of Baba’s grace that my mother thought of looking there. Many thanks Baba for helping us locate the money and preventing an unpleasant experience on our trip. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I and my family are ardent Baba’s devotees and are based out of Pune. There have been numerous occasions where I have gone through tough times in my life personally and professionally.
I am working in a reputed company for the last 15 years. Recently there is this lady in a very high position at another location in my company who was humiliating me with her sarcasm, intimidating and making me feel very small with no support from my seniors. Only Baba came to my rescue today by keeping her away from me today. Wish to see my other wish too fulfilled which I cannot divulge. Om Sairam.
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Baba, i again got called for the interview which was postponed..Baba i am still waiting for the company call…please Baba…i don't think i am capable of pulling of a lecturer job…please Baba give an opportunity near my hometown…please Baba help me to gain my lost confidence. Baba right now i don't feel like studying my subject even…please Baba help me…the interview is scheduled 3 days later please give me a company call before that Baba.. Om SaiRam
O Deva, Please confer us Your blessings by placing Your hand on us.
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Omsairam..always my prayers are for my father and brother bless them with good health.
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
how blessed are those eyes which saw baba in form…. Baba please help my parents and bless with good health.. .i know i will leave soon. You are my first and last thing ma.
You're grand father is so lucky to have baba darshan physically