Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam! Thank you so much Hetal ji for providing the opportunity to share our dear Baba’s miracles which gives us energy strength and positive thoughts. May Baba bless you abundantly.
My Sai is Rajadhi Raja Yogiraja Sachidananda Sainath Maharaj. Baba is everything to us. Please forgive me about the delay in posting. I had posted earlier on this blog how we got our green card with His blessings. Now I am explaining about my job.
Once after receiving green card I wanted to do work. We humans always have our wishes in queue. I am not different. I used to ask Him everyday about my job. I got few offers both as FTE and (as contractor) but nothing got materialized. Days were passing and I used to cry in front of Him asking why He was doing this to me. We humans don’t know that He had better plans for us. Days were passing and one day I received a call from California and that girl was talking about a job in Virginia. I did not take it serious to me. It was like any other which I receive from different consultancies. Interview got fixed on the same day and she said that I got selected but then I was scared about the location as it was far away from my place and I have two kids whom I cannot leave and go. Then again I asked Sai “what is this, why are You sending me far away from my family”. My husband supported a lot, he encouraged me without whom I could not take such a dare filled step to go to a different place. I used to feel bad that I left my family, my cutie pies and was working. I sometimes used to think like was it really needed to do so, but I had confidence on my Baba that He will take care of me. Days were passing and I started receiving calls from my place and I started applying in my dream company. I was really scared and worried as this was a dream job to me. If I got the job I could be with my family in the same place and it was very near to home and a very good company. One fine day my second round of interview got fixed and I attended that with Baba’s blessings. There also I had few miracles of Him which indirectly were hinting me that I was going to get that job. Yes as you guessed He blessed with me as FTE where I was ready to join as a contractor with very less salary. Thank You Baba thank You so much.
After joining the job one day I registered in Mahaparayan. With Baba’s blessings I was able to take part in it. He is continuously showering His blessings for which I am very thankful to Him from the bottom of my heart. After this we planned to go India and visit Shirdi and see Him. With His blessings we went and had good darshan but I was sad that I could not visit for aartis. I was very much interested to go for His aarti and surprisingly He arranged for that. We went to Samadhi mandir in the morning, got many leaves and had darshan and kakad aarti and we very near to the statue (Baba). I asked Him to give a flower and He blessed me with that to. And I wanted to see Him in pink dress, after kakad aarti I saw Him in the same colour where my joy knew no bounds. Tears were rolling from my eyes. Prabhu, please always bless us and everyone in this world. Meanwhile He also blessed us with a house where we did not have any plans to buy. In short He gave everything needed; only what we need is Shraddha and Saburi. He knows what to give and when to give but we need to wait patiently. Sorry for my long post. Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: First, I would like to take blessing of Sai Baba because He is the One Who has given me the opportunity to post my experience here. I am working in an IT Company, can’t term myself as Baba devotee as devotees do not doubt Baba. I am an unfortunate soul who might have done so many sins and hence Baba doesn’t love me anymore. Still if anything good happens in my life, big or small, I give credit to Almighty and any bad which happens to me, I give credit to my karmic account.
Very rare, any miracle happens in my life. So this below incident which I am going to narrate, I term it as absolute blessing of my Sai Baba.
I commute everyday to my office in an auto and need to change two autos to reach office and back home. One such day I started back from office, took an auto and while sitting in an auto made a call to my home. After the call was done, I did not keep my mobile in bag and it was there in my hand only. When I got down from that auto, I kept the phone on the seat of the auto and started taking out purse from bag and paid back to the auto person. In hurry, since I had to catch another auto from there, I hurriedly moved towards another auto after paying back the money. I completely forgot to pick the mobile phone back from the seat of the auto. I approached towards another auto, sat in it and headed towards home. Till then I did not realize that I had lost my phone. I reached home and when I had to make a call and started searching the phone, I realized that I do not have phone in my bag.
I was devastated not due to losing out on a good phone, but the phone had my child’s photos, some precious moments of his were captured in it; either as photos or videos and I feared losing them. I being a very emotional person, I give importance to all these little things rather than money. I was in tears and literally told Baba, that Baba I am fed up of my life, everyday I am facing some or other issue in my life, its better You make me die rather than punishing me like this in every moment of my life. I prayed to my Krishna too. I somehow controlled myself, and started tracing back on my thoughts that till when I was having phone in my hand. When I started tracing back my thoughts, I realized and was pretty sure that it was left in first auto itself. That time getting back my mobile seemed impossible to me because neither I remembered that Auto person’s face nor had noted his number. On a fluke, I told my colleague who was there at that time in office to go down the office building and enquire there from where I boarded the auto. It was a miracle that one auto person finally agreed that yes Madam forgot mobile in my auto and he asked for some money and gave it back to my colleague and finally it came in my hand. It was nothing but a miracle which my Baba did, my Lord Krishna did. Baba at the end, I just fold my hand and ask forgiveness for my act in this birth or any previous birth. Please shower Your blessing on me and my family. I crave for Your unconditional love Baba. I owe my life to You.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks Hetalji for the noble work. While I am writing down this experience, I don’t know why my hands are shivering. I am praying to Baba and then writing. Basically I am very bold and athletic. I feel I am waste and fit for nothing, so I am giving both to you and I am surrendering my Ego. Make me a good and effective guy. I am 33 years old male not married and my parents are getting too much worried and I don’t have peace of mind and I am unable to concentrate on personal and professional work. Sai sometimes I go in depression.
Experience1: My father lost the pouch which had all the bank cards. If lost it was tough for my father to get back new cards from the bank. When I came to know I prayed to my beloved Sai and within few minutes he found the lost pouch. But unfortunately before that itself all the cards were locked. 1 bank agreed to re-issue new card without any charges, other bank agreed to give new pin by charging 10 Rs.
Experience2: In the year end appraisal process, I came to know from my reporting manager that my feedback was not good from my technical managers and my job may go in stake. I prayed to my beloved Sai that my appraisal rating should not be bad and my job should not be in stake. If so I will share my experience as I am doing so. It would be useful for the people whoever are facing the same challenge. The day I was going to receive appraisal rating; I don’t know what happened in the morning that some inner voice told me (who else our beloved Sai) to chant Sai Kasta Nivarana Shothram and to start reading Sai Satcharitra. I chanted Kasta Nivarana Shothram and started reading Sai Satcharitra. The next day appraisal ratings were revealed. I got positive feedback and my job was out of danger. A thanks is just not enough for Your blessings. Thank You for accepting a waste, useless, cunning and egoistic person as Your devotee. Don’t know what is happening in my life and what is going to happen. I know Shraddha and Saburi are required but I don’t have courage to bear. Guruji (Sai) I am surrendering at Your holy feet Sai, You can remove past karmas and astrology can be overcomed by Your blessings, Please take me into Your hands. You know what is good, bless me and my family with peace of mind and happiness. For whatever Sai has given to me and my family Koti Sastanga Pranam. Ananthakoti Bramhanada Nayaka Rajadiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UAE says: Dear Sairam, I don’t have words to express my feelings right now, You are my world forever. As I prayed You, You have given me a job. I am happy with it, but please make me cross my probation period successfully and get my visa stamped being here only, don’t let me go home. Please Deva. This job You have given me, so it is Your responsibility to be with me until I get confidence to work alone here. I beg You, to give me safe office environment with good atmosphere and people around me. Please make my visa without any problems. My employer should get good impression on me, please help me Sai. I am Your child, You are my Ma.
Tomorrow I am going to start my first day in new office, they should appreciate me for my work, they should love me for my knowledge and skills, please make this office for permanent work, it is enough for me and make this office as my last working, I have to open my own soon after this years of period of work. I need You Sai always with me, please help and be with me wherever I go. Teach me everything at my new office. You are responsible for my work and Visa. After I get my salary in April, I give you 111dhs from my first salary as I prayed. Please help me to cross this difficult situation Baba. Give me clear crystal mind to understand their business and work quickly. You are my Guru, it is Your responsibility to make them like me and process for my Visa. Thank You so much Baba, for giving me this job on Your day, my mom is very happy, and my friend Raja also very happy as You listened their prayer. I love You Sai. Bless all Baba. Om Sai Ram

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Sai Nathaya Namah. I am a Sai devotee from USA and this is my third experience which I am going to pen down. I have been blessed with Baba’s infinite blessings always but could not share each and everything.
Thank you Hetal ji for this beautiful platform from which millions of people are able to read and share their experience due to which lots of people are getting benefited. Coming to my experience, I got pregnant with blessing of Baba which was quite impossible to me and I had tried everything for the baby, but finally by Baba’s grace I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and Baba was always there for me during my whole pregnancy. Wherever and whenever I prayed everywhere Baba was there. There were some complications but Baba was always there. Thank You Baba for these infinite blessings. During my last trimester of pregnancy my husband said he was not feeling good health wise so we went for his annual check-up and there I asked Baba to please be with my husband and if all reports came normal I would share this. And finally all reports came normal. Thank You Baba for Your enormous blessings. Also last night my new born was crying the whole night so I prayed Baba to please calm my baby and make him sleep and my baby slept in sometime. Thank You Baba, You are my everything. Please be with everyone who all are in need. Sai Nathaya Namah.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi good morning everyone, heartful thanks to Hetalji. This is my second post in this blog. It gives me great pleasure to be part of this modern Satcharithra.
Coming to experience there was critical issue where my mom and brother had fight for silly reason. Brother is so stubborn that he left home for 3 days without even answering phone calls. We did not know where he was. I just prayed to my Sai that I had left everything to Him to change my brother’s mind and to make him understand and that if he came back and stayed peacefully I would write this experience for this modern Satcharithra. Here comes the miracle. Finally on the 4th day he started speaking with me. I could convey him, Baba gave me strength to make him understand and on that evening he returned home and was happy. I prayed to Baba to make him understand and he should not repeat the same again and again. Thanks a lot Sai. I feel like hugging You. Koti Koti Pranamas to You. You blessed me even if I am not much devoted to You nowadays. Sai help me to be devoted and guide me. My life is Yours, Sai make me to walk holding Your hands and bless everyone and take care of everyone. Let the mistakes of each be learned then and there and thus lead the life in proper way.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Om Sri Sai Ram. Today I completed by 5 day Sai baba pooja. I did this pooja for getting a job. This pooja can be started on Thursday. Light 5 lamps, read Sai ashototram, Sai baba bhajans, aarti. Keep prasad for Baba And pray to him. Share prasad with family and friends. Do this for 5days. om Sri Sai Ram.
O Deva, burn away our sins as we chant Your name and bless us with peace and happiness.
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam….bless my father and brother with good health..forgive our sins baba..
sai sai sai. Pull me. exams….
pleade help my parents
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Sai Sadbudhi Do Hum Sabko
Om Sai Ram 🙏