Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Thank you Hetal ji and the team for your tremendous seva. May Baba bless you always. Please keep my identity as anonymous. I’m an ardent devotee of Sai Baba since my childhood, may be from the age of 6 years onwards. I currently work and stay in the USA. I’m so blessed to be under the shelter of our beloved Sai ma. He is everything to me; I forever want to be at His lotus feet. Thank You Baba for everything, I love You so much. My today’s post is all about how 1. Baba blessed me with a job change (In process) 2. Experience of Him listening to my mind and wishes 3. Doing Mahaparayan and reading of Nav Guruvar Vrat book.
Here are my experiences : 1. Baba blessed me with a job change (In process) Sai Ram All, I would like to share deeply connected experiences that I had with our beloved Baba. I have been working in the USA for some years. As Baba carved my path, I just blindly follow it. Total tenure on my work permit visa was getting closure to an end and wanted to shift to a bigger firm which would be suitable for my needs. I must tell you that, I had been searching for a job change for almost a year, while ‘m in a current job at an Indian MNC in the USA. Many things occurred and there was a time when I received an offer letter, but for some reason I couldn’t join that company. I was so disappointed and frustrated as most of us would be, but as I knew in one corner of my mind that, Baba has some other best plan for me and He doesn’t want me to be in that place. I went through mixed emotions, once I would feel Baba would take care and sometime later I thought, He always wants to test and put me in pain. My restless mind did not understand why He was doing all this at that point in time. Later, all my questions were answered. Work permit visas have been going through a lot of scrutiny under new administration. That point in time was so not in favour that, many transfers were getting rejected or put under RFE(Request For Evidence) status. Baba saved me from all those sort of happenings. Now, I’m blessed with a job offer from one of the biggest firms in the US, even though during this tough situation. One of my good friends referred and helped me a lot to prepare. I thank Baba whole heartedly and continue to be at His feet as a dust particle. Please be with us always Baba and I’m sure under Your light and ever flowing love, everything will go smoothly on joining the company.
2. Experience of Him listening to my mind and wishes. I was driving to my friend’s city by myself, which is a 8 hour drive from my place in the USA. At one stretch of time, a lot of thoughts were flowing in my mind, such as my wish for job change, how is my life going to be, bride search, etc., whenever I used to think about something or ask a question to Baba, there was a truck with name – SAIA(A big truck company) crossed on the opposite lane of the freeway. What a blessing it is? I’m not sure how many trucks passed by me in total whenever I thought/asked something to Baba. I did not experience like that anytime on a freeway. Why should those exactly pass whenever I thought of something? After one point those stopped crossing me. So, me being ignorant and wanted to check Baba’s pervasiveness, I told, if this is the case, can You please appear within next few moments? To my utter shock, I see only a truck crossing me with name – ‘SAI’A again. My tears of joy rolled down my cheeks and knew no bound. I can’t ever explain the feeling of my heart melting and wanting. After sometime, I felt so hungry as I was continuously driving for 5 hours non-stop. I passed through a few towns and couldn’t find a good restaurant. Again, I told Baba that, I’m hungry and please find me a place. You know what, again a truck with name of SAIA appeared the very next moment, showing that He even listened to me this. That was the last truck appeared with that name during that journey. Within next few minutes I found a restaurant and had my late lunch. I thanked Baba for everything.
3. Doing Mahaparayan and reading of Nav Guruvar Vrat book. Last year, there were messages floating around in one of the whatsapp group on Mahaparayan. Initially, I thought of joining and after, was thinking whether I would be able to keep up with the commitment for a year or not. Days past and was nearing the end date of registration. Long story short, I reached out to the coordinator and mentioned about my interest of joining. She then reached out to global team for any vacancy. A few days past and there was no response. I thought, Baba didn’t wanted me to be part of this, as I was in confusion previously. It was the day before the closing of registration, to my surprise, I was reached out by the coordinator and she said that, I can accommodate you as one of the devotees had a personal reason to leave the group. I narrated my story to her and she echoed my thoughts saying – how blessed I am to be included in this great Mahaparayana, where in only 7500 devotees got the opportunity across the globe (initially). Moreover, I wanted to be a part of one specific city group and Baba made me part of the exact same group. Now, I was given one more responsibility of captaining one of the house in that group. I would like to also narrate a few instincts or direction that I got from Baba to read ‘Nav Guruvar Vrat’ twice in last year. I followed it and completed with His grace and blessings. All my wishes came true and except the last one, which I’m sure Baba would take care of it. There would be specific reasons why it didn’t happen until now, may be I would understand later. Thank You Baba for being with me, protecting me and blessing me always. I will be at Your lotus feet forever. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a IT professional, mother of two living in Bangalore. This is a story of how Baba entered and enriched my life. Thank you Hetalji and team for this platform that bring Baba’s devotees together and spreads His message. I read this blog regularly and it has been a great source of solace for me. Please keep my post anonymous and do not reveal my email id.
My first encounter – I was not a devotee of Baba, to me Baba was one of the several Godmen whom people believed in. I had nothing against Him either. One day, I went to a Reiki master for Reiki initiation. She had Baba’s picture in her room. During the Reiki attunement I felt nothing at all. Later the Reiki master sat across me. She held out her hands and asked me to touch her hands. I was skeptical, but did so and was overcome by a strong sensation and images of Baba and Buddha floating before my eyes. I had to close my eyes to withstand this energy. It was a very positive energy but still strong. I felt overwhelmed and happy. That day I made up my mind to visit Shirdi and get to know Baba better.
My second experience – The day had finally arrived when I could visit Baba at Shirdi. My friends and I set out to have Baba’s darshan on Guru Pournima. It was my very first visit and I was amazed by the number of visitors, the hardships devotees endured and the efforts they made just to reach Shirdi. “The sheer devotion they showed and the spiritual strength is what makes our country great” is the thought that flashed through my mind. I felt so good after the darshan – Baba’s Samadhi is special. On the way back to Pune we were in a local bus that was not the most comfortable. But I was elated and felt a compelling universal love, I felt kindly towards all passengers, and people all around me, even people I would normally have kept away from because they were uncouth etc. I felt that God’s love is unifying and flows through all of us. This feeling was so strong and I felt happy for no apparent reason. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – Baba had brought me here to make me understand this! After reaching my home town I started reading the Sai Satcharitra. It was my strength through several tribulations. I went through a lot of hardships and losses and Baba was my source of strength that kept me going through all this. Thank You, Baba!
Recently my son had gone on an overnight trip with his school. He took a camera, with all its accessories and case etc. He had already damaged one camera, so I set a condition he could take it only if he promised to be very careful and he earnestly agreed. I went to pick him up from school after he returned by bus. I asked him about the camera and he said it was in the backpack. Then we had to go to other places, he did not unpack his bag right away. Later at night he realized the camera was not in the backpack. I questioned him and he realized his friend had borrowed it. We called his friend and he did not have it. Then we realized it must be in the bus itself. By then it was too late to contact his school and there was no way for me to reach the bus driver, it was a weekend. Later I somehow managed to contact his school and explained the situation. They said they would try. I was upset with my son and shouted at him. I then calmed down. I was doubtful of getting the camera back. But I decided to pray to Baba and leave it in His hands. A few days later his school contacted me and said the camera was found in the bus and the driver would hand to school when convenient. Then finally three weeks later the camera was handed to my son all intact! Normally I would have been tensed and worried. Instead I decided to let Baba handle it for me. Thank You Baba, for taking care of devotees’ problems whether big or small. Baba has taught me that we all have to face the rewards and punishments of our past actions. By the grace of Baba, I want to cleanse my soul and strive to be a better person every day. Baba, please keep me on the right path and increase my devotion. Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: This is my third post on this Divine site. Thanks Hetlaji and team for giving all Sai Devotees the opportunity to string together a beautiful garland of all the Divine Sai Miracles to adorn Baba everyday as an expression of our gratitude. This is a miniscule way of saying Thank You Baba, but a great service by Hetalji’s team to all those reading these daily posts to continue seeking His blessings with Shraddha and Saburi.
My first experience was posted on this website last year and I’m hoping my second one will be posted soon. Meanwhile, this is the most recent miracle which happened today and I am so grateful and thankful to Baba. Words fail me in expressing my sincere gratitude to my Dear Sai. My son lives abroad and talks to us twice a week. Last Sunday he sounded very dejected and disillusioned with his work lately, because the jobs allotted to him did not fit his job title and he felt this would affect his career. This upset me too because he moved to this country only 8 months back and I was also worried because he mentioned he was going to have an honest talk with his manager about his job responsibilities. I was unsure of the outcome of such a talk. I prayed fervently to Baba asking Him to help my son handle this situation strategically and smartly and also for his manager to cooperate.
I went to a famous Baba Temple on Thursday and also kept praying throughout the week. I placed all my faith in Baba, hoping for a miracle and it did happen! Today my son sounded upbeat and said that his manager was understanding and sympathetic and promised to better define his role in the company. He asked my son to come up with a list of duties that interests him. Also my son won accolades for successfully accomplishing a task given to him before the deadline, although he had practically no knowledge on the subject. Baba blessed him with the strength, knowledge and confidence to face the challenge and thus he won the appreciation of all in his team. This was possible only because of a miracle from none other than our dear Sai Baba! I am sharing this miracle as promised, to spread the message that our prayers will definitely be answered if we have firm trust and belief in our beloved Baba. I am waiting and praying hard for another BIG miracle from Him and I am sure my fervent prayers will be answered soon. I promise to post it in this Divine space. May Sai’s blessings be with everyone always and all your wishes be fulfilled by Him! Om Sai Ram!

Shirdi Sai Devotee Chandana from India says: Hello all, I’m Chandana from Hyderabad. Baba is with me every second. I’m very blissful that Baba dragged me towards Him. Today I want to write an experience which I promised to write. Today I went for driving test, where I was segregating all the papers required. Then I found original learner’s license was missing. I started searching for it everywhere in my house. Then I lost hope and went to the RTO office but they did not accept to take driving test without that paper. I came back home and as soon as returning from RTO office I again searched in the bag where I keep all important papers. Then I prayed Baba that I should find that paper else I will be losing 1400/- and again I need to apply for license where I will lose one of my leave at office and for that duplicate license I need to pay 600/- as well. Then suddenly I asked my sister to search a cover, surprisingly I found my original learner’s license. Then I found when you pray Baba with full trust surely He will be with you. Thank You so much Baba. And please help me in clearing driving test Baba. Please.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I have been Sai Baba’s devotee for many years and have experienced many miracles along the way. Thank you for providing this platform to share our personal experiences with the other devotees. I personally think this platform gives hope to many people who are suffering and looking for positive outcomes.
Miracle no. 1: My brother had some health issues and I had promised to write a blog once he was feeling better. Thank You Sai Baba as always. Please keep Your benevolent eye on him. He has many problems in his life, please Baba take care of him.
Miracle no. 2: I too had to undergo some routine check-up for my health and had promised to write on this blog once the results came back normal. Many, many thanks to Baba for taking care of my health. Sai Baba always listens to the cries from the heart. Do not lose hope and always have trust in Sai Baba. Om Sai Baba.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Bangalore. I’m so thankful to Baba for getting me out of depression. Yesterday I was depressed and I was about to cry so badly if I could get someone to tell my problems, but I was not in condition to share my problems to anyone. Then I started reading Baba’s life story and by the time I finished 4 chapters I was feeling so fresh. I just couldn’t trust myself. I understood Baba is working on our problems and we just need to wait with patience and we have to spend our each moment in helping needy and we should be happy.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Dearest Deva. Thank you so much for curing my eye problem. Please take care of all in this world Deva. Sri Sai Rakshakaya Saranam. Om Sairam.
Thank You O Sai and please do also bless our family and friends with Your Grace 🙂
Jai Sairam
you are the one who knows our problems
and i trust that you will show solution
please baba you are the only hope
I also know that you are teaching me sradda saburi
please don't let me leave your holy feet
bless my parents and sister with good health baba
Deva please make my mind study
please help me to concentrate baba
I don't know what happens to my mind
help me Deva
I know you are inviting us to Shirdi
please show us some direction Deva so that we will see you touch your holy samdhi visit dwarakamai
I have words to speak Deva you saved my father you are saving my mother
you are the protector of my family
you are with us when everybody left us
and I know you are going to change my situation too
neeku pranamam sai Deva
intaki minchi em cheppagalanu
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram Sai 🙏
Omsairam….bless my father and brother with a good health…..thankyou so much for coming in our lives forgive our sins.🐥🐥
baba ,please be with my parents and save them…
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
OM SAI SHREE SAI JAI JAI SAI….pls bless my son….
Can anyone tell me? Second experience says they read nav guruvar vrat book…as far as my knowledge, that is a vrat to be performed…did the devotee mean they performed the vrat or did he/she read the book? If so, what is the procedure to read the book…Please tell me…Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram Thank You Sai please make us wise Guide us Sai Om Sai Ram 🙏