Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thanks is a small word before your services providing on this blog. Baba, bless you all. Thanks a lot for giving me this opportunity to share my experience with Baba’s children. I am very lucky to be introduced to this blog.
Om Sai Ram. Baba I am very sad that I am not able to understand my work. I am feeling guilty for keeping so much of work experience. But I didn’t have other choice at that time Baba. What I can do. As of now You helped me a lot to get this job. I can’t forget that Baba. You are my Father, Mother and everything. You showered Your love and blessings like my father and mother. Now also You are giving me such confidence in me. Really I am getting tears by seeing Your love. In this world only mother can show that much confidence on her child, after Your miracle I felt the same. You are like mother, father. In this world who else do we want Baba? For this life Your blessings and love is enough Baba.
Coming to my experience. We are staying in US. I didn’t have any work experience on my domain. But anyhow by Baba’s grace I got the job. After getting job, my life is peaceful otherwise I felt like something different in my husband’s attitude (Baba if I am wrong please forgive me). By Baba’s grace I am pregnant now so due to my health issues, I am not able to do puja, please forgive me Baba and I am not able to concentrate on my work and that too I am not able to learn any new things at work. I am felt very sad. Then I opened Baba’s live darshan, in my mind I was thinking if anybody brings a baby near Baba’s idol for blessing within 30 minutes, then I am going to settle in my career like this I was thinking. I am waiting for Baba’s miracle and then after 15 minutes somebody gave baby, baby was in yellow dress (Baba loves this colour) to priest for Baba’s blessings and then I felt very happy. By seeing it I got tears in my eyes. From this Baba is assuring me “Do not worry about your career I will be there with you”. Baba please be with me and please make me to settle in my career in what I love most. Today is Thursday (on Baba’s day) I got to know my baby’s gender and it’s a boy. I want to name him “Sai” and I am so happy to hear this good news on Thursday. Thanks a lot Baba. Baba my mom is feeling sick please make her strong. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam. Om Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Anathakoti Brhamdandanayaka Rajadi Raja Yogiraja Prabrhama Sachitanda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Shree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Om Shree Sachidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. Forgive my mistakes Baba if I have done knowingly or unknowingly. Thanks for Your blessings Baba and thanks for everything Baba. Pranamam to Your lotus feet Baba. Thanks to Hetalji and team for your incredible work.
Om Sairam. I posted so many miracles and experiences here on this blog by our Lord Baba’s grace. I prayed Baba for my sister (ladies problem) that she was suffering from long time and still she is taking medicines for that health issue. Thanks for helping her Baba. Please solve her problem with Your blessings. She already has problems and Baba You know what they are. She is not telling but I know she is worrying a lot about her children. Please Baba one of her son have issues in talking and understanding. Please bless him. Baba You only have that power to solve that issue. For this generation it’s very difficult Baba. Please make him talk and understand normal like other children as his age. Please give her strength to take care of her family. I know You are always there to help us. Please bless my family, my mother and my sister’s family with good health and peaceful life. Sorry Baba if I made any mistakes in this experience. Please give food to hungry Baba. Bless everyone. Devotees, Keep Shraddha and Saburi always. Baba make me to learn and keep always Shraddha and Saburi. Forgive my ego, jealousy Baba. Guide me to help others. Everyone try to write 108 times Om Sairam every day and keep reading one chapter of Sai Satcharitra everyday if possible. Baba will bless us always.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks to Hetalji and team for running this blog. The three miracles I want to share may be trivial, but were very important to us at that time and circumstances.
1) We could not find our almirah keys, even after searching for it the whole day. We were in a fix, since our dresses and also cash was inside. In the evening, after praying to Sai Lord, I found the keys inside my handbag. I had used the handbag that day before as well. It was not inside.
2) My son had been allotted a certain section in his new class. After he opted for Sanskrit, his section was changed. He attended class in that section and did not like it. He prayed to Our Sai Baba, to inspire his teacher, to allow him back to the earlier section. Next day, when we sent an application, he was taken back to the earlier section. All this was Sai Maa’s Grace.
3)Some days back, some Udi fell inside my eyes by mistake. After that I could see clearer than before. I feel, Sai Baba has Himself blessed my eyes. Om Anantkoti Brahmand Nayak Raja Shirdi Yogiraj Parabrahma Sai Satchidananda Samarth Sadguru Sai bath Maharaja Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Hi to all Sai devotees. I am working here as a software developer.
Om Sai Ram. Shirdi Maharaj Ki Jai. Baba helped me in many situations whenever I asked Him for help. I am in Job marketing searching for jobs. I started doing Nava guru vrat from last week. I got a requirement from one location where I didn’t want to go. I asked Baba for help that I shouldn’t get job in that location and then that I would post my experience on the blog. Finally, I didn’t get job in that location. Thank You so much Baba, You helped me a lot in many situations. I love You Baba. Thanks Hetalji for giving us this nice opportunity to post experiences.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Sai is my source of strength and this blog is my dose of moral supplements. I live in the US and we have carpeted flooring. The carpets were getting dirty so we hired someone to clean it. I hadn’t done my research well and hired someone off the internet. When he came, he did not seem professional and was spilling a lot of water everywhere. Even the steam cleaning made the carpets soggy and I was very worried about the floor. But thankfully, I left it to Sai and the carpets have finally dried and I do not see ant thing concerning. I have another big thing that I am praying for where I am seeking His Divine protection. Om Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Senthil Kumar from India says: Thanks and Kudos for entire team who is maintaining this site flawlessly. This is my 4th experience on this blog. Often I used to get back pain due to my work nature. This would be a severe pain and intolerable. I use to take medicine and it would be alright in couple of days. But last week I got same pain but this time I prayed to Baba and took Udi alone. Surprisingly my pain got alright overnight, how powerful is our Baba and His Udi. Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai Sai Satguru Maharaja Ki Jai.
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Om sai ram
Love You Sai and Thank You for being with us, protecting us and blessing us.
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Baba please help and save my parents… Saima…. Bless them with good health and help them financially.. .i dont know whether i can withstand these things ,please help us to make these things, ,happy dusshera navaratri saima…. Its been 100 years by tomorrow night at. . I dont cost anything in this world… Make me study saima.. Help me and all
Omsairam..bless my father and brother withagood health…forgive our you baba…
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram 🙏