Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello I am one of the mad devotees of Saiya and have shared loads of experiences here and always be blessed to be so close to Baba always. I love You Sai for making Your children so strong and one of Your ansh forever.
It is said that when a devotee is about to fall Saimaa stretches His hands to catch. Baba is always saving us from all the situations, may be in workplace or home or anything. He always holds His devotee at any cost. One day my father had a pain in his heart and that time we were not able to analyse what exactly it was and the day before there was Baba’s palki in which first time my father played so important role. He carried Baba on his shoulder and Baba carried him on His shoulder from the very next night as his heart pain was very high. See how Baba makes him control over that. He held Him by His Vibhuti and akhand jyot oil. We were finding nothing at that time and it was so a tough situation for us. But Baba took all on Himself. Baba’s love is inexplicable. He arranged everything, held papa, gave us strength and love. We were in panic mode as it was night but Baba planned right. He fought with all and dint even let us feel what papa was going through. Even papa was strong enough to face all because of Saima. Then papa was admitted in the hospital, pain was not subsiding but somehow doctor (Baba) held him. Then next very day it was like all reports were normal and Baba let that day also pass. See His leela of consoling us. The angel group (Baba souls) everyone was praying Baba from heart and everyone Said papa should go for angioplasty as doctor said that it should be done, take him to lari (cardiology centre). We were tensed as how papa would react as 12 years back he had an angioplasty and stunts was there but due to Baba’s grace he already arranged everything. Papa himself said that my pain was not stopping, take me to lari. Then it was a leela of Baba that we timely reached lari next morning and lo! Reports depicted it was a major heart attack. We were stunned that how Baba made us strong at every step and as soon as I got to know that papa’s operation was done and it was successful. See the leela, Baba took all on Himself. I can’t express His love, papa stunt was replaced. In 2 hours everything was normal that Baba didn’t even let us think. Saimaa its all Your ways and love. Even one of the soul group member called me that she got a vision that Baba Himself doing operation inside. Baba is a soul protector. His love can’t be compared and expressed with anyone. In this world every relation no matter how close is attached but the love Baba shows no one else can and when we once get His love we should be His messenger. If we can’t do so then we lose. Baba’s love is our power. Never ever forget it. Baba will make love all (your father, mother, husband or sister). I trust You Deva. He is holding like anything. I can’t say at every step but every work I do is His miracle (love) which in turn is my pain reliever. I apologise even for the smallest mistake I did (You know it) I Love You Saiya.
![Sai Baba's Infinite Love Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |]()
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: This is my experience, how I got job after ten years break and how my husband got job when it was absolutely necessary for our stay in US.
I came to US after marriage. I am an engineer and used to work in a MNC in India before that. When I came to India, initially because of visa issues, bad job market, my lack of IT experience and then later because of my pregnancies, I couldn’t work in US for ten long years. I used to feel bad because I am highly qualified and used to ask Baba if I’ll ever get a job. I always got positive response from Baba but after having two kids and such a long break in my career, I stopped thinking about job. I was otherwise happy with my family life. But somehow, I never stopped studying and tried to learn different technologies in the IT field. Baba, once told me through question answer site that a Gujrati man will help me and true to His words, my neighbour, who is a Gujrati, helped me get a job in the company he works. After that, I went to Baba temple to offer Him 11 coconuts as I had earlier wished to do. I wanted Baba to show me a sign that He accepted my offering. So, after offering the coconuts, I asked the priest if I should distribute those among the devotees present there. To my great happiness, the priest replied that he needed those coconuts for Baba’s pooja the next day and hence asked me to leave them there at Baba’s feet.
Another experience is about my husband’s job. He is on H1B visa here and hence can’t remain on bench for long. So, it thus happened that his contract got over and he was unable to find any job for long. I had trust on Baba, but certainly I kept becoming impatient on some days. Baba told me that ‘work will be done around Ram Navami’ and ‘you will get a job for survival. Finally you will be happy’ and other many such positive answers. And really, soon after Ram Navami, my husband got a job near the location where we are staying. There are several miracles of Baba that I experience everyday. There are tough times, but I know He is always there with me and my family.
My son was having trouble adjusting in school. So I prayed to Baba and today, I got a message from the teacher that he is going to be given the award for the student of the month. Isn’t that a miracle? My childhood was a very simple one with lots of problems that a middle class family goes through. To top that, my brothers were not doing well. By God’s grace all that seems to be better now. All these make my belief in Baba firm. He is there with me and I always wish to hold His hand forever. Thank You Baba for everything, Bless us all. Anantakoti Bramandanayaka Maharajadhiraj Yogiraj Para Brahma Shri Satchidananda Samartha Sadguru Shirdi Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi to all Sai devotees. I am a working woman from Hyderabad. I have been a Sai devotee since 2 years. He has done lot many changes in our life within a period of 2 years. I would like to share a miracle and moreover it is not just a thing that happened but also a positive sign for our future plan.
It’s been 2.5 years that we are married and we still don’t have kids as we should be more strong financially to experience the parenting in a smooth way without any sort of financial stress. Since ours is a love marriage I thought of working to support my husband until he grows up well financially. Because of this reason we dint plan any kids. Unexpectedly I conceived in the last year but since my health was not supporting and also my husband was not that strong financially, we happened to abort the child unwillingly because we couldn’t get financial support from both the families. With a heavy hearts we happened to proceed to abort. I being a mother, faced a hell of pain to do that thing. Only Baba knows my pain during that situation. With that experience my husband tried hard to move to other job to grow financially keeping the pain in heart. Due to Baba’s mercy he got a job within a month of time after my abortion. In a span of year we grew well financially and because of Baba we purchased a car in last year to make sure we give better life to our kids. Since I know that my health won’t be that supportive during the phase of pregnancy we planned like dropping off from the job once my husband got a good job. My husband was trying for a job change very hardly since past 4 months but nothing was working out. 6 Weeks ago as I found no option. I started 9 weeks Sai Vratham. The things started to work from 3rd week. I still don’t believe that my husband got job with good package by the end of 6th week. There were 3 rounds of technical interview that happened and everything just happened like a miracle. I am very, very happy now because though Sai gave tough times He finally held my hand and showed His miracle again. I feel He has done a lot, a lot for me because this is just not a job for him but it is a signal for our planning of kids. I can now stay peacefully without any thinking of financial burdens as we faced last time. Thanks a lot Baba. I know this small thanks is very less for the bigger things You gave and for holding me in all my troubles. Love You Baba. I just bow to You. You are my saviour all the time. Hope You hold my hand till my last breath.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Ananya Ghosh from India says: I work in a company in Bangalore
1) It was 15th April 2018, the day after the demise of my grandfather. I came from Guwahati to Bangalore after all the rituals in my home. I slept that night at around 9:40 pm and suddenly my sleep broke by 2:45 am at night, when I started to remember all the things of my grandfather. I was scared at night and was not able to sleep. I unconsciously started to chant “Om Sainathaye Namah” loudly in my mind and seeked Baba’s help to help me overcome the fear. Calling out repeatedly, I felt He was standing near the door of my room and shielding the room from any negative intrusions. The power of His shield was very strong and was very bright like thousand stars. Then I didn’t know when I slept chanting His name. Everything is possible by chanting His powerful name. The person who seeks help from Him with pure heart is blessed to receive His grace. Om Sai Ram.
2) On 16th April 2018, I was suffering from extreme pain in my lower abdomen because of urine infection. It was paining while urinating. I went to office. I remembered that I had Udi in my bag. I took medicines but still the pain was there. Then, I took Baba’s name and mixed Udi with water and had. After sometime, I felt that the pain was relieved and felt very nice. So, everything is possible with His name. He is called Bhakt Vatsal as He always comes when His devotees need Him in pain. He knows how and when to call devotees to Him. Om Sai Ram.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee from India. I’m writing my fourth experience on this website and the first one was published on 1-May-2017. Hopefully all my experiences will be published when Baba chooses the appropriate time. Kudos to Hetalji and her wonderful team for diligently maintaining this website for all Sai devotees to share their love for Baba.
This is a miracle regarding a house for my son. He lives in a country where housing is not only expensive, but also incredibly hard to get. He ended his lease where he was living because it wasn’t a convenient place. He was facing a big challenge in getting a good place, as he wanted to live in the city, not too far from his office. I prayed to Baba and started 5 weeks Sai Divya Pooja. He saw several houses but either he rejected some because he didn’t like them or he didn’t get selected because there were too many applicants. Finally he had to move to a temporary accommodation and we were all getting anxious. He then got introduced to a good agency through a referral, to help him with housing. Initially they told him he may have to wait for a month. But two days later they called to say that out of the blue one of their clients was moving out and so a place was available. It was a miracle from our dear Baba. So within 4-5 days of moving to the temporary housing he got a very good place in a great location at a 5 minutes walking distance from his office. Baba answered my prayers before the 3rd week (Sai Divya) Pooja. Thank You Sai for always blessing us at the right time. May Sai bless everyone always! Om Sai Ram!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I am Sai’s Daughter who received immense blessings recently as always. Thanks Hetalji for this wonderful platform for Sai and celebrate Sai, His blessings.
Sai Ram!! Thank God, for all the blessings Sai. There are countless blessings that You have showered upon us. Recently I was accused of something I had not done at workplace. It was a major accusation which would result in a bad name, loss of job. Thanks to Sai, once I prayed to Him stating that He should intervene and get me out of this and that I would post this wonderful leela of His in this sacred site, He got me out of it the next day itself. The person who had accused actually called back saying she was sorry. It was a mistake. Sai, from the bottom of my heart, I thank You for every blessing that You have showered upon us. Please be with us at every step of our lives and save us from any calamity that might fall upon us. Om Sai Ram!
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Thank You O Sai for being with us at all times and blessing us 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them and take care of them baba as i dont have any one other then you to look after, please forgive my mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly baba, please help my husband clear his exams and settle in his profession baba, please help get a full time job baba, please give good health to my parents and kids baba, please let me be at your lotus feet till my last breath baba.
Baba, please help and save my parents with good health and financially.. ..please stable the condition as we cant do anything my father is stresing a lot. Pleasr help us. . Things seem to havr no any other way than… Pleasr cure my us in study….. ….pleasr ma. Fullfill my hopr… My vision is so blurring baba… Help me if any casr…
Sai ka raksh….
Omsairam….bless my father and brother with a good health….forgive our sins baba….
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram
A miraculous escape felt the presence of Sai Baba. We met with an accident yesterday. Our car got fully crashed , but by the grace of BABA we all were safe and my husband got minor injury We all family are indebted to our SAI BABA. BABA ALWAYS PROTECT US AND GUIDE US AS YOU HAVE BEEN DOING ALWAYS. KEEP ME AND MY FAMILY AT YOUR LOTUS FEET.SAI TERA LAKH LAKH SHUKRA.KOTI KOTI PRANAM MERE SAI.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.