Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sri Sai to all my beloved Sai brothers and Sisters. I am a very tiny person from Kolkata; a believer of Baba. I can’t say I am a devotee of Baba as I believe I do not have the qualities to call myself a devotee of Baba. Whenever I read the modern day Satcharitra I am just speechless to see the level of devotion people have towards Baba. I just wish I could have some qualities of them. Thanks Hetalji for such a wonderful platform to read the miracles of Baba.
I am experiencing many miracles of Baba. Coming to my recent experience me and my family were staying in Kolkata. On July 2017 my Job location got changed to Ranchi. While my family continues to stay in Kolkata because of education of my son. I shifted to Ranchi. I usually visit them once in 15 days. I visited them on 8th and everything was ok. Suddenly on 12th at around 5 o’ clock in the morning I received a call from my wife. She was very tensed. She told me that since yesterday night our son was suffering from high fever and throat infection. Inspite of she had administered paracetamol, the fever was not coming down. I told her not to worry may be it was a viral fever. I asked her to continue with antibiotic and paracetamol which she did. Throughout the day there was no sign of fever coming down. In the evening I advised her to visit the doctor. Since she was staying there alone she was nervous. In the evening she visited the doctor. The doctor told her that there was a severe throat infection and he had to take the medicine for 15 days. Hearing that my wife became more tensed. As there was no body to help and she alone had to take care of everything.
The next day the pain became even more severe and our son was unable to swallow. Many negative thoughts came to my wife’s mind. Throughout the day there was no improvement. I also became worried. Then one thing came to my mind and I asked my wife to apply Udi of Baba in the affected area and to give him some Udi with water which she did. The next day morning I enquired about the health with the thought that our son must have recovered but was disappointed to know there was no improvement. I asked my wife to visit the doctor again. But since it was Bengali New Year’s Day the clinic was not open. We both were worried. I had firm belief in Baba. I asked for His help. I went through the question answer session. Baba told me” the problem will go gradually”. I told my wife and asked her to be patient. She kept on applying Udi along with medicine. Till night there was no improvement. The next day early in the morning I enquired about the health. To my utter surprise I came to know the pain had gone and he was absolutely normal. Thank You Baba. Koti Koti Pranam. Keep on testing us and You only show us the light to cross the road. My only pray to be at Your lotus feet. You are Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswar for us. Baba please save us. Anantkoti Brahmanda Nayak Raja Dhi Raj Sri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jay !!Om Hari Om Tat Sat.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Jai Sai ram. I am a devotee of Baba since last 23 years. He has blessed me with a very loving, caring husband and two boys. With Baba’s grace we have all comforts of life. In these 23 years I have experienced Baba’s miracles and blessings many a times. He has always looked after our comfort and well-being.
In 2014, my husband’s job changed and we sold our house and shifted to new place in a rented house. We were very happy to come to this new place as it was way far better than our previous house but after one and half months of shifting here suddenly there were a lot of health problems in our family. My husband had undergone a very serious surgery and we thought he would not be able to work again. But with Baba’s blessings after 2-3 months of rest he resumed his work. During the same time I also started facing health issues. Since last 4 years I am running from one doctor to another but of no use. The problem itself is not that big but the stress of it has made me so depressed that I have forgotten to smile. I keep crying and begging Baba to end this ordeal for me as I cannot take it anymore. I want to live happily. I am not able to concentrate on anything.
There is a Sai temple near my house which you can say is a replica of Shirdi. I have regularly been going there every Thursday for last 2.5 years. I had never been to Shirdi but in 2015 Baba called me to Shirdi. We could not book for online Arti as there was no slot. We reached Shirdi temple in evening and the moment we stepped in the temple we got a call from friend that he had got our booking for morning Arti through his contact. This was a miracle for us. We had very nice darshan. I bought a Sai Satcharitra and placed a letter inside with all the problems I was going through. But when our turn for darshan came I gave it to Pandit ji to get Baba’s ashirwad but he returned it without touching Baba’s lotus feet saying that it was Abhishek time. I was very disappointed thinking Baba was not happy with me. I had tears in my eyes and on seeing this; my husband said we will again go for darshan which was very unlike of him. This time I gave Sai Satcharitra to my husband and this time Pandit ji touched it to Baba’s lotus feet and returned it. Since 4 years I am crying day and night in front of Baba but I don’t know what sins I have committed or my past Karma is giving me so much stress. Baba I thought I am Your favourite child. You can never see me in suffering. You don’t give me darshan in my dreams. Baba please I have no more strength left with me. Please listen to my prayers. All these 4 years I believed this house was not good for us now that my husband has again changed his job and we are moving to a different city. Baba, please take care of us. You know that there is no other God other than You that exists for me. You are my everything. The moment I take Your name my eyes fills with tears. Please forgive if I have done something unknowingly. I don’t understand that if You are my caretaker why I am going through this? Even if it is my destiny then You are my protector. Baba Apki Ek Raham Nazar Se Mere Dukh Khatam Ho Jayenge (Baba Your one gracious look upon me will destroy all my sorrows). Jai Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Jai Sainath. Sai Sai to all the brothers and sisters. We all experience Baba’s miracles in our daily lives. What to write and what to omit is the question. We all face daily hurdles and joys in our daily routine. It is our Baba Who makes us sail through everything. One more thing to add here is thank you to the entire team for the initiative of Mahaparayan.
My experience goes as, my son 9 months old was not feeling well at night last week. At 5 am in the morning his temperature was 3 degrees. We panicked and stared the remedies with our Deva’s Udi. We took him to the doctor in the morning. The doctor told it was viral fever and will take atleast 3-4 days to subside. He added if the fever does not subside in the given time the required tests need to be done. In the middle I was to leave for an international trip with my friends on the next day (Thursday). I prayed Baba to please cure my son so that I can travel and enjoy with my friends. We applied Udi to his forehead as well gave Udi orally along with the medicines. The fever was back as soon as the work of the medicine was done. I could not join my friends on that day and thought that will join them next day as it was the 3rd day, but Baba had different plans. The fever did not subside and then on Saturday we got the tests done. My wife gets frightened by seeing injections and was hesitant to go to the lab. I went inside with the son and got the tests done. Here too the vein was found but when injected the vein was lost and atleast after 1 min of fondling the syringe inside the hand the vein was found and was again praying to Baba to get the thing done as the little baby was crying like hell. The reports came in the evening and it was found that there was some infection. The doctor suggested some antibiotics and thanks to my Deva as soon as the first dose was given he started feeling better. From the next day there was much more improvement. Tons and tons of thank You Baba. We owe our lives and beyond to You. I assume as my wife was not comfortable with lab tests and as there was infection involved Deva did not allow me go. But I thank You from the bottom of my heart Baba. Love You Deva. Sai… Sai… Samasata Loka Sukhi Bhavantu. One more thing the interview of Abeer Soofi ji was superb. You people are genuinely exceptional as Baba is giving you dainty dishes every day.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: My heartfelt thanks to the team for creating and maintaining such a wonderful blog. My faith in Sai Baba grew every time I read the experiences of devotees. I strongly believe He is watching and showering His blessings upon us constantly. This is my second experience on this blog and would like to be anonymous.
Starting with my experience I have been working in USA on various projects since 2016 while I was doing my masters. Recently my project ended due to the budget issues and I am left with no job. I constantly prayed Sai Maa to bless me with a job as early as possible to clear off my loan and reduce the burden on my parents. I have been trying to find a good project since last 6 months and everything slipped out of my hands. But Saimaa knows what I need and when to give me. I have performed the 9 Guruvar vrat to keep myself diverted from the stress I was going through. One day I casually applied for a position right after my project was done and checked the Sai Baba Q &A website. He answered saying I will receive a letter which will make me happy in 10 days. Surprisingly, within a week I was offered the job in a suitable location with a giant company. All this while I only believed in Sai Maa and His leelas. I knew He would bless me with a job I needed but it all depends on the right time and its He Who decides the time. I would suggest the devotees to have patience and faith in Him as He will never let the devotees down when someone believes Him.

Shirdi Sai Devotee SaiDham from USA says: I am SaiDham, am a dust at Baba’s Feet since 1992. I live in the US with my Baba’s children, my wife and my daughter.
I am facing lot of problems at work. Company got merged and we have been living in fear of losing a job anytime. On top of it, a manager who is an Indian tries hard with his political influence to get rid of the employees and fill with contractors that would benefit his company (directly/indirectly). He favours people of his language/region in India. Baba, I keep telling, my Baba is watching and He will take care. Now, by Baba’s grace, I have got a job in NJ. My wife works three low paying jobs, out of which one is a full time and helps us with the health insurance. My daughter got a job in Seattle and we are confused. I know Baba will show a way. I recently suffered a heart attack, and posted an experience few days ago, how Baba became my cardiologist. I am yet to see the experience posted. The day I got the heart attack in a different state, my wife received the Udi prasad/ receipt from Shirdi Sansthan on the exactly same day. Baba help me to take the right decision. Baba help my wife and my daughter, they are worried about my health and being in a different state by myself. Baba Bless me to continue doing Shej Aarathi every night. Baba Saranam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear all I know a lot if people write such similar experiences but we all feel blessed that Baba always saves us and takes care of us. Thank you Hetalji and team for giving us a platform to share our experiences and to believe that Baba is still alive.
My phone wasn’t working and there was some battery problem. I prayed to Baba to help me and to make it work as I had no other phone to carry to my workplace. Yes Baba did help me as He always does. I had promised to write the experience if it works and here is the experience. It is really not a small blessing for me and I only know the severity of my problem. Baba I kindly request You to help me to get a good job soon. I am sorry for asking You to help me soon but You know my situation. I know You will help me. You always stand by me and bless me in miraculous ways. Please Baba help me and fulfil my dream. Help me to get a job and meet my soul mate.
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Baba please help and save my parents sai ma.. Please help us sai rakshak
O Sai, be with us, wherever we go and bless us 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sai ram
Baba please help and save my parents… Please help me and my sister to study hard…… I cant able to handle anything sai ma. ..
Omsairam….bless my father and brother with a good health forgive our sins…thankyou so much for whatever you have given me..
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them and take care of them baba as i dont have any one other then you to look after, please forgive my mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly baba, please help my husband clear his exams and settle in his profession baba, please help get a full time job baba, please give good health to my parents and kids baba, please let me be at your lotus feet till my last breath baba.