Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Hello Sai devotees, Today, I would like to share a couple of experiences I had in my life, before doing that I would like to offer my salutations to Sai Baba and thank the website organizers for giving me an opportunity. I would also like to mention that Sai Baba Himself is writing this experience making use of me as a mere instrument. It is all about Efficacy Of Sai Satcharitra And Baba’s Saying “Why Fear when I am Here?”
Efficacy of Sai Satcharitra: I came to US in 2014 to pursue my master’s degree. I graduated in 2016 and I was looking for a job in my field of study. I have put all my efforts in gaining a job in the US, but due to the job market conditions I had no luck. I attended many interviews but none landed me in a job. I was frustrated and had no money to support my living, so I shifted to my brother’s place and continued my job hunt. Back home, my parents were getting worried about my career and I had no answer to their questions and almost decided to leave US. During the job hunt at my brother’s place, my sister-in-law who is a staunch devotee of Baba advised me to read Satcharitra and complete it in seven days. I started reading Satcharitra on Thursday. I used to read seven chapters daily in the morning and then continued with my job hunt. On Monday, I completed the seven chapters; the seven chapters also included “Greatness of Udi”. Soon after I completed my reading I got a mail from India. When I opened it, I found Udi (Sacred ash) packet sent by my parents. I felt very much surprised and happy. I took the Udi and by the end of the day I got a call for an interview from a company I never even dreamed of working.
I completed the reading of Satcharitra in seven days, attended the interview and on Friday (the same week) I got the offer letter from the company. I had no words to speak, I did not know how to thank Baba and also my sister-in-law who introduced me to Satcharitra. The way Baba blessed me by giving Udi on the same day when I completed reading about the greatness of Udi and presenting me a job in the same week where I completed reading Satcharitra proves how merciful Baba is! There is no way we can repay Him; I think following His principles is the best way to thank Him. So, dear Sai devotees, please read Satcharitra not only when you have difficulties but also in good times and also try to implement those principles in your lives. Jai Sai Ram.
Baba Says “Why Fear when I am here?” This is another experience which is very close to my heart. During my bachelor’s I had applied to an US university for my masters and got admission and also visa. My father is a staunch devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba and also Sai Baba of Puttaparthi. Just few days prior to my departure for US, my father felt uneasy about sending me to US, as it was the first time for me being away from home. The same day my father took me to Sai bhajan in a local community. After the bhajan and aarti (Offering of lights) was completed my father introduced me to other Sai devotees. One devotee came to us and presented me with a picture of Sai Baba with Udi packet. When my father saw the picture, he saw Baba with His blessing hands and a note was written at the bottom of the picture saying “Why Fear when I am here”. This gave my father a lot of moral strength and he had no doubts about sending me to US. Out of all the pictures of Sai Baba in the world, why should this picture with that note be presented? How opportune was Baba’s blessing! There is no way to describe how merciful He is? We cannot describe enough the greatness of Sai Baba and the love He has for us, the only way we can thank Him is to follow His principles and teachings, and I think that would be the best way to worship Him. I hope people who are reading this will get increased faith and devotion towards Baba and may Baba help them in all difficulties. Jai Shri Sainatha.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Ruchika from India says: Om Sai Ram to all readers, I am Ruchika from India. One more lucky and lovable devotee of Sai Baba as Baba has always been there with me. He has shown His presence in any form.
Feeling so blessed today that I am sharing my few experiences here with you all. I am brought up in a joint baniya family. No one here was inclined to Baba as they worship and believe in our Gods or deity. Suddenly I experienced my sister worshipping Baba, going Sai temple and observing fasts. Gradually I started to go to Sai temple with her and felt the peace. I started remembering Baba daily. I wanted to go to Shirdi for His darshan and was planning since long. I am requesting Him to call me to Shirdi atleast for once. Had even planned for my parents on their 25th wedding anniversary but could not happen. Papa wanted to go for darshan with our complete family as we are 6 family members in my family. Many years later, we just planned Shirdi trip as one of my friend is from Mumbai. He insisted and we planned. We booked the air tickets and accommodation for 3. Again whole family was not going but this time we planned.
Exactly a week before while returning from my office to home I met with an accident. My right knee got injured so badly that the doctor advised complete bed rest to me with plaster. I denied as I had to go to Shirdi anyhow. I knew I will be ok after Baba’s darshan. And the day came, we took off for Mumbai, my mother was with tears in her eyes as I was injured badly. I smiled and took off by remembering my Baba. Landed Mumbai and then started our journey to Shirdi by Car. After reaching Shirdi I saw my right foot swelled like a big bread loaf as it was a continuous long journey of 6 hours. Still by remembering His name I started walking towards mandir. I was not even able to walk properly. My friend, me and my sister decided not to sit even for a second till darshan. From mandir entrance to Samadhi, It took 1.30 hours of waiting and standing as Aarti was going on. We watched it on TV screens installed inside mandir premises while walking towards Samadhi. We watched Kakkad aarti from the beginning; Baba took bath and was getting ready to wear His new dress. Finally we reached in front of Baba when He was ready to give darshan to all His devotees waiting since midnight. We attended Kakkad Aarti for which we woke up at 3 am. Any how just reached in front of Samadhi and tears rolled down from my eyes automatically. I thanked Baba for managing and calling me for His darshan. After spending some time in mandir we were about to leave but papa got lost in that crowd. We all started searching for him. After some time we found him and all were staring at me as I was walking normally. Though my right knee was injured and my complete leg was swelled up I was walking with my normal walk and I did not even feel any pain or any discomfort. I did not notice when I started walking normally and took a long walk around the mandir. Everyone was happy and said that finally Baba blessed me there. He managed everything for us from the very beginning. And as He had called me then who has the power in this Universe to stop me for darshan. I felt so blessed and my Shraddha towards Him increased a lot. I prayed Baba to keep showering His blessings on my family always. I requested him to send me letter for our next darshan to Samadhi with my complete family as I want Him to get bless all by Samadhi darshan. May Baba bless all on this earth and help needy by His grace. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I Live in Chennai. My husband drinks every day and because of this bad habit my life is a struggle since I got married. We live with our in-laws and by God’s Grace we have two sons. All of us tried many ways to correct him but in vain. Crying is my part of everyday life. Because of his drinking habit, I faced many challenges in bringing up our sons, taking care of the family, as I am forced to support financially also as my husband does not stick to any job. Our peace of mind is completely lost. In the year 2015, my husband suffered with Dengue and Jaundice, and since then he did not even touch drinks. We were very much relieved and started living peacefully and happily. This happiness lasted only for two years. Suddenly one day he started his drinks again with little quantity and day by day the quantity was increasing. Our family again went into the same old situation where we used to have fights and disturbance every day.
My friend introduced me to an astrologer who suggested me to surrender completely to Sai Baba and asked me to pray sincerely for helping my husband to get rid of drinks. I did not see any difference for the initial 10 days. He was continuously taking drinks both afternoon and evening. I cried to Sai Baba and requested Him, last Sunday i.e. 15.4.18 that if my husband reduced his drinking habit, and if I find any improvement in him within a week, I told Sai Baba that I shall post my experience on this web site. Monday and Tuesday went with same status, however from Wednesday onwards; he stopped his afternoon quota and was restricting with evening only. Then I could find lot of improvements in him that though he had taken drinks, but the quantity was very less on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. This positive change is only because of Baba’s grace and I sincerely thank Him for bringing this change in Him. I am sure, Baba will definitely help to get rid of my Husband’s drinking habit completely and soon I will post my experience on the website once again. Thank You Sai Ram. Parabramma Roopa Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to everyone. My cordial thanks to everyone working behind this blog. May Baba fulfil all your wishes. I came under Baba’s shadow three years before. From that onwards I have experienced many miracles in my life. Now I am going to share one of my biggest experiences. Today I realised the real meaning of Shraddha and Saburi.
I have shared many experiences and prayers before. All those are about how I escaped from my brother every time he was coming home. For the past three years I was like nothing. Jobless and couldn’t marry my love. I started praying Baba to marry my love then slowly I became fully dependent on Him. Without Baba I can’t do anything now. I was under depression and facing humiliation from my own family and was suffering from every aspect. Suddenly a miracle happened. My mother accepted my love suddenly without any fight. Till last week she used to scold me for everything. Once I decided to commit suicide. But yesterday she accepted and spoke to my brother regarding this. He also accepted immediately. This was impossible without Baba’s blessings. My lover is doing agriculture and running a small dairy farm and my family does not like it. Now they accepted my love but they are not giving proper respect to him. Please Baba arrange this marriage without any issues. I don’t have my father so Baba You have to take that place and arrange everything and please be with me every single moment. My mom started the proposal but we don’t have single paisa in our hand and don’t know what we are going to do? Please be with us. Om Sairam.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Divya from India says: Om Sairam. My name is Divya and I am from Bangalore. Om Sairam. Second time I am sharing my experience on this blog. First of all I want to thank Hetalji for giving us the platform to share our experience. I am a Sai devotee from last 5 years. My mom is suffering from a plastic anaemia disease. In that her blood counts will be fluctuating every now and then. If it’s down we need to do blood transfusion. By Baba’s grace she started improving after 5 transfusions. Every day we put Udi to her. She is very much fine now but the thing is she should be careful from the infections as the immunity is low. Whenever she gets fever or any other infections we need to admit her to the hospital that used be the scariest part as I can’t see her suffering. So I pray Baba every day to keep her fine. Last month suddenly she got tooth pain. And when the dentist examined her he said tooth needs to be removed and it has formed puss inside gums. I started feeling for her. I prayed Baba that I don’t want her to be admitted in the hospital, so please take care of her pain. Baba has always helped us. Tooth was removed and with the painkillers she was fine within a week. Baba, please help us to have patience in all conditions. Om Sai Shree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from India. I am a Sai Baba’s devotee. I have been praying Sai Baba for my beloved person. Mine beloved person is in music field. Earlier she was not getting the opportunity. When I started praying Baba for her flourish; miracle is happening till today. She got more than expected. Now she is working in a university as an assistant professor by graces of Sai Baba without a single paisa. She has been nominated as syndicate member of a prestigious University. Now I am sharing these experiences with delay. I beg apology in great God Sai Baba’s Feet.
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Love You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sairam..sai namaste..yesterday midnight I had menstrual pain..pain was unbearable..i prayed Sai if my pain got reduced i will write it in hetalji's blog..after 10 minutes pain got reduced..thank saimaa..takecare of everyone in this world…sai sai
Happy Baba's Day to all Devotees.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Today I got Australia visa refusal i applied my visa on smadhi day 15 october y baba today is kala day for me and my family as well again kaali diwali its every year wasting my hard money but listen baba tomorrow m going to apply for newzeland where I spent 5 years while studying baba y u tasting me so much
Baba please help and save my parents… Help sai ma…. Cure my sister's infection quickly, we are having exams please bless us. .. Bless my father and mother with good health and wealth.. Cure my grandma… Please save all sai rakshak…
Baba, please bless the devotee and the mother who is suffering from plastic anaemia. Please bless the devotee whose husband is drinking. he needs to take care of his family. Please mend his ways.
Sairam baba pranam to your lotus feet..prabhu as I promised you in writing here…yesterday midnight l had severe menstrual pain…pain was unbearable..then I prayed baba and said..if my pain got reduced I will write my experience in hetalji's holy blog…baba thank you so much..baba im requesting you..please don't give this much of pain anyone in this world..bless everyone..sai sai
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Omsairam…bless my father and brother with a good health foegive our sins…baba….love yoy so much…..destroy my ego and anger baba ….make me a dust under your feet…baba…..
Jai Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
On sai ram
Om sai ram…
Pls bless my mom and dad….
You are correct..and also my mother words…pls forgive me know my condition.only u can over come this situation.I am wrong baba.pls forgive me.
Om Sai ram..
Om namah Shivaya, dattatreya namah, baba ki palkhi aayi re!! jai shree ram,