Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello everyone, I have submitted a couple of experiences earlier to this blog and I have many more miracles that have been taking place regularly in my life. I will pen down a few wonderful experiences that took place recently. Before going into the details, I would like to thank Hetalji for coming up with this beautiful idea to start publishing devotees’ experiences, which is indeed like another Sai Satcharitra. The fact that so many people submit their experiences and even more number of people read it on a daily basis is a proof that Sai Baba is still alive and He will manifest Himself wherever there is faith and wholehearted devotion. Many people can relate to the experiences of other devotees who post here, and they will also come to know of the power of chanting Sai’s name when they read about the different methods that worked for others, thereby finding solutions to their own problems. So, reading this blog will help strengthen the faith of innumerable devotees and although Baba is the real wire puller of everything and Hetalji and her team are only like an instrument, we have to thank them for taking the initiative and maintaining it regularly.
My first experience is regarding the Sai Nav Guruwar vrat that I do once every year. This year’s vrat was more of expressing my gratitude to Baba because He fulfilled my biggest wish, which was to have a baby. By Baba’s grace and blessings, my baby girl was born on 27th July last year. I’m so happy that she was born on Thursday, and the date also adds up to 9 (2+7). Everything about her is a blessing from Sai and I’m really thankful to Him for hearing my prayers and making everything go smoothly. I had to start working when my baby was just 2 months, because of our home mortgage. It was nearly impossible to meet the household demands with just my husband’s salary. So, even though it was very tough to be away from my baby, I had no other option. Everyday while my husband was dropping me to office I used to be in tears and asked Baba only one thing – “I want to spend more time with my baby, but I cannot quit my job. How can I make this work?” I even asked Sai about this in question and answer site, and got His response that everything will be alright. So after a while I stopped worrying about it and went on with my routine. Then I started doing Nav Guruvar vrat sometime during end of February. And in just 1 week time, my office management had a meeting with me and granted me work from home option for 2 days in a week. Now this was something that was very, very surprising! There is no work from home option at all in our office, and they made an exception just for me, even without asking.
My second experience is about buying a car. During pregnancy I had stopped driving for a while and my car also stopped working. Since we had lot of other expenses, my husband and I thought of going in same car to office instead of buying a new one. Both our offices were also not so distant from one another so the carpooling worked for a while. After a few days, I felt the need to buy my own car. I didn’t want my husband to reach his office late, or drive fast because I made it late on some days. Again, no sooner than the thought of buying a car came to my mind, Sai Baba made the process so smooth for me. Within a week I bought the right SUV that suits my style and with Baba’s grace there was a huge discount in its price as well. I’m very thankful to Baba for all that He does for all His devotees. From our side, all we need is a good mind, and have faith and patience. May Baba bless all. Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Om Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Susama from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. I am 36 years old unmarried lady. I am from Odisha, a small city Sambalpur.
My dear fakir thank You for Your blessings. Once I had lost my job for one year. At that time my financial condition was very bad. I had no money to drop any form for interview or survive also. I was staying at my sister’s house. I was hesitant to ask money to my sister. That time I prayed Sai with Kasta Nivaran mantra for 11 times. God did miracle as my long pending money from boss got deposited in my account. In another instance my mother was mentally sick. Me and my mom planned to go to my sister’s house. Before going; one day mother went to the place without informing our family members. What I could do? I thought my Sai would definitely help me. That day whole day I was chanting Sai Sai in mind. In the evening time my father gave information about my mom. We both went to the place and brought my mom. Next day we reached my sister’s place. Thank You Sai for helping me in times of our need. In third instance I and my mom were travelling for a long distance journey alone. There was nobody to help us because my mom is mentally sick. It was very risky to take her. My family members never like to take her. That journey was full of love and care by my all co-passengers. I have no words to explain my Sai Baba’s love. Inspite of so many miracles and blessings in my life from Sai; I am always having doubt on His existence. Dear devotees and Hetal di please pray for me to make my doubt change into strong faith. Sai Baba gives love and care to all creatures whether living or non-living. Once again I say to Sai Baba thank You Baba, thank You very much.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am a Sai daughter from India. Baba is the oxygen of my life. I can’t live without His blessings and help. He is always there to help me in the all topsy-turvy of life. My day starts with Sai and ends with Sai only. I have written many experiences on this divine platform. I am really grateful to Hetalji and her team for providing such a divine platform where all Sai devotees can share their experiences and get more strength to come out of the difficult situation. Thanks a lot for curing my husband’s fever in one night. Please help him to control his anger. He is a nice and very kind person. He helps people selflessly. Instead of all good deeds, his peace of mind is missing. Please help him. Thanks a lot Baba for making a peaceful and smooth journey of my mom while coming to Bangalore. Now I am very happy because my mother will live with us. Thanks for curing my uncle’s health. Baba blesses them always. They are a very nice family and they took care of my mother. My mother was so happy at their place. Baba, You know better what I need and You will give me that when the right time will come. I have left everything on Your lotus feet. Please be always with me. I will write my experience very soon. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a college student from the USA. Thank you to everyone running this site and for giving us an opportunity to share our experiences. Today was my last exam before I graduated. I needed to do very well on this exam. But, stress and health complications turned me away from studying properly. I only studied for a few hours today and I was very, very nervous to go take it. But I tried to keep my hopes high up and remembered/ chanted Baba’s name with every question I read and answered. And it gave me such confidence and reassurance. We get our results right away, since it’s a computerized test. I was shaking with nervousness before I submitted my exam. But due to Baba’s grace, I did well! I cannot thank Baba enough for blessing me and giving me confidence for my exam even though I didn’t prepare well. I will be forever grateful for all the support and blessing He has given me! He also pushes me to have such a positive mind-set. He has also made me realize today that the quality of our friends is much important than the quantity and so to only have those who give off positive vibes and are good people. I shouldn’t be jealous of someone else; I should be understanding and appreciate those who are in my life! Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I am a Baba’s devotee, I don’t know since when. I have submitted many experiences before. This one happened last Thursday.
Every Thursday, I go to Baba’s temple where we get prasad after Aarti. That prasad is really yummy. Last Thursday, I had to go to the temple early. I was sad because I knew I won’t be able to get that yummy prasad. My husband also loves that particular prasadam. But when I reached there, to my surprise, there were just two boxes of prasadam. I went in, bowed before Baba, did pradarshan and when I came back, the prasadam was still there. There must be around 40 people in the temple, coming and going. But nobody took the prasadam. I was very happy to get the prasadam. Baba knew that I wished to get the prasadam, so He made sure that I get it. Thank You Baba. With You in my life, everyday is like a miracle. Anantakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Maharajadhiraj Yogiraj Para Brahma Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Shirdi Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!

Shirdi Sai Devotee Susama from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. I am 36 years old unmarried lady. I am from Odisha, a small city Sambalpur. I am a boarding school teacher by profession. In our school taking leave frequently is not allowed. But when I want to take leave, I write 2 chits yes or no. I ask Sai every time. Always my chit answer is right. This way Sai helps me each and every time. Thank You Sai Baba for Your kindness towards me. In another instance Sai Baba helped me in form of TTI. Once at the time of shifting my lodges from one place to another, I unknowingly did not take a ticket for my big bags. TTI of railway caught my lodges and asked for fine. At that time I was scared and started chanting Sai name as I was travelling alone that long distance. But Sai give less fine for my mistake. But other lodges charges more than me inpite of distance was same for both. Sai Baba loves me this way. Baba’s love is beyond our imagination. Give me heart to love You and serve You. I am affected by maya, show me the way. Baba give me strength to follow You. Om Sairam. Om Sairam.
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Om sai ram.
Pls bless araj to get the job..and help him to perform well.
Om Sai ram..
May He shower His Grace and Blessings on us all, His children.
Jai Sairam
Baba..thankyou so much ..forgive our sins..bless my father and brother with good health…
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma…bless them with good health……and financially support them…help us for exams …be with my parents sai rakshak…
Jai Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram, Love you baba please be with my family protect them and take care of them baba as i dont have any one other then you to look after, please forgive my mistakes done by me knowingly or unknowingly baba, please help my husband clear his exams and settle in his profession baba, please help get a full time job baba, please give good health to my parents and kids baba, please let me be at your lotus feet till my last breath baba.