Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I want to take this opportunity to share my experience and miracle of Sai Baba in my life. Sai Baba saved my life through my baby.
I always believed in Sai Baba and started doing 7 day parayanam when I was in college. Reading Baba Satcharitra always made me feel pleasant and peaceful and felt I was guided on the right path all the time. I never had any serious issues or worries in life. Met my life partner in college and my parents were also fine. We got married after getting settled in jobs in US. We bought a house few years back. Though had few disturbances in life but nothing was like beyond I could not handle. Was doing parayanam every year and Baba was always guiding me in any problems or difficulties I faced.
My husband and myself, we wanted to start planning for kids. We went to India for a short trip. Visited Shirdi, had good darshan and trip went smooth. We were back to US and by Baba’s blessing I was pregnant and my family and in-laws family were all happy. Pregnancy was also going on smooth. Had normal delivery and all was going fine by Baba’s grace. On 2nd day of my baby arrival, life gave me the biggest shock. I was not able to pump milk from one of my breast and was checked by surgeon during my stay in hospital. I was ordered to get ultrasound, Mammogram and finally Biopsy. I came home crying with my baby in hand as doctors were not very happy with the results. After one week, my surgeon called me and told me I had stage 2 breast cancer. My world just stopped. I cried all day and night. I never had any health issue. I hardly used any pain medicine till then. I was searching on internet all day regarding cure. I was not ready to accept the reality. With my baby in hand who was just born and having cancer I was not ready to accept the way life unfolded in front of me. I kept asking Baba every minute why did this happen? My husband was the biggest support I had at that time. I knew we loved and respected each other but we realized how much we loved each other at that time. I was 31 when diagnosed. I did not want to give up and wanted to fight till the end for my husband and baby. I was crying almost every day and in every doctor’s visit. It took me 2 months to accept myself and to get ready for chemo followed by surgery and radiation.
It’s been a year since I was diagnosed with cancer and now I’m cancer free. During my struggle I was searching on internet, was trying to talk to Baba in my mind and prayers looking for answers. At that time I found this website. That is when I came to know about Mahaparayan and enrolled to read Chapters every Thursday. Now I read Sai Satcharitra every day and do Sai Jaap everyday whenever I get time. I sometimes feel that maybe cancer has done good in a way brining me more close to my father Sai Baba and made me participate in Mahaparayan group. My baby girl is now one, happy and healthy. She has saved my life. The reason why I wanted to post my experience is because I want to let everyone know that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Baba saved my life through my baby. Had I not become pregnant, I would not have ever known that I, my own body was fighting against me. Yes, I everyday have the fear of cancer returning back. I still think about the plans my husband and I had for second baby. I still have the fear of tomorrow but I’m sure that Sai Baba will always protect me and guide me. I had many miracles that happened in my life but this is the biggest and lifesaving miracle for me. Doctors are not 100% sure if I can have a second kid. But I believe in Sai Baba and I know He would let me know the right time. Please don’t lose hope. Trust Baba and you will realize the miracles happening in your life. Have faith and patience. A request to women out there reading this experience, please do go for annual checks and if any concerns on health please do get them checked. Never neglect your health. Cancer not only tries to kill you physically and mentally but it also impacts your family. For yourself and for your loved ones, please never neglect any physical pain. Health is wealth. Sai Baba, please bless everyone and may everyone wishes come true and be healthy and happy. Om Sai Ram!

Shirdi Sai Devotee Santhosh Raja M from India says: Myself an Ardent devotee of Sai Appa residing at Salem, Tamilnadu. My experience is about Baba’s blessings and assurance for my love and how He initiated me to start Thursday Vrat. Dear all Sai family members, Good morning to everyone. Myself Santhosh Raja. Now I am going to share one of our Baba’s leela which happened in my life.
I have been Sai devotee for the past 4.5 years but an ardent devotee since last 1.5 years. Before 1.5 years I was in a very, very tough situation in my life. My life was completely filled with problems, disappointments, tears, pains, hurting, losses etc. But only one thing gave me happiness; that was nothing but “Love”. Of course, I was in a state of mind to love a person. I went and kneeled down before Baba and said: “Sai, Now I am going to ask You one thing, if You like it then please make it for me otherwise don’t break my heart. I trust You and there is no one for me to do. Only You are there to help me. If You are not interested to bless in this matter, then please don’t do anything bad.” Then I started telling about my love matter to Baba and said Him: “Baba, if You don’t like to bless me in my Love means it’s okay. But please I beg You Baba, don’t punch my heart in the name of help. You Yourself decide, whether I should love or should not love” And I told Him that on the next day (i.e. Thursday) “I am going to start Thursday fasting vrat. If You bless me to have my love in my life then let me do the vrat. But if You have any other plans for me then please don’t make me to do fasting.
” I slept that night. In the morning, I heard a voice of someone who was speaking “Santhosh Raja, get up you told you want to do fasting vrat for your Love. (He gave every detail sharply and in detail about what I asked Him for). Immediately I realised the situation and when I woke up no one was there. Saw Baba’s idol but I did not think that Baba spoke to me in my ears. Then after few minutes I slept and within few minutes after I slept, someone kicked on my legs and with pain I stood up suddenly. But no one was there. I thought that my father might have kicked me, but at any cost he won’t do like that and all. Anyway I went and saw he was sleeping and my whole family members were also sleeping. Then I came and sat in my room and started remembering what was spoken in my ears. Everything was clear to me. Yes Baba Himself woke me up and He told me to do vrat for my Love. In Satcharithra, Baba said that, one should not involve in worldly attractions and should not give importance to materialization needs. But in my case, Baba wants me to satisfy what I need. And then He taught so many lessons to me. He not only helps me in my love matters, but also in each and every step of my life. He not only assured me to make my love success but also He is doing good in every aspect of my life. If I had done vrat on my own decision on that day, then I might have completed after 9 weeks vrat. But, you know, Baba Himself told me to start vrat to fulfil my wish. And till last week I have completed my 75th Thursday Fasting Vrat with blessings of Baba. Many times, I asked Baba that, “Baba, do You want me to stop my vrat? Then in dream I got answer from Him” He appeared in my dream and put me garland and said go ahead my child” Then after few months I again asked Him about whether to continue or to stop. On Thursday morning He again woke me up by touching my neck gently ( like a child) and shook my shoulder like a mother does to her child. This made me to do continuous vrat for 75 Thursdays. During these 1.5 years many times He appeared in my dream. I tell you all that in another post. This was one of the leelas which was played by Baba in my life. Things are getting done but very slowly. So, I want you all to pray for me to our Motherly Sai to fulfil my wish. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Bahrain says: I am small devotee of Baba. Please keep me as anonymous. Om Sai Ram to all my Sai brothers and sisters. Before starting my experience I would like to apologize my mistakes because around more than 7 months before I promised Baba that if He listened my prayers within one week I will upload my experience on this site. But being lazy and weak hearted person I used to postpone it. But now again I started facing problem so a thought came in my mind that due to my false commitment with Baba I am facing issue. Baba, please forgive my mistake.
Now, coming to my experience I am residing in Bahrain. Last November we changed our flat. After coming to new place my son often started falling sick. So few of my friends who are also part of Mahaparayan suggested me one reputed homeopathic doctor. Next day only I had taken the doctor’s appointment. When I visited doctor she told us that his symptoms looks like vitamin D deficiency and thyroid. So she asked to do some blood test. My son is 15 years old so we were scared a lot after hearing thyroid. He used to get full body pain and he was not able to walk also. I almost cried in front of Baba and took a vow in front of Him. I am applying Udi on his body and giving him Udi water and I will read Adhay 11 eleven times and within one week post my experience. But You have to bring his thyroid report negative only. As per doctor, the report should be ready next day evening but I was so tensed and so same day’s night I called the hospital lab to enquire about report status. By Baba’s grace lab technician told his all reports were ready and anytime we could collect it. It was too late but then also we went to collect the report. And, by Almighty’s grace his thyroid report was negative and only vitamin D was low. When I met next day to the doctor she told not to worry and that with the medicines within 4 weeks he will recover. I used to give him medicines with Udi water. When after 4 weeks we repeated reports his vitamin D problem was also cured. See Baba helped me timely but till today I have not read chapter 11 for 11 times in a day. I don’t know now again I am facing problem with my son. His behaviour is changing. For every small thing he is getting angry. Now he is in 10th but not at all serious in his studies. I am feeling very scared because of his nature and behaviour. 24 *7 I am calling Baba. But I am thinking Baba is not coming to help me. So Baba because of my mistakes and negligence if my son is behaving like this please, please I am really very Sorry. But please come and help me. Tomorrow only I will read my pending reading of Chapter 11 Parayan. Baba, one humble request: Please make his mind calm and let his interest in studies increase. Please show Your presence in our life. If really I will see difference I will post that miracle also on this site. But please come Baba. Thank You Baba love You. Shree Sachhiddanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Mahek from UAE says: Hi, I am Mahek from UAE living in this country from last 13 years have 2 kids, elder 1 is daughter and younger one is a son. I am a housewife, but since from last year looking for a job. I just have kept faith and patience that Sai will help me in this.
Om Sai Ram. Sairam to all devotees and big thanks for the creator of this blog, so that people like me; who are very small devotees can express our miracles happening in our life because of our father Sairam. My experience happened on 11 May 2018 where my daughter got 1st prize in Solo dance competition as she was trying to win from last 2 or 3 competitions, but somehow don’t know what was there; as after her so much of practice and all she was not winning a prize. But our Sai have other ways of working for us. So in same way this time she again participated in solo dance competition and she won the 1st prize, as she was accepting and praying to Sai atleast give me 2nd or 3rd prize but my Sai is great He just gave her a unbelievable position that is 1st by which she made me and her Sir so much proud. So all my thanks to Sai Ram Who again gave her a big confidence that she can win. I normally, read Sai Satcharitra everyday but that day itself I had not completed that day’s chapter which I was supposed to. Then when I was sitting during that competition so I was reading my that chapter and finished it same time when the prize was going to be announced for my child’s category. Then went on with Sai naam chant, so that my Sai will do magic and finally my daughter won the 1st prize in that dance competition. Love You so much Sai. Now actually I was trying to get job since last 1 year but couldn’t get it I don’t know why. Just it’s a humble request to all devotees to please pray for me to get my career started again. Thanks, if I did any mistake in writing this experience then please forgive me. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all. I am small devotee of Baba from India. I am very thankful to Hetalji for creating such a beautiful blog. I am a regular reader of this blog. Once again thank you so much. Coming to my experience; my phone got shutdown automatically and I could not turn on my phone. I was very sad about this because I didn’t want to give my phone to shop for repair. I tried my best but didn’t work. I kept my phone before Baba’s photo and put Udi. After one hour I prayed Baba and took Baba’s name and pressed my phone for a long time. Miracle happened and my phone started working very smoothly. Thanks Baba. Sai also cured my mom’s itching problem. Thank You so much Baba. Please bless my family and all. Please fulfil my dream soon Baba. Thank You so much to show Your presence on my family. Om Sairam.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Divya from India says: This is one more of the many blessings of Dadu Sai that I have experienced since I became His devotee 9 years back. I was suffering from severe sinus problem and was not able to sleep at night due to breathlessness. The problem aggravated so much that I started getting scared of closed spaces and darkness. This went on for one and half weeks. I prayed to Dadu to come and please help me recover from the situation and bring my sleep back. I vowed for 11 pradakshinas in the temple after recovery. And today I am going to fulfil my vow. Thanks a lot Sai Dadu for listening to my prayers. Please keep blessing and taking care of all.
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Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Love You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba please help and save bless my parents…be with them.hold my father…see my grandparents recover quickly……thankyou for today me and my sister for studies sai ma…..sairakshak…i am so these days will last baba…sairakshak…….you know the comdition.please help sai .bless them and all with good health.make everyone happy saima
Omsairam……bless my father and brother with good health fotgive our you baba.
With Sai's blessings everyone should be happy. And to the devotee survived cancer, sai's blessings will always be there for you and your family. Wish you all the happiness. Om Sairam.
Jai Sai Ram 🙏
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
People who do regular check ups also get cancer and people in Indian who never had regular check ups died at old age after living happily… so no regular check ups don’t help … it’s mostly karma – present or past life – that causes big catastrophes like cancer in life ..