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Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Stopped Me From Going To My Hometown

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I am a Sai devotee, the sparrow he pulled to His feet by coming in dreams. Leaving in a medium size town in USA and currently I am believing only in Sai. I have already posted my first experience and yet to see my post. I now wanted to post another few miracles that happened in few weeks due to Sai. Hetalji once again thank you so much as this blog gives us lot of hopes when we read all the experience especially people like me who are very far away from family; alone and no one to help. Baba shows time to time that His devotees are not alone and He is there for them.

I was doing my Sai vrat. I was in my third week; suddenly quarrel in my house to go to India for vacation increased. Something was saying I should not go to India and stay here (as terms with my family were not good) I was not at all interested but my brother was very stubborn in taking me. He had already booked our flight tickets. Day by day he became wild. I was searching for a job. He did not allow me to apply for any jobs or attend any interviews. He took my passport, visa papers and other documents and shut all my doors. I was crying to Baba to help me. I told my parents something was saying me not to come to India this time so please tell to him. They too forced me. Only three days were left and I told Baba, “You are not hearing my voice”. I was crying day and night. I was forced to pack my dresses. While packing, I was looking for some deity picture to keep in my new suitcase to bring me back safely here after the trip. I couldn’t get anything immediately. Suddenly when I cleaned my hand bag I got a very, very small Sai Baba pic. I just tore that pic from the paper and kept it. I packed it and was about to sleep. My family was finally settled that everything was happening as planned but I was not.

Suddenly, my brother went to take passport xerox and he came back. Next day he told me to keep my passport with me. I asked him where he kept and he told to look in our business room. I couldn’t find it and then we started searching. He wasn’t sure if he brought it back so went to the store also. We searched for two days, couldn’t find it at all. Finally my brother only travelled and I couldn’t find my passport anywhere. I am applying for new one soon. I still can’t believe, Baba saved me at the very last minute without going to India. I am bit sad of not going to home but things are not good there and Baba Himself knew what is important for me at this time. So He saved me by getting my passport lost. Thou I lost my passport; I am happy that He saved me and made me sit in my home without getting into any trouble.

Another miracle is, I wanted to finish my 9th week vrat in my house here without being in someone else’s house like my sister’s house or mother’s house in hometown. Baba fulfilled that wish also. Yesterday only I finished my vrat. During vrat weeks I prayed Baba no hindrance should stop me from worshipping and completing this vrat. By His grace and mere blessing I completed it. My wish is still not granted. This is the sadness that I have that after I did all my poojas sincerely also Baba did not accept my prayers but I am hoping and having faith that my wish will be granted soon and very soon will come back here to write that too. Om Sairam.

Got Job By Sai Baba’s Blessing

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Karthik from India says: Hi everyone. I am Karthik from Tamil Nadu. I became a small devote of Sairam from 2015. Thanks to Hetalji and their team for this wonderful blog. Very happy to read devotees’ experiences here. This helps me to get connected with Baba daily. I hope experiences of Sai Baba devotees are innumerable and can never be expressed in words as it happens; though, by Sai’s blessing devotees try doing their best. Thanks to everyone. I would like to share my first recent experience. I am doing it only by Sai’s grace.

By Baba’s grace I cleared most of my debts (through the great job given by Sai’s). After quitting my old one I desperately searched for the new job. Being jobless is not easy. The one who has suffered can understand about it very well. I too suffered much by trying different jobs in many places. Many jobs came very close and got cancelled. I felt very bad and asked my Baba (Q& A website). I got the following answer “Your work will be completed with the help of five women”. Really speaking I got little confused about the answer. Anyway I took screenshot of it (I used to do). Days passed in vain and after 1 and half months accidentally I attended one interview. 100 % I felt that job was not for me but anyway by Baba’s grace I had gone through the interview with a heavy heart. When I finally saw a woman who was an important deciding person for selection, I saw a nice Sai Baba photo that she had on her table. I felt my wandering mind got peace. The salary they told was somewhat less than what I had expected but I thought to work and I didn’t know how. Finally I got selected at last. Though it ends well I had some confusion how I was going to convince my parents. Because the job’s place was far away (another state). Suddenly I realised about Sai’s answer and things that had happened. You won’t believe it, I got job exactly like Baba told. The women who conducted interview in different places of the institution and one who helped me; were married and in total exactly 5 in numbers. I felt really a great pleasure after recognising it. Wonder of wonders my parents accepted my job. So, now I stared working with a strong faith that Sai Baba has given this job.

Friends, like everyone I am too facing difficulties in day to day life while having faith and patience with Baba. But I am sure those two are the only things that Baba expects from us. Praise to Sai Baba Who is a wish fulfilling tree to crores and crores of His devotees. He knows when to give, what to give and how to give. Thanks to all. Jai Sairam.

Prayer Never Goes Unheard

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I m a Sai devotee from Odisha who seek refuge at Sai Baba’s feet till I breathe my last.

Aum Sairam to dear Sai devotees and thanks to dear Hetalji who is really a blessed devotee. I had no idea about Sai but Sai knows me that’s why He has always been with me and helped at each and every step which I was unaware of. Neither I knew about the problems. I was minor nor I was aware that Sai always lifted me up until in 2000 when my mother was seriously ill. She worked with great difficulty and was swollen from head to toe. No doctors told us the exact thing that she was suffering from but prescribed some medicines which I gave her as per the requirement. At last one of my sister-in-law suggested me to take her to a doctor she knew. I am the youngest in the family. Three elder sisters already married and two brothers out of three. I was accompanied by my 2nd brother.

That doctor was really a messenger of God who diagnosed the real problems, prescribed medicines and tests to be done. Then after a week or so he referred us to go to Berhampur for her treatment to a cardiologist. The situation was grave. We started early morning and immediately admitted her on reaching by 7 pm. Everything was tested and she was kept there for 5 days. It was found that 70% of both her kidneys were damaged. Her heart too was filled up with fluid every now and then. They kept her under observation but what surprised the doctors was how she could walk up and down three floors when her condition was so delicate. They too said it was a miracle. I always prayed Sai Baba and applied Udi on her forehead. I cried a lot to save my mother from the mouth of death as she was my only friend and companion. Sai listened to my prayers and she lived for seven years which the doctors couldn’t believe. Sai listens to earnest prayers. I have many such experiences which I will post and strengthen not only the faith of the readers but also my faith at Baba’s lotus feet. May Sai ‘blessings be ever on all those who seek refuge at His lotus feet. Aum Sai Sharanam.

Experience Cum Prayers

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram I am Sai daughter from India.

Om Sai Ram to everyone. Thanks a lot, Hetal for giving such a divine platform to share our experiences. I have posted many experiences on this holy blog. Today I am going to share the recent one. 1. My hubby had applied for Japan visa. Photos specifications had not matched on the day of form submission. I prayed to Baba for helping in this matter. In a week my hubby got Japan Visa and went to Japan. By Baba’s grace his whole trip was good and went smoothly and he reached India safely with the memorable thoughts.

2. I had promised Baba that when I would get my first salary I would offer a shawl and sweets at His holy feet. The day before yesterday I received my salary and yesterday I fulfilled my promise.

3. Baba, I am praying for a child now. Please bless us with a child. I have left everything on Your holy feet. Give me what You think is good for me. I will post my experience once I conceive.

4. Please help my husband to control his anger and help him to forget the past incidents which creates problems and worries in present life. Baba please be with us vand shower Your nectar like love always. We are at Your holy feet.

Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.

Sai Baba Miracles

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: Sairam devotees. I am a small devotee of Sai Baba and thank you Hetalji and your team to run such a blog where we can share Baba’s leelas.

My first experience in my life is when I was in New Zealand. That time I faced lot of problems in my life but by the grace of Baba everything got sorted out. I came back to India due to visa problems but I always prayed to Baba that please send me again. Our case was very weak but I still applied again for Australia. Here the miracle happened, within 21 days I got my visa approved and luckily my husband also got visa at the same time. I am really thankful to Sai Deva. I can’t explain in words.

Second experience: I got my visa approved on 23rd May and my flight was on 31st May. I really wished to go to Shirdi as I had never been there before. My family tried a lot to book our tickets but failed. Then I prayed to Sai wholeheartedly and due to Baba’s blessings at last moment I got my tickets booked. We went to Shirdi. I feel so happy that Baba is always with us. Baba, please shower Your blessings on everyone. Jai Sairam.

Dream Of Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miracles |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Sachin from India says: Om Sai Ram friends. I am new here and I want to share my experience with you. This incident happened to me one month back when one day I was sleeping I saw Sai Baba in my dream in person. I saw that I was performing aarti of Baba in a room and I was also kissing His feet. I am still trying to decode this dream and one more thing I want to tell that I used to be a Sai bhakt 2-3 years back when I always tried to catch Mandir on Thursdays but not anymore. Please tell me what is the meaning of this dream. I will be very thankful to you guys.

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  1. Lovely experiences. Thank You O Sai 🙂

    Last devotee: From what ever little I can decipher, it is a sign for Sarvasya Sharnagati, complete surrender to Him.

    Jai Sairam

  2. Baba,please help and save my parents..hold my father financially.make him happy and healthy..dont make him suffer from bp…look after my grandparents…please make us visit shree balaji soon sai pa..(ayyappa)never leave my sight..saipa.sairakshak.saisaranam.tq baba pleasr guide saipa.

  3. Om Sai Ram
    Mere Sadguru Sai kotikoti pranam.Sai because of u only my husband was saved from big trouble.Thank so much for love n care Baba.Baba please guide n guard me and my family and make us walk on right path.Baba keep us at ur lotus feet.Om Sai Ram

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