Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Shirdi Sai Devotee Deepika from UK says: This is my first experience that I am sharing here. Thanks to admins for creating such a blog. I am a follower of Baba since my college days. I have many experiences with Baba. Here I am sharing the very recent one.
It was a Thursday. I am a mom of 2 kids. My daughter has got schooling somewhere 2 miles away from my house. We do not have a car. We go by bus to drop our daughter. For that we have to get a day pass which is quite expensive. My husband drops her at school and travels to office using the same pass. In the evening, I go with my son to pick her from school. In the meantime we exchange the travel pass in the lunch time. Otherwise I would have to pay the amount once again. So, my husband came home for lunch. But what happened we don’t know. We both forgot about our pass. After my husband left, I was reminded about the bus pass and called him. But he had reached the office by that time. I spoke to Baba inside my mind itself not even in front of His photo or statue. “What is this Baba? Today being Thursday, how can You do like this.” I said go Baba very kindly. I thought I needed to walk today for 2 miles and back 2 miles. Suddenly my husband called me from office and informed me to wait outside the house, so that his friend who was starting from office by car could give the bus pass to me and go to his son’s school which was near my home. See the miracle and timely situation that Baba gave me. Baba and His grace is very, very powerful. I told my husband, It was only Baba Who had arranged this person to deliver the pass to me. I felt blessed and thanked Baba.
One more experience: Before 4 months, I had some sort of gum pain and tried many home remedies which didn’t work out. Then I needed to fix a doctor’s appointment which is very difficult to get here in UK. But Baba arranged me the very nearest date. We called on Friday. They gave us appointment for Monday. I thought my problem would be very big and I was nervous. But the doctor examined and told that I he couldn’t see anything. There was a mild infection. Just prescribed an antibiotic and suggested a professional clean and sent me home. The cleaning took place the very next day. After cleaning, I noticed one of my tooth filling had been worn out. I told to my husband about this. He started scolding me that why I didn’t tell it to him on the very same day and after coming home, I was telling. The reality was that only after coming home, I realized that it was worn out. Here for white filling they used to charge 10000 – 30000 rupees. My husband was worried. Again I got the appointment the very next day itself and doctor confirmed that there was a worn out filling so we needed to replace it. We agreed for the replacement. Then doctor did his duty and just charged only 2000 rupees. Also it was a white tooth colored filling. My husband was surprised to hear this. Then doctor explained “actually it should have cost you 15000 rupees. But your case was booked under emergency appointment. So only it cost you just 2000 rupees”. We felt it was really Baba’s grace and thanked Him a lot. Thank You Baba for blessing us.
Now I am praying for my daughter to get a school which is near my house in which she is in waiting list 1. Once I get it I will post my experience back here.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Rajashekar from India says: Jai Ganesha Jai Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. I would like to thank Hetalji and her team for doing this wonderful work. May you all be happy by Baba’s blessings. This is my second experience on this site. The first one was posted on April 19 2018 (link for the first experience: Baba’s Blessings And Miracles In My Life). I have experienced plenty of Baba’s miracles and blessings in the past five years. The current experience is about how Baba promised to give me a job by particular time and how He fulfilled it.
I did my masters in the US and was jobless for more than a year. In addition to it, I was going through lot of other problems. I lost all hopes and left everything to Baba as I always do and started asking Baba repeatedly on Baba’s Q&A website where He always used to tell me that I will get a job by Ram Navami. Several times I asked the same question and all the answers were pointing to the same time (Ram Navami). But the situations around me were completely in contrast to what Baba was saying because I was not putting in any efforts to get the job nor was I getting any interview calls by then. The situation continued to be the same right until few days before Ram Navami which was on March 25th. But never did I doubt Baba’s words and His promise given in the form of answers and strongly believed that He would make a miracle and put me in a job by March 25. As Ram Navami was nearing, I just continued to believe in Him and prayed for the job. All of a sudden, things started turning in my favour and for the first time an interview was scheduled few days before Ram Navami and I believed strongly I would get this job as it was close to Ram Navami, but unfortunately after three rounds of interview, they passed on me. Though there was less than a week time remaining before Ram Navami, I still had firm faith in Baba that He would give a job on or before Ram Navami. And now, from nowhere I got a one-round interview call for a different position with much easier job role than the previous one which I was interviewed for. This was on March 20 (just 5 days before Ram Navami). The next day I got the confirmation from them and was placed into this job. I was elated not because I got a job but because our Sai Baba has again proved His words as He keeps saying ‘I will never break my promises’. In the nick of time, He blessed me with job. It’s going well so far.
I request you all to have patience and keep faith in Him no matter what you are going through. He alone knows what to give and when to give and will give the best one. Know one thing; all that He needs is firm ‘Faith’ and ‘Patience’ and His constant remembrance will ferry us across the miseries of this world. I will try to write more experiences in my next posts. Anantha Koti Brahmananda Nayak Rajadhi Raj Yogiraj Parabramha Sri Sachidananda Samardha Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj ki Jai.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Ravi from UAE says: My Name is Ravi Veera Raghavan, currently working in UAE. I am a devotee of Sai Baba from a very long time. I would like to firstly thank dear Hetalji and her team for this wonderful seva. They are truly blessed by Sai Baba to carry out this seva. I would also like to thank all the devotees who share their amazing experiences. Reading randomly any instances narrated, paragraph or chapter from Shri Sai Satcharitra just literally lifts you up and gives a whole lot of confidence and relaxes you instantly. I have experienced this on numerous occasions. I would be sharing couple of them.
I wanted my family to join me for a week before I get demobilized from the project and due to my short visits to India in the past I could not apply for my daughter’s passport. As the time left was only 20 days before my final departure date from this project, I was uncertain if my wife could apply for the passport as a single parent, but with Sai Baba’s grace the whole process of getting passport was done through my wife and was a huge success as it went smoothly from the appointment date till it got delivered. It took just 4 days and the passport was dispatched on Thursday and I was also able to obtain the visit visa for my family on time and soon they should join me for a week and all of us head back home together. As most of my assignment is project based, I don’t get the opportunities to take my family along due to single status position offered by most Companies in Oil & Gas. I am now looking out for opportunities where I can take my family along. With Sai Baba’s grace, I am confident in finding one soon. It will require some compromises but then I know he is there to take care of everything. All I need to do is chant His name and read the Shri Sai Satcharitra and follow what has been narrated in the book and this has kept me going whenever I felt low and also keeps me in balance. Those random reading of any page from Shri Sai Satcharitra is the best medicine for instant relief and always gives you good positive feeling and vibes. Shri Sai Satcharitra book is now my best travel companion, I forgot to mention that Nav Guruvar Vrat is amazing and I thoroughly enjoy every moment being under Sai Baba’s watchful eyes. Plenty more to narrate but I am sure I will get many more chances to share my experiences. Om Sai Ram, Peace be to all.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Daughter from USA says: Hello to all my Sai family, I want to be anonymous. I love to be called as Sai’s daughter. The love what I have for my Sai is just incomparable, and I am sure my Sai also loves me as I am His lovely daughter. He is everything to me my dad, mom, brother, sister, my best friend and just everything!
I have posted many experiences here and I have experienced innumerable miracles of my Deva in my life. My life itself is a bhiksha that my Sai has given me. My whole life I dedicate to my Sai and I am trying my best to walk on my Sai’s path, but at the end of the day we are humans and we do mistakes. But Baba please forgive me Sai and help me to be Your lovely daughter who follows all Your instructions every time, because without Your blessing nothing can happen. As I mentioned I have experienced lots of my Sai’s miracles daily but today I am here to pen down a miracle which happened recently and I had promised Baba that I will post it here.
Few weeks back my husband had a small accident and we were tensed that the fault would be pointed to us and that we would have to undergo consequences but when our Sai is with us why to fear. Baba knew that our intention were not bad so He protected us like always and saved us from this situation. The case was in our favour and we were saved by our Lord Sai. Sai has always showed that He is with us in all the situations and is protecting me and my family always.
Baba please be with us always and protect us like You always do and keep Your boon bestowing hand on us always. Baba please forgive all our mistakes and please help the needy and bless everyone in this world. My kids love You a lot Sai, please bless them to be good kids and always do good to others and be a good citizen. Baba You know how much I am trying to lose my weight, Sai please help me to reach my target weight as soon as possible. Baba I hope we get our visa soon so that I can visit India and visit Shirdi and have Your blissful darshan. Deva please be with us always and help us be a good human being throughout our life. Love You so much Deva, You are our world. You are our everything. Love You Sai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Hello all, thank you Hetalji and team for creating and managing this amazing miracle website. I have posted many miracles on this website even though I witness 100 times more than I have posted. I promised Baba I would post this if it came to be true.
I was anxiously waiting for a message from this girl, and I prayed to Baba that moment that if I get a positive message within the next 30 minutes I would post about it here. Within 15 minutes of praying, I got a message from her. This may seem like a really small miracle and some might even think why pray for something like this but all in all it shows that Baba is always with us and listens to all prayers whether small or big. Thank You for everything Babaji; always be with all Your devotees. Jai Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Jai Sai Ram. My self Pravin from India. First I would like to thank Hetalji and administration personnel’s for this wonderful website. Baba has helped me in many ways to me and my family and friends and is still helping.
One of my friend was facing problems in office. Many things happened to him and was getting targeted. In one of the issue I prayed Baba to help him with his problems and Baba helped him. Thank You so much Baba. Baba please, please hold the hand of my brother, show him the path and solve his personal life problems soon. Help him to overcome them at the earliest. Baba I am looking for job in IT sector. Please help me to get Baba. Sab ka malik ek. Jai Sairam.
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Love You O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba please help and save my parents saipa,please bless my parents,help my father make him happy ,healthy,dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes…cure their cough,help them financially,take care of my grandparenys,make us visit shree balaji soon,Ayyappa,help us to study saipa,,,sairaksahk,saisaranam…every tomorrow is yours saipa
Omsairam…..bless my father and brother with good health …and forgive our sorry Baba will pray noe.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai RAm.