Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Jay Sai Ram. Jay Guru Maharaj ki Jay. I am going to share one of my biggest personal experiences about how Sai Baba helped me come out of an extremely critical circumstance that took away my night’s sleep, hampered my peace and affected my overall wellbeing. By what I have always noticed, I can vouch that one who seeks His help is showered with His divine blessings and love. Remember, prayer may not be granted instantly. He may test your patience and try out the genuineness of your prayer, but impossible can be a reality if you pray Him from the core of your heart. A request to the devotees who are struggling hard; don’t lose your faith. He is there for us and will rise out as a protector, guide and saviour at the right moment. “I am ever living to help and guide all, who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me”, Sai Baba has assured.
Now, coming to the experience in detail. I have twin boys (the blessings of Sai Baba in human form) of 19 months. I always need a babysitter for them as it is not possible for a person to handle the hyper-active twins all alone throughout the day. By divine grace, I got one babysitter who was very efficient as well as responsible as far as her job was concerned. She used to love my babies and take care of them with a good heart. The little ones were very much dependent on their ‘aunty’. However, lately she was not doing her job perfectly. As my expectation from her was always high, I could not accept it.
Once she came late in spite of my repeated plea to come early as I had a prior appointment with the paediatrician for vaccination. It made me furious and I blurted out my rage which I shouldn’t have done. Despite my incessant rants, she was too polite to revert back. She only told if she was not doing her work properly then to leave her. That day, she performed her chores well to inform the next morning that she was unwell and could not continue. It was then I understood the blunder I had committed. My husband kept blaming me for this day and night. Even after repeated pleading and phone calls, she was not ready to re-join. Though she didn’t reveal the real reason of her leaving, I was not a fool to understand it. I even told her not to take my insane blabbers seriously that as I did not mean them.
The situation made me react like that. At last, I called up a babysitter service centre to appoint another lady who proved to be atrocious in terms of work and behaviour. Then, two more babysitters arrived and their inefficiency made me all the more depressed. All these days, I kept on pleading Sai Baba to bring back my old, reliable maid. I accepted my fault in front of His big photograph in my mom’s living room and cried a lot. I promised if the lady comes back, I will never show my anger to her. I learnt from a source that she started working somewhere else (don’t know if the information was correct). When all hopes of getting a good service-provider had gone, I cried all day and night before Baba. My mother also prayed Him a lot and asked me surrender to Him. I kept on visiting the official Shirdi Sai Baba site to have live darshan of the living God of Shirdi and sought His blessings. Finally, one day, I looked at Baba’s photograph, sought His blessings and called up the maid. I told her about how my babies were suffering without her and how much we needed her. To my surprise, she readily agreed to re-join. Still I could not believe her words completely until she appeared at my door. Now she is again with me and the babies are happy.
Sorry Baba for not having full faith on You this time. I prayed You every moment but could not surrender completely. But, how kind You are to fulfil my wish. No word is enough to express Baba’s greatness. He has always given me what I wanted. But I could not give Him anything. Baba, I pray You to bless me so that I can have unfaltering faith and unwavering patience. Please don’t leave me. Be with me in both my trying times and happy moments. Be my guiding star, protect me from my enemies and prevent me from committing wrongs. Be with me now, in future, always and even in my next life (if there is anything called rebirth). I really need Your guidance, blessings, company and love. Anantakoti Bhahmanda-nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parambhahma Sacchidananda Sainath Maharaj ki Jay.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam. I felt really blessed as a Baba’s child. I would like say thank the whole team who is working for this blog. Thank You is very small, you people are doing an amazing work to teach Baba’s two words (Faith and Patience). Thanks a lot Baba for everything. Please be with me in each and every life.
Coming to my experience, we are staying in USA. By Baba’s grace I got a job and Baba is really holding my hand and showing the way. Thanks a lot Baba. Thank You very much. By Baba’s grace I got to know that I am pregnant. Baba gave me this beautiful and valuable gift, so we were planning to call my mom from India for support. We booked the ticket with my husband colleague’s family. We didn’t know much about them, so I felt very tensed whether they would be ok with my mom or not? We had already informed them saying that my mom was going to with them. On the day of journey my parents reached airport and called to them. They said they were on the way and once they reached the airport they were going to call my parents. So my parents were waiting at the entrance. Time was going on but my parents didn’t get any call. Then I felt very tensed and thinking if these people were like this, how my mom was going to face immigration alone (she doesn’t know English). Again my parents called to them, they said that they were inside the airport. It seemed like they forgot my mom and went inside. I got angry. After that my husband called them. Then they came back and picked my mom. After that I was praying to Baba, that if she reaches here without any struggle, then I would post the experience. My mom reached safely. Sorry Baba I am posting very late. I am very sorry Baba. Please forgive me.
Coming to the other experience: One day I felt very low. I thought that, maybe I was losing my devotion towards Baba, because due to health issues I was not doing pooja daily. I was not able to sit on floor and I was not able to perform any pooja. So I felt very low. I thought may be Baba is going to leave my hand. I felt very nervous. Then the next day I got a message from one of the Baba’s group on whats app by saying that “Never have a fear of losing me. Because once I enter in my devotee’s life then I never leave that devotee. I become of my devotee forever: Sai Baba” by seeing this message I got tears and felt like Baba is Father, even small thought or worry also He is going to remove from our heart. Koti koti prnamam Baba.
I have other experience to share today. From last two to three days I was worrying about my C-section date. So I prayed Baba that if this Thursday they confirm the date then I will post the experience. Yes today (Thursday) they confirmed my C-section date. Baba please give me some courage to face that and be with me Baba. Please bless me with a healthy baby. Please Baba, please take care of everything. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. Sai Smaranam Baba Sharanam Dukha Bhaya Haranam. If there is any mistake then please forgive as I am poor in English. Please forgive me. Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Sri from US says: My post is about How I struggled to get permanent job and a long distance travel in emergency conditions.
I was searching for a permanent job opportunity. Long time I worked as a contractor and with Baba’s grace I got a permanent job opportunity. I got a call from the employer. I felt happy and called to my husband and told him about this. After few minutes got a call that my mother-in-law expired and I need to rush abroad. Really I was so panicked as I need to submit all documents to the new employer and needed to go through with the back ground check. So immediately I emailed to my new employer that I was traveling abroad due to this reason and requested him if he could kindly postpone my joining date. With Baba’s grace they accepted and me and my husband started planning for abroad. Kids had gone for the summer camp and they were not at home. He booked the tickets and went to the airport. The last minute the flight got cancelled.
I and my friends started searching for another flight. We didn’t get any for that day. My husband came home and my friend told that she would take care of my kids and asked us both to go together. So we again booked the tickets that night. Next day morning, we went to the airport and reached to another city. There connecting flight needed to be taken. There my husband’s name was missing from that boarding list. Again I started crying and praying Baba to please help us. Then after an hour the issue got resolved and we boarded the flight. The flight went into the run way and stopped for couple of hours. It was very urgent for us to reach abroad to perform the rituals. I prayed Baba and finally with Baba’s grace we passed all the obstacles and I came back to my place and that night I submitted all the certificates to the new employer. After a day or so I got an email saying that my back ground check was not cleared and they were postponing my joining date. Really I was so distressed, as I had told to my present company that I was leaving the job. Really I was worried a lot. I prayed Baba, that why He was giving all these many obstacles? I didn’t I have any peace in my life. I struggled a lot in every situation with mental tension. I was so distressed and waiting for a good reply from my employer. Finally at last I emailed them again that hope everything was going good for my joining report. Then they replied, “yes you are all set to give the joining report.” Finally I landed into my new job! It all happened with Baba’s grace only. At every step of my life He is with us, He is fulfilling all our wishes when we pray with trust, love and devotion. I am praying Baba to please give me strength to understand and fulfil my new job duties and should have good team and higher officials. Thank You so much Baba for fulfilling my wishes and blessing and helping us in every situation and guarding us always. Om Saiaram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Dubai says: I am a Sai devotee from last 11 years and have experienced so many miracles of Baba and have shared them on this page many times.
My humble salutations to Shri Sainath Maharaj. Appreciate the efforts taken by the admin team which is helping all Sai devotees to get firm faith towards Baba and learn to have Shraddha and Saburi. I have so many experiences that show that Baba is always listening and seeing what is needed to be done. I have surrendered myself and my family members at the feet of Baba which ensures that the rest will be taken care by Baba.
First experience- my daughter applied to University on Colorado for pursuing her veterinarian course. As she is the only daughter she has grown up being pampered and with having a nanny at home even more spoilt. Tan had applied for her dormitory suite style room where there are two of them sharing one room. After a month or so she received an email from the college saying that she had been put up in the community service where they have to share bathroom with ten people and she just burst out into tears saying that how would she get adjusted and wouldn’t stop crying over it. I as a mother I too could not tolerate my baby crying and immediately went to Baba and prayed that she should get into the suite style which she was looking for. I did Sai Satcharitra parayan with five diya puja and as always Sai Baba showed us the miracle. We got an email from the college that she had been upgraded to the suite style with her friend whom she wanted to stay with. Sai please protect and guide my daughter in this new page of her life and bless her Baba. br/>
Second experience- my nanny at home is like our family member. We never treat her like a maid and I thank Baba for sending her to our house as she is an extremely good person. Last year I had shared the miracle of Baba where we had a problem with her visa and was sorted out by Baba’s grace. This year also there is a similar issue coming up as Nepal government is not sending any maids back to the Middle East. We are just praying to Baba that please do a miracle so that she can go to Nepal to meet her family and come back to our house without any problems. I’m sure that Baba will find us a way out to sort this problem. Thank You Sai for everything. Surrendering myself and my family members at Your feet. Bless all people who need You Sai. I’m going to Shirdi on 26th August and can’t wait to see my Baba. Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram to all devotees. I am a small devotee of Baba from USA and this is my third experience that I am sharing as I had promised. Baba, I beg Your forgiveness for very late posting. Thanks to Hetalji for this noble work. This blog has indeed strengthened my belief and built up my faith.
Coming to my experience, I was preparing for my Masters studies in USA and I applied for in-state application to my college. This application allows having fees concession. I was very skeptical about the approval of the in-state, but we wanted that to approve else it would be a real burden on us to pay so much fees for my education. At the same time, my husband appeared for a visa exam and we were waiting for the result. So we were waiting for my application approval and his exam result. I prayed to Baba to fulfil both my wishes on the same day. I started reading Sai Satcharitra and completed two parayans in two weeks. Baba heard my prayers and I got my approval and my husband cleared the exam with good marks. This happened on the same day.
I am still having lot many issues to deal with. Last Thursday I went to Sai Temple where a lady approached me and gave Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat book and said it was her Udyapan day. I feel blessed and considered it as signal from Baba to start with Vrat to fulfil desires. Today is my first day of Vrat. Baba, help me to complete it without any issues. Thank You so much Baba for taking care of me always. Oh Sai, please be with us and bless my family and all devotees with strength and happiness. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: Thanks to Hetalji for running this wonderful blog.
I have so many experiences to share. Even I said to Baba I will share but I couldn’t share as Baba says when the right time arises I would share. I was really struggling with assignment and asked everyone for help. The quote is real that there are Baba’s agents everywhere and so same happened with me. Baba sent His messenger and I completed the assignments. In one assignment I got full marks. It was a miracle and next one waiting for the result. Whatever I am today it’s only given by Baba. Devotees please have trust on Baba, everything will happen as desired as Baba says if you say Sai Sai I shall help cross you seven seas. Om Sairam.
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Thank You O Sai Deva 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sai ram. Baba thank you so much. I met him yesterday it's all ur grace that we are talking and I got chance to meet him. And sorry for my mistake yesterday I will try not repeating that. Please forgive me. Please bless him n show him the miracle in his career. Always be with me baba. I need you. Please help me n bless me with miracle that he comes back to me. And we get happily married. Om sai ram
Omsairam…..bless my father..
BABA please bless help and save my parents baba,please hold and save my father financially and make him happy and healthy,baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes,take care of my grandparents ,help us to study well,make us visit shree dwaraka balaji soon,ayyappa,sairakshak, my father to reach safely
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
Please help Sai
Bless us with Sadbudhi