Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam, Hetalji thank you so much for maintaining this site. Whenever I feel down this site is my biggest strength. I am so happy to share my experience here on this site. This is also grace of Baba. He has been with me and His devotees each and every single moment. Baba I am so sorry I am posting my experience very, very lately . Please forgive me. Do not disclose my name, email id or country and let me remain anonymous.
My experience is, I am software developer in a start company. I got this job with the grace of Baba. They did not start any work on that company. Every day we were going to office simply for sitting and coming back. This way 6 months passed. One day my manager called me and gave me task regrading video streaming.
Actually I didn’t have knowledge on that. I tried and I asked my colleagues and previous company colleagues. They also said that they didn’t work, and so didn’t have knowledge. From the first day I am praying to Baba to please make me to complete this task. My manager gave me many days’ time. After one day he called me and scolded me very badly. Actually it is a very difficult task I said to him and requested to buy the licence. He didn’t give any reply to me. Usually every day I go to the Baba’s temple. On that I cried at Baba, please give me knowledge or let him know about the technical issues on that task (my manager was non-technical guy). After that day it was Thursday I went for Baba’s arathi. One of my colleagues called me and said that they had called then and asked me to come to the office. The miracle happened as my manager told me sorry for the past day, and told to please stop that task. Really what happened I didn’t know. I can’t say every miracle in one experience. Everyday He is showing His grace on me thank You so much Baba. I donate my life on Your lotus feet.
After that we got gap and again the work was stopped. I made a mistake here. Actually I am not a knowledgeable developer. Baba provides me the time to learn the stuff but didn’t do that just I enjoyed time. I am so sorry for that Baba. Know the project was started I had so much of work. But really I didn’t know how to do. Baba, please forgive me. I can learn the knowledge. Please be with me from now I didn’t waste my time and I will concentrate on things. One thing I want to share here. Without knowledge I can’t manage the project every day. I am feeling fear as even I didn’t understand the requirement also. I like to do the job with some knowledge. Please Baba teach me the subject and please be with me in every situation. I can’t live without Your grace. Baba, please help everyone who are in need.
My second experience was my friend got family problem. He couldn’t do anything. He called me and shared with me and cried. What I wanted to do then in that situation? Just I said one thing, “Pray to Baba and leave everything to Him. Surely He will help you. I also said to read Sai Satcharitra within a week. Within one day he called me and said Baba changed everything. The situation in family is in favour of me. He started reading Sai Satcharitra every day. Now he is also a devotee to Sai Baba. If any mistake in grammar please forgive me. Please be with us in happy situation or sad situation. Please forgive our mistakes. Please help me to gain knowledge. I can’t work without knowledge. Om Sai Namo Namah Shri Sai Namo Namah Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah Sadguru Sai Namo Namah Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Parvati from India says: I am Parvati, from India
Hello Sai Brothers and Sisters I am Parvati, from India, a small devotee of Baba. Without Baba I am nothing. Thank You Baba for always being with me and my family. Today I am sharing some miracles experience of Baba which I had promised Baba to share in Mahaparayan experience and devotees’ experience blog. Today I am sharing with all of you in short.
Before, that I want to say sorry to Baba for late posting. My mom had a pain in her head and giddiness when she used to sleep straight, this was almost one month. She was not able to sleep properly. When she used to sleep at one side then she used to be ok, when she turned to straighten again she used to feel giddy. So was tired and worried a lot and me too. Then I prayed to Baba to make my mom alright, as a thanking note vowed that I will share this experience in Mahaparayan experience and devotees’ experience blog. Then I took mom to the doctor. Doctor said it was a case of vertigo and started treatment for a month and within one month my mom was alright, and no more complaint of headache and giddiness. Thank You Baba for making this miracle. You always listen to me. Thank You for being with us always.
Now I will go for second miracle. From last one year I had pain in my lower abdomen and private place and also back pain. I was worried a lot and many negative thought came in my mind, I asked Baba to make me fine and nothing should be wrong. I went to the doctor. First it was said may be due to kidney stone, as my uric acid was high, this way I did thrice sonography and blood test and all reports normal. Thank You Baba as nothing was serious, but due to pain I was not feeling comfortable. I was tired, and I started applying Baba’s Udi in my lower abdomen and back with adding oil and used to message. Then with Baba’s miracle my lower abdomen and private place pain disappeared and little back pain which will also be fine. I know Baba will make it also fine. As I promised Baba to share this also I am sharing this experience with you all. Thank You Baba. Thanks a lot.
With this one more experience I am ending my post. My father had a small accident, due to which he had an injury on his leg and as due to diabetes it became worst and less improvement. One night there was more swelling and a lot of pain in his leg due to which he had high fever. We all were worried and tensed a lot. I gave papa water with adding some Udi in it and prayed to Baba to make his swelling reduce and recover soon. Then from the next day there was good improvement and in few days wound got disappeared. Thank You Baba. Thanks a lot. As I promised I am sharing this experience also. But extremely sorry for sharing this all so late. Baba disappeared my throat pain problem and my Baby leg pain completely. I will surely share it with my Sai brothers and Sisters. Baba be always with all Your devotees. Thank You for always being with us. Love You a lot. Om Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Ashwini from India says: I am a married woman with a 5 year son. My marriage, pregnancy, job everything is Sai blessings.
I would like to thank the admins of the forum for this beautiful priceless platform to explain our experience. I have posted few experiences before also and most of them are about my kid’s health, from around when he was 2 years he has got coughing problem and it’s very painful to see him cough so much. Please Baba vanish his cough problem.
Last week he had very high fever and it was not reducing even after medicine and I had applied Udi also. This happened for 3 days. One night I prayed Baba that he shouldn’t get high fever in night and he must sleep properly till morning and then I will post it here in this forum and need not say that it happened exactly the same. The previous day he had very high fever and he was talking something and all, then in sometimes I fell asleep but I could hear him singing Sai Baba’s song all of a sudden. Since we were very sleepy I guess Baba was taking care of him. Thank You so much Baba for everything. Every year we are going to Shirdi from the year I got married. This year there was delay as where we usually go in June/July we went in August. All these years we were going by train package and this year we changed the package and we chose the package since we had special darshan tickets included. We had a very nice Darshan and we got a chance to attend the aarathi from very near(the exact place where we wanted to be). We were surprised since my husband was telling that it was already late and we people cannot get aarathi that easily, and we should be VIP and all then I said that if Baba wants then definitely then He will give the opportunity and it doesn’t depend on status. Then the same thing happened we were exactly in front of Baba’s statue, I got a chance to sing aarathi seeing book this time. I had a wish of attending noon aarathi from many years, that also was fulfilled miraculously. Thank You for everything Baba. I had some tension in office so I asked Baba in Q&A about the job, He said a person has already started with your work and same thing happened and I got a job without even an interview. Thank You again Baba. Please give me more Shraddha and Bakthi and be with us always. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says: Om Sairam. This is my 10th experience. Hetalji and team, thank you for this platform, I try and read it every day and it is really soothing in many ways.
I had a slipped disc injury a few years back and at that point, I had asked Baba to take care of my back and to never let me experience the injury again as it was very painful and moreover, it takes time to move flexibly. Recently, I was cleaning my home and seemed to have pushed the boundaries when I developed back pain again. I thought it would just go away in a couple of days but it didn’t and I couldn’t even walk properly. The pain would be more when I sat in the car. I wondered if the slipped disc condition had return and this worried me as I didn’t want to miss work and it was giving me sleepless nights. I was also tired of visiting a physician. I prayed to Baba and applied Udi on the affected area. I prayed every day, it took about 10 days but suddenly one day, the pain was just gone. At the beginning of the week I put a question on Baba’s question & answer site and I got the answer to do naamjaap every Thursday and Friday. I am enrolled in Mahaparayan every Thursday and in naam aap for Saturday group, which is Friday night for me. On that Friday, my pain was gone. Baba, thank You very much for this, I can’t express how relieved I am. Baba, please be with us at all times. You know what’s in my mind. Please bless us as You always have been. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai Baba for the last 10 years. He has performed innumerable miracles in my life and this is the latest one.
I have a small 9 months baby. She was doing well and suddenly she seemed to have symptoms of cold and congestion. I was really worried as she has acid reflux and I was not sure if it was flaring up leading to these issues. I was tensed. I didn’t know what to do. At last I gathered courage, took her to a paediatrician and he advised to start an expectorant. I was worried to give that as my baby was feeling drowsy after the medicine and also to give such medication to small babies. She also had noisy breathing. I was totally confused and was in tears. I prayed to my Saima to save my baby like an Appa. True to His words His duo cured my baby completely. I am now waiting for more miracles. Anathakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parbhramma Shree Satchithanadha Sadguru Shree Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Sainatharpanamasthu Shubam Bhavathu. Please protect my family Deva. I had promised Baba to post this and here it goes.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam, I am an ardent devotee of Baba. Thanks for letting me pen down His miracles on this site. Stay blessed Hetalji and your crew. This is a small experience that I wanted to share.
This Sunday we were out for shopping, usually my husband is very careful about filling fuel tank whenever we go out. This he said the car had more than quarter tank of gas. So, it was more than sufficient to go and come back home. We went for shopping and while returning suddenly the gas was dropping down. At a point it showed low fuel alert and we could not find any exits or gas station. I panicked and took our beloved Baba’s name. I prayed that there should be some exit or gas station near before we run out of gas. To our relief we found a small exit and located the gas station. Thank You Baba for always being with us. Please guide us all and be with us. Om Sai Namo Namah, Sri Sai Namo Namah, Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah, Sathguru Sai Namo Namah.
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Sai appa, thanks a lot
u approved my visa. thank you so much.
as I promised I will post my experience in the blog and follow your principles.
please bless all
please forgive my sins
om sri sai ram
allah malik
sai appa, please bless me with a baby again. I will not make the same mistakes. please appa, help me to conceive this month. please bless me with hale, healthy and beautiful baby.
I will post my experience here all 10 months in this blog.
please baba remove cancer from my dad. it should not spread anywhere.
please forgive our sins.
I promise appa.
om sri sai ram
allah malik
Baba please show some path to my father financially. .We all ate praying you since years.. This is the point where you should decide baba.. If you wony help now this will be end of all baba. . Please take care baba. Help us to study well baba. Anf make all healthy baba
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.