Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Sujay Reddy from South India. I love Sai Baba very much.
Thanks Hetalji for beautiful website. Om Sairam Jai Sree Sairam, Jaya Jaya Sairam.
My experience: I am from South India and I am devotee of Shree Sai Baba. I used to visit once a year or two years depending on God’s Will. This is my 1st time writing and sharing of my experience. I visited last Friday i.e., 12th April 2019 and stayed for 4 and half days and I had good darshan for four aarathis and one afternoon aarathi. On Sree Ramanavami day I and friends stayed inside the premises and also slept there. I was not able to sleep because I wanted to see Sai Baba.
After 2 and half days were over I prayed to God, “Baba please make me stand in front of You.” Now coming back to my experience; On Sree Ramanavami day when my friend was sleeping I saw that there it was not much crowded and also I had enough time to see sunrise. So I thought to go for free darshan and that I need to touch His feet. It was lovely and great. I went in the queue and I was there in front of Baba in 10 minutes and stood there. Sairam, no one touched me or forced to go. I stood there for about 5 to 10 mins. I hoped and I touched His feet. I don’t want to use name Samadhi as I feel He is with us. I had good darshan. See I had prayed to Him that I need to stand in front of Him and He fulfilled by dreams. Thanks Baba
On Sree Ramanavami day I need to touch Ratham where Sai Baba was there. I tried my level best but it was not possible because all sides were blocked. I felt sad and after sometimes one block came out due to heavy crowd and I escaped from that and I touched the Ratham and Sai Baba’s Padaka. I was very happy and also I went along with Ratham in all the streets. It was great and lovely. Thanks Sairam.
I used to sit peacefully in front of Gurusthan always. I said before I had good darshan in night and after that I sat in front of Gurusthan and suddenly I thought, Can I do pradakshinas for 108 times around Gurusthan? I didn’t have strength due to no sleep and body was also tired. But I thought when Sai Baba was there then why I should fear? That was all and I started and completed 108 Pradhaskhanas. Jai Sai Baba.
After all darshans I had to travel in one and half day back to my place. I prayed, “Baba please allow me to have one darshan.” That was all and I went for free darshan again and touched Baba and had good darshan. Thanks Baba.
All of sudden I thought to give prasad to devotees inside the premises. I went to a shop and purchased Dudhpeda and came inside and asked the security to keep it in Baba’s feet and bring back. He did the same thing and I distributed the Sai Baba Prasadam to Devotees. I felt really, really very happy. That thought came into my mind because of Sai Baba. Baba Jai Sree Siaram. I was so happy and had greatest moments in Shirdi. Thanks to Baba. Jai Sree Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Singapore says: This is my fourth experience that I am sharing on this blog. Please do not share my email id and I would like to keep my contacts anonymous. Thank you for this portal as it gives peace, hope and a sharing medium for everyone. While reading the experiences it feels as if, each one of us have gone through these times.
I am quite surprised at myself that I turned to this blog to find answers to my questions every day. Sai Baba is a constant guide of my life, the reason I say this is because I am in a situation, where I want something. Although it has not happened yet, but Baba has been guiding me how to prepare myself so that I can achieve it. There is a saying Man Proposes, God Disposes. But I would say God doesn’t dispose it, He just gives us what is good for us and make us push ourselves harder to achieve it.
I have been performing Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat since quite some time. Every time, it has been a great experience and Baba has blessed me in one way or the other. This time, I am sharing the experience with everyone. I had read on this blog; how devotees go to Sai Temple and receive Prasad from Panditji, or their problems vanish. Honestly, I was yearning for such an experience. I used to constantly think, please, please Baba show me a miracle. I was pretty sad, when nothing of that sort happened. Any ways on my 8th Thursday, I was in the temple and as I was returning back. I was called back and asked to help with some work by Panditji. I was super thrilled! I also received Prasad. I was just supremely happy that day. The logical me, started thinking, why out of all the days I was blessed with the seva and prasad. There was none, but I firmly believe Baba guides us to our destination. When I was requesting for a miracle, perhaps I wasn’t sincere, I had ego. But this time, I had no expectations, I had completely resigned that whatever happens is Baba’s will. But what experience Baba gave to me was a greater gift than what I had hoped for. This made me believe, that Baba always has the best intentions for us in life. It may take time, we may suffer but do not lose hope, something bigger and better is in store for us. Om Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee says: Om Sairam, Hetalji thank you so much for maintaining this site. Whenever I feel down, this site is my biggest strength. I am so happy to share my experience here on this site. This is also grace of Baba. He has been with me and His devotees each and every single moment. Do not disclose my name, email id or country and let me remain anonymous.
My experience is how Baba gave a chance to me and my sister to take palki on our shoulders. I wanted to get this opportunity since very long time and only with my sister. On Ram Navami 13th April 2019 no boys had come in time to our Sai temple. So pandit asked us girls take Baba’s palki. Then me and my sister with other 2 girls took Baba’s palki and went to one devotee’s house. That day I felt that Baba’s blessings are with me and my sister.
I was overjoyed that day and gave a lot of thanks to Baba for giving such a beautiful gift on Ram Navami. Thanks Baba for making this miracle.
Baba You know, I am always and every day and every moment since 2 years praying for a groub-B regular government job for my boyfriend; the boy whom I love the most. Please Baba since 5 years he has no job, please Baba give him a job which I want for him. Baba also cure the eye disease for whole life, which gives him so much pain when he is doing something. Please Baba listen to my prayer. Baba You know that my sister also loves a person whom You choose for her. Please Baba do some miracle that our family and my sister’s boyfriend’s family agrees for their marriage and also my marriage with my boyfriend. Baba give lot of blessings for our happy married life. Promise Baba when my wishes gets fulfilled, I will pen down my all experiences for this site. Please Baba always let Your blessings be with me, my boyfriend, my sister and her boyfriend and all our parents. Baba You know You are only the saviour of our lives Baba. Please, please, please Baba fulfill my wishes soon. Sorry for long post. Bolo Shree Sachida Nanda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jay. Om Sai Shree Sai Jay Jay Sai. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam devotees. I am a small devotee of Baba. I have many miracles of Baba in my life. I would like to narrate my recent experience.
My Father was having low BP one day and we admitted him to a hospital in emergency. We were very much worried. Doctor conducted many tests and said that there was severe infection in his blood which caused this. He was in ICU for 4 days.
I was constantly praying to Baba to cure him and save him. Actually before he got admitted I came to know about Sai Stavan Manjari and had already started reading it every Thursday and Ekadasi for his health. He was in hospital for 1 week. This entire week I was reading Stavan Manjari and constantly praying Baba that the infection should subside with the help of antibiotics. I applied Udi to his forehead. We were under tremendous stress during this week. I ardently prayed Baba and took a vow that I will submit this experience on this blog wen he would be discharged from the hospital. Thank You Baba. Koti koti pranam to You. Please take care of all Your devotees.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, I’m a very small devotee of Baba. My day starts and ends with Him. Earlier I’ve shared many experiences here and thanks to Hetalji for this wonderful platform.
Coming to my experience, my office laptop assignment end date was coming and as I was working from home. I needed to extend the date which needed department head approval. So, I raised a request for the same but it was not getting approved as the DM was in business trip with limited access to mails. The days were passing and there were only 2 days left for the assigned date to expire. I prayed to Baba that if it gets approved then I’ll post my experience. That day itself I sent a mail to the DM to approve the date extension and with Baba’s blessings it was extended. Thank You Baba for everything.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am an Indian, precisely a Telugu.
It was on the day of Mahashivaratri. I was planning to visit Shivalayam and take darshan of Lord Shiva. I took bath and started driving to Shivalayam at a nearby place. Suddenly I realized I was dreaming something and drove to Sai Baba Temple. I tried a lot to recall what I dreamt but I couldn’t. After going to the temple I realized Baba brought me here as He Himself is Shiva swaroopam.
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Thank You O Deva 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba please help us to study well baba
..reduce my grandmothers sugar level baba… We are at the verge baba please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om sai raksha sharnam om sai raksha sharnam om sai raksha sharnam om sai raksha sharnam om sai raksha sharnam om sai raksha sharnam om sai raksha sharnam om sai raksha sharnam om sai raksha sharnam…..bolo shirdiwale sacchidanand sadguru Sainath maharaj ki jai.sai baba sai sai baba sai sai baba sai sai baba sai.
Please Bless All With Sadbudhi
Please Bless All
Sai please help all
Gurudev Dattatreya!! On namah shivaya!! Jay shree maatre namah!!
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.