Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: Om Sairam to all the devotees! A big thank you to the team behind this portal for bringing us devotees of Baba together and giving us a forum to share our experiences which only strengthens our faith in our Sai.
I have a pet dog Labrador who is 2 years old. He is the life of our house. My siblings and I are extremely attached to him so much that our day revolves around our pet.
On 6th August’19 morning after having his breakfast Bruno (pet’s name) vomited and was continuously coughing. It seemed as if something was stuck in his throat and he was struggling to vomit. His temperature seemed high as well as his ears, nose and paws were warmer than usual.
I rushed him to the Vet’s clinic. The doctor on examining him said that he had a fever and a possible throat infection and prescribed a syrup. After 3 doses of his medicine, there was hardly any improvement in Bruno’s health and so I was quite scared.
The following day i.e. on 7th Aug I again took him to the vet as his fever was not down. The vet conducted a blood test to see if Bruno had tick fever. My God! The moment I heard the doctor say tick fever I was taken aback and almost had tears in my eyes. That very moment I prayed to Sai to please protect my Bruno as I’m like a mother to him, raising him since he was 2 months old. Doctor changed his medicines too and gave antibiotics and asked me to call at the hospital after 1.5 hours to enquire about the blood test reports.
After reaching home I applied Baba’s Udi on Bruno’s forehead and made him eat some too and went to my room to read the Satcharitra. I randomly read 2 chapters and to my surprise and of course Baba’s sheer leela I came across the chapters wherein the effective nature of Baba’s Udi (Ch: 34) Here Shama says to Baba, “Oh Deva what is this play of Yours? You first raise a storm and make us restless and then calm it down and comfort us” is discussed and how Baba protected His devotees from serpents (Ch: 22)! After reading I chanted Sai’s name and Ram Krishna Hari. Exactly after 1.5 hours I called at the hospital to ask about the reports. The receptionist said that the doctor was busy and shall speak to me after 30 minutes. Since I was so anxious I requested him to mail me the reports. After seeing them I couldn’t understand much or draw any conclusions. So I again called the doctor and again by Baba’s grace and mercy the doctor said that Bruno did not have tick fever and that it was just a bacterial infection which had caused the fever. He also said that the prescribed antibiotics would work. These words cannot do justice to the big sense of relief I felt at that moment. Our Sai knows everything and is always there to help us; He would never ever let us suffer. Thank You Sai Baba! Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: Om Sairam, Om Sai Baba. Thank you Hetalji for this wonderful website where Baba’s devotees can share their experiences and gain devotion, faith and patience. I am thankful and grateful to Sai beyond words. I had promised Baba that I will share my experiences here once my prayers get answered, among many other things.
I am a devotee of Sai Baba since last 13 years and Baba has answered my prayers almost every time. I have always felt His presence in my life. From studies to getting good grades, good job, marriage, He has helped me at every stage of my life and I am nothing without Him. With His grace today I am having a good and successful life. He is my best friend.
Now coming to my recent experience, after my marriage me and my husband were not able to stay together because of our jobs in two different cities. My husband worked in a government bank and was posted in a different city. My husband was very depressed because of his job and it also affected our personal life. He was not able to come to my place frequently because of his job. Then he applied for a new position in his bank and sat for the interview. In his interview he could not answer the questions properly but he wanted to get through the exam because of his current stressed position. I prayed wholeheartedly to Sai Ma for his selection and did Saptah Parayan (Reading the Sai Satcharitra Book and complete it in 7 days). On the 6th day of my Saptah Parayan, we got the news of his selection. I and my husband were very happy and grateful to our Sai Ma. He has got his posting in Trivandrum. We both will be moving there soon and with His grace we will also start staying together. This is my first post and I had promised to submit my experience if my wish gets fulfilled. I am also praying Sai Ma to give me a good job there, so that I can also have a good career along with a good family life. I am sure Sai Ma will help me in this. Om Sairam! Om Sai Baba!! Please Bless us all!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From USA Says: Hi, I Live in the USA with my kid and husband. At first my heartfelt pranamam to my Guru. My second pranamam to Hetalji and all the admin team of this site. Really no enough words to thank you as that you have been giving hope to so many people like me who are in immense distress.
Coming to my experience. I and my husband are working in the IT field and we both have a son. As my title says, my life is a complete “Biksha” and “Mercy” from my “Sadguru” Baba. My life has been through terrible ups and downs with my marriage. At times I have developed the suicidal tendency with all the happenings. But my innocent son made me avoid the very thought all these years. Slowly I have started increasing confidence and individuality developed the practical thinking. Days are going and I myself started seeing as a better person (when compared to before). My life started changing in a better way. Baba made my every wish come true, which even I could not think or see any possibility to happen. As we both (me and my husband) on H1B, renewal is the biggest challenge due to current circumstances. But my Guru guided me in all the ways through the dreams and now we both have our approvals. I wanted to share this, the very moment I received my approval but it got delayed due to some reasons. Today I felt like sharing this and I can only say to all there reading this, “Never lose faith, just wait with complete faith in our Guru, He will never ever leave you. All He need is just complete faith and love for Him.” I wanted to bow my head to holy feet of our Sadguru Sri Sachidananda Sainath Maharaj and I wish all the good and positive things to happen for everyone there. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: Hi all, Om Sairam. I am small devotee of Sai Deva from Hyderabad. I have posted so many miracles of our Deva; 2 of them are published and waiting for the remaining to be published with our Deva’s blessings. Hetalji and team deserve a big bow from the bottom of heart for this divine work. Many miracles are done by our Deva in our day-to-day life. Trying to narrate some of them with our Deva’s blessings.
Miracle 1: My daughter was down with fever 2 days ago. When visited doctor he told that it was seasonal fever, also cautioned about Dengue. I was very scared and prayed our Deva to be it as normal fever and not Dengue. By Baba’s grace she is fine now and no symptoms of Dengue has been seen. Today is her medical review and I know everything will be fine with Deva’s blessings. Jai Sairam.
Miracle 2: My husband was in need of money and was not able to arrange the money although he tried a lot. I prayed to Deva and yesterday from nowhere he got a loan which was impossible without our Deva’s blessings. By Baba’s blessings all of our small health issues are also cured. Thanks a lot Baba for that.
Baba, You know all my wishes. Please help us come out of these financial problems and get me a good project. Please bless the entire mankind to be at Your lotus feet. Lastly forgive me if I made any mistakes in posting this experience and my previous experiences. Hetalji, please make any changes if required. Ananthkoti Brahmanda Nayaka RajadhiRaja YogiRaja Parabrahma Sri Sacchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: I’m a very small devotee of Baba for past 4 years and have shared innumerable experiences. This is a wonderful platform where we can share our experiences and thanks to Hetalji for creating this platform.
Coming to my experience, my daughter was suddenly down with very high fever with headache. I was giving her medicines but her fever was not coming down. I gave her Baba’s Udi and was continuously praying to Baba to reduce her temperature and that if her fever comes down then I’ll share my experience. After 2 days she was absolutely fine and thanks to Baba that it was normal viral fever. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: Om Sairam! I am a small devotee of our Beloved Sai Baba.
Recently, the hook of my night dress just came out. I remembered it dodging it somewhere but later when I started looking for it, I could not find it. I was getting tense (as kids can play with it that small piece) and was looking frantically for it. After sometime, I thought and prayed, “Please Baba help me find the hook and I will post the experience.” Then again started searching the same places and found it. Thank You Baba. Om Sairam!
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Be with us and help us walk the right path O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain and grandparents baba we are ath the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam.baba thankyou for todays result all beacues of you everything is because of you sai…sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Omsairam…i love you..
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Please Help Sai
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Please Bless Us All With Sadbudhi
Please Don't Let Any Kind Soul Suffer
Please Show Us The Right Way
Please Make Us Kind And Wise
Om Sai Ram