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Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

From Feeling Of Dejection To Self-Love

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Star From India Says: Dear Hetalji and team, thanks for maintaining this wonderful platform to allow devotees to share their experiences with Baba. I shall always be grateful to you for it. I have been visiting this site every day to read experiences and it fills my heart with immense faith and devotion reminding me of the two principles of Baba; Shraddha and Saburi.

I am a humble devotee of Baba and consider myself as His daughter more than a devotee. I felt His presence during a very crucial phase of my life and ever since that day I have been experiencing a lot of miracles of His.

Coming to my experiences: 1) My office has shifted to another place. While entering my new office, the first thing that I saw was the desktop of my colleague which carried a picture of Sai Baba in it. I felt confident and blessed thinking that place was to be lucky for me.

2)After the office, in the evening when I came back to my home, feeling little dejected about my ill health, work and life, opened this site to seek solace, surprisingly found two of my experiences getting published “Sai’s Love“. I felt joyful instantaneously. All the thoughts of dejection were replaced by thoughts of self-love and approval. Million thanks to You Baba!

I am sure that You are planning the best for me and I need not worry a bit about it in spite of having a lot of personal issues. You are working towards the solution, I know. Om Sainathay Namah.

Baba Helped Me With Medication Price

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From USA Says: My daughter needed one medicine which was initially priced at 2248$ after insurance. And this was needed to be provided as a course for 1 or 2 years every 3 months. With Baba’s grace the amount reached to 10$.

Hi all, I am a mother of a cute little girl. I was very upset after I came to know about my daughter’s condition. She is just 6 years old and she had some medical problem. For privacy reasons I am not able to mention here the exact problem she was suffering with. I was already in pain because at this tender age she had to go through so many blood tests, X-ray and anaesthesia procedures. She used to cry to go to hospitals saying these words “how many times am I supposed to do all these checkups, blood tests etc? I don’t want to go to the hospital.” Finally our doctor confirmed her state and suggested a course of medication which is taken every 3 months in the form of injection. The injection cost when we enquired initially it was around 2248$ after insurance, which was too high for us as it needed to be given every 3 months with the same cost. I prayed God to help us to provide a way to reduce the amount. My nurse suggested to try a co pay assistance for the medicine by providing some link. After submitting in all details I got a “Savings card”. Then when I checked with pharmacy they told that with this savings card the amount had reduced to just “$10”, which was unbelievable. Om Sairam! Always I used to chant “Sai Sharanam, Baba Sharanam” since my childhood, whenever I had troubles. He is really a wonder and a miracle to me. He is a loving Abode. He is Solution of all problems. Om Sai Ram!

Mother Baba Saranam

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From USA Says: My post is about how Baba blessed my mother’s life.

My great mother ‘Rajeshwari’ is no more. She passed away on 13th August. I live in the US and my mother lived in Bangalore. I was planning a visit to India as I wanted to be in Shirdi for my birthday (3rd Sep), so I booked and was supposed to land in Bangalore on 31st August (coincidentally my marriage anniversary). When I spoke to my mom about my visit, I asked to keep ‘Kaanika’ for Baba praying for my daughter’s health. She did. I introduced Baba’s Shej Aarathi and every night and she did till her last breath. Whenever I or my wife or my daughter spoke to my mom over phone, her concluding word was a blessing ‘Tell Sai Baba’, which she did on 11th Aug, that was the last fateful day I spoke to my mom. She did not wait for me, as ‘Baba’ had different plans. Even though I am angry/upset that my mother did not wait for my visit, I am happy/ thankful to my ‘Baba’ for calling my mom to His place without any suffering. I am still going to Shirdi on my birthday, offer my mother’s kaanika and Rs 500 which Baba instructed her from the ‘Questions and answers book’. Let me see what ‘He’ has to say to this orphan who lost his mother. ‘Thank You Baba. Whatever You give, I will take. Baba, please keep my mother with You and take care. She suffered a lot emotionally.

Sai Baba Our Saviour

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From USA Says: Om Sairam, I am one of the sparrows that Baba has pulled towards Him. He is the protector of my family. Best wishes to the people maintaining this blog. You all are blessed ones and may Baba continue showering His blessings on you all. This experience is about our car service.

Our car’s paint was peeling off for some reason. The car is 2017 make. We were quite surprised like how could this happen to a new car. Anyway my husband was inquiring about getting that paint fixed. The dealer said mostly it would not be covered in the warranty and we would have to pay a heavy amount. We were very much dejected. We knew if the paint was peeling due to stone hit then it would not be covered but ours was not that case. I and my husband were praying to Sai Baba to help us and guide us in this matter. The dealer called after 1 week stating that the painting would be covered in the warranty. Meanwhile we should leave the car in service station. They gave a loner which was in terrible condition. Again my husband went next day and a helpful manager gave us a good loner as a replacement. All this happened only because of our Saviour Sai Baba. Throughout these events we were praying to our beloved Guru to guide us. Om Sairam. Ananthkoti Bhramanda Nayaka Rajathi Raja Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Satchitananda Sathguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Blessed Miracles

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From Singapore Says: I have been an avid reader of this site and I continue to share my experiences and read about fellow devotees’ experiences. This is a great blessing for everyone of us. Admin team, please do not share my email id. Thanks.

Coming to my experience, on my father’s anniversary, my first experience which I had written for this site was published. I was so humbled. I was pleasantly surprised that Baba would choose this day for my experience to be published. That day I had a great darshan of Baba and He was looking resplendent. After two days, it was like as if Baba chose to wear the poshak (meaning dress). My mind was troubled and not stable, but it was Baba’s way of showing that He cares and He is listening. I have left everything on Baba. I am still not completely there but definitely I am closer. I trust Him that good or bad whatever I receive it’s His blessing. Thank You Baba. Om Sairam.

Baba Watches Us All

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Nidhi From India Says: I’m a simple devotee of Baba who just believes in Him and also that whatever happens is His wish. Thank you so much Hetalji and team for your great work. You indeed bring Baba closer to us.

It was my leave from office and in between I was getting pressure to come back as there was a meeting which was very important. By Baba’s grace everything went smoothly and there were no questions asked from me. It was all because I prayed Baba wholeheartedly to be with me. He was there in a wooden colourless room as a diary of a meeting member. He never fails to amaze you.

Even tomorrow I have an important discussion with client and I am clueless about a certain topic, but I’m sure Baba will pass this hurdle smoothly and will be there to answer any query. Baba bas aap hi ho (Baba only You are there). Anantkoti Bramhand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogi Raj Parbramha Sadhguru Shri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

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  1. Baba, I'm sorry but I have screwed up things in my current job and I'm responsible for it. Its better I have out to a new culture and environment, please give me job in Nielsen, Sime Darby or Google saibaba, I beg you. Please apni beti ko nirash mat karo. Please sai. I'm sorry. I just want to trust you and no one else.

  2. baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  3. Baba I’m really sorry for everything. Please help me, give peace to my mind and get me a good job in either Nielsen, Sime Darby or Google. I’m really sorry, help me sort out issues with my friend and help me bridge the difference between myself and family. Please take care of issues happening in india and bless and take of my family. Baba please take care of your each and every devotee. I love you so much and I’m really sorry. Please take care of my brother and bless him with long life, health, wealth and prosperity. Baba please bless me to have a child and loose weight which I’m finding difficult to do

  4. Om Sai Ram
    Please Bless All Of Us With Sadbudhi
    Please Guide And Help Us All
    Please Don't Let Any Kind Soul Suffer
    Please Make Us All Kind And Wise
    Om Sai Ram

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