Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: My post is about my mother’s improved health condition and my pregnancy.
Om Sairam. Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to post Sai Baba blessings and miracles in my life. I shared few experiences earlier and still need to pen down many experiences from the last year. I am sorry about the delay Baba. But these are the latest experiences and will definitely post the other experiences soon with Baba’s grace. I also need to mention that I am also a part of miraculous Mahaparayan group. Thank you Hetalji and team for this opportunity.
Experience 1: Mother’s Health Improved: My mother had varicose veins surgery few months back and she started recovering. But she has a chronic wound that has not been healing at all. It would get better and worse at times. Apart from that she recently got high fever, severe body pains and she was not even able to get up to use the restroom. We are three sisters and all of us are married and away from my parents. My dad has to take care of her all alone and she didn’t move from her place for a couple of days and was not even able to go to the hospital. I am in the US and got very scared about her health condition, as many people in India were getting affected by dengue fever. I prayed to Baba that I will do Sai Divya Pooja and will post my experience if my mother’s health condition improved before the following Thursday. With Baba’s blessings, her health has improved now. Hopefully, her chronic wound also heals soon. Om Sairam.
Experience 2: After I had my first baby, my husband left me and my daughter in India at in-law’s place and he came back to the US. We had a return ticket within 3 months, but he decided not to call us back for about 14 months from then. He had his own financial issues and even though I really wanted to go back, I didn’t force him because he wanted to save some money and buy some property in India. Those 14 months at my in-law’s place were painful. I used to however, give reasons to go to my mother’s place and would feel so much better there.
My in-laws and 3 sister-in laws all came to stay at home during summer when we were in India. They would gang up in a room, close the door on my face and talked bad things about me. I don’t understand why a girl who has left her house for her husband has to face all this? My husband did not believe anything that I would say about his family and how they were treating me. I used to cry so many times in the night all alone. Mine is a love marriage and can’t even share things with my parents because I need to face all this. It was a very pity situation and my husband kept postponing our return. During the month of January (exactly one year after we went to India), I got the opportunity to join Mahaparayan group and with Baba’s blessings, my husband booked our return ticket for me and my daughter. I was so relieved that I was out of mental torture at my in-law’s place.
I also wanted to have two kids and with Baba’s blessings, I conceived few months after I was back to the US. Baba showed me so many positive signs, but I had a miscarriage after 8 weeks. I was very sad and depressed. Given my age (35 years), I was concerned about getting pregnant again. However, with Baba’s blessings I conceived again and now I am 15 weeks pregnant (started Nava Guruvara Sai vrat few weeks back for healthy pregnancy). Hope with Baba’s blessings, everything will be fine this time and I hope I will be able to give a healthy sibling to my daughter. She really loves to play with little kids.
My husband and in-laws are expecting it to be a baby boy. All his sisters have one boy and one girl and my husband is their only son. I am fine with either a boy or a girl and just want to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby with Baba’s blessings. Because of hereditary and tension from his family my husband got diabetes and facing stress. He gets really angry very fast and we have so many fights on petty issues sometimes. His parents keep calling him so many times in a day to complain about so many things and keep asking him that when is he coming back to India almost every time they call. We are just concerned about what will both of us do in India at this age to start a fresh career there again. I have left everything to Baba and I am sure He will definitely guide us. An astrologer told that we need to be very careful in the 2020 year because there are chances of us getting divorced. But I really like him a lot and I am trying my best to not argue with him as much as possible and being patient to the best I can. I know that Baba can change the things in our astrology prediction and can take care of His devotees. Please Baba, take care of my daughter, my husband, my current pregnancy, my parents, my siblings and their family, my husband’s family and all the devotees at Your feet. Also, Baba please I want to be here with my husband after I have my second baby and don’t want to go back to India again and face the mental torture at in-law’s place. Please Baba. Baba I will definitely post my previous experiences soon. Sai devotees, wanted to keep my experiences short, but it went on. Thanks for taking time to read my lengthy post. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee RSai from Europe says: Sairam to all devotees. Today is Thursday and I am finally sharing my 7th or 8th experience. Please Hetalji and team select a photo and upload on my experience so I can see and find answers in my life.
Ganpati Bappa Morya! Om Sairam to all devotees, here I am again sharing my experience and my faith on our dear Babajaan. As I had promised Baba that I will post this experience when my dad recovers from health issue. My dad had an appointment with eye’s doctor because of his eyes problem. That day we were all worried because he was going to get an injection on his eye and we knew that he was too much stressed because this process is very painful for him. When he came home after all process he was not feeling well. Even on next day he was telling us that his eye is hurting more than the other times and his vision was not getting normal. That day I told Babajaan that if my dad recovers well then I will give 109 diyas till 9 days and will post this experience here. I had all faith on my Babajaan that he will come to rescue my dad from this pain. And after some days my dad told us that this time this injection was painful but now after two weeks the thing that was causing problems on him had then gone and even the eye vision was better than the other time when he got that injection. When he said this to me I got tears in my eyes as I knew that this was only possible because of our Babajaan. We just have to wait with faith. Dear devotees, today is Sankasthi Chathurthi, 20 July 2019 and I am posting one more experience. Love You Bappa and Babajaan. Sairam Devotees.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Baba You are my everything, thank You.
I am a 28 year old new mom and a firm devotee of Baba from 2011. My life has been showered with full of blessings and miracles from then on with Baba’s grace. All I know is Baba and I am strongly holding His hands. Till now He has guided me throughout my life.
Experience – Recently I delivered a baby girl with blessing of Sai Baba. Being a new mom it was very hard to console a crying and cranky baby. One midnight my baby girl had started crying like anything for hours. I was worried whether she had got scared from something? It was hard for me and mom to console her. I was tired pampering and feeding her but she didn’t stop crying. Next day midnight same time she started crying again. This was continued for some days. I got worried and prayed to Baba that my baby should sleep peacefully and happily at night. Next day we took her to a nearby Sai Baba temple. In temple I prayed to Baba with tears rolling in my eyes and asked poojari to keep my baby at Baba’s feet and got her blessed. That night she again started crying at the same time. I strongly held her in my arm and started chanting Sairam Sairam Sairam throughout the night. Then after some hours she started to sleep well. From next night on she started to sleep peacefully and happily as just like I prayed to Baba. Thanks to Sai Appa for protecting my baby. Now daily I am applying Udi on baby’s bedspread before I put her to sleep. Thank You Deva. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Sairam all devotees. Thanks to Hetalji for maintaining this site. Reading the experiences draws us much closer to Baba. I read the experiences everyday. My day starts with Sairam and ends with Sairam.
My husband had to travel to another state to attend a conference. It was a 3 days trip. He left on Sunday and then on Monday he called me and told that he had severe body pain, cold and some flu symptoms. I got so tensed because he was in a new place and didn’t have a car to go get some medicines or anything else. He had taken basic pain killers with him. So I was praying to Baba to take care of him and wrote 108 times Om Sairam. I was very much worried but I also had the confidence that Baba is there. The next day my husband called and said that he took Udi water and medicine and he was feeling much better and that he would attend the conference. Thank You so much Baba for taking care of him and he returned home safely. Om Sacchithanda Satguru. Sairam.
Shirdi Sai Devotee Ishwarya from India says: Om Sairam! Hi everyone, I am a small devotee of Sai Baba From Rajasthan Ajmer. I want to thank Hetalji for this kind effort which gives us strength and a ray of hope in tough times.
Here I want to share my experience related to my mother’s health. From last few months my mother was having problem in her eyes like watering and swelling due to which she was uncomfortable. We went to the doctor where she got examined. All the time I prayed to Sai nanu to make her eyes fit. As I was very worried, He listened my prayer and doctor recommended eye drop without any operation. I was only because of Sai. I am sorry Nanu for late posting.
Another experience happened yesterday itself. From last free years my mom have stones in her gall bladder for which she have some testings and I was continuously praying to Nanu to make her all reports normal. He blessed my mom. Thanks Nanu for the normal report. Please bless her in operation. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi everyone, I am from India and completely believe in Sai Baba.
I am happy to share my experience here. I thank the whole team for the wonderful job done for others. Recently I missed my bike RC book and without that I was not able to take my bike outside. I searched for almost 3 weeks but didn’t find. I checked with everyone at home. Later I prayed to Sai Baba to help in finding the paper. And the miracle was that next day morning I found it. It was in one bag. I had promised to post here once I find it. I am sorry for submitting my experience late by week, sorry Sai Baba for this. I’m still awaiting one of my wish to be fulfilled. Please help me Sai Baba. Thank You. Om Sairam.
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Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure his hand pain and grandmas diabetes baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Forgive us our faults and help us be better human beings O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram🙏
Omsairam…i love you…thankyou so much Baba
Baba please help me be less lonely and have good friends. Baba help me to become better person and value my relationship. Baba I’m sorry for my bad behaviour, please help me be more involved in my life and be disciplined, you know what I’m planning to achieve from very long time, give me motivation to rely on myself and this time do it with full dedication. Baba without your blessings it’s not possible, I need you to bless me only then I can do this and help/coach others. Thank you for making me realise this, baba bless me with a good job, make me more independent so that I can donate more and help others and support my family. Baba please bless my brother, parents, husband and my entire family. I’m sorry baba, I just want to save more and take right decisions in my life. Om sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
oom sai ram.