Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am a staunch devotee of Sai Baba. It’s been more than ten years since I came in contact with Him. I consider myself very lucky and can’t thank my stars enough!
Sai Baba has blessed me with so many miracles that it’s difficult to describe them all. Most of my biggest events in my life have happened only on Thursdays. A lot of my near and dear ones know it for a fact that things fall in place usually on Thursdays for me. Visa processing, interview calls and even my daughter was born on Baba’s day. What else could I ask for! Baba has never left me alone!
From last few months, I have been quite stressful. I have been trying to get back into the market after my maternity break but it’s been really hard to get a job. Every night before bed, I read Sai Baba’s miracles and I came across this wonderful website while looking for them one day. I can’t thank the people behind this medium enough! Thanks so much for bringing all the Baba devotees together. In my stressful times, these devotees’ experiences have made me strengthen my belief in Baba and get in touch with Him through the leelas from this site.
One night, I read about Sai Divya pooja and thought Baba was asking me to do the Vrat. So, I started it on a Thursday asking for His support and blessings to do it successfully. I did everything as per the book and two weeks went really well. I had asked for two wishes – my job and sale of our house which was in the market for long time.
Within two weeks I got a call from the people I had applied and had a first phone interview. And then on the fourth week on Thursday got a call from them to come and see them for interview the next day. Baba took care of me and I did really well at the interview. They asked me for references and I submitted them all out on Tuesday. The HR lady came back saying that they needed additional references for which I replied back by Wednesday.
Even though Baba says patience and faith is what is needed to be His devotee, we all fail when He tests us. I deliberately tried to push the recruitment process by contacting the referees and to speed up the process. I did my best to hear from them by Wednesday but as I mentioned before things happen only on Thursdays for me. I should have known that! Even after all my efforts I didn’t get any call from them on Wednesday. On Thursday, after I finished my pooja in the morning I got a call saying that I had cleared the interview and could join as soon as I could. I couldn’t believe it and I jumped out of joy! I was trying for so long but only after the Divya pooja things changed for me. Baba really looks after me and I can’t thank Him enough for His generosity! Trust in Him and He will be with you forever! Om Sairam!
Related experience 2: I had initially prayed for five weeks pooja but suddenly on the second week of my pooja, I lost the coin wrapped in cloth. I searched everywhere and couldn’t find it and then comforted myself that may be Baba needs a little more time to grant my other wish. So, thinking like that I made another yellow cloth and tied another coin in and made my house sale wish. We got a call in the third week itself saying someone has offered us a quote. Then we went ahead and were happy. But within a week, we found out that his finances were not approved and had to back out. I was disappointed again but then understood why Baba made me loose the coin and start fresh. He needed couple of weeks more. Within the fifth week, we were able to find out another buyer and everything got fixed.
Can you believe how I got both my wishes fulfilled within the 5th week! I’m so grateful to everyone of you for creating such a great platform to share such experiences! Please confine to do whatever you are doing. You are inspiring a lot of people. Baba, please bless us all with happiness and health! Om Sairam! Cheers!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: I am from Malaysia. Hi everyone I would like to thank the team behind this site which I have been following for a couple of years and this is my second time of posting my experience of Sai Baba. For those who have steadfast faith and patience Baba answers and I’ve experienced it.
I was with a girl for three years and we had a loving and wonderful relationship. Together we worked hard and planned many things together to build a future and get married. Some time we would have argument and small fights which we would talk and solve it within a short period of time. But there was a day where she said that she wants to give up and asked me to move on as it was not going to work out. I was devastated, heartbroken and fell into depression overthinking what had I done wrong. I cried and was hurt for weeks.
One of my uncles handed be a book of Sai Baba 9 weeks vrat and asked me to pray to Baba. I was a Baba devotee for many years but I never did any prayers for Him that time and just prayed like normal everyday. So I decided to hold on to my faith and trust in Baba. I started the vrat and completed it with due formalities. Every week I’ve struggle with pain and heart ache as it was tough losing the person whom you loved the most. Alongside with the vrat I read Sai Satcharitra and this blog.
Weeks turn to months and I completely trusted Baba and left the issue. Then five months later I received a text from her to fetch her from the airport as she went for a vacation because it was late and she didn’t feel secure taking taxi. So I said yes and I was very anxious and nervous. On that day when I was supposed to fetch her I prepared myself to be normal and prayed to Baba before I left home. Once I picked her up she entered my car and we were silent. After a few minutes I asked how she was? Was she okay? I could see tears rolling down her eyes. I asked if she was hungry then I brought her food to eat and we talked. Since that day we were back together and our love grew stronger all with Sai’s blessings upon us. Thank You Baba. Your miracles are out of this world and please bless all Your devotees and the team behind this blog. Om Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from New Zealand says: Hi everyone I am happy to share my experience which Baba fulfilled. Thanks for the team. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart as today I am able to share my experiences which Baba showed in my life.
Coming to my experience I had a driving test last month for my full driver’s license. I had trust on Baba and left everything at His lotus feet. On the day of my driving test my husband couldn’t accompany me as he had work so I had to go along with my trainer for the driving test. I was worried but had trust on Baba. And wonder of wonders I passed my driving test. Getting the full driver’s license in another country was really a proud moment for me. Thanks Baba for making me get my full driver’s license.
Baba You know that I am getting anxious at work. Please help me get out of this situation. Give me strength to face whatever comes my way. Baba I am worried about some results at my work. I left everything to You. Help me Baba.
Baba my brother-in-law got the job. Make his position permanent with a good pay. You know that their family is growing. Help them Baba. Baba, help my husband get a permanent job as well. Left everything at Your lotus feet. Om Sairam. Baba bless everyone. You are there in every step of our lives. Baba we have been trying for a baby. I have complete trust on You. I don’t want to go and see any doctors. I want to get conceived naturally. I have complete trust and faith on You Baba. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sairam! Dear devotes, I would like to call myself as a tiniest particle in this Sai’s universe. Please do not disclose my name and email id. I have two short experiences in the form of Sai Baba’s blessing as how He helps His devotees. I am currently living in the US along with my husband. After my husband booked his flight tickets to India, we realized that his passport was expiring within three months from the date of return. In the US, you need at least 6 months of validity of your passport when you enter at the port of entry; otherwise the person is not allowed into the country. We quickly applied for his passport renewal and we came to know that renewal processing would take about two weeks. My husband was tensed as he had bad experience with renewal before and living in a foreign country without passport and visa is stressful. Trusting my Sai I told him now to worry, as his passport would arrive within two weeks and it certainly did!
My another experience is about my visa stamping experience in India. I was very worried about the visa stamping in Chennai given lot of rejections happening lately but my husband was confident that I would surely get it. Taking Sai’s name I went to India and my visa was approved without any hassles. I also had a chance to visit Sai Baba temple in Mylapore and seek Baba’s blessing along with my parents. Sai Baba again came and helped me in making my India trip very smooth with no hiccups. Om Sairam!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a devotee from Bangalore, India and this is my 4th experience on this site, though there are many, many more, which I have not penned.
We have three sets of keys which my parents and I keep with each of us. Yesterday evening when we were going out, we wanted my mom’s set of keys and on searching in usual place, we didn’t find. The thought of missing was there in the mind all along, since it would be dangerous if anyone else had got it. We searched everywhere. All along my mom was fervently praying to Baba since she is old and absent minded, we were more worried. Suddenly, this thought came, that if I find the keys soon I will post my experience on this site. With this thought I came and searched in a purse which I had carried to our native place two months back and lo, the keys were there. Since yesterday, I didn’t think of searching there, and nor did my mom search in that, since there would be no chance of her keeping her keys in my purse. Baba Sai helped me in searching there and preventing any more worries. Thank You Baba. Love You. Please forgive me my sins. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a devotee from USA.
Om Sairam, I am a small devotee of Sai Baba from childhood and this is my second experience on the blog. Thanks Hetalji and team for this blog. This blog gives us strength and strong support.
This is my small post. Coming to my experience recently my parents went for the visa and they got the visa with the blessings of Sai Baba. I wanted to post my experience once they got the visa. Sorry Baba for the delay in submitting my experience. Thanks Sairam, Akhilanda Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Shri Satchithanandha Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sairam.
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Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my fatherz hand pain and grandmas diabetes .baba we are at the verge please help babaa sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram🙏
Baba please help me be patient and show me your miracle and this time give me the best job and make my faith more and more stronger in you, baba please don't give me any false hopes this time as you know last two years have been bit disturbing. Baba I really want you to show me miracle and and I cannot wait to pen down my experience here so that it touches and inspire other devotees. Help me be more self sufficient in terms of maintaining my health, help me reach to an optimum level so that i can help and show way to others. Baba help me be more financially secure so that I donate and help others in need. I want to calm my mind, please I leave everything at your lotus feet. Baba please protect my family and my brother and help me support my parents and have good relationships in my life. Om Sai Ram
Sai Sai Sai forgive me my faults and weaknesses and help me walk the right path O Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
oom sai ram.