Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam everyone. I address myself as Baba’s daughter. I would like to be anonymous. Coming to my experience, I was studying in dentistry but since I have an eye issue I wasn’t able to concentrate on the dental work (I can only see with one eye). So one day my sir scolded me saying I do everything nasty and I got very low as this situation I faced a lot of times. I didn’t attend college almost for 1 week. I just slept all day at my hostel. Later I told my mother that I didn’t go to college for one day. Since they stayed far away, I thought they will be worried. She scolded me and told to go to Baba’s temple at least. My campus had a Baba temple nearby. So I bathed and went to the temple at 5 PM talking to my mother on call. Hostellers weren’t allowed to stay on campus after 6 PM and if stayed their next outing would be canceled.
I was walking towards the temple when suddenly I felt “Why should I go near Baba always? If He is my Father and I am His daughter and we both love each other then He should come and talk to me, listen to my problems and take me to His temple. Why should I go always? I don’t know He has to come and then I will go to the temple.” Thinking thus I sat at a distance from a temple near a footpath. Many people were passing by but none noticed. It was already 5.40 while this happened. Suddenly a boy came towards me and the conversation went like this.
Boy: Are you from Hyderabad?
Me: Yes.
Boy: I have seen you somewhere.
Me: I don’t know you.
Boy: Are you from Some school (I don’t remember which school he asked)
Me : No.
Boy: Ohh! sorry. I might have mistaken you for someone else.
Me: It’s okay.
And then he left. I again told to Baba, “Why do You come and why do You go? I asked You to listen to my problems and You left without listening. After a few minutes, I thought of leaving as it was 5.50 pm and it takes 15 minutes to reach the hostel. Then suddenly the boy comes back and says to me like this:
Boy: I think you are sad for some reason. Would you mind if I sit and talk to you?
Me: Yes Baba.
Boy: So what’s the problem?
I told him about my problem and he gave a few solutions. We talked for about 15-20 minutes and he asked if I would accompany him to the temple. (I hadn’t told him that I was asking Baba to come) and I simply nodded. We attended aarthi and took prasad and by then the time was 6.40 pm (as told hostellers were only allowed till 6 pm). He dropped me to the hostel and I ran inside. By Baba’s grace, the watchman who usually makes a fuss about coming late didn’t say me anything and made me write in his book at entrance. I ran inside very scared and I noticed that my warden was at mess eating her food. I ran to my room and I was saved. Sorry for very lengthy explanation. This is to show that Baba loves us.
A few days later I got his contact through fb and we are still in contact with each other. When I told him what had happened he said that it was Baba’s grace.
May Baba bring you all happiness and keep us under His feet.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My post is about how we got auto and bus to reach our place. Om Sairam! Thanks to Hetalji and the team for providing this platform to share our experiences.
This is related to our experience in 2019. In 2019 famous Kanchipuram Athi Varadha Raja Swami statue was taken out from the temple pond. They take the statue out from the pond only once in 40 years. For 40 days they will keep it outside and they will keep the statue back into pond again and take out only after 40 years. So I wanted to visit that with my family and tried to get online darshan ticket. Getting ticket was not that easy. But luckily I got the ticket for darshan. Instead of taking room for accommodation in Kanchipuram we took room in a place called Thiruthani, which is 40 Kms from Kanchipuram. We reached Tiruthani and that night we stayed there and next day morning we went to Kanchipuram and had darshan of other temples. In the evening we went to Varadaraja Swami temple for Athi Varadaraja Swami Darshan.
Since we had ticket the crowd was okay, but unfortunately heavy rain started and there was no roof in the darshan line. So we got wet. Then we came out from the darshan line and took shelter under some house roof. Rain didn’t stop for two hours and my son started shivering. By the time rain stopped more people got into the queue. Now if we went and stood then it would be much back than where we were and if we went and joined the line then we didn’t know when our darshan would complete.
We had the last bus to Tiruthani at 10:00 PM and didn’t know that in case if we missed the bus then where to stay in Kanchipuram. So we decided not to have darshan and return to the bus stand to go back to Tiruthani. The bus stand was very far from the place where we were and there was a heavy crowd everywhere and didn’t know the places at night. So I kept my wife and kids at one place went to get our slippers, but I was unable to find that place and returned back to the place where my wife and kids were. So I came back. Then we took a cab and he was charging much more than regular to reach the bus stand and I said ok. There was a lot of traffic and we are running out of time.
The cab got stuck in traffic, the rain stopped but it was cold outside. Tension started. Then I started praying Baba and chanting His name. Then the driver took an inside route but there due to rain, water got clogged and didn’t know the depth, but still, the driver moved. The car bumper got hit and the car did not move. Our tension was increasing but kept chanting Baba. So after some pushing cab got started and he said that he would not drop us at the bus stand instead he stopped us somewhere and asked us to go by some other vehicle.
We didn’t know what to do, literally, we were helpless. Then asked a few autos but few are not ready. With Baba’s grace one auto driver came and from there, our troubles stopped. He took us through internal route and without any traffic jams made us reach the bus stand.
As soon as we got down from auto a bus was coming out from the bus stand and it was going to the place where we were supposed to go. We got into the bus and felt relief. By the time we reached our room, it was around 11:15 PM. Facing such a situation in an unknown place, with wife and kids, rain, cab got repaired, no autos coming to help, the last bus at 10:00 PM; only BABA can understand my tension and nervousness that I felt. I prayed Baba that if we reached the room safely then I would share my experience on this site. Sorry, Baba, I am sharing it late. Baba be with me always. Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu. Jai Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Hello Everyone! Thanks for sharing the wonderful leelas of Sai. Thanks to Hetalji. Sairam, You are my savior always. There have been a time where I could not reach You closer. Not sure what was making me move far away from You. Baba, I made a mistake please forgive me and my family for it. Please take care of our health. With things going around I’m really scared, Baba.
Thanks a lot for saving my dad who just recovered from the massive heart attack, Baba. And thanks for making me completing the 16 weeks Pooja which I did for my husband’s health. I know You will make us recover but still my mind is always full of negative thoughts. Please wipe them off and bring in good thoughts and thoughts of You Baba.
I failed to read Sai Satcharitra Baba. So much of distractions are in my mind. Now this time, please bless me to read at least a chapter per day with all my concentration Baba.
Love You so much, Baba. Please save us all Baba.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: On 2nd June evening we were travelling in car and suddenly it started pouring very heavily. Some were saying it was owing to the cyclone that was to hit the next day. As and how we were approaching our house it was raining more heavily. It was dark and roads were full of water and were not able to judge how much their depth was. We were 4 of us with one small baby. When I saw roads full of water with so much depth and as there being no other way my husband started driving through it. I was very scared if the car would stop in between then what would we do (as it had happened with us few years back). But this time we had a small baby with us and plus it was dark outside and heavy rains and roads with water with so much depth. I started chanting Sai Sai and prayed Baba to make us reach home safely. Though the house was at only 2 minutes distance it seemed to be very long and scary. Then with Baba’s grace we reached home without any difficulty. Thank You Baba. Jai Sairam!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Thank you so much for keeping me anonymous.
Recently my husband had a boil near his face which appeared to be small but later it started growing big and because of the pain he was had fever also. He was in so much of pain and it was unbearable as he was not able to eat or drink also anything.
Yesterday I said, “Sai Baba, Baba please let him not suffer more or have fever and if he gets well I will surely post here. And by Sai’s grace he didn’t have fever and the boil has subsided.
Sai Baba please keep everyone safe and healthy especially during these days. Recently I lost my job due to Covid as my work permit didn’t get renewed on time. Please Sai, please listen to my prayers.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. Please keep me anonymous. Everyone should believe Sai Baba is always within them. Likewise I believe the same and think in my mind. He protected the devotees in every situation. This is a corona pandemic period. We need to pay 4 months EB amount at one stretch. Unfortunately, EB man marked the readings incorrectly. I prayed Baba to reduce my EB bill amount. Within one day Baba reduced my bill amount. So believe Baba wholeheartedly and He will take care. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam !
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om sai ram today is my daugthers birthday.please bless her with long life.take with sai ram om saima
my daugthers birthday is today.please bless her be with her.give long life to her. om sai ram
Jai Sai Ram 🙏
Sai Sai Sai 🙂
Jai Sairam
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful Sai experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing all of us.
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Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Om sai ram bolo shri Sainath maharaj ki jai om sai rakshak sharnam om sai rakshak sharnam om sai rakshak sharnam om sai rakshak sharnam om sai rakshak sharnam
baba please bless help and save my parents saipa hold my father financially and make hi hapy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.