Food Donation Work Completed With Baba’s Grace And Presence
Anonymous Devotee from Malaysia says: Jai Sai Ram to all, i am a devotee of Sai Baba since the time i started my job in 2011 and from that time till date i pray regular to Sai Baba. I have great faith in Him and i know He is always around us all the times. I have experienced endless miracles of Sai Baba. I am very thankful and grateful to Sai Baba for whatever i have today in my life. Jai Sai Ram. I am from Punjab, India but recently in December 2013 i shifted to Malaysia after marriage. I was working in a MNC in Noida before marriage, it was my first job and i had worked there for 3 years. I left my job to get married and shift to KL, Malaysia as my husband was working over here. After 2-3 months of marriage, i started searching for a job in KL. I applied for job in many companies but didn’t get any call as there are different policies for foreigners over here and mostly local citizens are preferred. This way 2 more months passed. I was very worried as i did not want my career to end. I did Nav Guruvar Vrat and also read Sai Satcharitra.

With the blessing of Sai Baba, i got a interview call. Before going for the interview i prayed to Baba for His blessing and also read one chapter of Sai Satcharitra (which i was reading in those days). To my surprise Baba blessed me with the words “you will get job” which was written in the chapter i read that day in Sai Satcharitra. I was very happy even though my interview didn’t go well as their requirement was very different but still i was positive. I had faith in Baba’s words. Within 2-3 days i got another interview call from the company where my husband is working, i gave the interview and it went pretty well. The interviewer told me that the interview is cleared but as i am a foreigner it will take time (a month or more) as they need to get approvals from higher management. 2 Months have passed but i haven’t got any response so far. My husband checked with the interviewer, he told the work is in progress and asked to be patient.
Meanwhile, i got to know about the Sai Baba question and answer website and asked Sai Baba when will i get call for joining. Baba told me to donate food, i decided to distribute samosa and i wanted Baba Himself to come and have the food. I went to Mandir and firstly listened Aarti and Bhajans. I could feel the presence of Baba there in the Mandir. I kept samosa in the plate in which food is offered to Baba. In my mind sitting in Mandir, i asked Baba to let me know whether he liked the food (samosa). After the prays, the distribution started and to my surprise everyone liked samosa so much that they were asking for another piece. I felt very happy and thankful to Baba for liking the food. This way food donation work was completed with the blessing and presence of Baba. I am inspired to continue this work of food donation with Baba’s grace. Even though i haven’t got any response for my interview yet but i am very positive, i will get job soon. Till then i am happy being near to Baba doing work as He want me to do. Sai Baba Himself inspired me to write this post and it has been completed with His blessings. I am very thankful to the people who are handling this website and doing this great job. Jai Sai Ram To All. Baba Bless Everyone.
Need Baba’s Blessings And Grace

Anonymous Devotee from US says: Om Sai Ram! Thanks to my sister and friends for introducing me to Sai Baba. I visited Shirdi with my family for the first time in my 8th class. Thereafter, I developed faith in Baba and my faith only continued to increase as I always found friends who are Sai devotees A few years back, I was finding it difficult to find jobs in the same city my husband was working. At that time, my guilt of not being able to contribute financially was eating me up. On top of it, friends and people around me used to constantly question me on what I was up to. This added a lot of pressure on me. I realized changing my career would be helpful. Because of Sai’s grace, I was able to find people who would help me build career in the new field. I started to pick up and learnt quite a bit in my training. My confidence levels slowly began to increase with the training I got. I did not want to miss any opportunities in my current city. So, I started attending several interviews in different cities to gain confidence before I attend any interview in my current city. Thanks to my sister again for introducing me to Sai Nava Guruvar Vrat.
I started doing the Vrat sincerely with all Bhakti. In my second week of Vrat, I got placed in a company in a close-by city near to our place. My husband did not like the idea of us not staying together. That was the first job that someone has ever offered me and it took me some time to reject it. I continued my Vrat and before the end of 9 weeks, I found a job in our area. I will always be grateful to Baba for helping me and making me take the correct decision with my first job offer. After seeing Baba’s miracle, I decided to continue Vrat as much as possible, probably my entire life. Baba, I now want to start a family and I really feel guilty that we did not take correct decision previously. We are eating healthy, and I am taking all the required medicines. I even completed Nav Guruvar Vrat but I have not heard from You yet. I am extremely sorry Baba for not giving up things as I promised. I feel ashamed and feel extremely sorry for not having control over my behaviour. I am also extremely sorry for not keeping up my promise to post my job experience. Please forgive me and bless me and my husband with a healthy, beautiful baby. We are so eagerly waiting for our little one’s arrival and I am getting desperate as days are passing by. I am also planning to start Sai Satcharitra Parayanam this Thursday for Your blessings and grace. Baba, please bless me and my husband with a healthy child.
Baba Cured My Neck Pain

Sai Sister Ruhi from India says: Hi, I became devotee of Sat Sai Baba from last 1 year. I share my one experience with you. I truly believe in Him. He is between us. I Pray to Baba please came to my dreams & give me Your Darshan. If i have done anything wrong then please forgive me. I request Shri Sat Sai Baba to please keep me in Your shadow. Once I was having severe pain in my neck. I had already this pain but that time i really cry because of this pain. I pray to Sai Baba please give me relief from that pain. I regularly visit on this page & read Shri Sai Baba miracles. Because after reading this I feel like Baba intimate me about my future. On that day when I visit on that page I find someone shared his experience on neck pain. And that time i really feel that Baba is with me. I read their full experience & applying same as the devotee does. He applied Udi on his neck pain & felt relief from that pain. When i came to my home I share my experience with my husband & told him that the devotee’s pain cured by applying Udi & drinking Udi by mixing with water. He suggested me to do the same as the person does. And after that when i applied Udi to my neck i cured from this pain next morning. I truly don’t have words for that feeling. I love You Baba. I am waiting for Your more miracles so that i can share my experiences with everyone. Baba please solve my problem which You know already. Love You Baba. I truly believe on You.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram Bless us all.
Why are you testing me so much??? Today I am totally heart broken baba!!! Again this month I am unable to conceive baba!! You are anteryami ,you know everything !!! Please save me baba.bless us with kids!!! I am felling to finish my life baba!!! Please baba!!!its being five years we are going through this hard time!!!pleae baba give us our kids!!!please baba!!!
Sai Deva Please bless Your child
Thank you dear devotee ,
It means a lot to me!!!
I really need prayers!!!
Thank you once again!!!
Om sai,sri sai,jai sai. Jai jai sai
Thank you baba for your grace and blessings :))
Dear devotees those are blessed experiences.thanks for sharing. im praying baba for a long days. he know my marriage life is so messed up. i begging from baba to give me back my marriage life and make it happy wonderful. im a good character girl.i didn't do any wrong. even though why my marriage life want to be like this??if it is passed karma, baba only you can remove all of that bad karma by your grace. i asked baba every day.but he didn't listen to me.
i asked him atleast give me death. he is not listening to many days can i wait with patience? days are passing but yet he didn't listen to this the hope is reducing on you baba.most of the devotees are telling their success.but for me he is not listening. the people around me are teasing, gossiping about me. i could't suffer further more baba. if it is continue i want to suicide myself. even after i surrender him, he didn't listen.will he bless me?
jai sai baba….i am so happy today as my experience(1st devotee) has been shared on this website which i have been waiting for so long…thank u baba..bless everyone 🙂
Om sai ram
I really feel too good when someone whose experience is published do comment…May baba bless you….
So what about your job… Did u get that ??
Aum Shree Sai Ram…
om sai ram
Om sai ram
Plz baba……bless all the couples with ur prasad…..healthy kids….baba..for a woman especially in this hectic modern lifestyle where she manages job as well as home work…goes thru const stress…this condition of not being able to concieve is unbearable….understand the pain baba…& bless us all wid ur saiansh….ur prasad
Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers!! It means a lot to me!!
Please remmember me in your prayers!!!
I need it !!!
Om sai ram!!
Baba today my sister son 1st birthday. Please come home and bless my cute kid Baba
Nice experiences. Baba, please be with us and bless us all. Forgive us for all our mistakes. Bless the second devotee and others ( who wants kid) with a healthy baby.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all
Wonderful experiences and I am sure the 2nd devotee has some good news to share by now 🙂
O Deva, Thank You for instilling in us good sense and surrounding us with family and friends who care for and love us 🙂
Jai Sairam
X-) Om Sai Ram
(k) Om Sai Ram
(k) Om Sai Ram
Sai Deva Please bless me to settle with my family and good job. This is my only desire. Please Deva I am believing You strongly. Please Deva fulfil my wish. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Om Sai Ram
I Iove you
Please call me and my family to shirdi baba and bless us .
Please baba
Om Sai Ram
Sai baba ji plz … mujhe meri khushiya lota dijiye please baba….. I'm still waiting for my life . Mujhe mere pasand ka life partner miljaye plz sai … om sai jai sai jai jai sai
Babaji please us all:)
Love to ALL, peace to All:)
om sai ram
Sai Ram to dear Sai devotees,
Thank you very much for sharing your wonderful experiences here.
May Sri Sai keep blessing us all.
Read SatCharitra online@:
Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!!
Baba I feel all the signs that you are listening but my test comes negative. Please bless me with another healthy baby soon. I have faith that you are listening to my prayers and that you have burned my bad karma. I had your darshan this month – what could be a more positive sign. Please bless me and my family Baba… Om Sai Ram !!
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Om Sai Ram. Ananthakodi Brahmanda Nayaga Rajathi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma Sri Satchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Please bless me for carrier growth
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Shree Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai
Bless all baba…please help my mother to have a peaceful life baba…please forgive me for my mistakes baba…Om Sai Ram
Baba help me plz.. U know everything baba plz baba….
om sai ram
Baba, thank you for everything. I feel your presence for the past 4weeks ever since I started Nava guruwar Vart. Its amazing how I got in contact with my friends after 12years just like that Baba. I know its your grace. Baba, I pray for my friends daughter wedding plan news. I pray for everyone health. Baba rest you know. Pls do give me some extra income. We love you Baba.
BABA pls help everyone who needs help and is worthy of your grace….pls give healthy children to all as the happiness of having a child is incomparable…pls bless all….Thank you baba :).
om sai ram love u baba …
BABA! Please bless me with your presence. I am waiting to have your darshan atleast in my dreams.
Anantha koti Brahmanda nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Para Brahma, Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.
Sai Ram all. Very nice experiences.