Sai Baba Miracles

Sai Baba Miracles

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I am from India. I would like to narrate some miracles that happened in my life.

Miracle 1: This happened when I was doing my graduation (B.Tech- IT). I studied in one of the reputed colleges in the city of my residence. I was an average student. While in our fourth year (7th Semester) we had announcements about campus placements. It was during the time of recession. IT field was down and getting a job was difficult. So our teachers told us to be confident that we can get placed but, we must score well in our semester exams. 80% and above students are sure to get a job and for others it is difficult. Some said we need luck to get placed. As I mentioned above I was an average student. My percentage at that time was 72%. I was weak in technical stuff. So when the placements were nearing I was asked to prepare my resume. My resume was similar to my biodata. There were no achievements or extra-curricular activities. I was a bit put out after seeing my resume.

I was in my semester holidays. One day morning I had a dream. Sai Baba was standing in my bedroom and I was sleeping. Suddenly I woke up and went to Him. He gave me three flowers (jasmine). He didn’t say anything. He just gave me the flowers and smiled. I took it from Him and woke up for real. But there was no one in the room. I went to my mom and told her about it. She said something good is going to happen. So I remembered that and felt confident. My placement had two rounds. One was written and round two was an interview. My written test was very tough to crack. Out of 30 questions, I only answered 15. Many of my friends attended around 25. Even though I lost hope in myself something in my mind said I would clear. So I waited for the results to be announced and I cleared it. My interview was said to be held after two days. On the day of the interview, all the people who went before me were asked about technical stuff. So again I was put out. Again a positive spark in me kept me reassured that I will get through.

So when my turn came I went and wished the HR people. Trust me no one asked me a single question on technical stuff. Only for some formality, they asked three questions from my area of interest. I answered two correctly and one was close to the answer. Finally, the interview was over. I thanked them and left. Many folks were talking about how good their interview was. I waited for the results. To my surprise, I was selected. My parents were so happy to see me get through the first company. Thank You, Sai Ram. Then I was waiting for my call letter. In the meanwhile my dad wanted me to try for competitive exams. I wasn’t sure whether I will be able to crack them. But then I cleared two exams on my first attempt. So Sai gave me three flowers and I was selected for three jobs on my first attempt.

Miracle 2: This is a brief one. We reside in quarters for government employees. As my dad was transferred we were asked to shift our things. We couldn’t find a suitable place that was satisfactory. We had a month’s time (30 days). We were searching but there was no progress. On the 29th day, I asked Sai Ram on the question and answer site. He said I will get something new. The very next day we saw a house and kind of liked it. It seemed safe and secure. This is how Baba blessed us in every way He could. Whether asked or not He always looks after His children. This is what I like to tell all Sai Devotees. Have faith in Him. Trust Him. Leave all your worries to Him. He will take care of everything.

Om Sai Ram || Sri Sai Ram || Jai Sai Ram

Prayer Request to sai baba

Prayer Request

Sai Brother Prince from India says: Om Sai Ram to all my brothers and sisters. Please pray for me. I need your blessings. If you pray for me then Baba will definitely fulfill my wish. I am a Sai devotee for 10 months. In past, I never used to have devotion towards Sai Baba. But suddenly one day an incident happened in my life. There is a girl whom I love a lot more than myself. Sai Baba came into my life with that girl. My girlfriend was very ill and I was worried about her. She was not even able to speak. I was very sad and depressed and I pray to Baba first time in my life. He helped me and within two days she was perfect. At that time I realized the power of Sai.

She loved me at starting. But seven months before, she changed herself a lot. In past, I asked Baba to give me an indication if that girl will be mine or not. Baba indicated to me to have faith patience, this girl is meant for you. I have full faith in His words but now I am losing hope and trust. Because now she even doesn’t talk to me and behaving very badly and hurting me a lot. I did everything to have her love but I was failed. I had given a promise to Baba when I will marry this girl whom I love a lot then I will construct a Sai temple in my city. Devotees I used to forget that girl but Baba did not let me do that. This is the decision of Baba and He Himself chooses His daughter-in-law. So please devotees pray for me. I love her a lot and I am incomplete without her. I am losing hope as days are passing. You all are my family. Please pray for me. Jai Sainath. Om Sai Ram.

Sai Baba Saved Devotee’s Baby

Sai Baba Saved Devotee's Baby

Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Hi to all the great devotees of Sai Baba. This is the first experience that I am posting here. I have experienced many situations where Baba is always there and fulfills all the wishes. This is my recent experience which I promised Baba that I will post it here if it is fulfilled. I read this blog almost every day before sleeping. Baba is always with me whenever I am in trouble. I conceived recently and suddenly one day I got very sick not even able to get up and was in a situation where I have to go to the emergency. That day was Sunday and my doctor was not available in the clinic, so I and my husband got panicked and I prayed to Sai Baba and called to doctor’s office. Luckily Doctor was in the clinic. She asked me to go on bed rest and not to move a bit. The next day we went to see the doctor but to our surprise, I have got twins and one is getting dissolved and there is no heartbeat for the other one. The doctor told us not to keep hopes on Baby B as it might also get dissolved but I and my husband strongly believed in Sai Baba that He has done this to us on a purpose and we will take it whatever it goes by one week. Next week we went to see the doctor and the doctor got surprised by seeing the heartbeat of the baby and said the baby’s heartbeat made my day. Now I am in my fifth month by Baba’s Grace. I know that Baba will take care of the rest of my pregnancy as Baba never leaves His children in vain. Akhilanda Koti Brahmand Nayak Shri Sachidanand Samasta Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. OmSairam
    Nice experiences. 2nd devotee don't worry. We will pray for you. Baba, please forgive all our mistakes and bless us.
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all

  2. Sai Deva I am joining new company on March 23. Please bless me for successful career. Please Deva bless to get near by accomodation. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

  3. Sai Ram, My horoscope tell that I will not be in IT job in another 1 year and do own business. But I am not interested in Business right now. Please bless me to continue in job for anotther few years.

  4. Dear secind devotee.god decides our fate.dont get depressed if something dosent works as sai wishes for ur lyf.sai ll show u a best lyf whom u nevr imagined.i too was in ur situation.i thought sai dosent listen to my prayers.but he does right things @ right time for his devotess.i pray to sai tat u get blessed wit a best lyf.


  6. 2nd devotee
    Be calm and dont run after her.
    You try to please her or chase her all the time for that she is doing this to you. Give her space. One day she will come to know how much you love her.

  7. Dear 2nd devotee, please do Sai Navguruward vrat, if possible, with full faith. Baba will definitely solve your problem and you will be happy

  8. Sai Ram Please bless to get good accomodation as i am joining new company. Deva my family want to stay together with me with good job. Please fulfil. This is the only desire for us. Please Deva Please i am beleiving You strongly. I want to be in job for few years. Please bless. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

  9. ALLAH ALLAH Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram

  10. Dearest baba,
    Please please bless us with kids!!!only you can bless me with motherhood!!!we want to hold our kids ,we want be mom-dad too!!!baba please fulfill our dreams!!!
    Om sai,sri sai,jai sai,jai jai sai!!!

  11. Wonderful experiences especially the 1st devotee, you are blessed to have Him come in your dream. Prayers to the 2nd and 3rd devotees that only happiness touches your lives.

    O Deva, Thank You for being with us, our family and friends. Thank You O Sadguru for taking care of us helping us reach our destination. Thank You for blessing us with love and happiness O Sai 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  12. Sai Ram All are losing confidence on me as i can't settle with family and good job. Please Deva. You know everything about me then why are You silent. Please fulfil my desire. I have only one wish to settle with family with good job. This is only my thinking. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

  13. Baba u know how much iam suffering abt that two issues..Plz give me happiness with ur blessing in that…Iam waiting for ur green signal….

  14. O Mere Sai…. Mera Aawaaz suno Pls..

    Aum Shree Sai Ram…. Mere Sai Nath maharaj ki Jai.

    Bow to Shree Sai..Peace be to all…

  15. bless my sister life baba…please baba help us…i want her to lead a proper life baba…i want her to be responsible and active baba…please help her baba…Om Sai Ram

  16. Om Sai Ram,

    Blessed are all devotees, to whom Baba appears in their dream. Baba, please do not ever live our hand and let us be at your holy feet forever.

    Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parahbrahma,
    Sri Sachidanand Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

  17. BABA! same as you blessed the first devotee by coming in his/her dream, please bless me with your presence. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram

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