Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:

Sai Baba Gave Me The Right Job

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, Namaskaram I’m a staunch devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba. My Experience is how Baba gave me the right job. I’m thankful to Sai Baba for showering His blessings upon me in every walk of my life. My heartfelt thanks to the crew who help all Sai devotees unite as a family and share their experiences.

I have many experiences in my life. The one which I’m going to share was experienced by me 4 years ago. I’m blessed to share my experience on Guru Pournima Day. During my final year of graduation placement were going on and many companies were visiting us to be interviewed. So when I began into this phase, I prayed Baba that I should get placed in a work life balance company. I don’t want to get in a reputed company with high package. The only wish I had was to get into a company which assures me Work Life Balance. With this prayer, I started preparing for my placements, attended many companies but I wasn’t placed in any; while almost 70% of the students got placed in one or the other company.

When my heart had slipped a little, my faith within myself consoled me by saying “You have some wish and you have placed it in Sai’s feet and Your Sai is working on it. So never give up.” These lines strengthen me from inwards and I started to put in extra effort but that too had gone in vain. I was an above average student and my friends had started to worry that I had not got placed till then as all my friends were placed except me. Sai always tests our patience, right? Yes, I was in that phase of my life.

After few months, I completely stopped preparing and prepared myself mentally with complete faith in Baba that the company which I wanted to get placed was yet to arrive until then let me attend my placements with faith and patience.

So far I had attended 8 companies and the one which I was going to attend was the 9th Company and it was on Baba day Thursday. So with this, Baba’s lucky number 9th company and Baba’s day gave me so much positive vibes. I had not prepared anything the previous day. With Baba’s grace and full of positivity I attended for this company. During the pre-placements talk the HR of the company had used the word Work Life Balance is what makes member and management bound together to work as a family. This gave me goose bumps as I was already loaded with positive vibes. That moment I felt like this is the company that Baba has blessed me with, let me crack it. And so to the surprise I cleared all rounds.

My joy knew no bounds; all I could do is thank Baba for His blessing on that day itself. This was something unique for our college as the previous company takes some time to hand over the offer letter to the students. The next day when I went to college I was given the offer letter and the moment I entered the class my friends welcomed me with a round of applaud as I was the first one to receive the offer in hand while my friends who got placed a month ago were waiting for offer letter. I remember my friend saying, “You’re the last one in our team to get placed but got your offer letter first and you’re blessed!” These words I consider as Baba’s blessing to me.

Sai Devotes may face many hardships but result is always unique and will get what they desire. I’m thankful to Sai Baba’s blessing and feel proud of being Sai’s child. Today when I pen down to share my experience I have completed 4 years in my work life and from tomorrow I’m stepping into 5th Year of my career. And as promised by Sai the company which I work for assure me work life balance and I have not felt a bit from that aspect. I’m blessed and indebted to Sai for all His blessing to me and all Sai devotees across the globe.

Faith and patience is what makes us to cross the hardship. With Sai by our side we are bound to do wonders. Wish all devotees to surrender to Sai’s lotus feet and wait patiently for their prayers are sure to be answered.

When I feel my prayers are taking time to be answered. I follow these 9 steps to overcome the battle to achieve Victory.

1. Surrender to Sai’s lotus feet

2. Be in Sai’s presence by reading Sai Satcharitra and reading Sai’s experience in devotees’ lives.

3. Surround yourself with positive vibes.

4. Strive hard to wait patiently.

5. Have faith that your prayer will be fulfilled.

6. Sai has heard your prayer.

7. Your prayer is answered.

8. Be thankful.

9. Share your experience.

Hope this helps all Sai devotees to overcome the battle to achieve victory.
Bow to Sri Sai Baba. Bless all with peace and joy.

Sai Blessed Me With A Baby Boy

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Bangalore, India. I am married and I have two kids. Sairam, thank you very much for giving all Sai devotees this great platform to share our experiences with Sai. May Baba fulfil all your desires. Please do not disclose my name and email ID.

I am a small devotee of my Sai and I am from India. My journey with Sai started almost 20 years back. I have so many wonderful experiences with my beloved Sai. I have shared a few of them long back on this platform. Sai blessed me with wonderful husband. By Sai’s grace I have got very good job and my Sai has blessed me with two kids. This experience is regarding my second son. I apologize to Baba for the delay in posting this experience. Dear devotees please read my experience below and please forgive me if there are any grammatical mistakes.

We were in USA for 6 years and we came back to India in 2014. After that I felt like we should plan for another kid (I had only one 8 year old kid at that time), but I wanted a sign from Baba as we were completely in dilemma in taking the decision. So I went to the nearby Sai temple and asked Baba through chits. I asked pujari (priest) at the temple to pick a chit from Baba’s feet for me. My Sai said yes. I felt very, very happy at that time. I was very much eagerly waiting for this reply from my Sai. By Baba’s grace I got conceived and I came to know about this during Sri Rama Navami. But I had faced some health issues during my pregnancy. So I was very much tensed throughout my pregnancy. I prayed to Baba continuously about my kid. By Baba’s grace I delivered a baby boy without any issues. I am very, very thankful to my Sai and I cannot express in words for the mercy He has shown and that He is showing on us.

Baba please, please forgive me for my mistakes and please, please bless my kids with good health and long life. You know all my worries Baba. I keep all my burdens onto Your feet. Please, please shower Your blessings always on us and please be with me and my family always. Love You so much Sai. Thank You for giving this wonderful platform and for Your efforts. Sai please be always with me and never leave Your child alone. Thank You everyone for reading my experience.

Baba, The Sweetest Mother

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Prerna Chauhan from India says: Hi, I am Prerna, a small devotee of Baba. Firstly I would like to thank people behind this blog and all the devotees who post their experiences here. We never know whose experience might help whom. We all are dealing with some problems or the other but reading Baba’s miracles posted by devotees brings true peace to heart, mind and soul.

I have had innumerable experiences with my beloved Baba. He’s the sweetest of all. Love You Sai Ma. Today I’m sharing one small experience with Baba, it really touched my heart.

One day, my mother and I had to go to the market. We didn’t have enough cash so my mother went to ATM to get cash. When she came out I enquired her if she had sanitised her hands or not after using the ATM and withdrawing money. We all know how much important it has become these days to sanitise hands because of Covid. She said that there was no sanitizer available inside so she hadn’t sanitized her hands. I was very scared because that day we weren’t carrying our sanitizer. I was really tensed because of her not being able to sanitise her hands since we were heading to market and her hands weren’t sanitised. We all have this habit of touching our faces unknowingly. I prayed to Baba to let her not touch her face. Then we went to a shop where I thought we will get a sanitizer to sanitise our hands but there wasn’t any. I prayed to Baba to do something, to somehow arrange a sanitizer for us. Then I don’t know why I asked my mom to check the bag that we got from our home if it had any sanitizer and to my surprise there was a sanitizer inside it though I remember none of us had kept it. I don’t know how it came there but I realised it was Baba’s mercy on us that the sanitizer was there. Isn’t our Baba the sweetest and loveliest?

To all the devotees out there, don’t forget Baba no matter what problem it is. Always remember that He’s standing in front of us to protect us, our family and loved ones. Fully surrender to Baba and see what He does. His love and mercy is greater than the seven seas combined. Bow to Baba. Sabka Malik Ek! Om Sairam.

Baba Miracle In My Life

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! I am a small Sai devotee and sharing my experience first time. I came to know about Sai Baba through my sister. She is a devotee of Sairam and with time my trust in Sai Baba increased day by day. Currently all things were not good in my family and I was praying continuously to Baba, “Please help us Baba to get rid from this bad time. I know You are always with us and have helped us every time and You will help us in this situation also.”

Just 2 days ago I had promised Baba that I will share my experience and will read Sai Satcharitra when things will be fine in my family. And today suddenly all things are fine and it’s a miracle of Baba. You know there are some small problems and I trust that all these will be fine soon. Thank You Baba for keeping Your hand on my family. Om Sairam!

Baba Blessed Me With A Job

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I got placed during my campus because of Sai. In aptitude test also when very less time was left and many questions unanswered I chanted Sai Sai and asked Him to help and answered them. To my surprise due to Baba’s blessings I cracked it. Then the same day we had our technical round. The moment I entered I saw Baba’s photo on the table and that strengthened my confidence and I felt that Baba is with me for the interview. It went well though I was not that strong technically. With Baba’s blessings I cleared it and finally got placed also that too when the world was hit by recession in 2008. Thank You so much Baba. Jai Sairam.

Sai Baba Always Listens To Prayers

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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a very small devotee of Shri Sai Baba. I would like to thank this team for this beautiful blog. Coming to my experience. I had to apply for admission in one university but due to some circumstances I was unable to do so. I missed the last date of registration. I prayed to Shri Sai Baba for help and kept faith on Him. After some time I came to know that the last date of registration had been extended and by His grace I registered successfully. Thank You Baba for this help. May His blessings shower upon all.

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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain and grandmas diabetes baba make us to study well baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa cure this corona sai please

  2. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.

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