Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Singapore says: I am an ardent devotee of Baba. My life is His blessing.
In 2017, I started doing Parayan Saptah for both Sathya Sai Baba and Shirdi Sai Baba. It gave me immense positivity and support. I think it was a turning point of my life. As I was immersed in the experience, I came across the Mahaparayan group. I was sceptical. What is this? Maybe it’s a hoax should I give my phone number in a public forum? Etc etc. So I decided not to join Mahaparayan.
Years passed, I was doing my Parayan regularly and it was just so peaceful and I felt closer to Baba. In 2019, I came across Mahaparayan (MP) again. I was curious. I was thinking, is Baba showing me an indication?
From 2017 to 2019 a lot had changed, but it came to my heart that let’s join Mahaparayan (MP). I submitted my details and by the time the invite came it was 2020. Dear devotees, please see Baba’s leela, it’s not about when you want to join or do something. Baba gives you the right time. In 2019 I had loads of health issues, and I was busy as well. After registering for the Mahaparayan, I forgot about it. In January 2020, I received a message that I can join!
My happiness knew no bounds and I joined the Mahaparayan group. Please friends mark here, that my group needed one more volunteer and I invited my sister to join. Both of us saw immense and immense changes and success after joining the Mahaparayan (MP)(I will share individual experiences later).
Here comes another miracle, my husband was not a very religious dictum person. He believes in God but not the rituals. I made him join a MP group in Nov 2020 and by May 2021 his experiences were just humbling. It was as if Baba was taking care of him, till he finished the first cycle of Mahaparayan. I will share the detailed experience later.
Devotees, I wanted to share this experience to highlight how Baba takes care of all His children. It’s never too early or never too late to come under His protection. I pray to Him every day that He helps me to continue receiving His grace and that I do not falter or have ego in me. Baba, please don’t ever leave me. I am nothing without You. Jai Sairam, Jai Sairam, Jai Sairam, Jai Sairam, Jai Sairam, Jai Sairam, Jai Sairam, Jai Sairam, Jai Sairam. I will share MP related experiences soon. Thank you for reading my story.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the UK says: Om Sairam! I have lived in the UK with my family for the last 15 years. This is my second experience that I am submitting on this platform. I am thankful to all those who maintain this site and make it so easily accessible to us devotees.
I came to know about Baba only after I got married as my husband’s side of the family prayed to Baba. Before that I was so ignorant and unaware of the guiding force of our beloved Baba. My husband always used to wear a ring with Baba’s picture embossed on it. Last few years I have been wearing that ring but now I have passed it on to our daughter who likes to wear it too. I do miss it but at the same time I am happy that it is with my daughter and Baba is there for her. The ring would be like a reminder that Baba is looking after us.
Over the past few years my husband had somewhat fallen out of devotion and faith that he used to have before. It could have been because his work has not been going well and he doesn’t have a job either. Sometime back he was given an opportunity to be a part of the Mahaparayan group, through someone whom he hardly knew. Since then he has been reading with a lot of faith and devotion. I pray to Baba for His kindness and blessings so that he gets his lost faith back.
I have been praying to Baba for blessing our son with a job as he is in his last year of his University course. Each time I would put it as a question on Baba’s question and answer website; the reply would be that we would get to know each other on Ram Navami Day. And we came to know from one of the companies he had applied for on a Thursday, right after this auspicious day. Baba is the wire-puller and healer for us. His ways are really unimaginable.
In my previous experience I had mentioned how I found my working hours a bit too strenuous. Baba made my department make some changes for my work pattern and changed it for me. I used to pray to Baba and in my mind think that He knows what I am going through and He would make it happen in His own way at the opportune time. This message of change in the work pattern also came on a Thursday in my email. Both the above prayers I had mentioned in my previous experience, Baba has been so kind.
Om Sairam Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram!
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks a lot for this wonderful opportunity to share our experiences. I am Sai devotee and I have shared many experiences here. Today I want to share a few more experiences. First one is about my husband. He was suffering from a mouth ulcer problem and was in severe pain. When he went to consult the doctor, he said that it looks like a corona. So I was advised to do a test. We prayed a lot and promised Sai that we will share the experience once the result came negative. By Sai’s grace the result was negative. Thanks a lot Sai for Your care. Please also cure him completely. I am also having the same issue now. Please bless us and cure us.
Next experience is about my work. I was not getting results for my work that I was doing. I prayed to Sai if it comes correctly then I will share it. He did His miracle and I got the result more nicely than I expected. Thanks Sai. Please be with us.
Next experience is about my sister. She kept one packet of Udi in her husband’s pocket for giving to my father who is a cancer patient. When he came to my home Udi was not there. So I informed my sister. When he reached there, my sister could find Udi in his pocket. She asked him why he didn’t give the Udi. Then he said that there was no Udi in my purse. When they both checked the purse, it was empty. She was surprised since she had seen it. She was reading sapthaham and it ended on Thursday. After that she felt like checking his purse again. She says that she doesn’t know how to express her happiness as she and her husband saw that packet there itself. One more blessing is there. After completing her sapthaham she got her period after two months on that day. All is His blessing only. Without His blessing nothing will happen. Please be with us Sai. Love You a lot. Om Sairam.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetalji and team, thank you for providing us with this divine platform.
Dear Baba, thank You for helping my mother recover. She had severe pain in her finger due to an infection. Thank You Baba, by Your grace the pain and infection went. Thank You Baba we had the right medicine at home. For my mother’s leg pain also, it is working.
Thank You Baba I got my periods finally.
Thank You Baba, my friend messaged me.
Baba, You are always with me and my family. You save us from problems that we are unaware of. Thank You Baba my friend recovered from Covid and is doing well. Baba You are my father and saviour. My life is nothing without You. Thank You for always being with me Baba. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Ours is a family of five members; me, my husband, my daughter and her grandparents.
Both me and my husband are working in IT. Because of long working hours, we had no option but to hire a maid for cooking and cleaning. During these Corona times we asked the maid to wear a mask properly and we too used to wear masks when she used to come. However, she was positive for Corona and had no symptoms. There was no way of knowing that she was positive. But then one Thursday there was testing happening for Covid in our society and we came to know that our maid was positive. This way we came to know about it. Then we were in great tension that we may be positive. We prayed to Sai, put Sai’s Udi and went for testing. By Sai’s grace we all became negative.
Om Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai!

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Please keep me anonymous. Jai Sairam to all the devotees who are reading this. Though I have many experiences which I want to share with you all, this one is recent. For the last 4/5 days I was having pain and burning sensation and was not getting any relief. On Thursday we went to Sai temple and I just asked Sai Maa to solve my problem. Then miracle of miracles happened and as soon as I came out of the temple my pain and burning sensation had gone. Jai Sai Ram.
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Om Sairam
Dear penning down my experience here to share our baba's love towards us..yesterday my mom suddenly started sneezing. .(our servent maid is suffering with cold n cough)and from many days my mom is having phlegm. .her voice is also affected from previous day. . Yesterday night as my mom is having running nose, due to this pandemic situation i was afraid and prayed baba to pl stop her cold by tomorrow morning and that i would post my experience here..praying so i went to morning..miracle of mom told that her cold went off yesterday night itself..and she is good now..Baba once again you answered my prayers..Thank u so much deva for your immediate blessings..Please cure her throat issue you deva..Om Sai rakshak saranam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om sri sai ram pls appa. Meenu started daycare. She should like daycare n eat well. Pls increase her appetite. Appa both the kids n everyone should be hale n healthy.
Om sri sai ram
Omsairam..i love you..thanks for whatever you have blessed us with..kindly bless me with abundant faith and patience
Sai Baba ♥️
OmSaiRam, OmSaiRakshaksharanam. Baba please help us. Help my father in taking correct decisions. We kept everything at your lotus feet. Without your commands nothingw will happen. Please help us. Show us the correct path. Change the mind of those people. Protect all from corona. Your are our saviour..OMAROGYAKSHEMADAYA NAMA..
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father financially and hold him sai protect him baba , cure is baba we are not feeling well baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Baba I'm sorry for any of my sins and mistakes. Please help me improve my health and loose weight and bless us with a child Sai..I know I have been late and given importance to other things in life. I'm extremely sorry for sins. Please bless my husband, brother, parents, in-laws and my entire family and friends. Help me become a better person and do well in my job. I'm sorry for my bad behaviour. Please baa fix my health issues and help me be financially strong so that I can help others. Om Sai Ram…please bless us for a child. Please sai devotees pray for me..Also I want to meet my family asap…please remove covid situation and help me meet my parents. Om Sai Ram..
Om Sai Ram, SaiMA! What should I say? You know everything. The negative skill assessment acme a blow to our life. All our dreams has been shattered and smashed to ground. However I believe that you have some different and better plans for us. Please do not delay as I am losing my Nishtha & Saburi Ma. Om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram
Om Sairam🙏🙏🙏