Anonymous Devotee from USA says:
Om Sai Ram. I am software professional in USA and staunch devotee of Shree Shirdi Sai Baba. I thank the entire team of this website, who are doing this wonderful job of spreading Baba’s miracles and experience of devotees. I have been following this blog since few months and I love reading all the experiences. It boosts my confidence and increases my faith in Baba. Hetal Ji congratulations for your baby boy.

I have been a devotee of Shree Sai Baba since many years. Baba has helped me in every major step of my life. I am really thankful to Baba for His guidance and blessings in my life. There are many experiences and miracles of Baba in my life. I would like to share a few of them today. In the year 2004, after finishing my engineering, I wanted to go abroad for further studies. I applied to different universities here in USA through an agency in my city. I had to visit the agency many times for the paper work and other formalities and there was Baba’s temple near the agency. Every time, I used to visit the agency, I would surely go to Baba’s temple for His blessings. As at that time my aim was to go abroad for further studies. I always prayed Baba to help me go abroad and to help me get my student Visa. I took a vow that if I get my visa approved, I will write Om Sai Ram on a paper 101 times, which was usually given in the temple. To my surprise, I got my visa the very first time I attempted with Baba’s blessings. After coming back to my hometown from the Visa consulate, I went back to the temple and thanked Baba and fulfilled my vow. This was my first major step in my life, for which Baba showered His blessings.
The second major incident in my life for which Baba again showed His miracle was for my wedding. My husband and I knew each other since many years before our marriage. This story below is before our marriage, when we were in a relationship. We liked each other and were always waiting for a right time to get married. As we both were studying abroad and living in different countries, we were maintaining a long distance relationship through phones and emails. All of our friends were surprised by the way we loved each other being so far away from each other. My husband applied for a Visa to USA too for a job so that we both can at least be in a same country.
We continued this way for 2 years waiting for his visa. And all of a sudden a very bad moment came in our life. It changed our lives completely. A third person entered our lives and everything changed. My husband was going away from me. The person, who loved me so much and who was crazy about me, was going away from me for a third person, whom he met only a few months ago. As we lived in separate countries, I had no clue that he was getting distracted from me. All of a sudden, he got a visa for USA for a job, which he applied months before. He was going to visit India first from the country, which he studied in and then come to USA to join me.
But when he was in India, he started talking to me very differently. He gave me different hints that he might not be able to marry me and finally one day he told me that there is another girl in his life. And he liked her too along with me and he is unable to make his mind. The girl lived in the country, where he studied from and now, he left that country and was in India to come to USA for me. He was in a dilemma and did not even book his tickets to USA. He was still thinking whether he had to go back to that girl or come to me. I just told him one thing if you love me truly than you come to me, otherwise there is no need to come to USA just for me.
I was terribly broken and did not know what to do. I started praying to Baba again very sincerely. I prayed Baba and asked Him Sai if that guy really loved me and if we were meant to be together, please send him to me otherwise just do whatever is good for me. I took a vow again and told Baba that unless my life becomes normal again, I will skip eating rice and will be just on roti. Very soon my husband realized who was right for him. He realized that the other girl was just passing time with him and she needed him only, when he was in the same country with her and was using him for her college assignments and other things. She never cared to talk to him, when he was in India away from her and never cared to ask how he is.
On the other hand, I kept keeping in touch though I knew he cheated me as I truly loved him and was unable to forget him. By Baba’s grace my prayers were answered, my husband realized his love towards me. He came back to me and apologized to me. It took me several years to trust him back like I used to do before. But he did not lose hope and always tried his best to gain my trust and confidence back. He waited for me to get ready for wedding. I always loved him, but just because he cheated me I was scared to trust him back and I left everything on Baba. I started doing Sai Satcharitra Parayanam several times for peace of mind and for making me strong again as I was totally broken. By Baba’s guidance, I again started trusting him and one fine day by Baba’s blessings and with our parent’s blessings, we got married and are now living a happy life with Sai’s blessings.
This relation would have never been possible without my Sai’s blessings. Baba not only made my husband realize his true love towards me, but also guided him on a right path. My true and sincere prayers to Shree Sai helped me get back to my normal life. I suggest all readers to have full faith in Baba. He knows what is good for us and He knows our past present and future and He will do things only, which are good and right for us. Sai Baba treats us as His children and guides us always through correct path.
I also wanted to add one more thing not hurting any ones feelings, there are clear instructions in this website saying that: It is humble request not to promise Sai Baba to fulfill your wish/desire by bartering with Him that you will post your experience here. Instead convey your selfless prayers to Him and if it really makes your heart filled with emotions and happiness, then you can share your experience here. But while reading many experiences, I still see that many devotees request Baba to fulfill their wishes and then they will post their experience here. Which I believe is not right. Just post your experience out of love and devotion towards Baba and not due to bartering. Baba knows what is good for you and will definitely do well to you if you pray Him with full devotion and faith. Please don’t negotiate with Baba.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
Om sai ram forgive me for yesterday baba
Om Sai Ram..
Does anyone know if we can get neem leaves in Shirdi now? Please someone reply. If yes, can you also guide where can we get?
Dear devotee…you can still get neem leaves in Shirdi from Gurusthan where the neem tree is. But unlike before everyone is not allowed to go and pluck the leaves or anything. Believe in Baba and pray for it with true faith, you will get it in some way or the other.
Having said that if you did not get one , please don't take it as Baba's disapproval on anything. Everyone will get what we deserve when the time is right in my opinion.
I pray that you have a woderful Shirdi Trip
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram..
Thanks for your reply. My in-laws are going to Shirdi. Thank you very much.
Om Sai..Shree Sai..Jai Jai Sai..
Reading your experience was really nice, atleast you got ur love back, feel happy for that.
Nice experience.baba always bless sai ram.
om sai naathaye namah
Om sai ram…Baba tommorrow its my test,please be with me,and pass me.
Om sai ram..
Om sai ram please help to solve the problem. Nice experience. Sai without your help we cannot lead a meaningful life. Please Sai help to solve the problems and give miracle in our life.
baba when are you going to bless me deva…. if i get placed in a good job… i will post my experience soon…
Very nice experience saisister….thanks a lot for sharing with us….what you have written in the last part of the post is really good…i too request devotees not to negotiate with baba…he knows what is really good for us and at what to give…so completely surrender to him…OM SAIRAM…LOVE YOU A LOT SAIMA….:):)
Thank you for sharing your experience. It is wonderful and Baba blessed you because you never gave up on your love or your faith on Baba which is what Baba always asks us for – Shraddha and Saburi. Baba please give me strength to follow you path and increase my faith and patience.
May Baba's blessings be on you forever and wish you have a wonderful married life. Also with the comment you have listed about bartering with Baba, it is so true. Baba please bless all your children to follow it.
Om Sai Ram
Good experience and a better message towards the end.
O Deva look upon, us, Your children kindly and help us better human beings. Let us only see You in all who cross our path.
Jai Sairam
@Devotee in this experience : it was so wonderful to read your experience sister. You are so lucky that baba normalized everything in your personal life and brought your relationship and love back and got you guys married. I feel terrible coz my relationship was also very deep and we were also madly in love with each other but dont know who jinxed it and things have only been spoiling since more than 5 yrs now and my man who was crazily in love with me and wanted to marry only me has been seperated from me and seems so far from me…even he gets distracted now which was never the case before and i am really shocked at baba's reluctance to set matters right for us when he himself showed so many signs by bringing us back together several times and then again seperated us. we have not been able to be with anyone else and now being with each other is also not looking possible coz of all the mess that has been created by him and this distance between us…but somewhere in my heart i feel that we were meant to be with each other dont know when this torture will end and when will baba bless me also like he blessed u.
I really miss those golden days when we were so close and in love with each other y cant baba be a little kind to me when i have been praying to him since 4 years now to settle things for me and give me some peace in this matter. My soul is destroyed coz of the terrible things happening in my personal life.
I request you sister and all the people here to please pray to baba for me now am really tired and just dont know what to do. My heart is crying from within and its killing me. Its making me doubt whether there is any god and does he really value genuine and true feelings.
baba please please please come running to me now and help me i have noone other than you baba.
Om sai ram
Hello , sad to hear all about, but cant say anything, my only advice is that, leave him and just make urself involve in lot of work, and pray to god as well, and make urself a better person.
Dont worry dear.. Our Sai Baba will surely help u.. Just keep faith on him… Om Sai Ram..
Have Faith in Sai he will surely bless you with true love.Sai will definitely bring ur love back to your life.He is just testing you ..once testing period is over you both will reconcile again.Just pray to sai whole heartedly.Read sai charitra daily.
if u don't mind i will give you a suggestion ,why cant you forgive his mistake and give a call from your side..i fill some where he is also in same filling but due to his mistake he might be filling guilty and was not able to keep contact or talk to sure every thing will be all right with the grace of our sainath…
if u don't mind i will give you a suggestion ,why cant you forgive his mistake and give a call from your side..i fill some where he is also in same filling but due to his mistake he might be filling guilty and was not able to keep contact or talk to sure every thing will be all right with the grace of our sainath…
You know why baba returned this devotee’s love back. Only bcoz she didn’t force baba to give her love back. She just told baba to do whatever is good for her. She just surrendered herself to baba with shrada & saburi. Baba is very kind. He can’t see his children’s crying. If we force him to give something he will also not understand what to do. He knows what is good for us. Without reason he will not do anything. If the kid cries for the thing which hurts her, mother will not give it to the kid. if still that kid starts crying, screaming she will give it once to stop crying & take it back when it starts hurting the kid. Like that only if we cry for something, Baba can’t see us crying & he will give us what we are asking & he will take it back when he thinks that it will hurt us in future. So believe in Baba. If that guy is meant to you Baba will definitely give your love back. Sorry if I hurt you.. Om Sai Ram
My English is very bad hope what I written is understandable.
Please reunite this devotee with her love
very nice experience sister.. ya true if we belived him completely and blindly he ll b with us always and show us the path which is good for us…
om sai ram…bless everyone in d world..
i too prayed a lot to baba for my love to come back. one day he suddenly came back. i considered as positive sign from baba. i called chavan baba also regarding my marriage with my beloved as he didnt want to go against his parents wish he said sab theek ho jayega chinta ki baat nahi hai. i believed baba a lot trusting his vachan that baba ji will bear my burden and make his mind change and he will convince his parents. but in month of feb this year he got married to other girl. i totally get shattered and truly telling belief is also shaken and broken. dont know why baba did so why baba send him back in my life when he knows he will get married to other girl. even i prayed so much for him in shibpur but i lost him only i am suffering even after believing god. thats why i stopped praying and doing pooja. ab to aisa lagta hai ki mere saath kabhi kuch acha nahi hoga because baba supported my beloved decision and not mine who prayed madly for him. dont know why
Hello, sad to hear about this, I know how it feels after such incidence, even i cant say that dont try to remember him, dont blame god, he is with u, i know some time circumstances are such that we cant do anything, dont break ur self from inside bcoz if u loose ur will power which is only urs u will get hurt urself, please this is my kind request have a control on urself, and the best ting in this world is not to expect anyting in return from anyone. God will surely bless you with a nice person in life and he will except u with knowing all the facts and make you such a happy that u will not remember this guy. look one day everything will be fine.
baba wants u to marry where ur parents want baba give best to their devotees
@anonymous devotee : yes even i have lost trust on god…when there are no rewards for good behaviour why should one be good and walk on the straight path when i am seeing people who cheat and betray are quite leading an easy life here. so i dont think in this yug there is any god who helps or makes impossible possible its all our thinking is what am feeling after reading such sad stories here. I agree not all prayers get answered but atleast genuine and heartfelt prayers need to be answered specially when it comes to relationships rest all things you can replace in life but how can u replace love and relations which mean the most to you. After investing so much time energy and feelings is it fair to get this in return and only after trying everything in our limit we reach to baba for divine intervention and i feel he should help in such cases where the feelings are genuine else it would only lead to people getting provoked to be bad and not following the teachings of god coz we get only hurt and pain by being good and honest in this cruel world so to survive here instead of being naive soft loving and caring as god tells us we will have to be cunning is what i am forced to think.
@above: I feel the same about the present world. Am so frustrated being honest and good to everybody when everybody else is so cruel! I somehow have this feeling that one day Baba will punish everybody who has hurt me/played with my feelings. Whenever I do a mistake, I get punished by Baba very fast. But, I don't know why that doesn't happen to others when they do the same to me. Am loosing patience in my life. But, I have this only hope that Baba is always there for me..
Om Sai Ram.
Best wishes to you Dear Sai Sister. I am sure Baba will bless you with a good life-partner soon. Prayers to Baba for you and everyone.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
May baba give us strength to face any decision he has for us. happiness & love for all of us.
Sai. om sairam.
Om Sai Ram,
Sister, I am really happy for you that you got your love back and leading a happy life by the grace of our Baba. I am almost going through same problem. I am sure, Baba will bless me and give my love back. Baba, please give me strength to overcome the troubles in my life. I am doing parayan everyday. But since 2 days, I am not able to do parayan due to some disturbances. Today when I read your experience, I felt very happy and feel that this is Baba's message to me. Baba, please give me strength to worship you uncoditionally and do my parayan. I love you Sai. You are my life. Please bless your daughter.
Please reunite this devotee with the person he/she loves
Om Sai Ram.
Love you Baba..sorry . I am not sure what i am doing. Please guide us.
May you please bless all of us always with good-health, long-life, peace, prosperity, wealth and happiness.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Thankyou Sai for giving us such a beautiful day.. love you!
Om sai ram
BABA pls un bhakton ka vishvaas math thodna jo keval aap par bharosa kar zindagi me aage badhthe hain…..aapne hi kaha hai ki vishvaas aur bharosa rakho…….tho apne bhakton ka vishvaas tutthe hue aap kaise dekh paa rahe hain……….pls BABA DONT LET UR CHILDREN DOWN……….WHO NEED U ALWAYS
I ll not negotiate baba..u ll give only what is good and deserving for me..JAI SAI RAM..JAI JAI SAI RAM..
Om sai Jai Sai. Very nice exerience. Saiji always look for devotion and nothing else your experience proved this in this post. Baba thank you for everything and blease increase our shradhha n saburi by each passing day.
Very Nice experience.
SAI please make me strong, can not take it anymore, for how long will it go??
It is really frustrating. You know such people can be beaten by being mean , but I can not be mean just like them…Please Help, you can do everything Deva,
sai ji pls bless alllll!!!
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram,
Om Sai Ram
Very nice experience! Even though you had to wait to see if he would be the true love of your life, Baba confirmed this and brought him back to you, after all, this guy was the one whom Baba chose for His daughter to marry and knew you would be happiest with this guy. It was Baba who made sure that your husband didn't develop any kind of relationship with the other girl and came back to you. Your last paragraph about just giving our love to Baba is very true, we should just give everything we can to Baba, not negotiating with Him, just trusting and loving that our Baba will do whatever is best for us, and even if we are in difficult times, know that Baba is always there with us to help endure those bad times and that even bad times help us burn off our bad karma. Om Sai Ram!
Omm Sai Ram
what a lovely story? i hope my love also realises that for me!
om sai ram
om sai ram!
wonderful experience. dear sister, everybody has to learn something from you really. because, nowadays, you can see how many are waiting to get back his love, if they wont got it. they were blaming baba. its not correct. really baba knows what is good for us. with whom our life will be beautiful. from the above, experience, pls learn how to be strong, and leave everything on his lotus feet. baba will surely take care, and pray him, my life not mine, its yours. so do what is good for me baba. i completely surrendering myself to you. baba surely bless you . baba pls bless all of us.
jai sai ram!
Om Sai Ram,
Hey Sai…hey baba….I am going through a very very rough phase in my life. I am completly heart broken. The person I loved so much with full honesty, trust and dedication has cheated on me and changed completly. I have come to know that so many times he lied to me. He has moved to a different city and has turned very rude to me. When I found out his truth he defended saying that i am basing everthing on assumption and when the right time comes he will tell me eveyrthing! When I asked when will that time come…he doesnt give any defined time!I cried so much….but he is least bothered! The person who cared abt me so much once has turned deaf ears to me now. I realized that how much lies he has told me over the years and I just trusted him blindly. Only thing that I wanted from him was honesty and trust! I am completly broken and want answers to my questions! But he has stopped talking to me! He has not shared his new number too! Baba please help,…im feeling helpless…I need answers to my questions! why he did this to me…what was the need…if he was liking anyone else he should have told me instead of faking that he loves me genuinely! I loved him more than anyone else….trusted him more than myself! why baba…why…why he did this to me?????????
Please help baba….please answer……….I really wish some miracle happens in my life and whatver doubts I have of him are proved wrong! I will be the happiest if I am proved wrong in this regard!I really wish he realizes that how much I love him…and how genuinely! I have lost my mental peace coz of this! Please help me baba! I fail to understand….how can anyone change overnight….how can anyone fake for so long…how can emotions for someone you love change just like that!
I have heard baba that your mircales are unfathomable!!!
Baba please help me!
Bless me Sai!
Om Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Hey Sai….
Please help! Please guide me! Please be with me!
Please answer all my questions and doubts!
Bless me Sai! Be with me Baba!
Jai Sai Ram!
Baba please…take me out of this confusion!please baba…please Sai…i am ur child….bestow ur blessing on me…take care of me….take me out of this fear, confusion and uncertainty in life! Solve the ongoing puzzle in my life…please prove all my doubts wrong…please give me clarity baba! please give me back my love…..! Please Sai I am waiting for ur miracle now!
Was being true, honest and being pure in relationship was my fault!answer my question baba……..clear my doubts! u have to do something baba….please take care of ur child whoz struggling to understand the ongoing situation in her life! Please bless me Sai…hear my prayer sai….hear my prayer baba!
Love u sai….luv u baba!
Baba….plz answer! Plz reply!Plz do some miracle in my life! I want my love and happiness back! Please help sai!
Baba….directly or indirectly…but plz give me an answer!please help me come out of this confusion, sadness, and uncertainty!I want you to move ur magic wand on me!
Sai Ram!
Reply Baba…..plz reply! plz understand my state of mind! I am feeling totally shattered and broken from inside!I need ur help…..I hv lost all interest in anything…….I hv never been so dejected in life!how can the person I loved so honestly and truly could cheat on me! Baba where were u when he was cheating on me….backstabbing me….faking to me and lying to me!where were u baba…where!I alwyz asked life time of togtherness with him from u….why did u not tell me that he is not the right guy for me! why he took advantage of my simplicity and my true feelings for me! did he never think once how would I feel when i would come to know the reality!Baba why did u make me meet him if it was not meant to be!I am feeling so lonely and depressed these days!dont know how will i ever come out of it…im feeling so betrayed!why he did this to me! why did he not think even once abt my feelings!was he such a bad guy…….!!!I had such different opnion of him………was he faking me for last so many years!how can anyone fake for so long!im totally confused!or was i fool to be madly in luv with him!he knew so well that i was crazy abt him!did he take advantage of this!did he ever love me at all!why cant i stop thinking abt him!does he think abt me too?Oh baba…please end my confusion………..answer my questions….give me some clarity!Baba please give me some mental and emotional peace!I am going thru a very very rough phase of my life!I am finding it very difficult to handle the heart break and the emotional turmoil that is going inside me!Baba……help me!Baba bless me!
Baba I need some miracle from you!
Oh Baba please help me….Oh sai please help!
Bless me Sai…guide me Sai…make him realize his mistakes!
Wish he ever understands the value of my love for him!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba ur mine…i know…though i may be angry wid u but still u know that i hv immense faith in u! Only u know my state of mind…only u can understand! plz take me out of this confusion in my life! bless me baba…bless me meray sai!
Om sai..jai jai sai….jai jai sai ram!
Baba….please answer!Sai please answer!
Need your miracle!plz meray Sai…plz meray Baba!
Om sai ram!
Baba why arent you listening to me! Baba what have I done…what is my mistake!why have u made me so alone and lonely in life! Even amidt everyone…i feel so lonely! why Baba! 🙁
Please bless this devotee with a bright future.
Thank you for giving me further pain Baba! Why are you testing me so much! What did I do to deserve all this? Was my fault being honest and truthful in my relationship! cudnt u see tht the person is cheating me and deceiving me!
Why Baba…why u giving me so much pain…why u made me meet this person! what was his motive in being so nice to me for six years and then changed suddenly as soon as he moved out!was I just a time pass for him…….how can he fake me for such a long time! why i cudnt understnd his motives! why he alwyz pretended that he loved me….what was the need! why he cheated on me….now he has also even blocked me from the common networking site!itz so painful and heartbreaking. I am not even understanding what is my fault or is he a cheater!
Baba im not understanding my love for him and his behavior for me! Baba…why are u testing me and giving me so much pain! my heart is broken into pieces baba!plz stabilize, handle and normalize the situation!
im finding it really hard to live with this state of mind, tension and heartbreak! Please baba……..hold my hand …and show me the right way!If you think we are meant to be togther…change his mind and bring him back to be…..else baba give me the courage to accept the reality and give me the strength to pass thru this painful stage of my life!
Baba………please keep ur hands upon me!
I need you baba…i cant handle this pressure on more! please reply baba……plz do some magic on me!
I alwyz told him that i believe in ur miracles! plz prove me right me baba! do some miracle in my life!
Baba…….bless me! sai be with me……….!Baba hold my hands!
Baba….need your reply!dont leave me! 🙁
Please bless this devotee with peace and happiness
Baba darshan do…….shakti do! take me out of this confusion in my life!am i so bad that someone I love cant love me back!Baba….are u testing me…….Baba…….please do something!give me peace of mind and solacE!I am feeling very helpless and frustrated in life! Baba…please take care of ur child! Baba please take me out of this confusion….give me peace….give me love!
Reply sai…reply! if u care about me ….do give me some reply today!please baba….i am feeling totally broken from inside!please baba….please give me strength and courage! 🙁
Baba shakti do….sai shakti do!
Baba bless me…..please keep your hands on my head! Baba guide… me direction! I am feeling clueless, helpless and pained about what is going on in my life! Please streamline things for me! Baba i need your miracle! nothing else seems to be a possibility!
Bless me Sai…Bless me Baba!
Om sai ram….jai jai sai ram!
Sai raksha karo….sai kripa karo!
Baba ek baar toh reply kar do! aap kyon nahi mujhay marg dikha rahi! Baba please reply!your child is waiting for me!
Baba… me the way….give me clarity!please reply baba….plz answer my questions….and end my confustion!I feel i am in a very rough phase of my life!plz guide me baba….hold my hands and help me cross this difficult phase of my life!bless me sai…be with me sai!
Om sai ram…..jai sai ram!
Baba be with me….Sai please be my guiding light! I need you Sai…I need you Baba! Be with me Sai…….give me the strength and courage to come out of this state of mind!be my guiding light!make everything fine!
Om Sai…Jai Jai Sai……Satchitanand….sadguru…sainath..maharaj ki ja!
Baba saath do…..!!!baba jawaab do!baba sada meri raksha karo!
Baba please protect me… with me always!Baba I am feeling surrounded by negativity…..please ward off the negativity in my life and bring positivity all around!Baba protect me from bad elements and vibes…..destroy all bad things in my life and bless me with goodness and bliss!
Om sai ram….jai sai ram…jai jai sai ram!
Baba take away all my fears……give me the strenght and wisdom to understand the things that I am not able to!Give me the courage and conviction to achieve my dreams!Baba please be with me….Baba be my guiding light!Baba I really need you during this tough phase of mine!Please be with me…dont ever leave me!Protect me always….guide me always…..bless me always!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba…today I completed the saaptahik parayan of Sai Sat Charita!Please bless me baba… me get answers to my questions!Baba please take away all my fears….ward off all negativity around me and fill my life with happiness and positivity!I need you Baba….I need you Sai!
Bless me Sai….Bless me Baba!
Om Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba answer my questions plzzzzz!!!! I need u baba! I need your miracle in my life!Baba please move your magic wand on me!
Love you Sai!
Bless me Sai!
Jai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Sai darshan do……Sai shakti do!Sai your child needs you…please come running to me!Be my guiding light Sai… some miracle in my life! I am not able to come out of the betrayl I encountered!Please make things right for me! Please solve the puzzle and mystery in my life! Baba…please be with me!Baba please bless me!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Sai bless me…..bless me….bless me!!!Please Baba…meray sawalo ka mujhay jawaab de do!im really disturbed baba…..why things happnd the way they happnd!why did i meet him…when it was not meant to be!Why Baba…why???I always prayed for my togtherness with me and he also seemed to me love me a lot!Then what happend Baba…why things changed suddenly…why he lied to me, faked me…..betrayed me!why he cut all ties with me suddenly!I really dont know what went wrong or was he so selfish! or was I not able to judge him!Baba please answer my questions….please solve the puzzle in my life!Only you can do the impossible!Baba I need you…I want you to be with me!I want you to bless me and be protector and be my guiding light!
Baba please answer my questions!Please move you magic wand on me!Baba please do some miracle in my life!Baba I really need you!Please help me come out of the current situation in my life!
Bless me Sai…Bless me Baba!
Om Sai….Jai Sai…Jai Jai Sai!
Baba….why I am losing my temper so easliy these days….please forgive me for my anger!I am so much emotionally disturbed that I tend to lose my temper very easily!I know sometimes its reasonable!I ask you for forgiveness baba!Please give me calmness of heart and mind! Baba please bless me….Baba please be with me!!!
I need you Sai….I need you Baba!!!
Om Sai Ram…Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba….why I am losing my temper so easliy these days….please forgive me for my anger!I am so much emotionally disturbed that I tend to lose my temper very easily!I know sometimes its unreasonable!I ask you for forgiveness baba!Please give me calmness of heart and mind! Baba please bless me….Baba please be with me!!!
I need you Sai….I need you Baba!!!
Om Sai Ram…Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Sai raah dikhao…….!!!take away all my fears and guide me to succeed in life!I need you Sai…Baba please hold my hand!Baba please be with me!
Baba bless me….baba be my guiding light!
Sai daya karo…..baba kripa karo!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Sai darshan do…sai shakti do…sai raah dikhao!mujhsay jaanay anjaanay koi galti hui hot shama karo!par mera saath na chodo baba!kripa karo baba…raksha karo baba!mera kalyan karo baba!
Sai ram….jai sai ram…jai jai sai ram!
Bless me Baba….dont leave me….alwayz be with me baba!
Baba give me strength, give me courage and give me wisdom!Give the motivation to fulfill my dreams!Make my life meaningful, puposeful and happy!Bless me Sai…Bless me Baba!
Bless me and my family!
Need you Sai…be with me always!guide me and protect me!
Om Sai Ram…Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba….I am feeling very lost and depressed!Please take me out of this….im very hurt and pained!I feel nothing is going right for me!Baba please guide me….please hold my hand and show me the path that I should tread!I feel im getting in the same loop again!I fear to get into the stagnant and depressing phase I was once!Please give me the strength, courage and wisdom to be an achiever in life!Give me the courage and wisdom to take the right decisions!Take me to highest level in my professional life!I want to achieve something in life Baba!I want to do something gr8 and have a name that my parents will proud of!Take and guide me to that level baba!Baba….i feel i hv done nothing substantial in every aspect of life!
Baba please understand me…..n make me undertand what is best for me!I need your blessings and support baba!I need your miracle in my life!Take me to the heights of my careers! Make me an achiever baba!I will give in more than my hundred percent baba….just guide me to the right path!
Take away all my fears and worries!
I need you Baba…I need you Sai….Please bless me!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Sai baba….meray sai…mujhpar kripa karo…..daya karo….raksha karo meray Sai!
Sai bless me….be with me!Hold my hand and take me to the path best suited to me!
Om sai ram…jai sai ram….jai jai sai ram!
Hey Sai Baba….please bless me…keep your hands on me!Hold my hand and guide me to the right path!I need you Sai………I need you Baba!Baba I need you….I need you always….please be with me!Please do some miracle on me!You know me well…you know me what im feeling…..what Im going through and what is state of mind!You know it all Baba!who else will know!Please be with me Sai….Bless me Baba!
Om Sai Ram…Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba…thanks for showing me this miracle and tell me that you can make anything possible!Baba I know you can set anything right….so I am awaiting things to be set right in my life and I know you will!I am waiting for that miracle Baba….bless me Baba…Bless me Sai…I need you Baba…I need you Sai!
I am waiting for your miracle Baba….please move your magic wand on me!
Bless me Baba….bless me Sai!
Om Sai Ram…Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba….what am I doing with my life….I really do not know!Please guide me….due to whatever happened in the last few months…I am feeling very very depressed………please Baba….take me out of this depression!Certain unanswered questions are troubling me like anything!Please Baba…please…answer my questions and give me peace of mind and heart!I need you Baba…..I need you Sai!
Bless me Sai ….Bless me Baba!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Om Sai Ram,
Baba….please bless me….bless this child of yours!Please take me out of this confusion and depression in life!Guide me to the correct path Baba!
Be my guiding light….hold my hand…and take me across the ocean where I am feeling lost and directionless!
Sai bless me….Baba…bless me!
Om Sai…Jai Sai…Jai Jai Sai…Om Sai Ram!
Sai you know all……then why are you not solving my problem!How long will I have to wait to come out of this confusion in life! Baba….I am really depressed!Please take me out of this confusion and depression!Please answer my questions…show me the path….be my guiding light!Please sort out everything in my life!I know you will Baba…..if you are making me wait….there must be some good behind it which I am not able to understand now! But I know that you know all Baba,…and you will sort out everything in my life!
Always be with me Sai….I need you Baba!
Bless me Baba……bless me Sai!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sam Ram!
Sai meri raksha karo….baba meri raksha karo! Baba meray prashno ke uttar mujhay do! Sai meri naiya ko paar lagao!
Baba….I need you to resolve the ongoing conflict in my mind and in my life!I need you Sai….I really need you!Please come to me….please be with me….please move your magic wand on me!
I need your miracle in my life Baba!I need you Sai….I need you Baba!
Bless me Sai…..protect me Sai….guide me Sai!
Om Sai…Jai Sai…Jai Jai Sai!
Om Sai Ram!
Sai meri raksha karo…..sai mujhpar kripa karo!Sai mujhay darshan do……mujhpar kripa karo!Baba…kyon mujhay itna kasht de rahy ho….im feeling really depressed…i feel low all the time!baba please meri life se confusion ko door kar do!mujhay shakti do baba….please answer my questions Baba…..Please Baba….please guide me!Hold my hand and take me across the ocean where I am feeling stuck!Need you Baba…need you Sai!Please be with me always!
Om Sai Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba….please answer my questions….please answer the puzzle in my life…it is driving me crazy!Baba I beg you if you really care about your child…please answer the questions that are troubling me every second of my life!Baba…why this guy I loved so much and who I thought equally loved me….why did he betray me!why he cheated on me!He used to show so much love, care and affection for me….why he did that!was he pretending everything…if he was what was the need…and if he really loved me ….how could he cheat!I am not able to understand what went wrong and where!When and why did his love for me started diminishing!What was the reason….!!!He has now disconnected me from his life completely!
We dint even formally break-up ….then why is he running away from me!Baba….please answer my questions….they are indeed killing me every second of my life!He knew I loved him so much….and knew well if I will come to know some thing like this I will break into million pieces…then did he not even think once what will I go through when I come to know the truth!
Baba…I used to visit your temple with him…..did you not see his intentions!I used to ask for your blessings and life time of love and togetherness with him…is this what you gave me Baba!
Baba…please answer me….why he cheated on me…why he pretended…why he faked…why he lied..why he betrayed!Is this what I deserved after giving more than hundred percent in my love and being honest, truthful and transparent!Is there no value for these values!Baba…did he not even feel once what is he doing to me…did he not feel the pain even once!
Baba…I am very pained and totally broken from inside!I want him to talk to me me and end this puzzle in my life!Baba…I want answers to my questions…what was between him and me…was there anything at all from his end…if there was and then why and where did it end for him!I want to know Baba…the person who loved me so much changed so much…..where did things go wrong and when!Baba……..please help me!
Baba…if you really care about me…please do some miracle in my life today and give me answers to my questions!
Baba….I request you…I beg you…I plead you!Please baba…please…dont disappoint me!
Baba…I need you!be with me…bless you child!
Om Sai Ram…Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba…please reply!Baba….I am really emotionally disturbed…please help me!Please answer me….baba please show me and guide me!Baba please answer me!
Om Sai Ram…Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Dear Anonymous, I can understand and more so feel your pain. I am also undergoing the same pain. My husband who claimed to have loved me like nobody else on the earth within just 1 week of marriage ended the whole thing and today he says he does not love me anymore. He does not talk to me, does not call me, and from his side he declared that the marriage is over. I also ask Baba the same questions, if there was no truth in his love then why did You send him into my life? Why did You allow him to play with my life? I am emotionally devastated. I don't know if at any time i will become normal again in life. Waiting for Baba to do a miracle and change the whole situation. Don't know when will it happen. But one thing i can tell you Anonymous, whenever you feel that killing pain, chant Sai Sai Sai….if possible sit in front of Baba's photo or picture or idol and keep chanting Baba's name continuously while looking at Baba. You may not get answers to your questions but definitely you will come out of that moment of pain. I do that and I am surviving that pain. Pray pray and continue to pray. Prayers can move mountains. I hope and pray that you get your answers soon. Trust in Baba and surrender to Him.
Om Sai Ram
Thank you, Sai Devotee!
I do pray to Sai Baba….and will pray so even more. I take your answer as my Sai's answer to me.
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Thank you, Sai devotee.
I wish Baba answers your questions too. I am sure with Baba's blessings your husband will change his mind for good and will come back to you.
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba….I requested you to give me the reply today but you did not!Why Baba…why Sai…I pleaded so much! are you not feeling my pain!I am really in lot of pain….I feel my soul has been wounded badly!Baba why you did this to me….why are you doing this to me!Please help me Baba….I feel my love has no value….never had any value!I am so much confused in my life!am I so bad that my boy friend even think even once before cheating on me, back stabbing me and betraying me!Baba please meri raksha karo…mujhay jawaab do!Baba please listen to this request of mine and sort out things in my life!
Baba I need you….please dont be so rude to me!please understand me!
Om Sai Ram!
Jai SaI Ram!
Sat chitanand…satguru sai nath maharaj ki jai!
Sai….are you testing me!If so…till when will you test me!When will I get answers to my questions!When will things get streamlined and sorted out for me!Please baba…dont make me lose have faith and trust in myself!I need you Sai..I need your miracle baba!Please Baba…..bless me!I need your blessings and protection and guidance!
Be my guiding light…..give me strength…..give me happiness!
Om Sai …Shri Sai…Jai Jai Sai!Om Sai…Shri Sai….Jai Jai Sai!Om Sai …Shri Sai…Jai Jai Sai!
Om Satchitananad…sadguru…sainath maharj ki jai!
Baba….why are you giving me so much pain!What did I do in my past life to owe this!If I did anything wrong in my past life….I ask for forgiveness from the inner most core of my heart!but please dont give me such kind of pain!I am feeling emotionally very very disturbed….please sort out the things in my life…please end the confusion in my life!Please bring back the love of my life!you can make impossible possible…then why not in my case baba!
If ever in this birth or any of my previous births I did anything wrong deliberately or undeliberately, I sincerely ask you for you for forgiveness baba. But please dont punish me like this baba….please dont give me pain like this, I cannot handle it anymore!I am totally shattered and broken from inside!Please hear my prayer sai…please sort out things in my life!
Besides, I also wish my family and friends understand me! Why I am having fights over insignificant things in my life!Why no one is understanding me!When will they?when will they understand that there are other important things in life to discuss about and not create issues over things which are really insignificant!I am really getting affected by all this!Please make them understand!
I am already going through a very rough phase and all this is adding up to my depression and frustration!Please baba…take care of me and end all my worries that are really troubling me these days!
I need you baba…I need your blessings Sai…..please hear my prayer!Please take care of me and do your miracle on me!Take out the ongoing disturbance in my life and make things smooth as before!
Baba…please hear my prayer…I need you Baba…I need your blessings!
Om Sai Ram…Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Sai…I am really not understanding what is going on in my life these days!I am pleading to you everyday…but even you are not listening to me!or maybe I dont know yet and you are making some plans for me!Baba…please do some miracle in my life…take me out of this frustration and confusion and streamline my life!
I need you baba…I need you sai…please fulfill my wishes! and give me peace and happiness in life!
Baba shower your blessings on me………….who knows my state of my mind better than you….so please baba….please….sort out things in my life!Please move you magic wand on me!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram!
Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba….these dayz I read the blogs on your miracles everyday and find out how you can turn events in ones favor and do the miracle in people's life!Baba when will you bless me with your miracle!When will you end the ongoing frustration, depression and confusion in my life!Baba please bestow your blessings on me!Please clear the confusion in my life!Please give me answers to my questions!I need you Sai…I need you Baba!Please hold my hand and guide me to the correct path!Show me the right direction in life!I am waiting for your miracle Baba!I am waiting for your answer!Why was I cheated despite being so honest and truthful in my relationship!Is this what I deserved!Is this what an honest and true person gets in life….only betrayal and deceit!Baba…please tell me why things happened the way they happened!My love never had any value!Why Baba…why???Please answer my questions!
Om Sai Ram!Jai Sai Ram!Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba…why I am not seeing any positive response from you!Baba,,,what have I done to deserve this!Sai your daughter is in lot of pain and emotionally disturbed!Please protect her and bless her and take all her worries from her!Oh Sai….Oh my Baba….I really need you!I really want to see your miracle in my life!Please baba…..please hold my hand and move your magic wand on me!
Please answer my questions….end my confusion and bring back my happiness in life!
Sai…I am waiting for your answers and miracles!and I know you will change the turn of events in my life and sort out and streamline things in my favor!
Baba….bless me…Sai…bless me!
Om Sai Ram…Jai Sai Ram!Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Om Sai Ram…..
Baba….today I cried so much….was not able to hold my tears!I was remembering the beautiful time that I had spent with the love of my life!Those were such beautiful and wonderful days!Life was so meaningful and beautiful!Then what happened suddenly baba….why was a bomb dropped in my life!Why things changed in my life!Why the person I loved so much turned against me!Why he turned rude…..why he doesnt want to even talk to me!why he lied to me …why he cheated on me!My life has become a mystery and puzzle for me!Was all love that was shown …was it all fake!I really find it hard to believe and accept!Then what happened Baba…please give me my answers….why the person I loved so much….and who I thought equally loved me much,,,turned against me,,,,disassociated from me…without any reason!What was my fault Baba,,,why he betrayed me!we dint even hv a single fight tht i wud feel cud have let to our break-up!
Why baba,,,why the love of my life turned against me!
Please destroy any evil force that has affected our relationship!please bring the positivity back in my life and normalize my relationship with my love!Baba…please do this miracle in my life!Bring my love back to me Baba!
Please help me Baba….Please help me Sai!
Sai mujhpar daya karo…sai mujhpar kripa karo!
Om Sai Ram!
Jai Sai Ram!
Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Om Sai Ram…..meri raksha karo….Sai mujhpar kripa karo!Please remove negativity that is surrounding me all the time!Please bring positivity in my life!Please answer my questions baba…….end the puzzle in my life!I need your miracle in my life Baba….bless me Baba….bless me Sai!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Om Sai Ram….
Jai Sai Ram….
Baba….I did get few answers on why things are happening the way they are happening!Baba I was completly shocked to know the truth…..I dont even know how to react to it!Baba all I can say is….thnks for giving me this answer and always bestow your grace on me!Baba u know that still I am lacking in complete clarity and understanding of my love for me!Baba….please answer my questions!Baba I know you are there for me and will sort out the things in my life!
Baba…I used to tell my love that I believe in your miracles…..and that you will definitely do a miracle in our life too!Baba….please clear things….destroy all evil and negative forces in our life and bring back my love to me and do a miracle in our life!
I need you Sai…I need you Baba…I really need your miracle in my life!
Please bless me Sai!
Om Sai Ram…Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Sai…please protect your child from negative forces!I feel surrounded by negative energies….please destroy them and replace them with positive energies!Baba…please set right the things and situation in my life!Baba…please bring back my love to me!
Baba….give me strength and courage and bless me always!
Baba….show me a miracle…… and please move your magic wand on me!
I need you Sai….I need you my Baba!
Please shower your blessings on me!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba…..I am feeling very low…..very lonely and very depressed!I have no interest left in life!I am feeling dejected by everything!I feel no one understands me………..why Baba…..why cant no one understand me!Why cant they see things atleast once from my perspective!
Due to the ongoing tensions in my life…..I hv become short tempered and feeling very frustrated!But that doesnt mean I am wrong all the time!
I feel so pained sometimes that no one…..from family….my love or anyone could understand me at all!I end up in a fight and then cry so much!I pour my heart out to you baba….please listen to me….please sort out things in life!My family does try to understand me and listens to me…..but after a point of time…they too fail to understand me!
Baba at this point of time in my life…I need everybody's support all the time!I am emotionally very disturbed!Please listen to me Baba….please listen to me!
Please do a miracle in my life….please bring back the love of my life to me…..please give me success in my career!
Please hear my prayer Baba……bless your child!
Merya Baba….meray Sai….please bless me with the gifts of Shraddha and Saburi!I need these Sai!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba…..give me my faith back in myself… you and in everyone!Baba….today being Thursday…..your day….Baba please do some miracle in my life and give me back my faith that I have lost in all!
Baba….please dont leave me just like that ….bring back my faith and trust!
Sai…..bless me!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai..Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Baba…..why am i in so much pain!I am feeling totally shattered!Baba…..why the guy I loved so much betrayed me!Baba I used to feel so blessed that I have such a lovely person in my life…I used to think him as God's blessings in my life!Then Baba…what happened why he changed suddenly!Why all this happened baba!Why did he cheat on me!Why you made us meet if it was meant to be like this!Was it to give me only temporary happiness!Now I dont even know if those times were also real!
Baba…I have also come to know that some bad and negative things have led to this situation!Baba if this is true…please destroy these negative things and bring back the happiness in my life!
Baba….please understand me!Not a single does goes without crying….baba do u feel happy to see tears in your child's life!I feel so helpless that I cannot do anything to make the situation right!Baba…you can do the impossible!Baba…please streamline and set things right in my life!
Baba…bless me!
Om Sai Ram…Jai Sai Ram…Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Om Sai Ram….
Hey meray Baba….hey meray Sai….how much will you test me!When will this testing time go away!When will you give me back my love, peace and happiness!
Baba…..I want you to be with me during this tough phase of mine and sort out things for me!Baba I get angry very fast these days….please give me calmness and peace!Sai please bring back my love to me!
Baba….please take away the tears from my life that have come suddenly and are not going away!They are tears of pain and sadness and not happiness and I dont want them!If you have to give me tears and if that is what karma says and then please replace them with tears of joy and happiness!
Nothing is impossible for you!
Please do a miracle in my life!
Bless me sai…..bless me meray baba!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram…Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!!
Baba….please answer my questions!Solve the ongoing puzzle in my life!Baba…you can move mountains….then why cant I see your miracle in my life!
Baba…please be with me…..Baba please hear my prayer!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Om Sai Ram….
Baba….with faith and patience and I am waiting for your miracle to happen in my life and I know it will happen!Baba I know you will sort out everything in my life and make me happier than ever before!
Bless me Sai…Be with me Sai!
Om Sai Ram…..Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba….why my love story had to end and in this manner!why baba…why cant it be a happy love story with a relationship forever!Baba…..your miracles are unfathomable and I am waiting for one!Please bless me with your miracle Sai!
I need you my Sai…I need you my Baba!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Om Sai Ram….
Baba….please take away all my fears….all my worries….and all my tensions!I need you Sai…I need you baba at every step in my life!Bless me meray Sai ….bless me meray Baba….I need you during the ongoing tough phase in my life and always!Please change my life for better….for better growth…for more success…for more happiness….for better health…and for more love!Baba…..please bring back my love to me!Baba I need your miracle in my life!
Please meray Sai…bless me with your miracle!
Give some positive response and happiness soon!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Baba….why things happened the way they happened in my life!Why the love of my life completely disconnected himself from me!why he cheated on me….lied to me….and now gone under complete silence for me!this has left me clueless and in lot of pain……..I really dont know what went wrong that he had to take this drastic step!
Baba….I am told that someone has put a spell and done some negative things to separate him from me!Baba I never believed in all these things….and dont even know if these things really exist!But if it does then please remove that spell and negative force from our relation and bring back my love to me and make my relation normal! Sudden turn of events that have taken place in my life without any reason….has forced me to believe that there could be something like this otherwise why would a person whom I knew for six years and whom I loved and who I thought equally loved me could change overnight!I dont find any reason….except to believe that this could be true!
Baba…if anything of this sort is true then please destroy all such evil from my life and give me back my happiness!and if this is not true and my friend really cheated on me and was playing with me for last so many years, which is hard for me to believe, but if this is true and make him realize how much it pains when someone you trust completely betrays you!I want you to make him realize this and feel what painful thing he did to me!Make me him come to me so that he apologizes and feels my pain!
Baba….need your blessings….baba need you always!Please be with me always and bless me always!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba…please hear my prayer!
Oh meray Sai….oh meray Baba…..please hold my hand and end my worries!
Baba….I plead you….I need you… my guardian….bless me Sai….be with me Sai!
Sai meri raksha karo….mujh par kripa karo!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Sai….why am i like this…why no one takes me seriously!why i am always a matter of ridicule!Sai…what have u written in my life…..why cant i hv a normal happy life!please meray sai…please meray baba….oh meri saima…..change my life and make it happy, successful and valuable!
Baba……I am feeling very very lonely….please give me the happiness I need!
Baba please hear my prayer!meray sai i need you!
Om Sai Ram…..Jai Sai Ram…Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba….aap kyon nahi meray sun rahy hai!meray jeevan mai koi miracle kyon nahi kartay!
Baba….please answer my questions….end my worries and bring back the happiness in my life!
I am very much pained!please hear my prayer and end my pain!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Sai…thanks for giving me so much pain……thanks for not understanding me….thanks for making people and family not understand me!thanks for all the emotional trauma that you have given me!thanks for making me separate me from the person I loved the most and who gave me peace and happiness the most!thanks for making him cheat me and thanks for you being a silent spectator to all this!thanks for giving me the reward of betrayal for my honesty, truthfulness and loyalty!
I know you will not do anything for me!Though I get positive answers from you i know they will never turn out to be true!
Thanks for everything Sai….thanks for testing me so hard in life! thanks for all the pain that you have given to me!I know you will not change anything in my life!
Baba…..meray sai…ab toh raham karo!everyone feels that the person I loved has left me forever and will never return!meray sai please prove all of them wrong and bring back my love to you!
I dont why i cant stop thinking about the person who cheated on me….why im still thinking that everything will be alright and all bad things that i am thinking will be mere assumptions and he will turn out to be true and correct in the end!raham karo meray sai….raham karo meray baba……..ab or mat rulayo or sab theekh kar do!baba please do your miracle on me!
I need you meray Sai….I need you meray Baba!!!
Om Sai Ram…..Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Baba please have mercy on me!dont test me so much….bring back my love to me!baba ab toh raham karo….sab theekh kar do!baba im breaking with every passing day… going undergoing depression….please help me baba….dont leave me just like that!I need you meray Sai….i need you meray baba!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!!
Baba you are showing your miracle to everyone, I too need your miracle in my life!please streamline things for me!make me happy and successful and end all my worries!answer my questions and bring back my love to me!Do your miracle on me sai.,,,,take me out of this emotional trauma that I am going through!bless me Sai!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!!
I just wrote the message: I hate you God….I hate you Sai!But the page disappeared suddenly and I was not able to post it!Baba…do I presume you did not want me to post it!If yes then why arent you listening to me!
I also wrote that your miracles that people have posted also seem fake to me now!Then you indirectly showed me a small miracle!
I dont know what conclusion to draw from all this!If you are with me and listening to me then please Sai…..also show me the miracle that I want!
I also wrote that you wont and you cant answer my questions!
Baba will you listen….will you answer to me!Will you show me you leela….and show me that your miracles are beyond human understanding!
Baba…I am looking forward it!
Please prove all my doubts wrong and show me that you were and you are always with me!
Om Sai Ram!!!!
Baba….make him (the guy i love) that what he did to me and how painful it was for me!make him come back to me and make him realize my love for him!
Om Sai Ram!
Baba meri vinti kab sunogay…..kitna sabra baba..or…kitni shradhha or dekhogay!
baba aap kyon apni beti ko itna pareshan kar rahy ho…..kitnay imtihaan or logay sai…kitnay kasht or dogay sai!meri araj suno meray baba….meri vinti suno!meray pyaar ko jisnay mujay itna bada dhoka diya….usay ye ehsaas dilao ki usnay kitna bada paap kiya hai ek sacchay, bholay or seedhay insaan ko dokha dekar!baba meray sawalo ke mujay jawaab do!meray jeevan mai chamtkaar kar do….sab theekh or accha kar do!
Meray baba mera saath do…..mujay aashirwaad do!
Om sai ram….jai sai ram….jai jai sai ram!!!
Baba….you know all…..please take care of me!why should i keep telling u everyday what i am going through!you are antaryaami and you know what your child is going through!so please make everything alright in my life!
I wont say more today…..but just wait for your miracle!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!!
Baba…how much patience and faith you want to test!Baba….ab toh chamatkaar dikha do….baba bas ab or mat satayo….baba bas ab or mat rulao!
mujhay apni sharan mai le lo meray baba…mujhay apni sharan mai le lo meray sai!!!
Om Sai Ram…..Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Baba….bas bahut hua….ab sab theekh kar do!I cant take it anymore!
Baba….you have to make everything alright in my life now!Make the love of my life realize what he did to me….you have to make him come back to me!give me back my happiness that you saw going away from me!you can make anything happen and you have to make this happen too!
Listen to my prayer my Sai….listen to me baba!
I am really pained and broken into hundred pieces from inside!are you happy to see me in this state!
Bless me meray Sai!do your miracle on me meray baba….om sai ram….jai sai ram….jai jai sai ram!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Oh meray Sai….ab darshan do….ab toh chamatkaar karo!or kitna satayogay….or kitna imtihaan logay!
Why are u punishing your innocent child!Meray Baba…please make set all things right in my life!
Om Sai Ram…Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Oh meray Baba bless me….oh meray Sai….meri raksha karo!ab bas bahut hua meray baba….ab meray imtihaan mat lo….mai andar se tut chuki hoon puri tarah se….ab or mat satayo meray sai!dont punish me anymore meray sai…ab sab theekh kar do!
kripa karo deva….meri raksha karo deva!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Sai meri raksha karo…..sai mujpar kripa karo!aisay na bhulo mujhko!koi jaanay anjaany galti hui toh mujhko shama karo meray sai!bas ab or imtihaan na lo mera meray Sai….meray Baba!
Oh meray sai be with me…..end all my tensions and worries!do your miracle on me!
Om Sai Ram…Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Baba….please do a miracle in my life! I need you Sai…..I am disturbed emotionally…..please help me!Please shower your blessings on me meray Baba!you know all….please end all my worries and tensions and give me my answers and bring back my love to me!!!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Baba….please give me my answer. Is it really true that the person I loved so much deceived and cheated on me or is it that whatever is happening is actually due to result of the negative influences and energy, as has been told to me!Baba please answer my questions!Baba if he actually cheated on me then please make him realize what he did to me and if he is under negative energy then please destroy such negative influence!Baba please hear my prayer!
Baba….need your miracle in my life!Baba dont leave….baba be with me!I under lot of stress these days!Please bless me meray Baba….please bless me meray Sai!!!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Baba bless me….and please take control of the weird, strange and tough situations in my life!
I need you meray Baba!Please come soon and help me!
Please show your miracle in my life!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Sai what are you doing to me!Atleast reduce my anger….because of the ongoing situations I am having fight with everyone!Please help me meray baba!my relations are getting affected due to this!I ask for forgiveness for my anger!
Bless me Sai….I need you meray Sai!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Baba,,,,bas karo….ab or mat rulao….bas ab or nahi!Please take me out of this emotional stress that I am undergoing!bas sai ab bahut hua….ab or nahi….ab wapis sab theekh kar do!give me back my happiness my Baba!!!aap kuch bhi chamtakaar kar saktay hai….toh meray liye kyon nahi meray sai!aapki beti aapko yaad kar rahi hai….sai aao na,,,sab theekh kar do na!meri araj bhi suno meri baba!
Om Sai Ram!
Baba…I am waiting for your miracle in my life!
Bless me meray baba,….bless me meray Deva!
Take away all my fears and end all my worries….and give me back my happiness!!!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Hey meray Sai…..hey meray Baba……….thanks for showing me two miracles in two days!Baba aapki mahima aparampaar hai!Baba please be with me like this and show me your presence!Baba…..please also do the miracle in the area of my life that I want…..please meray Sai…..please meray baba!I am waiting for that miracle…..please sab theekh kar do meray baba!sab pehlay jaisa kar do and bring me back my happiness…..give me the life that I want!Please meray sai….kripa karo Deva…..raksha karo meray Sai!
Om Sai Ram…..Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Sai please bless me………shower your blessings on me!Baba….please take away all my internal fears….all my tensions and all my worries!Do your miracle in my life Baba!
Baba….please bring back my love to me…..give me back my happiness….make everything fine!Baba I need you….bless me meray Sai!
Bless me with love, good health, success. achievement and happiness in all aspects of my life!!!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Om Sai Ram….
Baba….kitnay dino se mai aapsay ek hi sawaal ka jawaab maang rahi ho…..aapko apna dukh or kasht bata rahi hoon…..lekin aap kyon nahi dekh rahy meri taraf….kyon nahi aap meri pareshaniyo ko door kar rahy!!!aap kyon mujhay nahi sun rahy sai!!!
Sai mai aapsay vinti karti hoon ki meray prashno ka uttar dijeyi…..kuch aisa chamatkar kariye ki aaj hi mujay apnay prashno ka uttar mil jaye or meray jivan mai koi chamatkar ho jae! oh meray baba….please meri vinti suneyay!!!!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!!
Sai I was waiting for your miracle but you dint show,…..though u did give me ur shirdi darshan on TV which really made me happy and was no less than a miracle!but sai please show me your miracle in the area I want!please give me my answers and sort out and streamline the things in my life!!!I need you meray sai…i need you meray baba!!!please take me out of this emotional turmoil!Baba….please hear my prayer….meray baba….i need you!!!
Om Sai Ram!!!
Sai meray prashno ke uttar mujhay do……..Baba need your miracle….please dont disappoint me anymore!!!!please meray baba…..please sai!!!
Ab mera saath do….ab bas mujhay darshan do!!!or intezaar mat karao meray sai!or intezaar mat karao meray baba!!!
Om Sai Ram!!!
Sai…you know what I am going through!Please dont give me so much of pain….I cant take it anymore now!Please answer my questions…..please do your miracle in my life!
Bless me meray Sai!
Om Sai Ram……….Jai Sai Ram……..Jai Jai Sai Ram!
Sai please bless me… I have left everything on you!You have to set things right for me now in your way!I will only say dont give me more emotional pain baba….I cant take it any more!!!
Bless me meray Sai…..bless me meray baba!!!
Om Sai Ram……Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Meray baba aap par sab kuch chod diya hai…..ab aap mujhay sambhal lijeye meray baba…..or nahi saha jaata ab!
meray sai mujhpar kripa karo….meray sai meri raksha karo!
Om Sai Ram…..Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!!
Please baba…..take away all my tensions, frustrations and confusion in life!I cant believe that one person in my life….the guy I loved with so much honesty and truthfulness….created the biggest confusion in my life!Please baba…sort out this matter for me!!!
Om Sai Ram…..Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Baba……please hear my prayers….set things right for me!fulfill my dreams and give me the happiness that I always wanted!Baba give me answers to my questions!Baba please hear my prayer!
Om Sai Ram…..Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Bless me baba…..bless me meray sai!
Bas sai ab sab theekh kar do…..sab kuch!
Om Sai Ram…..Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Baba mai aapsay aaj bahut naraaz hoon…..mai aaj bahut dukhi hoon!!!meri life mai aap kuch bhi theekh nahi kar rahy!im very very depressed!I have left everything on you so let me see when will you bless me with happiness that I want and to which you will agree!!!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram…..Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Sai please take away all my fears…..all my frustrations…..I cant take this pain anymore!if you are my Sai…. and listening to me…..please make everything right in my life!!!
Bless me Sai…..Do your miracle in my life!!!
Om Sai Ram!!!
Sai bless me…..need your miracle in my life!!!
Please dont be so rude to me….I need you meray sai….bless me!!!
Om Sai Ram….Jai Sai Ram….Jai Jai Sai Ram!!!
Sai….please now atleast answer my questions!enough's enough baba….now dont test me further!Im feeling very very frustrated and depressed!do u feeling happy to see me in so much emotional pain!ab toh sab theekh kar do meray baba!
Please bless me with your miracle!
Om Sai Ram!!!
Bless me with your miracle meray Sai!
Om Sai Ram!
have a nice day jai sairam om sai ram
i love sai baba very much, whenever i think baba showed his face that moment.
really baba is a miracle of miracles
my dear baba i love you so much.
i love my husband and my son very much.
but now i am lonely live , i feel lone, why you gave this life?
what i done in my past?
why this much of sufferings.
why they all cheated me.
you are a living god.
they are also praying you, i am also praying you.
they made wrong things, you helped them, why can't you help me and guide me?tell me
i love my husband, eventhough he cheated me, i am not at all hating him,still now i love him.
please help me baba. before my marriage, after my marriage, after my son born also he loved me very much , he loved me ,but now what is his problem,why he hated me, tell me. why he changed like this tell me baba. we loved each other past 9 years,but he don't want to see my face also, tell me baba.
without him i can't live, take me baba.
please give me my past life baba, i don't want to blame /curse any one who made me wrong.
please help me to live with me and my son and husband in unity
om sairam bless our family baba
dear sai help me to sort out this problem, baba why u tested me, pleas guide me , bless our family baba
I lived my life for saibaba. I did all the possible good things which he told me. Bur today he left me alone. Given the pain which no one in the world should get. But still i love him. Dear all Sai devotee can you please tell him to kill me. I cant live with this pain which i believe he gave me.
Sai baba is a cheat ..don't get fooled's my request to all of you
sainatha…u know all my worries…when will i get job?please baba save me i want to die please bless me remove all my karma