Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Maa Helped With Medical Expenses

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Sister Lakshmi from US says: Om Sai Ram to all the Sai devotees. First of all thanks to hetal ji, you are the reason for me to get closer to Sai Baba through Sai Baba Miracles page. Thank you so much, you are a blessed soul. I know Sai Maa from childhood but used to pray Him like any other God. But in 2013, i came to know about Sai Baba Miracles (this) page through my cousin and then i came to know about Sai Baba Nav Guruvar Vrat. So, i started doing Vrat in November 2013, then things started to change as i am going closer to Baba. He gave me Darshan 3 times in a dream as i started Pooja by taking that as one wish. Now my life is totally dependent on Sai Maa, i am nothing without Him. If i start any work on Thursday, it was/will surely complete with no doubt. I used to get help from Sai Maa for any problem on Thursday or a day before that. How blessed we are as Sai devotees, we do not need to fear for anything in our life. He will completely take care of us.

I was diagnosed with liver problem 5 years back, when i was pregnant. Doctor asked me to come for check up for every 6 months. I was going for checkups and taking some medications regularly but from last 1 year, i didn’t go for check up or take any medications. I wanted to go as soon as possible but it was postponed until an auspicious day i.e. Ugadhi. Finally, i gave blood test and the result with Sai Maa’s blessing is that no virus at all. But doctor suggested me to take some medication till 3 months, to promote the liver health. When we go to pharmacy for pickup, they said that we have to co-pay $400. Generally the co-pay is below $100, but $400 for 3 months is very expensive. I begged for Sai Maa’s help as i don’t want to waste my husband’s hard earned money. Sai Maa helped us within one day i.e. on Thursday.

Here it goes, my husband searched for high co-pay charges for the medication on the internet and he suddenly found that some program was there they will support the commercial licensed people who need to take expensive medicines. We do not need to pay a single penny as they will give up to $400 every month based on our insurance. So my husband contacted them and they approved and gave us co-pay card which works for a year not only 3 months. My husband called me and informed before i start my formal Thursday Pooja, that is Sai Maa. I don’t have enough words to praise His Grace and mercy towards His devotees like me, bow to You Sai Maa, You are my hope, inspiration and life. Please be with us in every phase of our life. Akhilanda Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Sachidanand Samartha Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.

It Was A Miracle

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from USA Says: I am Baba’s devotee and have always looked at Baba as my own Father. I always consult Baba for any issues in my life and thank Him each day for a wonderful life He has bestowed upon me. This was a true miracle, we had planned a trip to India and had applied for my baby’s visa 2. 5 months ago. On the cox and kings website said that the process took 60 days. We started getting impatient after the 60 days was over as we still had not received the visa, however the online status mentioned that the OCI had been received in consulate in Washington. It was the final week before our travel date and we had to send his passport to the consulate to match up before they could send the OCI. We were excited as we felt it’s almost there and we will receive the visa before the travel date.

After sending the passport, my husband called cox and kings (visa processing agency) to confirm if they had received the passport and to check when they will be sending back. Cox ad kings was so rude and clearly said it will take over 2 weeks to receive the passport and asked my husband to Change the travel date, it was shock of life for my husband, it was not possible to change travel after at all, we had family event in India and all travel plans were back to back and really tight. I prayed to Baba and asked Him to resolve our situation. There was huge money involved in the travel plan as well. It was a total miracle on how things started moving really fast and unimaginably we received the visa and his passport just a day before our travel and that too on a Thursday, Baba, You are always real and live for me, I feel You around and You always guide me and provide me with so much confidence, love You Baba. You are my Father from heaven. Keep Your guidance and love on our family forever.

Pregnancy Report Came Normal

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Sai Sister Neha from India says: I got married three years ago. I live in Bangalore as my husband is working here. By God’s grace, i also selected as a bank officer and i am waiting for my joining which seems to take place in July. Om Sai Ram! I was not a very big devotee of Sai Ram. I just used to bow in front of His Temple wherever i saw. It’s just the case of one month ago, when i came to know that i had conceived. I was so happy that i could not express my happiness in words. But my happiness didn’t last longer. It’s just the case of two weeks ago when i went for an ultrasound and got the reports in my hands. I went to the doctor to show my reports and was shattered after hearing from the doctor. She said that reports are not good and you are having chances of abortion. She said that after two weeks, i have to come again for an ultrasound and if the reports are not normal, i will have to undergo an abortion. I didn’t understand what should I do. I came home and started crying out loud. I called my mother, she said have faith in God, everything is going to be fine. Then i talked to my friend who is a Sai devotee. She told me to keep calm and told that Sai Ram is going to make everything correct. She told me about this website to read the experiences of Sai devotees and told that you will feel better after that. From that day, i started reading the experiences and started having faith in Him. The belief in Him started becoming stronger day by day. After two weeks today, i went for an ultrasound and was amazed to see the reports. Everything was just fine. I thanked Sai Baba, it was just because of Him that i was happy once again. Thank You Sai Baba from the core of my heart.

Baba Solve My Problems

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am from a middle class family all because of my father and mother’s hard work, i am unto this level. I was working in a hotel. When i was working, i had an idea to start a business. I opened a fitness centre and it went well. In 1 year’s time, i opened another fitness centre and in another 2 years time, i opened another fitness centre with huge investment. It was also doing good. During those time, i don’t have any capital, so i used to take loan from all the banks, i was running all my business. Afterwards, i started to borrow from private lenders with high interest. I was also investing in share market day trading. Sometimes, i used to make money most of the time only on loss. In 2009, situation become worst. I have to sell all my business, i was jobless, lost all my property, people cheated me, having pressure at home. My father and mother helped me with all there jewels and money to clear all my debt. From 2009, i am struggling every bit of time till now. I don’t have any solutions for my problems. I am not worried about myself but i am worried only about my father, mother, wife, daughter and son. I don’t want them to suffer because of me. Please Sai Baba, You are the only one person who can sort out my problem. Even now, i have resigned my job and i have been applying so many places still no reply. If i sit at home, it will be very difficult for me mentally as well as physically. Please You have to find a solution for my house as well as my job. I have been away with my wife and my kids because of the job. Please find a solution for my life because i don’t want my parents to suffer because of me. Thank You, Your true devotee.

Sai Baba Miracle

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from Mexico says: I am big devotee of Sai Baba, my husband, my baby and myself lovely family this is all blessings of my Sai Baba. My heart beats like Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai. Hi friends, Sai Baba is my Father, Mother, Guru, Doctor, everything to me. I had so many experience by Baba, I share my happiness, sorrows everything with my Baba. He listens to my prayers. My life is only with Baba blessings. Now, I am going to share one of my beautiful experience. After my marriage for 2 years, I didn’t have kids, later I started asking my Baba please Baba bless me with a baby on my birthday. Me and my husband went to Baba Temple. It was on Thursday generally I had a habit to read Baba Satcharitra book randomly by praying in heart, same I had done on my birthday, i don’t believe, I got story that ‘Baba will give one coconut to one lady and will say soon you will be blessed with a baby go home and think about your baby’ then I had tears in my eyes with happiness that month was March and in April 1 week, I got conformed from the doctor that I am pregnant and came home. I just kept my leg in to the house. I got post from Shirdi Baba Vibhuti and Prasadam. I can’t express my happiness this is all with my Baba blessing. Friends with my experience, I am saying believe Baba, pray Him with your heart, surrender to Him and keep your life in front of Him, then He will be the one who holds your hand and make you move through your wonderful life.

Sai Baba’s Blessings

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Sai Baba is everything for me. Without my Sai Maa’s blessings, it would have been impossible for me to survive in this materialistic world. Thank You Sai Baba for blessing me always. I want to share one of the Miracles of my Lord Sai Baba that took place in the month of March 2015. When I was going for work, I met with an accident, slept down from the bike and felt down. Because of my Baba’s Grace, nothing much happened to me. Only little scratches on right leg, but on chin a little deep cut. When I visited the doctor, doctor told me that you will get stitches on chin. I was very scared. Then I took my Baba’s Name and requested Sai Baba to help me. My loving Father, Sai Baba came in rescue of me. So I did not feel any pain while stitching and even after that and I was completely alright. Even when doctor removed my stitches, it didn’t pain for me. I had promised my Sai Baba that I will post my experience if everything goes well. So everything was good by the blessing of my Sai Baba. Thank You Sai Baba for all the happiness that You have given me and please forgive me for posting the experience little late. Love You my Lord Sai Baba and also thank you admin. Om Sai Ram. Bow to Shri Sai, peace to be all.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba

Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 3388


  1. Dear devotee #4

    Please read sai sat Charitra . Try to finish in 7 days. Then break a coconut I front of baba, and offer prasad something sweet. Before reading the book, tell baba what type of help u want from baba. Basically your desire( even though he knows all of our desire, mother feels happy when you ask them directly so does baba, so pour your heart infront of him, and you will see miracles happening in your life in no time.

    Also try to do Nav Guruvar Vrat. Google it. U will be able to find detailed information on it. Make sure to have full faith in him no matter whatever happens, remember this, baba will not leave you in problems.

    May baba shower his blessing on you !

    Sai ram !

    Here is the link for Sai Nav Guruvar vrat

  2. I have heard that prayers offered to shibpur saibaba are very powerful. Please tell me how to contact amitji. I'm a tamilian. I've heard amitji knows only Hindi. Should I contact him through mail or call. Please help. I'm in worst phase of my life


  4. Blessed experiences… Dear devotee 4 have faith in baba… He will not you let you down.
    Baba me n my family is on your lotus feet… Plz take care of us….help us baba help us….plz remove our worries…….plzzzzz

  5. Wonderful experiences and I am sure He has already answered and brought back happiness to the lives of those who have posted their prayers of help 🙂

    O Deva, Be with us, forever and our lives will be filled with love and happiness 🙂

    Jai Sairam

  6. Sai , Sai , Sai , Sai, Sai, Sai, Sai , Sai, Sai , Sai ,Sai, Sai, Sai
    BABA ji! Please bless me with Your divya darshan and keep me near Your Holy feet always. Thank You for everything
    Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

  7. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Baba, please bless us all and be with us always.
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all

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