Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I have been Sai Appa devotee from very young age. My father is one of the founder and member for Sai Appa temple in our village. I had indefinite faith in Baba but because of some situations in my life, my faith had shattered. This is my 3rd experience 0n this blog. Sai Ma gave me this beautiful life here in USA, but since a year I have been going through very tough times in my life. Sai Ma I don’t know why all of these things are happening with me. My heart trusts that YOU are doing this for a reason and soon I will be blessed with abundant fortunes. But my mind is not accepting that as my faith in You is shattering day by day because of the circumstances that are happening in my life. Baba, please help me, please save me from the tough times. Please don’t let my Faith be shattered.
In the month of February I am done with my first contract job which is the blessing of Sai Ma. From that time Bad period in my life had started. From mid-February I am searching for a new project, But I didn’t see in any hope until mid-April. So, I prayed Sai Ma that I will attend any Aarthi everyday in Sai’s temple for 41 days and that Sri Sai should bless me with good job until the end of 41st day. As promised by end of 41st day I got a job which was long term contract for 2-3 years. I was very happy for that. I had a prayer to Sai Ma before I came to USA, at that time of Visa Interview that I will do Sai Satcharitra parayan for 9 weeks which I had not completed even after 2 years of my stay in USA. So, I had promised Sai Ma that once I go and settle in this job I will start 9 weeks parayan.
I moved to other state and joined the job. The job was little tough to manage and I prayed Sai Ma that please save my Job and I used to write ‘Om Sai Ram’ 108 times every day from day 1. I used to attend aarthi every weekend in Sai Ma’s temple and also performed Sai Sathya Vratham on Guru Pournima day in Sai Temple to save my job and get back my EAD card which was lost by USPS as I have applied for a new one (I have lost my EAD card by USPS at the time of joining New Project). Simultaneously I started reading Sai Satcharithra as promised earlier to Baba and started reading it even though I was packed with very tight schedule every day. I began reading it every day, continued writing Sai Naam 108 times every day. In the 8th week I got a notice from USCIS stating that my application for replacement EAD has been denied. The very next day my employer called me and informed that I could not continue to work as my replacement EAD card was denied. I was shattered and didn’t know what to do. I cried much and was in deep pain and mad at Baba for the situations that were happening to me. My Faith in Him was shattered as inspite of doing parayan since 8 weeks and writing Sai naam 108 times every day why Baba let this happened to me. I continued reading Satcharitra for remaining 1 week and completed 9 weeks as promised. I hired a lawyer re-applied for EAD and again started doing satcharithra parayan for 9 times in 9 weeks. Days were passing by but I didn’t see any status change on my case. I was mad at Baba, crying every day and continued writing Sai Naam and doing parayan. In the 7th week I was totally mad and depressed and continued asking Baba, “why You are doing this to me, what did I do? Praying You and believing is what the mistake I did”. Suddenly 1 day Baba came in my dream and I heard a voice saying you will get your card. By 8th week of parayan I got back my card but unfortunately I didn’t get back my lost job which my employer had promised me to take me back once I receive my card. Finally, I got my lost EAD with the grace of Baba.
But I never knew inspite of trusting Him and doing parayan for 18 weeks why I didn’t get my lost job back. I recently started Sai Nav guru var vrath. Baba I don’t know why You are testing this much. Baba, I am jobless since 6 months. Baba I am so stressed and my faith in You is shattering. Baba, please help me to re-inforce faith in You. Baba, please bless me with a job as soon as possible. If I did anything wrong, please forgive me. Baba, You are my only ray of hope. Don’t test me this much. I am in so much stress and pain. Baba, help me to get a job as soon as possible. Baba, daya karo, Kshama Karo, Krupa karo mere Deva. (Baba have mercy, forgive, and bless me my Deva!)

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi I am Anonymous devotees from India, working at Bangalore. I am Baba’s devotee from past one year. Thank you Hetalji for such a wonderful blog which helps us to keep up the faith. In my experience I can say that God is always with us, He is very merciful and He will save the children from all the miserable.
Sai experiences are vast like an ocean, but I am trying to pen down few of my very important experiences and share among you. If you are reading this, not just I am drafting, it might be that somewhere sometime someone going through the same problem and can realize that God will do His timely help. Trust Him. Also some where I have the eternal connection with the people who read my experiences. As there is a well saying “Each rice flake is written by its owner name, who is going to have it.” Similarly Today I should have been blessed that you are also reading this and blessing me.
Experience: My life is miserable as I faced matrimonial issues in my family and got separated, so as this was the case! During this journey a person came to my life and I was very happy but I literally prayed to God and did with many rituals to accept me as daughter- in-law in his family. Due to some reason, once the person (consider Mr. X) was very angry on me. He is bit arrogant sort of type and he uttered many words to me saying I am already a married person and it’s my fate and not to bother him anymore and many hurtful words. I was totally broken and didn’t know what to do. Also I had introduced him to my family, but yet I was waiting for acceptance from his family. So when this happened I was like why Baba has done this? He is not my right choice or God wanted me to seek some lesson; did not come to know. So I prayed and promised Baba to please do something regarding this and that I will read the Satcharitra 1 day parayan on the same day and share this post. Then one side I kept quiet and praying Baba while I completed parayan also, later within 2 days i. e on this Ugadi he only called me and asked sorry for the way he was brutal and I was convinced. Baba is the only One Who knows everything and He will help me in knowing the thing. Please Baba some how You make arrangement of my marriage as I need a good news for my marriage getting fixed with our both parents approval and blessings. Also remove all the disturbances from our lives, as this is the very crucial point You know. Please devotees trust in Him. He will help you in all the ways as Baba said “Shraddha and Saburi” are the two main factors of life and the wishes will be fulfilled.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Kavita from India says: I love Sai Baba and He has always helped me in my bad times. I can never forget all that He has done for me. He is the most wonderful thing that has happened to me in my life. The experience that I am going to share here will melt Your heart and increase Your devotion tenfold towards Baba. It was sometime in May that I lost my job due to budget issues in my company and I was completely shattered. I did not what know to do and I felt miserable. My parents were asking me to come back to India, but I did not want to go. I completely trusted Baba and I knew that He would definitely give me another job. I waited and started applying for new jobs. I waited patiently and believed in Baba’s principles of Shraddha and Saburi. Day and night I would pray to Baba. I would literally look at His photo and cry. I know He was answering my prayers in some or the other way.
Two months passed and I was still jobless. My parents were very worried about my condition. One day I told Baba that I should see the word ‘Promise’ if you will give me a job soon in next few weeks. In no time; while I was doing some work on laptop I saw the word ‘Promise’ and my joy knew no bounds. I gave many interviews and one fine day I got a call for 2nd round of interview in one of the biggest healthcare companies in USA. The interview went well and after few weeks I got an offer from that company. All this is just Baba’s grace. I trusted Him completely and surrendered myself to Him by heart and soul. Today I am employed in one of the best companies in USA because of Baba’s grace and blessings. Trust Him completely and leave all your worries to Him and then see what miracle He does. Always have whole hearted devotion towards your Guru without having any element of doubt. I give all the credit to my Baba. He is our Sai Samartha Who would take us across seven seas. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from France says: Please do not disclose my name or email Id. I would like to thank all the team members for this website which is really boosting faith and giving us courage. This is my 2nd post on this website.
In February 2017, I went to India for my cousin’s wedding. I booked a taxi to go to the airport the previous day. It was about 8 am and at that time all people were going to work so the driver couldn’t come to my home easily because of the traffic jam. For the previous trips, I used to take a cab earlier in the morning at 5 am and so I was not used to have this kind of problems but this time I didn’t consider that it would be working time and didn’t take enough advance. Finally the driver reached my place, I felt a little relieved but then again we got so much trouble to reach the airport on time. I was thinking that I will miss my flight which made me feel more nervous. I prayed Baba to let me on time at the airport and if so, I will post my Leela once I get back from holidays. The wedding and my vacation went very well. I had so much fun with family and friends. Then I came back to my home and kept postponing the writing of this Leela. It is only after one year that I am doing it. I know it seems a little Leela but for me it is a big one as I couldn’t have my flight on time and attend my cousin’s wedding if it was not for Baba. Thank You Sai Baba and sorry for the delay. Thanks for posting and reading my experience. Sai Baba, always give us Your blessings. Om Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Hari Shankar Vyas from India says: Myself Hari Shankar Vyas from Jaipur Rajasthan.
Om Sai Ram to everyone and great thanks to the creator of this holy blog, where devotees can share their experience / miracles. I came in contact with Sai Baba ji in 2009 but that time I worshipped Baba ji as normal God only. But when problem started in my professional life from 2013 and in 2014, I left my job from Jaipur and went to Jaipur for my own business. After long struggle and hard work I was unable to settle down my business. In 2015 one of my suppliers cum friend gave me Sai Satcharitra and asked me to read this on daily basis. From that time I started worshipping Sai Baba regularly and then slowly, slowly I searched on net about Baba ji. Then I came to know about this blog and Sai Baba question answer site. But in that period my business had totally collapsed and my partners cheated me financially. I was just left with my wife and two daughters at Jaipur without any single penny earning. But I don’t know how we survived all these years without earning and in 2017 when condition was out of control, then suddenly one of my friends told me to go for job again and I came back to Bangalore with Babaji’s blessings and got job in my same interior field with good package. But still I have many debts and I am requesting to have full faith on Babaji then I will surely come out of this without any failure again. Om Sai Ram. Please bless my daughters and us with Your holy blessings.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I read this blog regularly. I am happy to share my experience today. I had to attend spot valuation for intermediate today. Yesterday our principal mam was very serious and did not relieve me and shouted at me. I felt very bad and deeply disappointed thinking why she was not tolerating me. Evening I read Sai Satcharitra and prayed Baba to change her mind set. Sai Baba did miracle in my life today when I met our principal mam she was calm and did not trouble me and relieved me with Baba’s grace. I submit my life at Your lotus feet. Every day I read this blog and I get peace of mind after reading devotees’ experiences. Om Sairam, You are my life Baba. Protect me at every stage of my life. My sister’s husband should get good job. Om Sairam.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
I remembered this saying that was posted a while ago here "Don't tell God how big your troubles, tell your troubles how big your God is"
Jai Sairam
Om sairam..sai koti koti pranamS to your lotus feet..Sai as I promised I m writing your blessings here..yesterday night my niece was continuously coughing..all were worried..i prayed Sai at 4-4.30 am if she stops coughing I will light a diya tomorrow..if she is not stopping I will light diya right now…after she stopped coughing and slept…thank you deva..bless everyone…sai sai 🕉
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om sai ram
Baba please bless and help and save my parents. Saima.thanks.
Omsairam…thankyou so much baba..without you i couldnt have completed my task today…forgive our sins..🤗🤗
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Oom Sai Ram
wow its great information
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