Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Pranams at the lotus feet of my Gurus and Gods, Shirdi Sai Baba and Sathya Sai Baba. Heartfelt thanks to Hetalji for this divine platform that supports, guides, and reaffirms our faith in our Baba. Sai is always present with me, His presence is real, is palpable and increasingly, I realize that He responds quite instantaneously in some way or the other, and that I must not worry and trust Him to be in charge and guide me to a solution. Of course, as it happens on the Sai path, there are constant tests and tribulations, and faith itself is often tested. But now, I do understand better than ever that Baba is watching, He will not allow His devotee to be lost.
I have shared several experiences here of how Baba has been with my younger son during the last two years, helping him to cope with a difficult and high pressure work environment. My son has faced immense challenges during this period and it is because of Baba’s constant support that he stayed the course and did not quit. The week before last was a particularly rough week. My son has been handling the entire data analysis for the project and most week nights he works about 18 hours. It has taken a toll on his physical and mental health. The deadlines are very tight and constant. The pressure is immense.
He told me one of the nights, after going to his hotel that he just cannot do it anymore. However, his review cycle ends at the end of March and he is up for his second promotion in May. He had worked so hard, and now was the time to have the patience and strength to reach the finish line. It has been extremely challenging to sustain this pace and pressure at work and above all to deal with a manager who lacked empathy. The previous weekend, I had asked my son to go the Shirdi Baba temple with me but he had refused. He was exhausted, and irritable. I was upset and prayed to Baba to bring my son to His Mandir. As usual, my son travelled on a three hour flight to his project site and had a very disturbing week. We couldn’t any longer advise him to stay, and I left it to Baba to do whatever He thought best. Both my sons agreed to go to the Shirdi Baba temple on Saturday evening. The temple was quiet, and so peaceful. Even as I got up to leave the temple, the boys wanted to sit longer. I was happily surprised. My son, with counselling from me and my older son, seemed to reach a better frame of mind and travelled again on Monday morning. This week was completely different! My son received an email from a senior client, thanking him for his hard work, and great insights in the analysis. She also told him in the email that he had a great mind and he should confidently present his perspective and insights, and ignore the “volume of those around him.” She had obviously been watching the behaviour of the manager towards my son. Hard work coupled with Baba’s blessings can never let you down! My son forwarded this email to his manager and partner (without the last part!) and they too were forced to acknowledge his immense contribution for the success of the project. My son’s goal is to go to a business school next year and he needs time to study for his GMAT exam. The team is very keen to keep him on the project indefinitely but after this review cycle this is no longer sustainable for a healthier life style and to study for the exam. Once again, he was at crossroads and deciding how best to exit from the project. Finally, his hard work and contribution were recognized! I have just completed my second week of the Nav Guruvar Vrat which some months ago I had abandoned as I was extremely stressed about several issues, especially the children. Thank You Sai for taking care of us as always! Baba, suddenly, we are faced with another serious problem; please guide us to its resolution. Please Baba, we would like our older son to get married soon to his girlfriend. Please bless them to be together always and have a happy life with each other. Bless my younger son to meet the right person soon, who can be his partner. I am alone here now for the last couple of months but I know You are with me, You are in this home with me. I can feel Your presence and compassion all the time. Thank You for taking care of us always. Be with all Your devotees and help them to be kind and happy people. Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Anusha from India says: Thanks to Hetalji and team for this wonderful website where we can feel Baba is with us at each and every moment I would like to share my recent experience.
I am working in one of the small IT company where the team members were friendly and helping by the grace of Baba. But, the management was not so good as they were putting more pressure to work on weekends and late nights. I somehow got adjusted to this work environment and concentrated on my work even though I was having these problems (to work on weekends and late night, my family was supporting me. ) I completed my task allocated by the team by providing extra efforts to work on late nights and weekends. Finally completed projects and delivered successfully. On the completion of the project HR called for the discussion and said “to look out for better opportunities. The reason they provided was that I was not flexible to work on weekends (even though I had worked many weekends and delivered project successfully)” they gave me a week time and asked me to tell my decision. I felt very bad because after putting so much efforts on this project they told me that I was not working. Moreover , I was having so many commitments as myself and husband were constructing the house, we were having house loan, car loan and I was totally shocked for few minutes by remembering all these commitments. I enquired to many of my friends, colleagues if there were any opportunities during this time. I was very much disturbed on that day and went to Baba’s temple. Then I requested Him to show some miracle. I was there in the temple for half an hour and was just sitting in front of Baba asking Him to do something please and I went back to home. After visiting the temple I felt very relaxed and was not having any tension. Surprisingly, next day I got a call from one of the MNC that there were openings, for the same MNC company one of my colleagues had also referred me. So felt happy and informed him about the interview call. So, he asked me to attend interview after 3 days. But, when I went to that company it was so much crowded and so felt that I won’t get selected but I was having some confidence that Baba will help me. As soon, as I went to the interview room I saw Baba’s photo and felt very happy. Then I attended 3 rounds of interview (interview was taken by my colleague’s friend, may be he came in the form of Baba ) but I was not sure that I would get selected because I didn’t do so good (may be due to tension). But by Baba’s grace I got selected and they provided me the offer letter after 15 days to join. It was really a miracle of Baba. Thank You very much Baba. Please keep Your blessings on all of us.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UK says: Hello all, I am living in UK and I am a humble devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba and I totally surrender in Him. I would like to thank Hetalji and their team for giving us such a wonderful opportunity. I am taking this opportunity to share how my daughter’s medical report came normal after her severe stomach ache and tummy ache.
I am blessed with a daughter who is now five years old, initially she started with a normal flu, cold, cough and chest infection and the doctor prescribed her with an antibiotic. During the antibiotic course she was completely normal for a week and when she finished her course she started with severe tummy ache, head ache and vomiting which lasted for nearly two months. She also missed her school for two months. Me and my husband were so much worried and took her to the doctor again. Here in UK it’s not that easy to take all the tests immediately and we have to wait. Then our doctor referred to a paediatrician where he asked to do few tests like blood test, stomach scan and brain MRI scan. I was worried and very much confused. There was one and only hope our beloved Sai. I was holding His feet and praying continuously and asking Him that all the medical reports to be normal, meanwhile the doctor asked us to come in two weeks’ time to discuss with the reports. I kept praying to Baba day and night and after two weeks when we went for a review, to our surprise there came an Indian Tamil doctor to discuss my daughter’s report and I rejoiced with happiness. Then I found these were the leelas of Sai Baba to show us that He was always there with us no matter where we are. Coming to the results; he said everything was normal and the reason for the tummy ache maybe of gastritis problem and he prescribed tablet for that. Here I thank Baba for making everything normal and giving us peace of mind which we suffered for nearly two months. I pray to Baba to be with us and shower His blessings on us. Jai Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Ruchita from India says: Recently I had to accompany my brother to his university as he had lost his mark sheet. We were getting late in the morning and I could not find my wrist watch. Actually I had tried looking for it a few days back as well but could not find it. I had bought that watch from London 8 years back and so it was pretty dear to me. And now I was worried that it may be lost. My mother asked us to leave for the university and promised that she would try looking for it after we were gone. I prayed to Baba to help find it and after sometime I saw Baba’s photo behind a car and that gave me a relief that Baba would help me. To my surprise, my mother indeed found my watch and called me to inform about it. I was very happy and thanked Baba a million times. On the same day, we were filling up a form in the University canteen and left our helmet there. We realized it only when we reached near our bike after 15 minutes or so. We ran back to the canteen and all the while I was praying to Baba to help us get the helmet back as it was an expensive one. With the grace of Baba, we found the helmet at the same place where we had kept it. I again thanked Baba and could not believe that Baba helped me find lost articles twice in a day. Baba is really great and I thank Him for all His blessings in my life. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam my Sai family. I am a small devotee of Baba staying at Bangalore. Thank you so much Hetalji and team for the noble work.
Coming to my resent small experience. My daughter of 6 years was not well since fifteen days. After recovering from a week’s viral fever two days back again she was dull and running high temperature. I begged my Baba for her recovery promising that I would post the experience here. My husband took her to the doctor. He told it was a throat infection. And within a day’s medication again she recovered. But I thought should I post such a small experience? Hence I neglected. Today again she is having vomiting. Sorry Baba for not keeping up my promise. Please take care of the child. Thank You for everything You have granted us Baba. Pranam.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi all, this is my second post. I thank Hetalji ji for creating a wonderful platform for all of us to share our experiences. Thank you Hetal ji.
I had undergone a surgery in my neck few months back. Few days back I had pain in that area and I was really scared. I prayed Baba and applied Udi and drank Udi mixed in water for 2 days. On third day, I noticed that there was no pain. I thank Baba for showing mercy on us and He will definitely help His devotees. Om Sai Ram.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
May He bless us all with health and happiness.
Jai Sairam
Om sairam…sai koti koti pRanams to your lotus feet 👣..sai as promised you im writing my small experience here…today morning i was doing surya namaskar…after I did 6 namaskars I felt heaviness in my below neck or above chest…felt something stuck..i started coughing..then I prayed sincerely to baba and vowed to post my experience in comment section..and drank udhi mixed water and applied my chest..after 2-3 minutes I became normal..thank you so much baba Sai…bless everyone this world…sai sai 🕉 Sai..
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
baba please help and save my parents and bless them with good health.. save us baba…
Baba please help and save my parents and please bless them, save us baba, i dont have any strength to go through anything
Omsairam..bless my father andbrother with a good health..forgive our sins…bless the girl who has recently got operated….
Thank you Baba, for keeping my mother safe during this trip.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
Oom Sai Ram
Jai Sai Om Sai Guide Us Sai Om Sai Ram 🙏