Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from Australia says: I am a very small devotee of Sai Baba ji. This is my third post. Sai Baba ji has helped me a lot. Since i have started believing in my Baba, i cannot believe He has given me a life which i have never experienced before. Though i use to pray Sai Baba ji earlier but i was never a staunch devotee. In February 2015, i came across this wonderful site created by hetal ji and other members and since then Baba has washed away all my sorrows. Sai Baba ji has always fulfilled my wishes exceeding my expectation. I am really sorry Baba for writing the experience late. I am a staunch devotee of Bhole Shankar and i feel that Shiv Shankar ji has kept me in feet of Sai Nath. My first experience is of Nav Guruvar Vrat Miracle, As posted in my earlier experience Baba helped me in getting my first home. I am so lucky that Baba choose to gave me the house which is very close to Shiv Mandir. I feel so lucky that living in a foreign land and having a temple just few steps away. It’s just a miracle. We were trying to find a house from last 2 years but everything was in vain. Finally after reading experiences of other devotees and knowing about Nav Guruvar fast, i started keeping the fast and there we go Baba ji finalised my home in 4th fast. With Baba ji’s blessing my settlement day also came out to be on Thursday. We moved into our new home on Thursday. I am so so happy that Baba accepted me as His devotee.
My Second experience is how i found my lost Gold jewellery, After moving into our new home we had hawan ceremony and that was also on Thursday. I had given my jewellery to my Mother In Law so that she can keep it safely. On that day, when i asked my mum to give me jewellery she could not recall where she had kept it. We looked everywhere for it but could not find it. During the whole ceremony, i was just thinking about it and prayed to Baba ji that please help us in finding the jewellery. After the hawan was over we again started looking for it. Om Sai Ram and there comes the miracle. We found it in the corner of one almirah. Before that we have checked there twice but nothing was there. I was so thrilled and i was thanking Baba ji again and again. I am sorry Baba ji, i told You that i will post my experience the very next day but i could not post it. Thank You Sai Shankar.
Third Experience is, Wonderful Journey with the blessing of Sai Baba ji- My sister in law lives in USA. She was asking me to come over to US from last many years but due to some or the other reason i could not go. I also have a small baby so i was very afraid of Air travel. I go to India with my little one every year since he was born to celebrate his birthday. I cannot describe how painful was my travel because i was not a staunch devotee by then. My arms use to get swollen. He use to cry all the time in the plane and my husband was not supportive at all. It was so painful. So now i had decided i will only travel once my son grows old and when he starts understanding the things. But in month of July, my Sister in law booked tickets for me and my son. I was so so afraid of travelling. My Mother In Law was also travelling with us. I took Sai Baba ji’s little Photo with me. Before travelling we prayed to Sai Baba ji and we all applied Udi. I was so relieved after applying Udi. Stressed was vanished. My son slept the whole journey while going from Sydney. I was so so surprised. He was very happy and i had a very very peaceful journey. While coming back, i was alone with my son as my mum stayed back. Again i was so stressed. I was praying to Sai Nath ji. I had a connecting flight from LA. But my plane was delayed for 2 hours from Arizona. The stop over time was also for 2 hours. I was so upset and tensed i had a bad migraine attack with tension. But As Baba ji says “Why Fear When I Am Here”. The distance of 1.5 hours was covered in just 50 minutes and then it was just 20 min for other flight. With Baba ji’s blessings, i reached the boarding gate on time and then the 15 hour long journey was started. I thanked Baba ji and took His Photo in my hand which was there in purse. My son slept the whole journey and Baba ji gave us an extra seat so that we can sleep comfortably. I didn’t had any Jet Lag after reaching Sydney. We both were as fresh as we haven’t travelled at all. My son didn’t even cried a single time in the plane. What a beautiful journey it was. Thank You so very much Sai Baba ji. I cannot imagine my life without You. Till now whenever i think about the journey, i am always surprised.
The Biggest experience of my life-Dear Sai devotees, This is the biggest experience of my life. I am married from last 11 years and since the very second day of marriage i am facing a lot of problems with my husband. I have never lead a peaceful life. My husband was in a relationship with another girl from last 5 years and before that also he had other relationships. I have also seen the days which i think no married women wants to see. My husband use to talk in front of me to her. Sometimes he use to stay with that girl. To make her happy he use to throw me and son out of the house. We both use to spend hours without food and water. My In laws are my biggest strength but they are in India. So since i have started believing in Sai Baba ji, My husband has changed a lot. He has stopped talking to that girl. He talks to her but not as it use to be earlier. I am so so thankful to Baba ji. I am leading a family life after 11 years. My husband has started loving our son who is 2.5 years old and spends more and more time with us. I always use to think that i will never lead a peaceful life but with Baba ji’s blessings, i am very happy now. My husband has also put Baba ji’s wall picture in his phone which is also another miracle. Now i have a wish to visit Shiridi with my family. Hope He will answer my prayers. All these are miracles of my Sai Shankar. I Owe everything to Him. I do have other problems i am sure Baba ji will solve them too. Please have Shradha and Saburi and look how He will come and help you. Dear Baba ji hold us tight in rest of our journey and please keep us on right path throughout. Please bless my little one and give him a good life and always keep him on right path. Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Par Brahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram!

Sai Brother Rajkumar from India says: First of all Thanks a lot to Hetal ji for making this site as a Miraculous one, next there are no words to describe the blessings of Baba. Thanks, sorry, i forgot, i remember, all these words are nowhere to Him as He is always with each and every one no matter how much people forget. Baba blessed me with a very great and tough situation at my current office, where, things were not at all working for me. We had setup a new corporate office and being the only IT admin here, I had to handle all issues from scratch. It so happened that things were not as smooth as such where my higher authorities planned to move prior to get all things in place. Due to this, we had to go for Broadband connection for a 5450/- sq ft office. Imagine, a home broadband for a corporate office, gosh! My bad luck went out when the internet became totally slow. I was called by the higher authorities to know the current status and all I had explained to them was that there were certain things which was out of my control, such as coordinating with my Main office in other cities, Internet leased line connectivity (We had applied for the same from BSNL, but as you all know, it takes an ample of time to get the connection).
While I was explaining, they stated, my work is lacking and tempered me with heavy words, which, never suited my job. Due to this, i was totally broken and went out. I have a Baba picture on my work system and all I said to Him was, “Make the bad situation in such a way that they support me in all the things which are out of control”, Once, I was out, one of the manager came to me stating that I was getting emotional and asked the other higher authorities to assist me in everything. There were lots of cries in my eyes but i was not able to as I just saw Baba’s Picture and kept praying. Even though the situation is quite better, I am still awaiting for good words from my eldest boss and I am sure that Baba will put me in place where all will praise me. Baba, please make the situation in such a way that all comes in time and there are no Pointing out of job lacking to me. If this happens, I have no words to describe about You and I can fall at Your feet anytime. I only ask You to please solve the current situation of my office before I get in difficult situation.

Anonymous Devotee from US says: Thanks to this wonderful blog. I read the experiences of the devotees of our beloved Baba daily. I have been trying to post my experience from quite a long time but never did for some unknown reason. Now with Baba’s grace, I am posting my experiences. I got pulled to Baba’s charm and divine blessing with the help of my sister. She is a strong Baba devotee. I am done with my under graduation and was having an ambition to go to the USA. After a long struggle, I convinced my mother and started processing. Right from the application of passport to applying to visa, nothing went well and eventually ended up by rejection of Visa. I tried again and again. Three times the result was same. At the same time, I was trying to for jobs in India and failed in getting one. I felt dejected, depressed and used to think if I am an useless person on this earth. At the same time, my sister’s husband was seeking a job change. My sister being a firm believer of Shri Sai Baba, she prayed that if my Jiju (Sister’s husband) gets a job with good hike, they will do 108 Pardakshinas in Baba Mandir. I am a devotional guy, but not much when these incidents were happening. Seeing my Jiju getting a job in 2 weeks with unexpected/unbelievable hike (He got Double hike in new job), I was literally shocked.
Then my sister planned a tour to Shiridi and I accompanied them. It was then Baba pulled me completely to Him. I was completely involved and prayed Baba that if I get my US visa, I would come to Shiridi, do Baba Darshan and then go to USA. After this incident, I got a job and started working. I never liked my job, but still worked there as it was my income source for my USA applications and expenses. I got this job by Baba’s grace. Then I started applying to US on my own. I applied to only 2 universities and to my surprise, I got admits to both universities. Then I prayed Baba that if I get my visa, I will do (108) Pardakshinas five times. My strong urge inside me made do that. And the visa time came and I went to interview. The interview went for 20 minutes and only one question was asked 10 times. Visa officer was busy doing some work and never listened to what I answered. Finally, he threw my passport beside him and told my visa is approved. My joy knew no bounds. As I promised Baba, I went to Shiridi and did Baba’s Darshan, did 5*108 Pardakshinas and came to USA. My Masters is finished and now I am searching a job from past 3 months. Nothing worked out. I want to cry in front of Baba and ask for a job as I have to pay a lot of money in India. I strongly believe that Baba is making me wait as He wants to give me the best job. But my patience is slowly vanishing and becoming a pessimistic person day by day. Please devotees, pray for my job. I am promising Baba that I will post my experience as soon as I get a job. I wholeheartedly pray Baba to bless all His devotees with good health and wealth. Jai Sai Ram. Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, Thank You so much for giving me a chance to post my experience. Thank you for this blog developers. I am a devotee of Baba since 5 years before i am lord Siva devotee. Baba had some magic on me, without Baba I can’t do anything. Baba thank You for choosing me as Your child. Love You so much Baba. When I was studying degree 2nd year, I went to Shirdi from than I am devotee of Him from that year I started Nava Guruvar Vrat for my exams to get good results and with His grace I got very good percentage and I completed degree. After that, I joined in MBA during my 1st semester. After exams, I had read Baba Parayan book. Last day Wednesday, I completed book and after completing book in last page Baba foot Paduk print there I had touched it and cried, Baba I want to see You. I want to come to Shirdi but it was not possible now but definitely some time I may get chance. I was saying this and crying. Lately I prayed and closed book.
After one day in evening, I came from college and in wardrobe there was some gift pack. I had seen it and it was not open but I asked my mom, mom is it Baba, i asked her. She was surprised and said yes and asked me how would you know, i said, i don’t know. I opened and it was a big Baba statue from Shirdi. I was shocked, really Baba heard my prayer. From that day, i have decided He is there with me. Actually that gift was bought by my father office colleague from Shirdi, see how Baba came to us whenever we call Him with high devotion. From that day, Baba is my life. I completed my MBA successfully with 80%. With the help of Baba, all my education was done successfully. But know I’m in problem, it’s my marriage. My parents were searching for a guy from almost 1.5-2 years but we are not getting a perfect guy but i know Baba has a great choice. Baba too is searching for me so some day Baba will do it. I had 100 percent belief on Baba. If i get married definitely i will post again. Any way thank you for reading my experience. Hope all devotee remembers His 3 wonderful words-Don’t talk Bad words, Be good, if you don’t like any person don’t hate them you be just calm and go aside from them. Om Sai Ram. Real human is symbol of purity.
Anonymous Devotee from US says: Firstly, I want to thank this blog holders for providing such a good platform for all the devotees of Baba. May you have abundant blessings of Baba and heart full wishes from all the devotees. I apologize Baba from bottom of my heart for the delaying in posting my experience and pray to His Feet for my mistake. All the people who believe in Baba never get dejected. I believe in Baba since my childhood and run to His rescue whenever I need His help. Last month, me and my husband came to India for 2 months trip. At that time my, husband’s friend gave him his gold ring which was broken and asked him to get it repaired. My husband gave it to me and we totally forgot about it. In India, we remembered about that ring and looked for it. We found it nowhere. My husband was very upset with me as it belongs to his friend and it might be his sentimental ring. My in-laws took advantage of it and started taunting me. I prayed to Baba to help me in finding that ring as soon as I found that ring I said I will post my experience here. Few days later, when one of our friends visited to check our house she found a cover laying under the sofa which contained that ring. She immediately called me and said that it was there in your house in US. I immediately ran to Baba’s Photo and thanked Him wholeheartedly for saving me from getting into trouble.
Second experience was my daughter got rashes all over her face due to mosquito bites. I prayed to Baba to reduce the rashes and make her normal as I was visiting my in-laws place in few days and they would taunt me for not taking proper care of my daughter. I started applying Udi on her rashes and they started to reduce by the time I went to my in-laws place. I thanked Baba for saving me in time from two big calamities. Baba I apologize You for delaying in posting my experiences. Please save me like this Baba. Thanks a lot. “Anantha Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai Ma who keeps on committing mistakes one by one and my darling Sai Maa forgives me and guides me in every step of my life. I want to share a recent experience when I had sent a costly hand bag with gifts inside it to my sister as a gift of Raksha Bandhan as she works in Bangalore but even after 5 days she was not able to receive it. I got very tensed as the courier status was showing delivered online. Then I prayed to my Sai Maa and finally the next morning my sister texted me that she received the bag and was very very happy. I cannot thank Sai Maa enough for being with me always. Yesterday was my birthday and I turned 21, to my surprise the number of special yellow flowers bloomed with which I decorate my Sai Maa was exactly 21. This incident made me feel so so blessed and loved. I spent my day with my family and friends and also visited Sai Temple. I got lovely surprises and could find the name and posters of Sai Maa everywhere. He was watching me all the day. All I want to say is that keep faith and Sai Maa shall carry you in His arms forever. He keeps away the thorns from us and makes us walk on rose petals. He keeps us safe and protects our mind from evil thoughts. Thank You Mumma. Please forgive me for every mistake that I have done. I surrender myself and all my loved ones at Your Feet. You are the sole protector and saviour. Love You Maa.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
O Deva, Thank You for blessing us with friends and family who care for us, and look out for our happiness alone. O Sadguru, Thank You for bestowing on us health, wealth and happiness. Thank You O Sai for taking us into Your fold and surrounding us with love and joy 🙂
Jai Sairam
Total surrender to you dear SAI:Prayer:Please select a very good person as my husband and get me married so soon because i am getting older already 36.Because i am unmarried my brothers were also remaining unmarried,i dont want such sins.Please shower your mercy,love,care,protection and blessings on us and conduct the auspicious functions at home in a simpler manner and at the earliest.And also please give me more strength to do all household works as well as to taste more profit in the business which you select and bless me.Please try to understand that a woman cannot undergo any kind of domestic violence,harrasment,ill treatment, already had more, enough is enough.Please
Om sai ram _ / _
I i am happy to readthe experience of first devotee how her husband changed after worshipping baba.but my experiencd is exact opposite.when o startedworshipping baba there was only small problems between mme and my husband.when i startedworshipping baba within few months me and my husband got seperated and finally it ended in divorce sbout which i didnt even dream me snd my daughter are leading our life without my husband.still i pray to baba to bring him 5yearold daughter still believes that baba will bring my husband back to us.y baba why did u do this.
Same is my husband is a devotee of Sai Baba but he is womanizer. Now am divorced and my life is all hell. Life without husband is zero . Only if you have lots of money then only you can live happily…my daughter also belive that her parents will live together again . My husband is very short tempered and is under the influence of his mother. My in laws are greedy too.
I don't know about my future.but keeps praying to baba yo give me strength to move further.
Om sai ram _ / _
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.OM SAI RAM
SAIRAM, Can you please tell me the meaning of sravana & manana.Thanks.
Om Sai Ram. love you loads Baba.
Baba you helped me from a confusing situation. You made me handle it smoothly. Thanks to u, sooooo much.
Love you loads. Always be with us. 🙂
Please forgive for my sin's baba…
Im in very tough situation. Please pray for me i had relationship with my friend finally we decided to marry with our parents blessings he talked with their parents due to intercast problem even though they like me they are not ready to marry me to him.and started searching girl for him. He fought for us finally he said helpless on Thursday they went to see one girl i cried in front of baba by evening he said it cancelled i felt blessed and then I did nav guruvar vrat i felt baba is with me even their parents searched girl for him nothing matched. I waited faith fully for their acceptance he is so good he considered my feelings and said will maintain distance it will be good for us. We used to chat daily but we were waiting for their permission. Finally again i started nav guruvar vrat last Thursday is my 3rd thursday i had full faith in baba this time three weeks Thursday morning i went baba temple and did pooja in room friday he went with their family to see one girl and by evening he said both families liked and agree for marriage. Im completely broken. When i reached room tatday i got prasadam from shirdi with baba pic. I holded baba pic in my hand and slept with tears. I asked him to talk one more time to his dad and mom. But he said it's useless their worried about how relation will react for intercast marriage.he is the one who introduced me to sai we both used to go sai temple every Thursday. I need him in my life i have been in love with one guy in past he is not caring and our relationship ends with help of life changed because of my friend we both accepted our past and know our present so wished to make our future with blessings of sai. please suggest me i dont have any one to share my feelings to get advice only person i have is sai baba all his answers for this situation is 'wait and have faith your work will be done soon' . I need comfort he also totally broken we both cant leave our parents i dont know how to handle this situation we don't want anyone to hurt because of this . Please baba help me. I dont have anywhere to go except you. Om sai ram.
I am in the same situation. His engagement is next week and no matter how much he fought or tried to explain they have made up their mind against me because of intercaste. I don't know why parents only care about their status in society, and not about their children's happiness. I am very qualified and I am not bad looking also. They infact liked me too. Only problem is I am from a different caste and they have lots of girls in their caste and richer girls. And he is also fed up. I can't ask him to fight anymore because his parents only have him and I don't want their health to be ruined because of me. But I am sad and upset. I didn't think they would rush to get his married or that they would do this against his wishes.
I made my mind to accept what ever the outcome is due to my past and present karma.only think i realized is surrender completely to sai to accept the outcome. Keep chanting sai sai sai and light lamp.
I still have faith in sai that he is the one do miracles in a second when the correct time comes.
Om sai ram. Sai will bless us
My Dearest sisters. It is sad when 2 people who love each can't be together but what i find most incredible is the fact you care about the boy's parents feelings. It is a shame that they cannot see what good hearted daughter inlaws they could have. Baba will do whatever is right in the long term for your futures. Keep believing in Baba. He will look after your needs.
I am at a point in life when my personal life is in shambles and professional life is not great either. I am trying my best to cope but I am tired and I don't see an answer. I am scared of life and what the future holds. I got a few interviews but my personal life is getting worse. The guy I love is being forced to marry someone his parents picked and he has given up the fight. I am trying to move on, but my parents are in a hurry to get me married, their health is bad and they really want me to get married to the point where they push me to get married in the next two months with a stranger. If i get married, i will not be happy for the rest of my life since divorce is unheard of, and in the 30 years of my life, I haven't fallen in love often, and never with the depth of feeling that I have for this guy. If i don't get married now, I have deal with my parent's health getting worse, their sadness and associated guilt. They are in my home country, and even though they don't depend on my financially they love me and they know I will be there for them. I thought of moving back home to be with them, but I know unless I have a good job I can't move back, because I cannot handle the guilt. In the same time I finally got a job interview for the kind of job I have wanted all my life. I was thinking if I could see if I get this job, work in this for two years and move to India with the same company, and if I don't, I'll move back now itself. It is a matter of few weeks, but I am pushed to the edge already with parents, my feelings, the guy my parents want me to marry. The guy I am talking to doesn't consider moving back home at all, but all that is immaterial for my parents. I am becoming desperate to get married so that they can be happy, but I know I wont be happy either way. I want to end it all because I have been depressed for more than 4 years now, and every door that opens gets shut. I just want to jump off a cliff or go to some ashram where no one can find me. But it will kill my parents if I die, and if i disappear who will look after them? I keep thinking of a solution, but I can't find any. I already can't work properly and I take sick days and work from homes. I don't know what to do. I don't have money to go to a psychologist. I went to one for a few sessions and it didn't help.
Dear Devotee,
Yourself are placed in a bad situation and what I can assume is that you arent able to accept anything new and you are stuck like a king in the game of chess…….
Just wanted to check if you have tried SAI Nav Guru vrat…..or reading the sai kasht mantra or you can try to place 1 chocolates every day before him to solve the issue and the total should be 40 chocolates… can be any kind of candy, or some good one…….it is said that BAba shall somehow collect these in any form which you can never imagine…………..else you can pray to do 108 Pardakshinas at his temple……………if you try any one of the above mentioned……..things may really work out……even after doing all this if nothing works…then he has to show the way….but,……your crying or trying to escape from the current situation may really not work as Parents are the most important SOUL in your life……think abt this….all can work out very wellll…..he first test us and then gives what we want..but…there is a huge delay…i can understand….however…..results….are very very worth…..try the above else….never give up
Om Sai Ram… I agree with you Raj Kumarji. Baba first tests us and then gives us what we ask for. There will be delays but dont GIVE UP..
Om sai ram.
om saimaa i am in un happinees.please make me with me. bless my hubby and children with long sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all