Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Anonymous Devotee from India says: I am a very tiny daughter of our great Sai. I feel so blessed to be His child. He always keeps us wrapped in His arms saving us from all the evil in this world. Om Sai Ram. I want to share a recent unfathomable experience I had with our dearest Baba Sai. Words fail to describe His greatness. I am a CA final student and have reached the final only through His blessings. I wanted to appear for CS INTER exam as I had already passed CS entrance exam before. I was seeking Sai Ma’s guidance about when to appear in the exams and He indicated to write CS Inter Group-1 in December 2015. I knew nothing about the exams but just got registered myself for the exams. The time to appear in the exams was very near and I had studied nothing and not even done the classes as I remain busy with my CA internship. Finally there was only 1 month left for the exams, I took leave from office. When I opened the books, I was shocked to see such thick books and subjects were really difficult. I begged Sai Maa to help me in studying such difficult things in such a short duration.
As I started studying I got a dream in which I saw myself and my mother standing outside the temple. We could see a huge beautiful white marble statue of Sai Maa, His graceful smile and His face shining with love. He was so beautiful and in the background Sai Bhajan was playing. It gave me immense strength. I knew I cannot pass my exams but still I was studying little by little. Now only 15 days were left for the exam, in the morning at around 7am I felt someone just pampered me by keeping his hand on my head, I got frightened and hid myself in the blanket. But when I got up I just confirmed if it was my mum or dad but their answer was No. Now I knew that my father Sai came to me and blessed me. Om Sai Ram. Again after some days I saw a dream in which I wrote wrong and incomplete answers in the exam but when I submitted my answer sheet I saw that book pages with correct answers were replacing my incorrect answers. Thanks to my lord Sai for blessing me like this in dreams. Finally I had to give the exams with half preparation, I was too weak and afraid. But Sai Maa became my strength. I asked for blessings in the Question answer site and I got the answer that you will pass the exams. Om Sai Ram. Being true to His words, He made me write my exams, making me overcome all my fears. My last exam was the worst. It was a disaster. I had studied nothing and the paper was too tough. When I saw the question paper I was blank, but I remembered my Sai Ma’s words, touched the Udi packet I had in my pocket and kept writing whatever little I remembered. I wrote and wrote till complete 3 hours. I knew I am writing rubbish but I kept writing.
Finally my exam result was near. I just thought how great it would be if my result would come on Thursday and guess what? Soon I got to know that my results will be out on Thursday. Om Sai Ram. The night before my results again I saw a dream in which a black fierce dog was chasing me. He took my leg in his mouth and was about to bite and crush my leg with his long sharp teeth. I was shivering with fear and just closed my eyes and chanted the name of Our strength, our Baba Sai. And lo! He did not even dare to put a scratch on me. Then I was running away due to fear and got myself closed in a room. I found it was a Pooja room and had a little Sai Maa’s Idol in it. I got my strength back on seeing my Sai. As I came out of the room I saw a big white coloured strong and healthy dog. I just thought how can black dog turn into white in a fraction of seconds. He followed me and guess what. As I sat, he kept his head on my lap. Oh my God I got so scared and the next moment the dog started talking to me. He was smiling and speaking to me to let him rest. He asked me not to fear!
Next morning when I got up and remembered my dream I was wondering if a dog could speak and the very next moment I realised doesn’t our Sai Maa reside in every being. He saved me from the jaws of evil black dog and blessed me. And finally at the end my results were out. I got the marks beyond imagination. I passed in all 4 subjects with exemption in 3. I just want to thank my Sai for this series of beautiful events and experiences in my life. Thank You for giving me so much even though I don’t deserve it. I humbly request all the devotees to love Baba as much as they can. Love Him unconditionally. Follow the religion of humanity, help others, feed the poor and you’ll see Sai Maa is smiling at you. Baba please forgive Your stupid daughter and bless every child of Yours with wisdom. We all love You Maa. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Sai Baba helped me many times in many ways which my family and me experienced many time. This time when I was reading the experiences of other devotees, I have decided if Baba saves us from this problem I will definitely share this. I pray to Sai Baba also please forgive me for delaying in sharing. Actually I am staying abroad so when last year I went for my vacation, my mother and sister were showing me the jewellery of my sister who stays in Delhi but she kept the jewellery with my mother. When my mother was showing the jewellery she mentioned also that she is scared to keep her jewellery because somebody has already stolen some jewellery from our house but we do not know who did that and my sister is a very short tempered girl that’s why my mother is scared of her. When I came back from my vacation suddenly my mother send me a message urgently to call her so when I called her she was very much scared and asked me told me that my sister’s wedding necklace which is given by her husband is missing. I was shocked after hearing that because I am the last one who saw that necklace and they also mentioned that they checked everywhere but nothing is found.
Then my father and mother went to a saint kind of person to ask about it that who has taken. They got the answer like the item has gone very far and forget about it because it’s done by close person and if you start digging into the matter it will be very bad. So we stopped enquiring and my father ordered a same design necklace but it was still not matching a bit. I was always praying to Baba please save us and also asking always why it’s happening to my family because at same time we faced some other issues as well. That time it came to mind to ask Baba through the question answer book to help me. When I prayed and ask the question I got the answer don’t worry feed the birds and pray Sai Baba, your problems will be solved in months. Until three months nothing happened but suddenly after three months my sister called me and told that we found that necklace, it’s been put in the bank for a gold loan and the person who put this he came and asked to remove from bank otherwise it will be auctioned and the person who did this he was also blackmailing us for some reasons. After taking that necklace out when matched its very different the one my father made. This is how Baba saved us and proved His answer to me is correct. On Sri Sai Nathay Namah.

Sai Brother Hemanth from India says: Hi! Hail to Sainath, Shirdi Nath. I am staunch devotee of my love Sai for few years. I see all my burdens on His shoulders and my blessings in His Udi. What can I say, where to start and where to stop. Om Sai Ram. How can I describe my experience, but I should as I promised that I will, it starts like this. We are family fortune for being staunch devotees of Sadguru. Early of my life we had everything, my father earned Crores for a month. All our family was so taking care of each other like any! And came period of bad times and at this time we found our diamond Sai Sadguru, who became our sole support. What can I say we are now not earning single paisa and we are begging for any amount from known and unknown people. Hope no one suffers our poverty as we are suffering. My mode of travel was share autos and I was happy using them and I had no bad feeling travelling in them. But my other family members who are well of started mocking me. I cried and begged Baba for any scooter for travelling and my love, my Sai blessed me with hero maestro edge as money came suddenly from my mother’s friend. Today I brought it. It was not the happiness that made me my write this experience. It is my first miracle by Baba ji to me.
First of all I should thank all those staunch devotees who spread love of Sai, those wave of their devotion that touches soul’s like us. I forgot to mention another miracle is that someone has gifted me a Samsung Tab through the name of Sai. That’s all I can say for now, but for sure I just started touching the diamond Sai ji. Soon very soon, I will start earning Crores for month as my father did and waiting for Sai to bless my sister for marital bliss and my brother with Crores too. They both are what I should do my duties for. If I could get good life for my brother and sister through Sai ji then I have nothing else than Sai ji’s feet which is my Kailash and Vaikunt and Bramhlok. Bhakti Sukadata Sai ji Jai, Bhakti Dasa Baba ji Jai. My Pranam, my love, my tears, my Aarti finally sole jivadhara. Jai Sai Shirdi Nath. Stay for us now and forever Sai ji. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Sai Sister Vijaya from USA says: Om Sai Ram! I am a small devotee of Sai Baba for the past 20 years. Our family (myself, my husband and both my sons) have complete faith on Baba and Baba is taking care of all of us like His children. I pray Baba to take care of all His devotees and fulfil their wishes. I performed Sai Nava Guruvar Vrat 3 times and Baba fulfilled my wish every time by 3rd or 4th week of my Vrat. My recent experience is about my second son’s job. My son is doing his under graduation from a reputed university. All the career fairs and campus recruitments are going on at his university. My son attended couple of interviews and waiting for a good offer. I am not that much worried this year as I am sure Baba will take care of my son. Last year I was very much worried about my son’s internship and Performed Sai Nava Guruvar Vrat and Baba blessed my son with a good internship. This year I started the Vrat on February 18, 2016 for my son’s job and on the fourth Thursday (March 10, 2016) of my Vrat, my son attended an interview in a reputed company. Next day he got the offer. All this happened only because of our Baba’s miracle. I thank Baba from the bottom of my heart. Om Sachidanand Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai! Hetal ji, you are doing an awesome job in maintaining this blog. May Sai Baba bless your family with lots of happiness. Devotees, have complete faith and patience and Baba will surely fulfil all your wishes.

Sai Sister Sapna from India says: This is the third experience i am posting and one has got published. Every time I read someone’s experience, I see they all thank Hetal Ji for creating this forum but I have not done it yet I am so thankful to Hetal Ji. Why not express what you feel. Thanks Hetal Ji. The experiences of devotees give us so much confidence and positive energy. Keep up the good work. My Father is 78 years old. His HB went low to 7.4 which was worrisome. He got a lot of tests done but all tests were Ok. No internal bleeding etc. Then after sometime he got the HB done again and the reading was 5. Now 5 is a very alarming figure and I searched the net and realized that 5 is not good. He went to a Doctor who said that apparently the report looks wrong because your eyes/nails don’t show 5 HB symptoms, nevertheless you come in the morning and we will do a Homogram. If things are bad then hospitalization and further treatment is to be decided. Now that night was like hell. Waking up in the middle of night and praying to Baba that he should be Ok and not get hospitalized was what I was praying, my mother was praying, my daughter was praying. All were praying to Sai Baba. So Sai had to come to rescue and the morning test said HB is 7.4 and the earlier test was wrong. What a relief. We all thanked Baba. He can do any miracle. Just believe in Him. Love You Baba.

Sai Sister Sarika from India says: It’s a incident which happened 4 years before. I wanted to share it from long time but it delayed. I was travelling with my family by my car in the morning, Me, my husband and my 2 daughters. While we were on the way, we realised that our car’s tyre had blasted and car was out of control. Sudden of our car was flying in air and back 3 times to ground and again in air. We lost hope for our lives, at that time I had a strong faith on my Baba that He will protect us and it happened. When our car stop around 100 peoples were there and our car stopped because a stone which was laying mid of the divider. Right side of car was badly damaged but we all were safe because of Baba’s Grace. That day was Gudi Padva and Baba gave a new life to all of us. I have many experiences of Baba’s Miracles. It’s one of them. Deva please be with us always.

© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba
BABA i want to marry the person i love with my parents acceptance. BABA You are my only hope, only strength, only support and the only source of inspiration. BABA please make them accept my love and marry me to the person i love.BABA this pain is unbearable.SAI BABA please help me and please bless me and please be with me.OM SAI RAM
Om sai ram i am a baba devotee for d last 9 yrs i meditate n in meditation baba talks to me whatever baba has told me abt others in my meditation has come true bt wteva he has tld me abt my life hs not yet come true now my life is in a big mess still baba has been giving positive assurances to me in meditation. My sister also gets baba's visions whatever baba has tld her in visions in terms of her career so far everything has come true. Her engagement has been called off by the boy's side, both of us are in a big mess right now bt baba is still giving us positive assurances through visions and meditations bt the reality and the situations as of now are completely opposite to what baba has been telling us. So now we r wondering if it is actually baba guiding us or is it us hallucinating or imagining stuff. I contacted jaya wahi also bt hs nt received a reply yet i msgd all d people associates wd her n emailed to her also but all in vain. I request you all if any of u can guide me through this coz all ths is really making us restless now. Plzz help
dear devotee i dont know why are eryou not only concentrating on worship of baba with full faith and patience why are you running behind some human no human is greater then god and if he or she have the power to communicate his or her prayers to baba then you also have the your actions it is indicating that you are loosing faith on baba have patience and only worship baba then automatically you will get all the answers regarding your doubts.i am also a baba devotee from childhood since 20 years i loved a girl and started relationship only with the yes of baba but still she left me alone in presence of baba and i went under depression and heart pain treatment after that even attempted for sucide but baba saved me in coming to my dream and saying that he is always with me and i am his son my all problems and worries are his so i dont have to take i dont loose faith on baba i know one day justice will be given to me and still i got various postive signs of returning her from baba but pratically i know she already forget me and may be started her new life and may be enjoying so dear devotee keep faith only on baba because in todays world people run behind for lair fake personality they dont care for honest pure people so dont take sai ram
I think u should contact her sister neha wahi
Ok thank u so much for ur reply. Whatever u r saying is quite right i should focus and trust baba not on anybody else. Thank u soo sai ram. Baba bless u
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
O Deva, let Your Grace shine upon our families, friends and us 🙂
Lovingly Your's 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om sai ram to all. I need some guidance i meditate n in meditation baba talks to me whatever he has told me about others hs come true but whatever he has told abt my life has not yet come true. Now my life is in a big mess still baba is giving me positive assurances in meditation, my sister also gets visions of baba where baba tells her a lot things everything told by my baba in terms of her career hv come true but now her wedding has been called off by the boy's side still baba has been giving both of us positive assurances through visions and meditations bt the reality as of now is totally different. Situations are really bad in our lives so now we are actually wondering if is it actually baba only who hs been telling us all ths or is it us hallucinating or imagining?? I hv contacted jaya wahi also for guidance bt hv not got any response frm her as yet. I hv emailed n msgd all the people associated wd her bt sumhow nobody hs provided any help in ths regard. I didn't knw it is soo soo difficult to reach her i hv given her endless reminders bt she is not responding. Plzz devotees all ths is really making us restless plzz if anyone can guide me through this..
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
I have been asking for one thing from Baba for the last six months but Baba has not granted my wish so far. I always ask Baba and he gives me hopes and positive signs every time.Please Baba, please help us and I will also share my experience with other devotees.Thanks you Baba for being with us all the time. Om Sai Ram!
Omsairam.give good health to my father and brother.give me peace of mind.☺☺☺☺☺
Om Sai Ram.
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om sai ram _ / _
'Sai ma the best planner'experience of devotee 1;u r truely truely blessed child of baba….really baba is close to u…when baba is placing his hands on your head..u need to fear or worry nothingin this world..even i felt baba is writing ur expererience…every word wid so much love and care and respect..i have no words to express ur true and pure shraddha and saburi towards baba…u r great great inspiration for me in this tough time.
Infinite times thanx for sharing this experience 1 st devotee…thank u once again..may god blesss u….
I was soooo much worried and anxious…whole day due to my sylllabus…i m blessed that i got an opportunity to read this 1 st devotees experience..u r truely wonderful soul
Om Sai Ram, oM Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, OM Sai Ram, OM Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram 🙂
Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram…
By Baba's grace, I am planning to travel to Shirdi Next Month (Sep 11th). Please send your prayers if any to my email ID . I will take them to shirdi.
Om Sai Ram 🙂
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all