Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Sister Girija from India says: I am working as Accounts Officer in BSNL. Ever since I knew Swami, I think it my duty that I should offer every action and thoughts at His lotus feet. I read Sai Satcharitra daily, one chapter each day and it gives me immense relief. He undoubtedly is with all of us, who seek Him earnestly and I verily believe that Sai Bhagwan permeates in all our daily lives and that He is the most vital of all physical and mental sustenance we could ever covet in this life and that He imparts what is best for us more than we ourselves are aware of. I have been reading the experiences of the devotees daily through this site and could feel their ecstasy in sharing their Baba experiences. I thought as Baba has blessed me several times with clear evidences of His presence, I should post them in this site too. I have lots of experiences where I have felt His presence which I will share with you later. Now let me tell you one or two instances. In our family, He is the pivot of all our aspirations and achievement. Ours is a nuclear family of four, consisting of myself, my husband and two daughters (Now two son in laws and a grand son added with Swami’s Grace) with limited friends and relatives.
When we were about to plan for the marriages of our daughters, both Sai devotees, we were scared as to how the marriage functions could be conducted in a befitting way as the parents of my husband and myself have passed away since long, and our close relatives are also not living nearby. We fervently prayed to Bhagwan to be with us throughout the preparations and left everything at His Lotus feet. We surrendered fully to Him knowing that He is our sole kith and kin and left every decision to Him. He assured us that He is with us, with so many signs. He literally conducted the marriage, in the form of right genuine persons who turned up as and when their services are required. We were tension free and never felt any lack of funds any time during those periods. The marriage functions went off so smoothly that we could constantly feel His presence even in the minuets decisions taken in this regard, and at every moment of the occasion. Moreover, we were very complacent throughout the preparations without any tinge of anxiety or worry as we have left everything at His lotus feet. Thank You Baba!
Another instance of evidence of His blessing was on Maha Sivarathri in 2011. At that night, I entered the Pooja room to put out the lamp there. Many times, we have witnessed the ash in the agarbathi forming as “S” and so, we used to check for the same every time we enter the room. But this time, we were awestruck by the big and well defined “S” formed in the agarbathi, a clear signal of His presence. We took snaps of the same and showed it to the devotees nearby. I have enclosed the same. It goes beyond words that we were humbled beyond words with His concern and love. It fills us with joy to share with you that a Mandir of Swami has been constructed near our house. We are sure that our place is under His aura and grace. We go there in the early morning at 5.20 daily and chant Sai Gaytri and Surya Gaytri. It revitalises our body and spirit. We have booked tickets for our whole family to Shirdi for next month and we pray to Swami that it is fulfilled without any hindrance with His immense grace. I will write again once I return from there. Swami, We know how insignificant we are without You in our lives. Make us an instrument in Your divine hand and help us to live our lives worthy of Your love. Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavantu.

Sai Brother Nimish from US says: I have been a devotee of Baba for 18 years. I want to share 2 experiences that relate how great Baba is. A long time back after I finished my Engineering, I was failing to get a job anywhere even though I had passed with amazing marks. I prayed to Baba to show me the way. Even after a lot of tries and reaching towards the final rounds, I used to fail to get the job. I had got tremendously depressed and anxious about it. Then one Thursday, I got a dream of Baba where He called me and said that I had to do Pooja with a particular incense stick for 3 weeks and on the third Thursday of the week, I would get a job. In the dream, I asked Baba as to where I would find this special incense stick which is when He mentioned that it would be in a shop in front of His Mandir. On waking up, I thought about the dream but could not understand where the Mandir would be. Then when going to drop my brother, I remembered that there was Sai Baba Mandir right in front of his lane. When I reached that particular shop, the shopkeeper said he had only one box left of that special incense stick and guess what, it had a golden photo of Baba on it. I was extremely happy and surprised at this miracle. Then I did 3 weeks of continuous Pooja of Baba with the incense stick and exactly on the third Thursday, I got a job offer in a reputed company. This was one of the first and most biggest miracles of Baba that I experienced. For all the people that are affected with job difficulties, I would recommend them to have faith in Baba and He will guide you to the best possible job for you destined by your good deeds.
Another miracle of Baba was a time when I had constant ringing in my ears because of some problem. The ringing used to cause me much discomfort especially when lying down on the bed. Once when lying down, I prayed to Baba to do something about it. From nowhere I got a idea to take the Sai Satcharitra book that was lying next to me and I touched it to my ears. I was shocked and stunned that the ringing of the ears that was going on for the past so many days, stopped immediately as I touched the Holy book to my ears. It will be one of the most amazing and stunning experiences of my life since that proved to me that Baba is nowhere outside but within each and everyone of us. I pray to Baba to give us all hope and health in terms of matters of sickness. I know that all of us face some difficulty or problem in life. I advise all readers to keep full faith in Baba knowing that He knows everything and that He will solve the problem when the appropriate time comes. One should get on cheerfully with their duties in life and pray to Baba to solve problems as they come and go. We should just do well to others and treat everyone including animals with equality, love and respect. May Baba bless us all with a healthy and happy life and may our Shraddha keep on increasing in Him.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Pranam all devotees of Sai. Thanks again Hetal Mam and team for your unparalleled wonderful job of connecting Baba and His devotees via your blog. I would like to keep my experiences short. 3 days ago I had severe pain in my waist and I was not even able to bend or sleep properly due to the same. Just like that, out of nowhere I thought Sai please cure my pain or at least reduce it when I wake up tomorrow. You won’t believe, hardly 5 minutes after this I almost slipped and my waist got twisted somehow and almost 70% of my pain was soothed. The next morning 95% of my pain was gone and I couldn’t believe Baba answered such a small wish of mine. Thank You Baba for always being there through all my thick and thins. Be with me always.
Other experience of mine is, me and my boyfriend are in about 6 years relationship and we love each other a lot. However due to some issues we had to part and stay in different cities after our schooling. We miss each other a lot and I always pray Baba to let us be together again. I was really upset one day thinking how long have I to wait and how long is he going to suffer and be sad because of our separation when I opened this site. It’s hard to believe, but I came across an experience of another couple who had to stay away for various issues but were reunited miraculously due to Baba’s grace. I got the signal that everything is going to be fine. One way to getting to be in the same city as my boyfriend’s is cracking CAT examination and getting into my dream MBA college. I’ve always prayed Baba to make possible this miracle. Tonight I was worried whether or not I’ll be able to crack the exam with great percentile score so that I could get into the college that would shape my career as well as relationship when I opened the site. Yet again, the first experience I came across was of a girl who talked about how Baba helped her clear her MBA entrance test and get into her dream college!! It’s not just coincidence! I believe it’s my Baba’s blessing, His indication that I’ll succeed. Love You Baba. Please be with me and my boyfriend always. Guide us, love us, teach and protect us. Don’t leave our side my Sai. And reunite us with Your blessing My Sai. Now I’ve full faith that our days of suffering and separation are going to be over. You will help us be together I know. Thank You for everything Sai Ram. Om Shri Sai Nathaya Namah.

Anonymous Devotee from India says:I have been a devotee of Baba since childhood. Baba has been there for me whenever I had a hard time. I would like to share the experience during my pregnancy. We have been trying to conceive for almost a year when I was diagnosed to have high blood sugar values. I was given medications and asked to review after 1 month. Before that my pregnancy test became positive. If my sugar values were still high it might harm the baby. I might also need daily injections. But by Baba’s grace my sugars were under control and I was asked to continue oral medications and injection was not required. My BP was found to be very high early in pregnancy which required pregnancy termination if not controlled. My mother told me to read Sai Satcharitra and with in 1 week my BP returned to normal without any medications. From then I read Satcharitra regularly. I completed 3 Saptah readings during pregnancy and by Baba’s grace both my blood sugar and BP remained normal throughout pregnancy and I delivered a baby boy in February 2016.
My baby was found to have a small problem during a scan in pregnancy which was supposed to get cured by itself after delivery. But it remained after birth and we were told he required a major surgery. I completed 1 more Saptah reading of Satcharitra. We took a second opinion and then a third one. Again by Baba’s grace both the doctors told us there is no need for any immediate procedure and as baby grows there is chance that it will get cured without any surgery. We have been asked to review after 6 months. I believe like always Baba is there with me and even this problem will be solved without any difficulty. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Devotee from India says: Hi all, I live in USA from past 8 years. I am a strong devotee of Baba. I love Baba very much. I will share my experience what happened in last one month. There are so many miracles happened in my life and they are very much important and big events in my life. I love You Sai Ram So much. I can’t express love for Him that much i do have for Him. Hi Hetal Ji, this is the best blog where we can convey or post our feelings to Sai what we have in our mind. I told Baba if everything goes fine I will post my experience in this blog. My last blog was before going to India. I got married recently last month by Baba’s grace after a long wait and my stamping was also done by Baba’s grace and power. I came from India we got settled and took the apartment and searching for a new job in this location. Please I have to get job soon and we have to live very happily without any misunderstandings. I want to live happy with my husband and get better understanding what’s going on in his mind. We don’t have to fight for silly things. Please help him to understand my feelings Sai. Thank You so much. Love You so much Baba.

Anonymous Devotee from UK says: Hi dear friends, I read this blog today for the 1st time, I was very happy and satisfied to read about experiences of all. I’m a follower and strong believer of both Sai Baba and Shree Swami Samarth Maharaj. I have also done Shree Guru Charitra Parayan. Every time I do the Parayan, I get the thing I desire. I always pray Swami Samarth Maharaj every morning, chant 108 times of “Shree Swami Samarth”, read the Tarak mantra and proceed with my daily routine. It may be unbelievable but Swami Maharaj is always with and around me. Don’t be afraid, I’m always behind you). Today whatever and where ever I’m is only because of His blessings. May Shree Swami Samarth Maharaj bless all.

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