Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: I am Sai daughter from India. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram! Sai Ram to every Sai Devotees. Thanks a lot Babaji for giving me opportunity to write experiences here. Thanks a lot Hetalji and her team for offering such a wonderful platform where all Sai devotees can share their experiences and get more and more strength and love towards Sai Baba. I am not good in English. Please bear with me. I have posted many experiences in this blog. Some of them have been posted.
My day starts with Sai and ends with Sai. My life is nothing without Sai. Sai is everything for me. I can’t think a second without Sai. Sometimes I think what would happen if Sai was not with me? Sai is my life. My all day is full of miracles. When I go out, I see Sai Baba in a form of Poster, Statue etc. I feel blessed that time. Today I am going to share those experience’s for which I promised to post here. Sorry for delaying Baba.
Experience 1- Last Month I went to visit my parents. My sister also came with her daughters to meet them. She had no plan to come there. I prayed to Baba to please make it possible because we hadn’t met from last 9 months. By Baba’s grace we all met. We had a nice time together.
Experience 2- During her stay her younger daughter got fever. She was only 8 months that time. She gave her medicines, but no relief. Then I applied Udi on her forehead and put some in her mouth. Within 2 hours her fever has gone and she was fine. Thanks a lot Sai Baba.
Experience 3- We have some issues with water bill. I went to office to sort out the problems of water bills. I prayed to Baba to please help me to get it solved because I was there for 4 days only. By Baba’s grace it got solved on the same day. Om Sai Ram.
Experience 4- My husband is living in Bangalore from last 6 months due to his job. He came to meet us once in two months. Most of the time he tried to call me there but it got cancelled many times. I prayed to Sai Baba to help me to visit him. Suddenly I came to know about 5 Days Pooja through this site only. I did it and finally my husband booked the tickets of Bangalore. My journey to Bangalore was awesome from home to Airport with check-in, boarding and flying due to Sai Baba.
Now I am in Bangalore with my Hubby. In Bangalore I visited Sai Baba temple in Malleshwaram two times. Last year when I visited Sai Baba temple in Bangalore, I prayed him to call me next year also. So Baba fulfilled my wish. I had awesome darshan. Tears were rolling in my eyes after having divine darshan of Baba. I had taken a vow for not eating rice till I get job from Feb, 2017. I received rice Prasad in temple. I wanted to have but I couldn’t. Suddenly I saw an old man was eating halwa. I wanted this because I had Thursday fast and I wanted to have it. I found that it was distributing at front gate. Then I had to start from queue again. I was thinking what to do, suddenly an old woman asked are you going inside, I said no. Then he offered me halwa Prasad, which she got from temple. She had little and offered me that. Thanks a lot Sai Baba to fulfil our every desire. I love You so much Baba.
One day during shopping we wanted to pay via American express credit card. But the lady said this machine will not accept that card. I said please check once. As she inserted the card I prayed to Baba please help us. The machine accepted the card and we paid the amount. Thanks a lot Baba.
My husband was planning to buy a new mobile phone for himself. We bought it on last Thursday. I was so happy that he bought it on Baba’s day.
Baba thanks for keeping my laptop safe when it got slipped from rack. Baba thanks for everything. Thanks for making me comfortable while travelling in Bangalore alone.
Chanting Your name give me strength and confidences. Please help me to get a suitable job. Please cure my sister’s husband throat problem. He is not able to speak. Please help him. Baba, always keep us under Your blessings. My head is always bowing at Your holy feet and dust of Your feet always remain on my head. Forgive me for any mistakes done knowingly or unknowingly. Help us to become a good human beings. Thank to all to read such a lengthy experience and forgive me for mistakes in writing. Om Sai Ram!

Anonymous Sai Devotee from USA says: My whole family are devotees of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba. Everything in my life is gift of Baba. I have gone through ups and downs in personal and professional life, but Baba was always with me guiding me in the right direction. I felt sometimes my devotion towards Him was put to test, but He is our Baba how can He see His child suffer? Sometimes I think why bad things happen to me and why am I tested so much and why am I suffering so much? Immediately I come across some article or some video, which would be a tight slap in my face and making me understand that how lucky I am to live the life I am living and the issues that I have been complaining about are absolutely nothing before what others are suffering from. Thank you Hetalji and team for this wonderful website. Please keep me anonymous. I would like to share my recent experience.
We bought a house recently and were planning for the house warming ceremony. My in-laws were sending us a packet from India containing some clothes and some pooja items for Gruhapravesam(house warming). We were not sure if we would be receiving all the package items or if any of the items would be thrown away when a security check was done because it contained steel and bronze items. When we received the package it felt very light weight. I was worried if really any of the items were thrown away. When opening the package I was praying to Baba saying that it is in Your hands now. If You wish our Gruhapravesam to go well as planned, then please let the package items contain all the things that have been mailed. When we opened the package, all the items were in the package. I was so happy. Really I am thankful to Baba for His help.
Also, I invited Baba to come to our Gruhapravesam. One the night before our Gruhapravesam we went to a store to bring some pooja items. There I saw a Baba’s Calendar (in a book form) from a nearby Sai Baba temple. I was looking into the calendar’s various pictures of Baba. I was thinking inside, I wish I could take it home with me, so I can be assured that Baba has accepted our invitation and He will come to our new home. The person at the counter said, I could take the calendar if I wanted to. I felt so happy and took the calendar immediately without a second thought. Thank You so much Baba for coming to our house. Please always be with us and bless us. Forgive us for our mistakes. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai. Sarvejana Sukhinobhavantu.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to everyone. First of all thanks to Hetalji and team for maintaining this wonderful site for all Sai devotees. This is my second experience on this blog in this site. The first one is yet to be published. I am a very, very small devotee of Sairam who came under His wings in December 2016. From then on there are a number of experience of Sai. This is one of the recent and very, very big miracle of His.
This is how it goes. Myself and my love had a misunderstanding one and a half month ago. Then we didn’t talk to each other for a month. Till then I was praying Sai to make him talk to me and was waiting for the same. But he didn’t turn up. But when I asked in question and answer site of Sai I always got a positive answer. Finally I couldn’t wait anymore and I called him up and spoke and found that he was really hurt by my words and was not ready to talk to me. This happened after a month. I was waiting for him to talk. Then I started crying to Sai asking Him to make him talk to me. Then some voice inside made me to read Sai Kasht Nivaran mantra. Then the miracle happened. After reading it in a week’s time he started talking to me properly with so much of love and care that was more than I expected. Such is the power of our Sai. I feel on top of the world. I wish Sai puts my love in my life forever and makes his parents accepts our love. I wish Sai makes me marry my love with all happiness and bless us till our last breath. Please Sai devotees pray for my wish to become true. I wish Sai bless us all aatmas in this world and Universe with His mercy and make them experience His love and Blissfulness.

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all Sai devotees. May Sai shower His blessings and love on everyone. Thank you Hetalji and team for maintaining this wonderful blog.
Coming to my experience, today we had a dip for chits in kitty party. We were in need of money. Name will be accepted in dip only if the person is physically present at the venue on time. We were on the way to venue and we were already late. I was praying to our Sai Ma to please get us there on time and to pick our name in dip. I told Baba that if it happens I’ll share this miracle to every devotee that helps to increase their faith in You. We exactly reached the venue 3 minutes before the time. By the time we reached, there were around 20 members. I was thinking in so many people how would our name come in dip be picked but our Sai Ma ways are unbelievable. We were the only one present on time among the people who didn’t get the dip. All those 20members were the people who just came for gathering but they already had got the dip previously. As other members who were to participate in dip were absent we got the money without any dip. I was shocked while all this was happening. Baba is unbelievable. I felt very happy. Sai ma please fulfil the wishes of all Your devotees whose life is just based on their trust in You. Baba You know there’s one more wish that can only be fulfilled by You. Please Baba bless me and everyone. Sorry if there’s any mistake in my narration. Om Sairam. Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu.

Sai Devotee Divya from USA says: Hi,This is Divya from USA. Thanks to Hetalji and team for maintaining such a wonderful site. And thanks for all the devotees for sharing your miraculous experiences of Baba.
Two weeks back I wrote an experience saying how my husband got his new project in USA even before completing Nav guruvar vrat. As You all know situations are really bad for IT people here and he had our amendments of location transfer and extension. Our visas expires by July. We prayed Him for project only but Baba is really great. He knew everything that was happening around His devotees. All our work on visa got over in just 50 days of time. No one could believe this seriously. The small prayer that we offer does very big wonders. He just made things simple even before we could think of it. My dear Sai brothers and sisters believe Him blindly He will do miracles. And Baba again I have started this vrat for my son’s well being. Nothing in the world is more meaningful for us than him. He is Your blessing Baba and I always pray to You to take care of him. Please be with him. Love You Sai Baba.

Sai Devotee Piyush Kumar from India says: I am Piyush Kumar from Hoshiyarpur. Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Koti Pranams at the lotus feet of Baba. I am a great devotee of Baba. I work in a bank. I got this job here because of Baba’s grace only. I am Baba’s devotee since 2011 and His grace has always been with me. In 2015 I got some problem in throat but with His grace I got cured. Then in May 2015 I and my brother went to Shirdi as per our promise for wish fulfilment. Felt the bliss to see Baba’s divine idol form and Samadhi. Then again I had some health issues. But by Baba’s grace I am feeling good now. Now I am fasting for 21 Thursdays. I pray Baba Sadguru to please bless and to always shower His grace on me, my family, relatives and the whole world. Pranam(Bows) to Param Pita again and again.
© Devotees Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam,
Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam 🙂
O Deva, Thank You for filling our lives happiness and joy 🙂
Jai Sairam
I'm Sai Ram. Kripa karo
All are pretty good experience s jai sai RAM
babaji…….since one month my husband is not talking with you know everything about me plz change his mind & make phone calls to me..missing amma,baba,bahini etc etc.
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram _/_
Om SaiRam Bless everyone Babaji i love YOU Babaji YOU are our Father
Om Sai Ram…………………..
Om sai samarth
Om sri sainathayenamaha
Om sai sri sai jai jai sai
Prathmam sainathaya
Dwithiyam dwarakamaine
Thrithiyam thirthrajaya
Chaturdam bhaktvatsale
Panchamam parmathmaya
Shashtanch shirdivasine
Sapthmam sathgurunathaya
Ashtmam anathnathne
Navmam niradambaraya
Dashmam dathavatharine
Ethani dasha namani thrisandyam yah pathennarah sarvakasht bhayanmuktho sri Sainath guro kripa
Please protect us Sainath deva
Bolo sri satchidanand samarth sathguru Sainath maharaj ki jai
Baba, please complete my four months pending work. I'm not understand why I'm not getting help from you. Pl help me in this matter