Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:

Sai Kripa

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Namaskar friends. I am a small devotee of our beloved Guru – Sai Maharaj. I reside in New Delhi and whatever I have in life is due to Sai Baba’s Kripa. Though I have been reading this blog for years now, this is the first time I thought of sharing my experiences. In fact, it is Sai Baba only who has wished that I narrate some of the innumerable blessings received from Him. I bow before my Lord and surrender myself to His Lotus feet. I hope my experiences will help reinstate faith in all my Sai sisters and brothers. I have tried to keep my post simple and brief. Still, I regret for any mistakes made therein unintentionally.

Experience 1: Sainath blessed me with an extremely caring and a supportive husband:- My mother is an ardent devotee of Sainath. So, I have been His follower since childhood. But I was not inclined to follow any specific rituals etc. especially fasting, as it was not my way of worshiping the Lord. However, for reasons best known to Baba, I decided to do the Nav Guruvar Vrat – the very first time in my life in the year 2014. I think it was Baba’s way of pulling me towards Him. I followed all the rituals of the Vrat lovingly. Incidentally, it was the time when my parents were looking for a matrimonial match for me but nothing was working out. However, with Baba’s grace, my marriage got fixed with a wonderful person just after the day I completed my Vrat. Finally, we got married in the year 2015. My husband is a very positive man who has retained his humility despite achieving so much in life. I am truly blessed to have him as my soulmate. Sainath just keep blessing us the way You have been doing and help us to always tread the right and the honest path in life. Om Sainathay Namah.

Experience 2: The biggest blessing of Sainath in my life is my little daughter, my angel. She is two years old and is actually Sai’s daughter only. Her survival is Baba’s biggest miracle in my life. She was born in the year 2016 through C-sec following some complications. After completing her 1st birthday, she fell critically ill and was hospitalized in ICU. But our loving Baba took care of her and cured her. Later, one night again she suffered very high fever. She was just 1.5 years old that time. The whole night she was crying ceaselessly and was calling out to her Baba ‘Sai Baba aa jao’. I was looking at my child helplessly. You can imagine the plight of a mother whose child was suffering like this. I applied Udi on her forehead and prayed to Baba to be at her side. However, after her condition deteriorated, my husband and I rushed to the hospital in emergency. While we were returning home after her treatment/taking her medications, it was nearly 5:00 a.m. when suddenly, one man stopped us in the middle of the road and asked us to attend the Sai Baba Kakad Arti in a small temple near the road. We have travelled on that road many a times but had never seen that temple before. I couldn’t understand how I missed it as it was right next to the main road. When we visited the temple, there was no one else in the temple except the priest and this man. It was like Baba had Himself called my daughter or rather His daughter after she called His name. And within minutes, my child’s wails turned into smiles when she saw Baba’s statue. It was pure bliss and ethereal. It felt that we were transported to another world. Our rescuer had Himself called us to take care of us. The experience reaffirmed my faith that nothing bad could fall on my child as Sainath will take care of her. There are many more experiences of Sai Kripa (blessings) that I will share in future. I strongly believe that He is the deed and the doer of the entire universe. Not a leaf can move without His permission. Sainath please help my father recover from his illness. Deva please bestow Your blessings on all of us and help us to make this world a better place devoid of hatred. Om Sai Namo Namah, Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah Satguru Sai Namo Namah, Samarth Sai Namo Namah Om Sainathay Namah.

Baba Listens

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all devotees. I am very small devotee of Sai Baba. Today I would like to share my small experience and request all devotees to pray for me. I have been doing Sai Satcharitra parayan daily from March 2018. My life has been worst from my childhood but when Baba came to my life, my life changed with a smile. When I prepared for job I saw a boy and I loved him whole heartedly and I wanted to be his life partner since 3 years. I always prayed for this to Baba. Finally Baba listened my prayer and one day he told me “will you marry me”. I couldn’t believe and I didn’t say anything to him. Next day was Baba’s death anniversary and that day I spent my whole time in Baba’s temple. When I came to my house at night, he asked me same question and I said him ” yes” because that day was Baba’s special day and mine also.

Our family don’t know about our relationship. But when we got together our life suddenly changed and we have faced very bad situations till now. He tried hard to get job till now and he would not get it because of his eye problem “retina pigmintosa”. We also faced a problem with his janam kundli (horoscope) because his marriage life is very bad in future; as so one pandit said. One more problem faced was that his relationship with a girl before me. We are facing so many problems perhaps our bad karmas. Our life has been worst from past 6 months. Next day I decided to do Baba’s Sai divya vrat. This was my 1st time and I prayed to Baba to please fulfil my wish and show me some hints that He was listening to me. That night Baba gave me some hints and I felt Baba listened to me. Please Sai devotees believe in Sai Divya brat and do this brat. Baba surely will listen to your prayers and fulfil your wish. I said to Baba when He would show me hints I would post my experience and would give 21 rosgula on any Thursday to a devotee. I request to all devotees ti please pray to Baba for blessing me and my lover for getting married in future with no hurdles and live a happy life. Please Baba please listen my prayers. Baba I always live with a fearful and stressful life till now. Please bless me Baba to live a happy life with my lover. Om Sai Sri Sai Jay Jay Sai. Please I don’t know English, wherever any mistakes please correct. Thank you for your big support.

Baba Is So Helpful

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam all devotees. Thank you Hetalji for this wonderful blog. I thank Baba Who has connected all devotees under this one roof.

I am from Karnataka. I am 29 years female working in a college. I have three experiences to share today. Experience 1: I had an old SBI account. I was left with only 1400 rupees in it. I had no money with me that day and I was expecting a book delivery of 108 pearls of Baba. So I went to ATM to draw money from it. The guard told me there are only 2000 notes, I still tried my luck taking Sai Baba name, chanting Sai Sai. And Lo I got 100 notes. My joy knew no bounds. I thanked Baba so much.

Experience 2: My salary is being credited in another bank. I got my first salary. So I went to withdraw my amount. I was not sure if my ATM was activated. ATM was activated and I got my money so I thanked Baba a lot for one more miracle.

Experience 3: I was leaving for home on 9/3/2018. I had two days holiday Saturday and Sunday. There was news that Saturday holiday would be cancelled. I was very upset as I was eagerly waiting to go home. I typed my two experiences and suddenly my colleague called and told me that Saturday was a holiday. I jumped in joy. I thank You Baba very much. I can go and spend time with my family and also do puja as I received my first payment. Thank you for reading my experiences. Om Sairam.

Baba Helped Me For Shifting To A New House

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thanks to Hetal ji and the team behind this page. Your service is very helpful to Sai Baba children like me. When I submit my experience I feel I write letter directly to Baba. I have already shared my experiences on this page. Today whatever I am it is only Baba’s blessing. Without Baba I am nothing today. My life is gift by Baba.

This is recent experience with Baba. I wanted to shift my house. We searched a lot for a house on rent. But we didn’t like any house because of not good looking and rent was high and out of our budget. I prayed to Baba to please show me a good house near by my working place within our budget and did not raise any argument and any issues with old house owners. By Baba’s blessings we got a very good house within our budget with beautiful atmosphere. When we fixed a date for house shifting another problem came. My family relative was near to death suffering from cancer. I prayed to Baba to please help to shift our house without any problems. With my dearest Baba’s blessings we shift our house without any problems. Be with us and all Your children Baba. Thank You so much for this life Baba. Om Sairam. Anantha Koti Brahmandha Nayaka Rajadi Raja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Samardha Sadguru Sri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Baba Is Merciful

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai ram. Thank you Hetalji for this wonderful blog. Thanks to all devotees for sharing experiences and helping us realise that Baba is always for us.

I am from India. I am a doctor. I had ordered a book 108 pearls of Sai Baba by reading on this blog. I got a text it will be delivered to me today. I kept waiting. In the afternoon I got to know the reports that my technician had run was by wrong method. I scolded her badly and made her repeat all the tests. I told her I would complain to higher authorities for her consistent negligence. I was fed up. It was closing time. I still waited and made sure everything was reported right. She begged me again not to complain. I didn’t complain about her but told her to be careful henceforth. The same night I was going out of station. I realized they didn’t give me book yet. I felt was Baba angry on me as I scolded her? I asked Baba sorry and went in search of delivery office. I prayed Baba if He has forgiven me then I should get my book. In ten minutes I got my book. Thank You Baba for being so merciful. Om Sairam.

Sai Baba Cured My Sore Throat

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles Leela Blessings Sai Nav Guruwar Vrat Miralces |

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks Hetalji for sharing my previous two posts. This is my fourth one. I am a small devotee of Sai from 10 years. In everyday life Sai is showing lots of mercy towards me and my family. I am regularly reading devotees’ experiences which always help us to strengthen our faith in Sai.

Coming to my recent experience, I was down with severe sore throat with mild fever. I started taking medicines with not complete relief. As I was having important assignment at my work place, I couldn’t apply for leave and take rest. Then I sincerely prayed Sai to cure my sore throat and drank Sai Udi mixed water and also I vowed to post my experience. Next day onwards I felt better and became alright soon. Thank You very much Sai maa for Your kind blessings. I pray Sai maa to be with us always and shower Your blessings. And bless all devotees. Om Sairam Om Sairam.

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Pooja Garg
Pooja Garg
Articles: 249


  1. Baba, firstly happy teacher's day, my great teacher..please bless, help and save my parents… please bless my father as a good teacher.
    I'm really fed up with myself

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