Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles and Leela in this Post:
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Daughter from USA says: Hello to all my dear Sai family, I want to be anonymous. I want to be called as a Sai daughter. My Sai is everything for me. I cannot imagine my life without my Sai. My life is full of my Sai’s experiences. My Baba has given me more than I deserve, Sai I can never repay this debt Deva. Today I am here to pen down one of our experiences with my Sai.
Last week my son fell down while he was dancing and got his arm fractured. When he fell down my husband was with him in his dance class and each moment it was as like my Sai was with us guiding us in everything from his first aid till taking him to the emergency. My son was doing some step and he fell deaf down. Exactly at that moment a lady came running; telling that she was a doctor. She did the first aid like toying my son’s arm with some card board and clothes and told my husband not to call 911 as they may charge way too much and she suggested us to go to the emergency clinic. When my husband was about to take the car out, one person came and told my husband not to worry and that he would drive my son and husband to the emergency and that was so helpful as my husband was holding my son’s hand. If that person could not come it was very difficult to drive leaving my son alone. After that they reached the emergency room and treated my son. My husband called my friend to pick me from home and drop me to the emergency room and from there we all drove back home. My friend called me and told us to directly go to their house and have lunch and then go home. We agreed and went to her house. They gave us so much moral support and we had relaxed lunch and reached back home.
It was just like my Sai as a Saviour Who came in form of all these people and helped us during this time. My husband said that the lady doctor who helped us used to come to the classes would not stay that long as her kid’s classes would finish early and they would leave the classes by 11. But that day it was like a miracle. My Sai made them stay that longer just to help us on time. Sai took care of everything to go well and that He showed that He is there with us in every step of our life. Deva You also made sure that my son is healing so fast and You are taking care of everything so well. Thank You so much Sai. Without You we are nothing. Deva please never leave us. Sai our life is nothing without You Deva. You are our everything. Sai please always be with us and bless us to be Your best kid and help us be good people to walk on Your path and correct us when we do mistakes. I am trying my best to follow all Your teachings Sai but we are humans. Sai sometimes I do mistakes please forgive me and help not to do any mistakes Deva. Always be with my family, we need Your blessings. Please keep Your daya dristi (grace and eyes) on my kids. Deva please bless my husband and kids always Sai. Love You Sai. Om Sai Ram.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: I stay in US working here by Baba’s grace. I have been very close to Baba since my childhood. I have posted a few experiences before. But this is the biggest phase where Baba did a miracle when I was about to fall down in my life.
I was happily working in a small company in US, besides I was on student visa. All of a sudden, my destiny started to change. One day there was news that students can’t work at client location. Because of this issue, I had been thrown out of this company. I was with no job, no proper visa as I was unable to apply for extension. My brother is very connected to Baba more than me. He meditates and Baba speaks to him through vibrations. And when he knew this issue, he told Baba wants you to be patient, and unperturbed while things get worse in front of you. He said before I lost job that I would lose this job and after a while get success. This, he had seen in the Q&A website, and yes, it became true. I lost job soon. I was so stressed, and depressed that what if I can’t work anymore and what if I had to go back to India? I was financially down too. I didn’t want to go back like that.
I started searching for jobs. I prayed Baba daily like anything, read Satcharitra one chapter daily, along with reading chapter 11 daily. I finished reading chapter 11 for 48 days, and then came an interview call. It was way beyond my experience, and was not expecting the further rounds. But I went through the two rounds. Now the last round was in my front. I asked Baba in Q&A and He told me, “Give up suspicion right now and, you will succeed”. Then I built up my confidence. Baba arranged everything for my in person interview. I had to travel, but Baba sent many people in my way to help me. The interview was done by 6 people and I was very stressed. I kept chanting Baba Baba throughout the day. To my surprise, they asked all the questions that I knew. I answered very confidently. It was a miracle that they had asked me the only questions that I had prepared. It’s just so impossible. They told me right away that they were hiring me. It was just because of Baba that I was blessed with this job at the right time. All my prayers were answered. Baba gave me strength everyday through His answers, dreams etc. He didn’t leave me any moment. Baba, I’m sorry if I did any mistakes, please forgive me.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Sairam! I work in USA. Firstly thank you for this amazing website. Can’t thank you all enough. Whenever I feel low, this website boosts me and gives me so much strength and I just feel safe.
Coming to my experiences, where do I even start. I used to be very confused all my life and always searched for people to love me all through my life. I still don’t know how Baba attracted me towards Him and ever since I started following Baba my life has changed all for good. Baba has helped me in various aspects of my life. I just trust Baba more than anyone or anything in my life. He helped me in finding a perfect job and I just feel His presence every day in all my challenging situations at workplace. I just asked Baba to give me a nice job and trust me it was a miracle in how I found a full time job in one of the top reputed companies. Baba please be with me every minute and help my job to proceed peacefully and happily.
Baba helped me with my H1. After going through a lot with my Visa situations, I always knew Baba was there with me and I was just waiting for the right time for all my situations to fall into place. Never my faith on You Sai Tandri goes in vain. Thank You for proving this so many times in every situation.
I just can’t thank You enough Sai Tandri for everything You do. I know You are the only force behind my back and pushing me every minute in my life. Please be with me every minute and guide me through everything. Please let me live an independent life depending on no one. Let my job go well and please help me with it. Please give me happiness, peace and Your love until my last. Sai Baba You are my everything and words are never enough to explain the love I have for You. Yes, have faith and patience on Him and He is there to help you. Sai Baba, what can I do without You? Let my life be an instrument to work for thee. Om Sai Ram
Shirdi Sai Devotee Harsha from India says: Om Sairam to all the Sai devotees. I am Harsha Shettar from Assam. I am an ardent follower of Sai Baba. My day starts with Sai and ends with Sai naam (name). My post is about how Sai Baba Blessed My Husband by providing a new job.
Today I want to share my experience which happened few days back. I believe in Sai Baba completely, infact I am totally dependent on Him. My husband is a banker since many years but he now wanted to change his job because he was not getting promotion or any hike in the salaries. So he was desperately searching for a new job since 1 year. But he was not getting any good opportunities as the place we are staying is a very small town. So, one day I thought of doing Sai Baba vrat and I informed my husband about the vrat. So one fine day we started the vrat with full devotion. We prayed Him from the bottom of our heart. To our surprise before completing the 9th week of vrat Sai Baba answered our prayers and my husband got an interview call from one of the reputed bank and we were so surprised and equally happy. After that my husband went to give an interview and within few days he got a call from that bank saying that he had been selected for that job with higher position and hike in a salary. We were so happy that we couldn’t believe that our Sai Baba answered our prayers. I thank my Sai Baba from the bottom of my heart for always being and answering our prayers every time. So now we have decided to show a small gratitude by distributing food to the needy people every Thursday without fail. Om Sairam.

Shirdi Sai Devotee Arti from India says: Hello every one. This is Arti from Bangalore. Thanks to Hetalji and her team for such a wonderful platform where we can share are experiences. Om Sai Ram to all.
Experience 1- Recently by Baba’s grace I have delivered a baby girl. As I had some issue after delivery and I was not able to breast feed my kid. Her situation day by day was going worst. She was not able to suck and due to this she was crying badly which I was not able to see. I prayed to Sai Baba that if my problem would resolve then I would post my experience. Yes, miracles happen as on the same day my situation got resolved and I am now able to feed my kid. Thank You so much Babaji.
Experience-2 Daily I used to wish Babaji for my kid to sleep well and always Sai Babaji listened to my words.
Please Babaji help me and always be with me. My husband is facing some issue in job. Please Sai Ram fulfil my wish. Keep faith in Lord Sairam and all your problems would resolve.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am an ordinary Sai devotee who requires more love from Sainath.
Hi even I wanted to share my experience with my Deva! I met with an accident 2 years back and then I went to Singapore to visit my sister’s place. My sister wanted her Baba idol which was in Bangalore. We asked our cousin to wrap our Sai idol in a secured way. So they had tried and had well sealed with thermocol balls and papers etc. They sent Sai’s idol from Bangalore to Singapore. We prayed Him that the idol should not have any scratches. I opened it and my eyes rolled with tears and I was in freeze mode. The place where I was injured, i.e. my right leg ankle was injured a plastic surgery had been done, the same place Baba’s idol got damaged and it showed how He saved me. Sai‘s love is eternal. In whatever situation you may be He will be there for sure to give His hand at all time. Once a Sai child; Always a Sai child. Sai Ram Malik Ki Jai.
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Be with us O Deva and help us succeed.
Jai Sairam
Omsairam….bless my father with good health…all sides people are forcing me to join that guy ……but i dont want live with him
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Sai Kripa Karo,Kripa Karo
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Baba please bless help and save my parents, help my father financially baba. Hold him make him happy and healthy. Please don't let him suffer from bp and diabetes baba. Take care of grandparents. Help us to study, projects baba make us visit shreebalaji soon ayyapp.
Make everyone always smile. Sairakshak, saisaranam
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.