Shirdi Sai Baba’s Love Grace Miracle Stories:
Shirdi Sai Devotee Priya From Canada Says: Om Sairam!! Baba bless everyone in the world. This site is an inspiration for everyone out there who follow Baba. I am very thankful to Hetalji and team, who is maintaining the site which is an abode for all Sai miracles. I would like to share few miracles here.
By Baba’s blessings I am alive, strong, healthy and happy. In my life being a girl I suffered a lot in personal and profession front. I moved to Canada from India, which is another miracle altogether. I have posted few miracles on this site and still counting to write some more by Baba’s grace.
This recent miracle is related to job. I had been looking for career in IT and because of no experience it was so difficult to get into the industry. But I was working in different industry which I wasn’t interested in. I was badly looking for change with a better salary.
I was so clueless and was not aware how to get job in a new country. Every day and night I used to wait for a miracle from Baba and cry. Sometimes, I used to get anxiety attacks too. After one year of work, my boss gave me notice period to find another job. That day for some reason I was very strong because it was a Thursday and Baba’s day. Though I felt bad, but I was able to recover very quickly and started praying Baba like anything.
Luckily, during same time got an internship in IT for 3 months in one of the Government sector here. I was reluctant to take it up because of uncertainty. But never knew Baba had stored something for me, hence my boss gave me the notice period, so that I had to pick it up because of no choice.
I got this internship from one of my friend and he was being very helpful at every stage. I actually call him as God sent. Hiring manager was his friend and I got a call from the company for an interview. Interview went well and I got this internship. After all this, I was little bit worried because internship was only for 3 months and I had to get another job after that. Luckily, before the end of internship I asked for a contract for couple of months and by Baba’s blessing they extended for 6 months with a better pay which I wasn’t expecting. I was on cloud 9 that day, could not hold my happiness. It was a truly miracle for me, because the company had hire freeze but they were able to extent the contract.
My parents were happy after a long time. Same day, my brother got another contract too. Meanwhile, I met a guy through dating app. We have a strange connection in between because of lots of similarities and interests. Till now he is being nice to me but I am very scared to fall in love. I just pray Baba not to get me hurt in anyways, because I can no more take heart breaks. Baba, please bless with good married life and remove my fear from getting hurt. Bless everyone and keep everyone healthy and happy. Love You Baba, always be with me. I am sorry if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From USA Says: Please keep me anonymous. Dear Hetalji, my humble pranamam to you for maintaining such a wonderful site to provide faith and patience to all of the readers of this blog. Today with my Sadguru’s blessings, I would like to share my most recent experience I had in regards to both (me and my husband) visa approvals.
Experience: My Visa was about to expire in April 2019. As a normal process of extension, we apply for the extension before 6 months (before the actual date of expiration). I have started my extension process in February 2019(got delayed due to some reasons). My final petition was sent out to UCICS in March 2019 (actually have only one month for the expiration of my current Visa). After 15 days, Baba came in my dream in the form of my friend and told me that my Current Visa petition would be denied and that my next petition would be approved. As Baba said, my first one was denied and my second one was approved. The same way, my husband’s visa was too approved with kind and merciful blessings of Shri Samarth Sainath. It is purely a miracle that our both Visa got approved on time and our kind Sadguru made us breathe from all these stress.
Devotees, today I would like to share one thing I have learned during the phase I was going through for the above. Keep chanting and meditating on Sai by calling Him, “Sai Samarth”, no matter what is your pain and where you are and what the hell you are going through. Just close your eyes, meditate on our Sai Samarth as sitting on His stone in Dwarakamayi, bow down your head at His lotus feet and say, “Sai Samarth”, keep chanting this with complete faith in Him. For sure He will turn your life from night to day. Jai bolo Shri Sainath Maharaj Ki. Om Sri Sai Samarth.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From Malaysia Says: Om Sairam to everyone. I am from Malaysia and have been Baba’s devotee for the past 19 years. Thanks to Hetalji and team for initiating such a wonderful platform for devotees to share our experiences. Reading them has strengthened my faith in Baba. Sometimes I get the answers to my questions from the experiences published here.
Now coming to my experience; I had submitted a claim with the motor insurance company for my car theft claim in 2016. In June 2019 the insurance company denied my claim request because I could not prove that my car existed prior to the theft since there were no records of speeding or parking summons. It took them 2 years plus to come to the conclusion. I went through mental torture due to this since I was still servicing the bank loan. Then with the advice of a friend, I went to Ombudsman to seek their help with my case. The first meeting did not favour me. The insurance company was adamant in their decision. I was scheduled with another meeting in July. I prayed to Baba if my claim gets through then I will share my experience here. True enough with Baba’s promise ‘Why fear, when I am here. Have faith in me’ I got my full settlement without going for the second meeting. So dear devotees have faith and patience and Baba will run to save us. Thank You Baba.

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: Om Sairam. Hi, I am a Baba devotee living in India. This is my second experience. The first experience was posted. Baba has blessed in many ways and will always be blessing. Om Sairam dear brothers and sisters, a very big thank you to the entire team for such a great work. May Baba bless you all.
Coming to my experience, with Baba’s blessing we have a baby boy. He is now 1.6 years and always fell sick with fever and vomiting almost monthly two to three times. We took him to the doctor and he gave us medicines but after 1 week also his fever did not subside. It was very painful for me to see him like that. So I prayed Baba to please cure him and bless him with good health. With Baba’s blessing he is ok now, but he can’t take his food Baba.
You know Baba my situation very well, I am a working woman. I am fed up with his eating habit. Now he has reduced the milk also. Baba, please change his mind and allow him to eat properly and be active. Give me strength Baba. Please take care of everyone Baba. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai. Om Sri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee Suraj Rao From India Says: I am Suraj from Bangalore.
I am a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba and I am blessed to be the child of our merciful Baba. I am a singer since my college days and have performed many family gatherings, satsangs etc. I even have my own channel in many singing apps like Starmaker, Smule and YouTube too.
Recently on 25th August 2019, we had a Onam audition in our building where external judges judged us. I sang “Gulaabi Aankhen” as the last no. The judges announced that only 29 would be selected out of 50 participants. I prayed to Baba to allow my name to be selected in that selection. I even promised Baba that I will post my experience regarding this. Baba exactly performed His miracle yesterday (Monday, 26th August 2019) and my name was selected in those 29 participants. I thanked Baba for this as this was my first official audition. Baba really helps His devotees in times of need and I have experienced this couple of times. I surrender and pray to Him that my professional life goes smoothly. Om Sairam! Om Shirdivaasaya Vidmahe Sachhidanandaya Dhimahi Tanno Sai Prachodayat !
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India Says: Hi am from India. Thank you Hetalji for creating such an awesome platform for us to share the experiences.
Coming to my experience; I am 8 months pregnant. Because of my mother-in-law creating problems between me and my husband we were not talking properly. I don’t know what she did to him. He was always shouting at me if I messaged him. He was talking very rudely. He was not like that before. He was very sweet and I didn’t know what made him to change him like this. I was worried and crying a lot and was unable to sleep. So was praying Baba that he should come on this weekend. By Baba’s grace he came home and everything got settled. Please Baba be with us and don’t allow anyone to create such problems in between us. Please keep my in-laws far away from us. Every one please pray for us that he should not change at any cost and pray for my baby that everything should go well. Thank You.
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Love You O Deva 🙂
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram
Please Bless Us All With Sadbudhi
Om Sai Ram
Baba please bless help and save my parents sai ma please hold my father financially and make him happy and healthy baba please dont let him suffer from bp and diabetes saipa and cure my mother's pain baba and grandmas diabetes we are at the verge please help baba sairakshal saisaranam ayyappa.i endurwd everything till now I can't baba anymore
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Omsairam…i love you.
SaiBaba please bless with a job either in Nielsen, Sime Darby, Google, Mercury or PHD. I really beg you from bottom of my heart, give me a good career with a good pay. I’m really sorry if I hurt you or anyone. Baba I’m sorry for my rude behaviour. Please help me improve relationship between my husband and me. Please bless my family especially my brother and husband with health, wealth, long life and prosperity. Baba please help me loose weight, bless us with a child and solve all financial issues. Please take care of my mom, remove all my nightmares, give me good friends as I feel so lonely. Baba we have only you whom we can trust, please bless each and every devotee and erase all there problems give them eternal happiness. Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.